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なんでもらんちゃ〜SA(ランチャー) 4.0.0
ホーム画面をすっきりサクサクにするアプリです!スッキリ、かんたん、サクサク、便利!スマホを上手に使うコツを実現するアプリがココにアリ!そんなアプリがジュース1本以下の値段!要望一覧http://developerwaiwai.blogspot.jp/2012/08/blog-post_19.html当アプリのプラグインとして仲間入りしました、スマートアラームです!http://developerwaiwai.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_23.html当アプリのプラグインとして仲間入りしました、「ねんしょう」です!http://developerwaiwai.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_31.html皆さんのスマホライフをもっと便利にしたい!!!そんな気持ちを心に抱いて作ったアプリです!!!スマホを便利に使うにはちょっとしたコツがあります。そんなコツを具現化したのがこのアプリです!!!あなたのホーム画面アイコンでいっぱいになってませんか?そんな時は「なんでもらんちゃ~SA」です!!!なんでもらんちゃ〜SAはなんでもらんちゃ〜の有料版です!このアプリは、・Webサイトのブックマーク・いつも使うアプリを登録し、それをタップすることで、サイトの表示やアプリの起動をするアプリです。ホーム画面ではありません!!!大ヒット作「ぱすわ~ど帳」と同様に・シンプルイズベスト!!!を目指して設計しています!!!アプリとサイト分け隔てなくリスト表示すればもっとシンプルになる!!!そのような設計方針です。!!!シンプルイズベストがいい!!!そんな方にはぜひお試しいただきたいまとめアプリです!!!ホーム画面と違いアプリなので、どんな端末でも使うことができ、どんなホーム画面とでも相性抜群!!!まずは、いつも見るサイト、いつも起動するアプリを登録してみてください!!!このアプリ1本で、デスクトップのアイコンを全て一掃できます!!!機能追加予定:・その他UIの機能UP、調整。It is an application thatcrisp clean the home screen!Clean, simple, crunchy, convenient!I realize the trick to use well the smartphoneApp is here!Such application is one price or less juice!Demand listhttp://developerwaiwai.blogspot.jp/2012/08/blog-post_19.htmlYou have joined it as a plug-in for this application, it issmart alarm!http://developerwaiwai.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_23.htmlYou have joined it as a plug-in for this application, "It isburning!"http://developerwaiwai.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_31.htmlI want to make more convenient Sumahoraifu of all of you! !!It is an application which was made by entertained such a feeling!! !There is a little trick is to use conveniently smartphone.The embodying such tips is this app! ! !Do not fill up on the home screen icon for you?At such times is "launcher ~ SA anything!" ! !Launcher ~ SA is a paid version of the launcher - anythingAnything!This app,Bookmarks of Web siteApp to use alwaysBy Register, and to tap it,It is an application for the initiation of the application anddisplay the site.Not the home screen! ! !Similarly blockbuster as "password-throat Book"Simple is best! ! !It is designed with the aim of! ! !List view not separated site classification andapplicationBecome simpler if! ! !It is designed such policies.! ! ! Simple is best is good! ! !It is a summary of the application you want, please try by allmeans to such a person! ! !Because it is the application unlike home screen,It is possible to use any terminal,Excellent compatibility with any with any home screen! ! !First, site to see all the time, you start alwaysPlease try to register the app! ! !In one of this app, the icon on the desktopI can wipe out all! ! !Function plans to add:UP and functions of other UI, adjustment.
PasswordBook(SA)DataSyncer 1.0.2
Certification also get Dropbox!It is proof that safety was found!finally came out!The extended app personally created by the developer ofPasswordBook(SA) !
It synchronizes the data on Dropbox with the saved one onPasswordBook(SA) !It's so simple to use! Just click the "Log-in" button!

This appuploads/downloads the backup data file on PasswordBook(SA) toDropbox.
Of course the communication with Dropbox is ciphered for safeuse.
This is created to work full-independently of PasswordBook(SA),and that makes it possible to synchronizes the data on Dropboxwithout hampering convenience or safety in the same way as onPasswordBook(SA) .This app shows its power especially when you upgrade acell-phone or fix a terminal.
The data is uploaded from Dropbox directly, and you can delete thedata file on SD card for more security.The uploaded data is under historical management on Dropbox.That means no need to worry about saying "OMG, my data isgone!"
You can use this app with both the free version and the paid-forone of PasswordBook SA.Feel free to get it to use with Password Book(SA), I'm sureit'll be so useful for your password management!

- Dropbox takes the utmost care of users' privacy (e.g., passwordencryption).However, we won't force you to use it if you have any concerns withthis app.- Dropbox must be used together with Password Book.
Pleasedownload either Password book or Password book(SA) firstly.
- Whenyou log in Dropbox, click the ‘agree’ button to proceed.
- On Dropbox, the data file will be saved in the folder(APP>Passworder Syncer)
- To send data to Dropbox, click the ‘upload’ button.- To receive data on a terminal (SD card or hard drive), clickthe ‘download’ button.
ぱすわ〜ど帳(SA)データ同期 Google Drive 1.0
遂に出た!ぱすわ〜ど帳作者本人謹製による、ぱすわ〜ど帳(SA)の拡張アプリ!ぱすわ〜ど帳(SA)の保存データをGoogle Drive上で同期します!操作もきわめてシンプル!!!アカウントを認証すれば、アップロード(or ダウンロード)ボタンを押すだけ!!!"アップロードしました"とでたら、もうDriveへデータファイルが同期されています。ダウンロードはいつでもダウンロードボタンを押せば、データファイルがダウンロードされますので、ぱすわ〜ど帳にてデータ復元を実行すればOK!ね!簡単でしょ!!!ぱすわ〜ど帳(SA)とは完全独立のアプリとして設計、作っているので、ぱすわ〜ど帳(SA)の便利さと安全性はそのままに、Google Drive上でのデータ同期を実現しています。このアプリは機種変更や端末の修理などに威力を発揮します!また、Google Driveにデータをアップロードしますので、SDカードからデータファイルを削除できますので、万が一の時等にも安全性が高まります!!!無料版ぱすわ〜ど帳および有料版ぱすわ〜ど帳SAどちらでもお使いいただけます。パスワード管理の強い味方、ぱすわ〜ど帳(SA)のお供にぜひどうぞ!!!注意点:・パスワードなどの情報の通信は暗号化する等最大限の配慮をしていますが、 通信に抵抗がある方はご使用をお控えください。・このアプリはぱすわ〜ど帳(SA)とセットで使わないと意味がありません。 最初に「ぱすわ〜ど帳」か「ぱすわ〜ど帳SA」をDLください。・ログインする時に、GoogleDriveから許可を求められますので、「OK」を 押してください。・アップロードボタンでGoogle Driveへデータを送信します。・ダウンロードボタンでGoogle Driveからデータを端末に受信します。
PasswordBookSA 4.0.2
I want to be more comfortable foreveryoneSmart Phone! ! !It is an application made by such feelings.---------------------------Greater than or equal to the number of 480 000 DL, boastingannualranking # 32 AndroiderThe paid version of the book "to Saturday password" that!Support and enhance safety and convenience! ! !------------------------------------------------------Consent can be seen if you use classic apps! ! !Support and enhance safety, security, convenience and crunchy!!!Major application password management app griddleboastsoverwhelming popularity! ! !The rich do not need screen large capacity is required forpasswordmanagement!------------------------------------------------------Certified Developer AndroiderVirus scan, this app is already permission check!You can rely on!http://androider.jp/developer/db10a224590998891c8f4a7010484c08/------------------------------------------------------Rather than a review, bug reports and other questions,pleasecontact us via e-mail!This is because it is not possible to report here also wanttoreview and reply to support it!developer.waiwai @ gmail.com------------------------------------------------------In fact, has adopted military-grade encryption strength, theAESencryption standard of e-Government recommended!Even though it is high-spec high-speed operation is simple! Thatisthe book to Saturday password.Main functionFunctions and master passwordFlawless design and security, such as data storage isencryptedand• Adoption of a military-grade AES encryption strengthofe-government standards and recommendedSupport of mushroom (AutoFill)Equipped with an easy to understand even for beginners HELPURL function and jumpFunctions and data import and exportPriority and stable operation than it looks!No any data loss due to crash!• Supports Amazon Kindle• Supports Nexus7• Supports 4.2 Android------------------------------------------------------Risk in the browser remember passwords full! ! !Passwords can not be migrated data when the model changes it!!!Also fully compliant data migration model changePlease try the book to Saturday password! ! !---------------------------
PasswordBook 3.23.1
I want to be more comfortable foreveryoneSmart Phone! ! !It is an application made by such feelings.Topped the annual ranking of 32 apps Androider2012!http://androider.jp/topic/annualranking/2012_list/?from=2012annualranking_01---------------------------Consent can be seen if you use classic apps! ! !Support and enhance safety, security, convenience and crunchy!!!Major application password management app griddleboastsoverwhelming popularity! ! !The rich do not need screen large capacity is required forpasswordmanagement!------------------------------------------------------Certified Developer AndroiderVirus scan, this app is already permission check!You can rely on!http://androider.jp/developer/db10a224590998891c8f4a7010484c08/------------------------------------------------------Rather than a review, bug reports and other questions,pleasecontact us via e-mail!This is because it is not possible to report here also wanttoreview and reply to support it!developer.waiwai @ gmail.com------------------------------------------------------I will be freed from worries ... I forgot my password!In fact, the adoption of military-grade encryption strength,theAES encryption standard of e-Government recommended!Even though it is high-spec high-speed operation is simple! Thatisthe book to Saturday password.Main functionFunctions and master passwordFlawless design and security, such as data storage isencryptedand• Adoption of a military-grade AES encryption strengthofe-government standards and recommendedSupport of mushroom (AutoFill)Equipped with an easy to understand even for beginners HELPURL function and jumpFunctions and data import and exportPriority and stable operation than it looks!No any data loss due to crash!• Supports Amazon Kindle• Supports Nexus7• Supports 4.2 Android------------------------------------------------------Risk in the browser remember passwords full! ! !Passwords can not be migrated data when the model changes it!!!Also fully compliant data migration model changePlease try the book to Saturday password! ! !------------------------------------------------------PasswordBook's Permission- Permission to read the phone- Authority and Internet accessI'm giving.The reason for this is that the ads using AdMob'sadvertisingfeaturesWe, the above requires permission AdMob's ads feature this IIt is because you are.Body-Sat program book above any password accessDoes not have any, please do not worry.Are anxious anyway, the "PasswordBookSA" UP editionpremiumfeaturesPlease use it.---------------------------