学乐游 Приложения

十万个为什么-动物百科 拼图 1.21
十万个为什么(动物百科)是一款专门为3-8岁宝宝设计的有声互动教育应用程序,精心选取宝宝最好奇的动物相关问题,以卡通动画结合交互引导的方式让宝宝边学边玩,有效培养宝宝的阅读兴趣,启发宝宝对事物的好奇心。精心制作的动物拼图游戏,能够很好的锻炼宝宝的观察力、专注力和记忆力。丰富的知识内容,40个百科场景配合大量精美动画,三十多种可爱的卡通动物形象动画交互操作体验,促进认知阅读更生动有趣简易轻松的使用流程,宝宝不用教也能自己边玩边学丰富有趣的动物拼图游戏,让宝宝加深对动物的认知和记忆专业女声普通话配音,真实的动物叫声和场景音效Tell MeWhy (Animal Encyclopedia) is a specially designed for the 3-8year-old baby with sound interactive educational applications,carefully select the most curious baby animal-related issues inorder to guide the animation combined with interactive way to learnwhile your baby play effectively develop your baby's interest inreading, inspired by the baby's curiosity about things. Elaborateanimal jigsaw puzzle, can be a good exercise your baby's powers ofobservation, concentration and memory.A wealth of knowledge content, 40 Encyclopedia scenes with a lotof fine animation, thirty kinds cute cartoon animal imagesAnimated interactive operating experience, to promote awareness andmore interesting to readSimple easy to use process, the baby can not teach yourself to playwhile learningRich and interesting animal puzzle, let your baby learn more aboutanimal cognition and memoryProfessional female Mandarin dubbing, real animal sounds and scenessound
Origami For Kids 1.2
Paper folding can not only greatly build upchildren’s manipulative ability, but also can cultivate children’sobservation and attention. The "Origami For Kids" app is a paperfolding educational application program specially designed forchildren. It selects a large amount of paper folding methods whichis best for children and each paper folding method is made intoexquisite mutual animated tutorial, which is easier for babies tounderstand each step of the paper folding.FEATURES•40 most interesting origami models.•Each step has animated tutorial which is easier for children tolearn.•Simple and easy operation interface which is easy to control eachstep of paper folding and babies can learn all by themselves whileplaying without teaching.•Offline playing supported and can easily learning withoutinternet.DIAGRAMS INCLUDEDShirtCicadaCrabWalletNecktieHeartTadpolePigeonBananasPlaneA Twin BoatA F o x FaceGoldfishAngelfishFrogSwanA Koala FaceDogA starDuckJet PlaneRabbitRunt PonySnakeF o xCandyWindmillBoxElephantTortoiseGiraffeCapCraneSteam ShipSquidShurikenA boatCamelHave a suggestion? Trouble with our app?Email us: xueleyou@qq.comEnjoy!
安徒生童话-皇帝的新装 儿童互动有声故事绘本 1.0
《皇帝的新装》是丹麦著名童话作家安徒生的代表作之一。这个有趣的童话描绘了一位奢侈而愚蠢的国王每天只顾着穿新衣服,不管其他任何事,最后还被两个骗子愚弄,穿上一件根本不存在的衣服举行游行大典!最后一个小孩子天真的一句话引起了全城人揭发谎言,结束了这场闹剧。我们通过精美的卡通配合生动的角色配音,制作出优质的儿童互动绘本应用,希望给孩子带来更高质量的阅读感受。【功能特点】●精美的动画内容,有效提高儿童阅读兴趣;●每个故事角色都有独立的配音和字幕,并支持简、繁字体切换;●动画绘本中添加了角色交互内容,增强了阅读趣味;●支持平板和手机移动设备,同时支持离线播放。"The Emperor's NewClothes" is one of the masterpieces of the famous Danish fairy talewriter Hans Christian Andersen. This fun fairy tale depicting aluxury and foolish king simply to wear new clothes every day,regardless of anything else, the last two swindlers also fooled,wearing a dress that did not exist marched ceremony! The lastsentence innocent child caused people to expose the lies of thewhole city, the end of this farce. We beautifully with the vividcartoon character voice, to produce high-quality children's picturebooks interactive applications, bringing hope to the children ofhigher quality reading experience.[Features]● beautifully animated content, improve children's interest inreading;● Each character has its own story dubbing and subtitles andsupports Simplified and Traditional font switching;● animated picture books to add the role of interactive contentenhances the reading fun;● Support for tablet and mobile phone devices, and support foroffline playback.
宝宝故事书(童话寓言)格林童话、安徒生童话、有声故事精选集 1.0
【应用介绍】童话故事是开发儿童想象和幻想能力的的最佳方法。童话富于幻想,听童话故事,孩子会不由自主地随着情节的发展想象故事中的人物、场面和情景,这对右脑的图形思维能力有很好的促进。睡前给孩子讲讲故事,这时右脑呈现最佳状态,开发孩子想象力的效果比白天紧张时要好得多。《宝宝故事书-童话寓言》精选了中外最富童趣和寓意的经典童话故事,通过精美的原创动画配合生动的多角色配音,制作成优质的儿童交互应用,为儿童提供了高质量的阅读享受。【功能特点】•收录中外著名童话寓言,每个故事都配上精美的原创绘本动画;•中文字幕配合分角色配音,有效地提高儿童阅读兴趣;•简易的操作界面, 支持手动和自动播放模式,宝宝不用教也能自己边学边玩;•支持离线播放,没有网络也可轻松阅读。[Introduction ofApplication]Fairy tale is the best way to develop children's imagination andfantasy ability. Fairy tale full of fantasy, listen to fairy tales,the child will not help with the development of the plot ofimaginary characters in the story, scenes and situations, which isthe right brain thinking ability has good graphics promotion.Bedtime stories for children to talk about, then right brainshowing the best condition, the development of a child'simagination is much better than during the day intenseeffect."The baby story books - fairy tales Fables," a selection of themost playful and allegorical and foreign classic fairy tales, vividdubbing through multi-role beautifully with original animation,produced a high-quality children's interactive applications, toprovide children with high quality reading enjoyment.【Features】• Indexed and foreign famous fairy tale fable, each story areaccompanied by exquisite original picture book animation;• Chinese subtitles with the role of voice minutes, effectivelyimprove children's interest in reading;• Simple user interface, support for manual and automatic playbackmode, the baby can not teach yourself to learn while playing;• Support for offline play, no network can also be easily read.
宝宝故事书-成语故事(识字篇) 1.1
【应用介绍】听故事学成语,懂道理,明事理!成语是中华语言文化凝聚的精华,每个成语故事中蕴藏着丰富的知识和道理。让孩子从小学习成语,不仅能够丰富儿童的词汇,提升语言能力。孩子还能从故事中学习为人处世的道理。宝宝故事书-成语故事精选了18个生动有趣的成语故事,以精美的画报动画方式呈现。加入了丰富的识字图卡内容,让儿童在听故事的同时也能学习汉字。【功能特点】•丰富的动画和大量精美的插画,一流的阅读视觉享受;•童声配音讲解,更能提高儿童阅读兴趣;•每个成语都配置有中文字幕和拼音注释,帮助孩子准确认读;•与故事相关的识字内容,配合强化练习,对儿童汉字学习有积极作用;•支持平板、手机系列高清屏幕设备;•支持离线播放,没有网络也可轻松学习。【内容摘要】惊弓之鸟 画蛇添足 狐假虎威 郑人买履 拔苗助长 对牛弹琴 杯弓蛇影 刻舟求剑 骑驴觅驴 鹬蚌相争 雪中送炭 盲人摸象 画龙点睛亡羊补牢 滥竽充数 凿壁偷光 塞翁失马 自相矛盾 (后续持续更新)如果您有什么建议或者疑问,或是有各种形式的合作意向,请通过以下任一方式联系我们:深圳市学乐游科技有限公司网址:www.xueleyou.cnQQ:1964236169邮箱地址:xueleyou@qq.comIntroduction】【ApplicationListen to the story of science idiom, understand truth, sensible!Idiom is the essence of Chinese language and culture unite eachidiom story is rich in knowledge and truth. Let kids learn idioms,not only to enrich the child's vocabulary, improve language skills.Children can learn the truth and acted from the story. Baby storybook - a selection of 18 idioms idioms interesting stories tobeautifully animated pictorial presentation. Adding a wealth ofcontent literacy cards, so children can listen to stories whilelearning Chinese characters.[Features]• rich animation and a lot of beautiful illustrations, excellentvisual enjoyment reading;• childish voice explain, can increase children's interest inreading;• Each phrase is configured with Chinese subtitles and phoneticannotation to help children read quasi-confirmation;• literacy-related content and stories, with strengtheningexercises for children to learn Chinese characters have a positiveeffect;• Support for tablet, mobile phone series HD screenequipment;• Support for offline playback, no network can be easy tolearn.[Abstract]Frightened superfluous people buy the legendary Lu ZhengDestructive Enthusiasm howling at the moon extremely suspiciousKeZhouQiuJian donkey ass snipe and the clam seek timely remedialcheating chisel finishing touch elephant wall to steal lightblessing in disguise contradictory (follow continuouslyupdated)If you have any suggestions or questions, or have the intentionof cooperation in various forms, please contact us in any of thefollowing ways:Le Tour Shenzhen Science Technology Co., Ltd.Website: www.xueleyou.cnQQ: 1964236169E-mail address: xueleyou@qq.com
十万个为什么天文地理百科 1.0
十万个为什么-天文地理百科是一款专门为3-8岁宝宝设计的有声互动教育应用程序,选取宝宝最好奇的天文地理相关问题,以卡通动画结合交互引导的方式让宝宝边学边玩,有效培养宝宝的阅读兴趣,启发宝宝对事物的好奇心。精心制作的动物拼图游戏,能够很好的锻炼宝宝的观察力、专注力和记忆力。Why do thousands-astronomy, geography, Wikipedia is a specifically for 3-8year-oldbaby design of audio interactive educational applications,selectthe most curious baby astronomy, geography-related issues,combinedwith interactive animated cartoon guide the way to let thebaby tolearn while play effectively develop your baby's interestinreading, baby things inspire curiosity. Elaborate animaljigsawpuzzle, can be a good exercise your baby's powers ofobservation,concentration and memory.
Drawing for Kids 1.0
Simple drawing is not just to teachchildrendrawing skills, what’s more important is to developchildren’sobservation ability, memory, imagination and creativity.ChildrenDrawings contains hundreds of cute graphics with simpleshapes andeasy to learn and draw. Each graphics has been made intoanimatedcourse, in order to let children master the techniques ofsimpledrawings.•Abundant graphics of children simple drawings, the contentsofgraphics are continuously updated;•Animation demonstrates the drawing process, so that childrencouldeasily master the drawing skills.