交通部觀光局 Приложения

Tour Taiwan 2.0.6
"Tour Taiwan" is a free App that providestourist information including directions, guidance, and tourplanning with Augmented Reality on restaurants, hotels, scenicspots, businesses and more in Taiwan.※Please note that the distance between POI (Points of Interest)used in this App is linear distance, not highway distance. Theactual distance will depend on the roads used.
臺灣觀光年曆 6.3.0
[ 2014 甲午年開運靈籤 ]庸庸碌碌健康債,鬱鬱悶悶心不開,勸君出門把腳邁,風光景色好運來。[ 解籤曰 ]宅!還宅!趕快狂奔出門!你的2013好運在戶外!你知道臺灣一年到頭有多少活動等著你嗎?『阿里山日出谷關湯饗國際玻璃藝術節雙年賞蝶溫泉季........ 』呼....講都講不完,你還等什麼!?旅行很麻煩?不麻煩!去哪?臺灣觀光年曆告訴你!住哪?臺灣觀光年曆告訴你!吃哪?臺灣觀光年曆告訴你!你還有什麼理由!?(密:年後還有好康喔)臺灣觀光年曆,你的旅遊指定品牌,讓你隨時隨地都很好玩!交通部將推動「臺灣觀光年曆」成為全臺最具國際魅力與特色之活動品牌,規劃將全臺活動區分成國際級、全國級、縣市級及地方級4個等級,整合目前交通部觀光局辦理的4大活動(臺灣燈會、臺灣美食展、臺灣自行車節、臺灣好湯-溫泉美食嘉年華)及中央各部會辦理之國際活動外,並找出全臺各縣市政府辦理具國際級行銷潛力之活動,共同攜手打造「臺灣觀光年曆」此品牌行銷國際,對於推動經濟發展、保存文化傳統與藝術、彰顯地方特色,具有實際效益,更能拓展各項活動之國際知名度,於國際媒體上發光發熱,同時吸引大量國內外遊客參加,擴增觀光及經濟效益。[2014 Jia Wu Ling waslucky sign]Health powerless debt, depressed muffled heart is notopen,Advise you step foot out, good luck to the sights and scenes.[Xie sign saying]House! Also house! Quickly bolted out! Good luck in your 2013outdoor!Do you know how many events throughout the year in Taiwan waitingfor you?"Alishan Sunrise Valley Off soups satisfy Biennial InternationalGlass Art Festival Butterfly Spa Season ........"Call .... speak finish speaking, what are you waiting! ?Travel a lot of trouble? Do not bother!Where? Taiwan's tourism calendar tell you!Where to live? Taiwan's tourism calendar tell you!Eat what? Taiwan's tourism calendar tell you!Do you have any reason! ? (Secret: there are savings year afteroh)Taiwan's tourism calendar, specify the brand of your travel, sothat you go very fun!Ministry of Transportation will promote "Taiwan Tourism Calendar"to become Taiwan's most active international charm andcharacteristics of the brand, planning the whole area into aworld-class platform activities, the national level, county andmunicipal and local level four levels, consolidate the currentMinistry of Transport Tourism Bureau for four major events (TaiwanLantern Festival, Taiwan Culinary Exhibition, Taiwan Bike Festival,Taiwan is a good soup - spa cuisine Carnival) internationalactivities and conduct of foreign central ministries and localgovernments to apply for Taiwan to find a world-class marketingpotential activities, work together to create "Taiwan TourismCalendar" This international brand marketing for the promotion ofeconomic development and the preservation of cultural traditionsand art, highlighting local characteristics, with the actualbenefits, better to expand the activities of internationalreputation in the international media shine and attract a largenumber of domestic and foreign tourists participate amplifiedtourism and economic benefits.
Petri Dish:That’s not a plant! 1.5.9
fans page : https://www.facebook.com/petridish2015Ding, ding, ding, ding…the school bell is ringing!Remember those elementary school days full of childhood memories,the noisy classroom where everyone writes in the workbooks and mathworksheets together, or listening to the teacher lecturing on thepodium?And on the top of the cabinet at the back of the classroom, therewould always be some little petri dishes, carrying seeds nurturedwith the students’ expectations.Look, they have grown bigger today. Will they bloom tomorrow?There were also the green beans on the paper towel, the silkworm inthe cardboard box, and the crowded canteen after class…These are our common memories of elementary school days.Don’t you wish you could return to those semester days again?Game features:■ A nostalgia-style campus game■ Fantasy and “adorkable” characters that you’ll fall in lovecollecting■ Receive first-hand tour information and also prizes!■ Join the Oh Bear fan club and get prizes quicker, plus irregularsurprising events.Let’s go to school together, fall asleep during class ordaydream after class!Basic rules:(1) Plant seeds to add members to your zoo!(2) The more characters your zoo has, the more frequently yourclassmates will visit your zoo!(3) Tap on the smiley face over the head of your classmates tocollect smiley coins.(4) You can use the collected coins to upgrade the item level ofyour fertilizers and cultivation.(5) As your zoo grows, new animals and plants will appear.(6) This is a great family game for the young and the old.Player five-star high praise:Miss Li: This game is extremely amusing, I want to give him1,000,000 stars.Mr.Lei: Before has played similarly, but does not have thisamusement.Miss Lu: But likes not knowing east really lovably any east I goodto like.Miss Hong: Amusing very easy seat of honor not easy greasy.Dies young gentleman: What amusing can't very difficult be able toanticipate this kind of.Miss Lin: Good lovable oh has unexpectedly finishes class the dingto be really amusing.Mr. Zhang: Super is amusing I very much to like the plant whichthis game plants being very lovable.Miss Fan: Very lovable kind is not really plant Ye.Mr. Xu: Super is amusing I to recommend this game extremely.The coolie feared that,Really extremely likes this game.Miss Lu: The very interesting lovable game lets the human playabsorbed to.Frozen lemon tea: Very amusing! American, very is all lovable,continues to try hard.Miss Lin: So long as amusing I played became addicted, ultraamusing.Download the game now and start collecting these adorablecharacters!
푸통푸통 24시 타이완 3.2.0
낯설던 도시가 갑자기 친근하게 느껴질때, 유일하게 변치 않는 것은 바로 웬쪽가슴에서 울려 퍼지는 "푸통푸통" 심장 소리다,당신은 이런 두근거림을 느껴본지 얼마나 됐나요? 타이완으로 여행을떠나보세요!「푸통푸통 24시 타이완」에서 무료로 타이완 여행 정보를 제공합니다. 아주 멋진 마이크로 무비 부터 시작 해, 타이완의풍부한 아름다움, 테마로 나누워진 정보소개, 지역 먹거리 부터 유명한「맛집 여행」, 전통과 현대의 문화를 체험 할 수있는「문화여행」, 동해물과 백두산이 부러워 할만한「로하스여행」과 쇼핑의 세계인「쇼핑여행」등등 4가지 테마. 가장 진실 된마음으로 당신을 두둑한 인심의 나라 타이완으로 초대 합니다. 여행중에 만나 볼 수 있는 두근거림을 당신만의 심장소리와세상에서 가장 아름다운 추억으로 만들어 보세요.이외에 유용한 교통정보 팁-「타이완호행버스」와「타이완관광버스」그리고 아주 유용한 중한여행 기초 회화단어-「중국어교실」또한 준비 됐습니다.인생중 가장 두근 거리는 여행, 대만에서 마음으로 느껴보세요!
Oh Bear ! Fight ! 1.1.1
■ Features:* Protect mother nature with OhBear and his friends.* Over 20 lovely characters to collect.* Cooperate or compete with friends, make it more fun andchallenging!* Over 50 fun levels.* Accumulate the achievement to exchange products.* Be the first to know! Get the latest tourist information andreward.* Become a fan of OhBear on Facebook, and get more reward.LIKE US: https://www.facebook.com/OhBearTaiwanVISIT US: http://game.tbroc.gov.tw/■ About OhBearName: OhBearGender: MaleBirthday: Dec. 3rdAstrological sign: SagittariusHeight: 170cmWeight: He hadn’t dared to stand on a weight scale in a longtime.At the moment, he’s probably weights more than 210kgIdentity: Director of the Tourism Bureau’s Super Task ForceFavorite color: orangeFavorite beverage: pearl milk teaFavorite food: braised pork on rice (better if a braised egg isadded)
Taiwan Tourism Events 6.2.9
「Time for Celebration -- TaiwanTourismEvents」integrates the most internationally noteworthyreligious,cultural, sporting, and other events that displayTaiwaneseartistry and innovation. Tying these events in with localcuisines,accommodations, transportation and shopping experiences,thiscalendar allows visitors to efficiently plan theirtravelsthroughout the year. The complete tourist informationservice helpscreate and strengthen the “Taiwan” brand in theinternationaltourism industry. Brand creation and internationalmarketing willenhance the quality and global visibility of theevents, andstimulate the economic effect and development oftourism-relatedindustries.