we.CONECT Приложения

Pharma TechOps 1.14
This is the official app for we.CONECT's annual Pharma TechOpsconference taking place November 25th-27th 2018 in Berlin. The mustattend event for maintenance and operations professionals!we.CONECT’s annual Pharma TechOps is the most effective networkingevent for maintenance, engineering and operations professionalsfrom pharma, medical devices and life science industries. Theinternational knowledge exchange platform is bringing together 150+experts and decisions makers from global leading pharma companiesand local hidden champions to discuss current challenges, shareexperiences and explore the latest developments in the field ofmaintenance and technical operations.
DoTWUSA 1.10
Join us at the Delivery of Things WorldUSA2016 iat the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego, USA.What does DevOps really mean for your business? What impactdoesit have and how can you implement it to reap the benefits?Deliveryof Things World brings together all stakeholders active intheDevOps scene to share their experience and expertise with you.Jointhe experts at Delivery of Things World USA in October in SanDiegoto gain a deeper business and technical understandingofDevOps.
CloudMinds 1.1
This is the official app of we.CONECT'sannualRETHINK! Cloudonomic Minds congress, taking place in November21st- 22nd in London.How can we combine the possibilities of cloud, SaaS, IaaS&PaaS with the interconnected world of IoT to ensuremaximumefficiency of all processes, infrastucture &enterprisearchitectures? Rethink! Cloudonomic Minds is a strategiceventbringing together Enterprise Architects, IoT experts, CIOs&CTOs, Cloud Computing execs & DevOps Engineers to definetheright business- & use cases of cloud approaches&strategies in the Internet of Things era.
CODE Events App 1.4
This is the official app for we.CONECTS annual fin:Code&R-ETAIL:CODE conference taking place March 14th - 16th, 2018in London, UK. The DevOps, Continuous Delivery-, & SoftwareDevelopment event for senior executives in the financial industry!What does DevOps really mean for your business? What impact does ithave and how can you implement it to reap the benefits? And how todevelop software & things in a fast changing environment?fin:CODE brings together all stakeholders active in the DevOpsscene to share their experience and expertise with you. Discoverthe latest in agile methods, technologies, tools, and leadershipprinciples and how they will influence services, products and theentire business in the financial industry! The DevOps, ContinuousDelivery-, & Software Development event for senior executivesin the retail & e-COMMERCE industry! Over 150 Dev. Executivesdiscuss and shape what DevOps really means for your business. Whatimpact does it have and how can you implement it to reap thebenefits? r-etail:CODE brings together all stakeholders active inthe DevOps scene to share their experience and expertise with you.Meet the experts at r-etail:Code 2018 in London to gain a deeperbusiness and technical understanding of DevOps. Join us NOW!
Rethink! HR Tech 1.28
Die offizielle App zu we.CONECT's jährlicher Rethink! HR TechD/A/CH vom 11.-12. März 2019 in Hamburg. Was ist die Rethink! HRTech 2019? Das Top-Level Strategie & Technologie Event für HREntscheider! Die Rethink! HR Tech 2019 ist die Top-ManagementPlattform, um die neuesten Technologien und Strategien im HRBereich zu diskutieren. Zugeschnitten auf die Komplexität IhresUnternehmens, bietet Sie Ihnen die HR Ansätze und Lösungen für eineffizientes Personal Management.Networking & Benchmarking –Treffen Sie 250+ CHROs und Personal-Entscheider auf der 5. Rethink!HR Tech 2019
Corporate Finance 1.12
Die offizielle App zu we.CONECT's jährlicher Rethink!CorporateFinance vom 08.-09. April 2019 in Hamburg. Die Rethink!CorporateFinance 2019 ist das Strategie Event für CFOs undFinanceEntscheider. Das bereits zum 5. Mal stattfindendeTop-Level-Eventbietet eine exlusive Plattform um aktuelle Projekteund innovativeTechnologien & Trends zur Digitalisierung,Standardisierung undAutomatisierung der Corporate Finance und desBusiness Developmentan 2 ½ Tagen interaktiv zu diskutieren.
SAMS Berlin 1.34
Die offizielle App zu we.CONECT's jährlicher SAMS vom25.-26.Februar 2019 in Berlin. SAMS 2019 – Strategisches SoftwareAssetManagement in Zeiten des Wandels, neuer Lizenzmodelleundzunehmender Audits – Europas größter SAM Jahreskongress geht indie8. Runde! Meistern Sie den Sprung vom reaktivenLizenz-Reportingzum proaktiven strategischen Software AssetManagement. Treffen Sierund 400 Software Asset Manager,Lizenzmanager und IT Einkäufer ausder gesamten D/A/CH-Region.Teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen unddiskutieren Sie innovative SAMStrategien und Konzepte. Die SAMSist nicht nur Europas größterSAM-Kongress sondern auch dasJahrestreffen der deutschsprachigenSAM Community.
This is the official app for we.CONECT's annualDisruptiveTechnologies & Innovative Minds EUROPE conferencetaking placeNovember 25th - 27th, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. After agreatsuccess in 2017, the DTIM Europe is coming back in November2018 asthe leading knowledge platform bringing together allstakeholderswithin manufacturing industries and the productionsphere, playingan active role in Technology & InnovationManagement,Technology Foresighting and Screening, Research &Developmentand Organisational Change. Be part of DTIM Europe 2018to gaindeeper understanding of how to detect new technologies&innovations, create new business models, innovate your valuechainand shape robust and value driven strategies within anindustrialworld that is heavily affected by the digitalization& IoT.
IoTW Berlin 1.78
This is the official app for we.CONECT's annual Industry ofThingsWorld conference taking place September 23rd - 25th, 2018inBerlin, Germany. Europe's No.1 Industrial IoT Show! IndustryofThings World is an international knowledge exchangeplatformbringing together more than 1000 high-level executives whoplay anactive role in the Industrial Internet of Things scene.Rethinkyour technology & business strategy for scalable, secureandefficient IoT: cloud, robotics, automation,standards,interoperability, security, data!
Rethink! SPMS Europe 1.12
This is the official app for we.CONECTS annual Rethink! SPMSEuropeconference taking place February 18th – 19th, 2019 inBerlin,Germany. What is the Rethink! SPMS Europe? The Rethink! SPMSEurope2019 is the leading strategic Smart Manufacturing summitforproduction executives and plant managers to interactivelydiscussthe future of smart factories, advanced productionstrategies,factory automation, organisational change, datamanagement,predictive maintainance, robotics, cost reduction, lean&operational excellence, Industry 4.0 and Workforce 4.0.Innovativetechnologies, as well as trends on current projects,strategicthinking and latest developments in the field ofSmartManufacturing will be discussed throughout 2 ½ days ofinteractiveand intensive best practice sharing. Networking &Benchmarking– Meet an exclusive circle of max. 100 manufacturingleaders fromrenowned European industrial companies
Rethink! IoR 1.6
This is the official app for we.CONECT's annual Rethink! InternetofRetail Minds conference taking place June 24th - 26th, 2018inBerlin, Germany. Get exclusive access to and network withleadingretailers with budget responsibility and decision makerslooking atdigital transformation, connected products and theInternet ofThings in their companies! Present your service andproductportfolio in an informal setting I Be a thought leaderthroughbest-in-class sessions, roundtables and workshops I Evaluateinmore than 30 hours of networking exactly which needs yourpotentialclients have I Discuss your products live in front of 150+retaildecision makers
we.EVENTS 1.200
Smarter business events- & networking withAI-poweredmatchmaking to increase your onsite satisfaction - Thisis thewe.CONECT Global Leaders event- and matchmaking app.Ourmatchmaking- and event app helps you to make valuableconnectionsat your chosen event, saves you time and effort by usingadvancedalgorithms to recommend the right people and presents themin anintuitive interface that you will love. Get access to yourEventsin one app and • be part of the event community • shareyourknowledge • meet the right people • start matching with yourpeers• have the most efficient time at your event search. find.match.network. The we.CONECT Multi-Touchpoint Concept Furtherfeatures: -Event Planner: have your very own pocket agenda. Aninteractiveschedule to plan your visit. - Meeting-Planner: Find themostrelevant attendees, based on your profile, relevanttopics,contacts, company and a lot more
re:work 1.4
Die offizielle App zu we.CONECT's jährlicher re:work vom16.-18.September 2018 in Berlin. Das Nr. 1 Event zuRequirementsEngineering in der Welt der physischenProduktentwicklung! Dasdeutsch-sprachige Industrie-Event zum ThemaRequirementsEngineering geht in die zweite Runde. Treffen Sie aufüber 120Anforderungs-, System- und Produktmanager aus der D/A/CHRegion.Diskutieren Sie den Umgang mit Anforderungen unddieHerausforderungen eines effizienten Requirements Engineeringimproduzierenden Gewerbe. Die re.work ist das Jahrestreffenderdeutschsprachigen RE Community.
Rethink! IT 1.15
Die offizielle App zu we.CONECT's jährlicher Rethink! IT vom16.-18.September 2018 in Berlin. Was ist die Rethink! IT? DieRethink! IT2018 ist das Strategie Event für CIOs, IT Entscheider& SeniorIT Executives, um aktuelle Projekte, neuesteEntwicklungen undAnsätze sowie innovative Technologien und Trendsim BereichEnterprise IT & digitale Transformation auf einerPlattform an 2½ Tagen interaktiv zu diskutieren. Die Rethink! IT2018 ist dieNetworking-Plattform für Top-Level Entscheider,speziell auf dieKomplexität in Ihrem Unternehmen zugeschnitten undbietet Ihnengeschäftskritische Lösungen für die Entwicklung einerdigitalen ITStrategie von morgen. Networking & Benchmarking –Treffen Sie150+ CIOs und IT-Entscheider aus DACH
DoT & fin:CODE USA 1.5
This is the official app for we.CONECT's annual Delivery ofThingsWorld USA & fin:CODE USA conference taking place October16th -18th, 2018 in San Diego, CA, USA. The Only Enterprise DevOpsEventfor Technical & Software Engineers from Mid toLarge-scaleEnterprises More than 200 leading DevOps Technical,Software &Engineering professionals will discuss and shape whatDevOps reallymeans for your business. Understand how to harnessDevOps tosuccessfully build technical systems and software stackstostrengthen your software projects and production pipelines.Meetwith peer groups active in the DevOps scene to get thelatestinformation about new tools for CI and your DevOps ecosystem!Joinus with your team at Delivery of Things World USA 2018 forkeyinsights into the practical realities of Enterprise DevOpsandleave with the tools needed to optimise your organisation’sDevOpsstrategy. The DevOps, Continuous Delivery-, &SoftwareDevelopment event for agile leaders in the financialindustry! Whatdoes DevOps really mean for your business? Whatimpact can it havewithin your cloud migration process? How can yourenterpriseovercome regulatory constrains at the time ofimplementing agilemethodologies? fin:CODE USA brings under the sameroof a wide rangeof DevOps stakeholders representing the wholefinancial servicesecosystem. Discover the latest in agile methods,technologies,tools, and leadership principles and how they willinfluence theentire value chain within a number of financialsub-industriesincluding banking, insurance, consumer finance orwealthmanagement.
EBC Berlin 1.17
This is the official app for we.CONECT's annual EnterpriseBusinessCollaboration conference taking place Septmeber 18th -20th, 2018in Berlin, Germany. The leading Enterprise CollaborationEvent inEurope! Enterprise Business Collaboration 2018 isawell-established international knowledge exchange platformbringingtogether all stakeholders playing an active role inenterprisecollaboration, knowledge management, digital workplace,ESN, andthe entire internal IT architecture. Over 2 days you willget thechance to discuss the opportunities as well as challengesthat lieahead of the industry. The show offers inspirationalkeynotes andwell moderated, interactive world café sessions,workshops,briefings, panel discussions and networking activities.Enjoy manynetworking opportunities and finally meet thosehard-to-meetexecutives in a relaxed and social setting.
auto:CODE 1.6
This is the official app for we.CONECT's annual auto:CODEconferencetaking place June 18th - 20th, 2018 in Berlin, Germany.auto:CODE2018 – Europe’s only event on DevOps in the automotiveindustryauto:CODE 2018 is an international knowledge exchangeplatform, thatwill bring together for the first time the entireautomotive valuechain – From OEM’s, Tier 1’s through to softwareproviders, todiscuss and shape what DevOps really means for theindustry and wellas for your business. What impact will DevOpshave, and how can youeffectively implement DevOps to reap maximumbenefits? The eventprovides a unique and industry-focussedoverview of the current andfuture applications of DevOps in theautomotive sector. Meet morethan 200 attendees at auto:CODE 2018to gain a deeper business andtechnical understanding of DevOps