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凤凰FM–微电台,听书有声小说脱口秀儿歌讲故事相声评书搞笑话 6.4
iFeng News 5.4.0
Ifeng News connects you to the chineseworld.Stay informed with the latest headlines and China regional stories.Get the latest chinese news from the Phoenix TV ,includingbreaking news, business, military,entertainment, technology, thearts and sport, all divided into clear sections, this free app letsyou watch video reports, pictures and read the latest updateswherever you are.
凤凰星座 1.0
Phoenix TV HD 4.1.3
# To see the Events#Stay informed with the headlines and China regional stories withvideos. Get the latest news from the trusted global network ofjournalists, including breaking news, military, finance andeconomics, entertainment and Phoenix TV, all divided into clearsections. This app now includes a fully integrated browser, allvideos can be viewed online and offline for free.Now catch you up-hands-free with the latest updates, live and more.A visual angle brings you a greater personalization and betteroverall performance.Key features:- Push the latest stories in visual. Go deeper into analysis ofevents only need a thumb on notifications.- Find topics that interested you quickly. Tap the searching baryou can find related content in a second.- Improved offline experience. Download documentaries when usingWi-Fi then you can replay them at your leisure.- Share breaking news to your social networks. Be the first to knowwhat happens.- Reserved shows in Live channel. Personalize alerts when you’re onthe go, keep you from missing out whatever matters you.We welcome your comments and feedback, that’s how we can createthe best experience for you. Any questions please email us atmengfei@ifeng.com .
鳳凰新聞-財經,娛樂,軍事,體育,天氣,小說電影&電視劇點評 2.1
请原谅我这一个月放荡不羁爱自由!巴西世界杯,资深评论员毒舌正直播!延参法师携手凤凰神鸟,陪你熬夜看足球!和你在巴西世界杯,去收藏那些不该被忘却的世界杯记忆,畅享足球带给我们的欢乐夜晚!欢迎关注@凤凰新闻客户端新浪微博账户,猛料多多,全面开爆!微信用户可添加:“凤凰新闻”,获取第一手资讯要闻、娱乐八卦如有任何意见建议、吐槽褒奖,请使用“凤凰新闻客户端—设置—意见反馈”向我们反馈,或直接发送邮件至:Appfeedback@ifeng.com,QQ用户可加群:216418723。凤凰新闻客户端团队期待您的意见!功能特点:1、优化显示界面2、新增精准化游戏推荐3、优化体育直播,观看比赛更精彩Pleaseforgive me for this month bohemian love freedom!Brazil World Cup, a senior commentator poison tongue beinglive!Participation Master extension to join the Phoenix Bird, accompanyyou to stay up late to watch football!And you are in Brazil, World Cup, World Cup and went and hid thosememories should not be forgotten, enjoying football brings us joynight!Welcome attention @ Phoenix news client Weibo account, Mengliaolot, fully open blast!Micro-channel users can add: "Phoenix News" to get first-handinformation on news, entertainment gossipIf you have any opinions and suggestions, tucao award, please usethe "Phoenix news client - Settings - Feedback" give us feedback,or send e-mail directly to: Appfeedback@ifeng.com, QQ userscan add group: 216 418 723. Phoenix news client team looks forwardto your comments!Features:1, to optimize the display interface2, the new precision of games recommended3, optimize live sports, watching the game more exciting
iFeng Video 7.1.0
# To see the Events#Stay informed with the headlines and China regional stories withvideos. Get the latest news from the trusted global network ofjournalists, including breaking news, military, finance andeconomics, entertainment and Phoenix TV, all divided into clearsections. This app now includes a fully integrated browser, allvideos can be viewed online and offline for free.Now catch you up-hands-free with the latest updates, live and more.A visual angle brings you a greater personalization and betteroverall performance.Key features:- Push the latest stories in visual. Go deeper into analysis ofevents only need a thumb on notifications.- Find topics that interested you quickly. Tap the searching baryou can find related content in a second.- Improved offline experience. Download documentaries when usingWi-Fi then you can replay them at your leisure.- Share breaking news to your social networks. Be the first to knowwhat happens.- Reserved shows in Live channel. Personalize alerts when you’re onthe go, keep you from missing out whatever matters you.We welcome your comments and feedback, that’s how we can create thebest experience for you. Any questions please email us atmengfei@ifeng.com .
卫视通 2.0
卫视通是凤凰新媒体推出的社交电视(Social TV)应用,通过卫视通您可以:1.了解全国各卫视今日、每周播出的精彩节目。2.关注喜欢的节目,在节目开始前及时获得提醒。3.与朋友、观众、主持人交流,发表对节目的看法,参与讨论或投票。4.了解好友动态,发现和推荐喜欢的节目。5.随时观看节目的往期视频。
锵锵三人行 1.0
《锵锵三人行》是凤凰卫视制作的皇牌脱口秀节目,由名嘴窦文涛倾力主持,被《新周刊》誉为“15年来中国最有价值的电视节目”。“锵锵三人行”客户端特别为追看此节目的用户设计。其操作便捷、画质清晰流畅、更新及时快速。还等什么,《锵锵三人行》客户端快到手机里来!"Qiang Qiang" is thetrump card of Phoenix talk show produced by Oprah Dou Wentao effortchaired by the "New Weekly" as "15 years of China's most valuabletelevision program.""Qiang Qiang" Client specifically for the chase to see this programdesigned for users. Its easy operation, clear and smooth picturequality, fast and timely updates.So what, "Qiang Qiang" Client phone is coming to!
凤凰汽车 2.1.0
拥中华情怀,享全球视野。凤凰汽车(auto.ifeng.com)力求打造最迅速、最准确、最详尽、最专业的报道产品及车型数据,提供最新行情及走势分析。凤凰汽车将逐渐由媒体平台转变为产品服务平台,深度满足汽车用户需求。用户手指轻划屏幕即可尽情浏览丰富内容,全面的资讯报道,轻松使用购车计算器,随手下载高清汽车壁纸,短信查询最低价格,一切尽在凤凰汽车手机客户端!Owned Chinese feelings,to enjoy a global perspective. Phoenix Automotive (auto.ifeng.com)strive to create the fastest and most accurate, most detailed andprofessional reports data products and models, to provide thelatest market and trend analysis. Phoenix car will gradually shiftfrom media platform for products and services platform, the depthto meet the needs of automobile users. Users Swipe the screen toenjoy browsing rich content, comprehensive information reports,easy to use car calculator handy download HD Car Wallpapers, SMSquery lowest price, all in Phoenix car mobile client!
蜜桃FM 1.0
“蜜桃FM”满足你对听觉的一切渴望!●夜晚,如果你还没学会享受独处,那么,就请接受“蜜桃女孩”的陪伴。蜜桃FM,用声音填补时间空白。●那些无处诉说的寂寞,蜜桃FM帮你搞定!早七点叫你起床,晚九点陪你聊天,伴你入眠。所有你想得到的,想不到的,尽在蜜桃FM,让好听的声音尝起来都是甜的。●死宅喵和屌丝汪的终极福利,蜜桃声音套餐,喂饱你!不听会死,高能预警!《蜜桃女孩》是一档甜死人不偿命,专门针对宅男等单身狗的节目,早七点准点报时叫你起床,中午十二点催你吃饭,被人照顾的即视感分分钟体现有木有?此外,周一到周五晚九点,还有美丽女声温柔陪聊,热辣话题及时奉上。给单身汪送福利,从不手软!更多好听的内容,尽在蜜桃FM!●单身汪福利篇:蜜桃女孩、飘飘欲仙●遇到人渣也是感情经历篇:心理FUN、安心Soul Good、晚安心语、伊然动听●找乐子篇:糖蒜广播、新闻酸菜馆、FUN来了、果冻电台、大哈讲段子●只想听歌篇:小七的私房歌、背包客有声电台、音乐研究所●听书也很有文化篇:《盗墓笔记》《人性禁岛》《丰乳肥臀》●提高逼格篇:锵锵三人行、《凤凰周刊》有声故事、嘟嘟●世界上的鸟事篇:3D话新闻、环球财经、财经郎眼●相声也是国粹篇:郭德纲相声全集
凤凰小说 Phoenix novel 2.3.5
凤凰小说是由凤凰网读书频道推出的一款手机阅读类应用,超炫的界面突破传统模式,功能强大,操作简单清晰明了,完美结合智能手机功能,提供新鲜的阅读方式;Phoenix novel is read by order of the phoenix network channellaunched a mobile reading class application, cool interface breaksthrough the traditional model, powerful, operation is simple andclear, the perfect combination of intelligent mobile phonefunction, provides the new way of reading;凤凰小说依托凤凰读书频道在读书和原创领域的独家优质资源,为读者提供海量的优秀畅销图书,原创频道旗下众多红人作者发表的独家热门小说、文学作品也可直接阅读;更汇聚了国内最新最热的独家网络小说。Relying on the order of the phoenix phoenix novel reading channelexclusively in the field of reading and original high qualityresources, provide vast amounts of best-selling books, originalchannel's many reds exclusive popular novels, the author publishedliterary works may also directly reading; More exclusive ofdomestic latest hot network novel.凤凰小说涵盖了都市言情、武侠玄幻、现代文学、悬疑恐怖、人文社科、历史军事、成功励志等优质内容书籍,针对用户大部分免费模式,为喜爱阅读小说、图书的用户提供最佳阅读体验,并且可由个人定制阅读体验。只需一个凤凰帐号,用户便可随时在电脑、平板与手机等各种设备间无缝切换,同步阅读内容和进度,走到哪读到哪。Phoenix is ​​Phoenixreading fiction channel launched a mobile reading applications,with stunning breakthrough in the traditional model of theinterface, powerful, simple clarity, the perfect combination ofsmart phone features, providing fresh way of reading;Phoenix novel is read by order of the phoenix network channellaunched a mobile reading class application, cool interface breaksthrough the traditional model, powerful, operation is simple andclear, the perfect combination of intelligent mobile phonefunction, provides the new way of reading;Phoenix Phoenix reading fiction channel exclusively relying onhigh-quality resources in the areas of reading and originality, toprovide readers with an excellent mass-selling books, many of itsoriginal channel exclusive Reds popular fiction authors publishedliterary works can be read directly; further brings together thenewest The hottest exclusive network novels.Relying on the order of the phoenix phoenix novel reading channelexclusively in the field of reading and original high qualityresources, provide vast amounts of best-selling books, originalchannel's many reds exclusive popular novels, the author publishedliterary works may also directly reading; More exclusive ofdomestic latest hot network novel.Phoenix urban romance novel covers, martial arts fantasy, modernliterature, suspense horror, humanities and social sciences,history, military, and other premium content successfulinspirational books, most free mode for the user, to love to readnovels, books provide the best reading experience , and can becustomized personal reading experience. Just a Phoenix account,users can seamlessly switch between at any other computer, tabletand mobile phone all kinds of devices, content and synchronizereading progress, read where they go.
健力宝典 1.0
凤凰电台 1.0.4
- 早上起床听新闻?这里有最新的凤凰卫视独家播报,随时随地,总编辑为您深度解读!- 5000多部有声小说,“经典名著,盗墓,玄幻,武侠,穿越......”每天都在更新章节。- “睡前故事,安徒生童话,经典儿歌,一千零一夜”应有尽有。小朋友的故事机,爸爸妈妈的好帮手。- 郭德纲,王自健,单田芳,田连元......相声评书名家全部在这里,本月最新作品已收录。- 文史军事,袁腾飞,百家讲坛,明朝那些事儿......- 学外语?考“四六级/雅思/托福/GRE/GMAT”你怎么能离开凤凰爱听?要天天听!- 不仅有UGC,名人明星节目更精彩!窦文涛,罗振宇,高晓松,周云蓬......快来听听偶像的声音吧!当你一个人早晨起床后...一个人睡前...上班乘地铁...下班搭公交...一个人开车...一个人发呆寂寞时间,凤凰电台,不仅是陪伴!凤凰电台 支持WIFI下载缓存,在路上听节目不走流量!凤凰电台 支持个性化订阅功能,只点一下,就找到你喜欢的节目。
凤凰夺宝 1.0.6
凤凰一元夺宝,凤凰网官方出品,一种全新的众筹购物方式。只花1元就可能获得价值过万的奖品,运气和实力并存,网址:1.ifeng.com在凤凰一元夺宝,你可以参与丰富的众筹活动,实现自己一元获得热门潮流商品的愿望!【实现愿望,只要一元】从高大上的数码产品到人人需要的日用消费品,总有一样是你想要的;只要一元,就能实现自己拥有潮流商品的愿望!【公平公正透明的规则】公平:所有参与用户,都享受同样的权利与义务。公正:众筹全过程无人工参与,保证众筹分配结果的随机性,保证绝对公正性。透明:计算公式和相关数据完全公开。【紧张刺激的等待过程】一旦参与夺宝,你就能体验到不一样的紧张刺激,更有机会享受到获奖的乐趣!还在等什么!快来凤凰一元夺宝和好朋友一元抢宝贝吧!Phoenix one yuanIndiana,Phoenix official produced, a new crowdfundingshopping.Spent only one yuan could get prizes worth over a million, luckandstrength coexist at: 1.ifeng.comIn PhoenixOne yuan Indiana, you can participate in richcrowdfundingactivities to achieve their desire to obtain one yuanpopular trendmerchandise![Desire to achieve, as long as one yuan]From tall on digital products to consumer products thateveryoneneeds, there is always the same as what you want;As long as one yuan, will be able to achieve the aspirations ofthetrend own product!Fair and transparent [rules]Fair: All participating users will enjoy the same rightsandobligations.Justice: Crowdfunding whole process without human intervention,toensure randomness crowdfunding allocation result to ensureabsoluteimpartiality.Transparency: The formula and the relevant data iscompletelyopen.[Exciting waiting process]Once involved in Indiana, you will be able to experiencethedifferent exciting chance to enjoy the fun of winning!what are you waiting for! Come one yuan Indiana andPhoenixfriends one yuan grab it baby!