推薦人氣熱門免費遊戲 Приложения

將爆三國 2.0.01
★★登入就送 360 VIP點卡!史上首創免儲送你真的VIP2★★★★打造最適配超強戰隊,過關斬將成為超強霸主★★★★超完整遊戲內容一次釋出,與好友一同成立軍團吧★★─挑戰地表最強武將─四國SS神將登場,魏:張遼、司馬懿;蜀:趙雲、諸葛亮;吳:孫策、周瑜;群雄:左慈、呂布。─指戰操控性奇策技─超強主角神技豪強,烽火連天全體攻擊,休養生息恢復生命,冰寒刺骨降敵方怒氣,七星貫日強攻暈技!─怒氣激戰風雲戀色─怒氣攻擊附加特殊能力,增怒、減怒考驗反應,補血、封技、禁怒連動後續戰局,關鍵怒氣決定勝負!─衝三圍 突破天賦機緣─武將突破解鎖獨有天賦能力,雙機緣切換應變不同戰役,武將超重要三圍UP提升,戰力絕對OP狂飆!─搶不停 奪寶競技爭霸─真的搶到停不下來!奪寶搶碎片翻牌再拿寶,競技聲望搶拿橙裝,爭霸榮譽再拿S將,超多寶等你來搶!開服活動完整放送:【活動一】:每日登錄領好禮,三國美女伴你行新玩家每天上線即可領取元寶、裝備、美女名將等超值道具,更有免費VIP贈送!【活動二】:免費終身會員卡,福利領不停新玩家達到13級後,即可成為終身會員,每天領取元寶、銀幣、戰功等會員福利。【活動三】:升級有禮,元寶領不停新玩家等級達到一定等級時,即可領取相應的等級獎勵,升級獎勵送出大量元寶和裝備。【活動四】:青梅煮酒中午和下午可恢復50點體力,晚上恢復30點體力【活動五】:首次儲值即送穿越神器「七星破空劍」,助你靠霸統三國!玩家首次儲值任意金額即可獲得價值1888元寶的首儲大禮包,內含限版神器「七星破空劍」,戰功旗,體力丹和大量銀幣。【活動六】:成長計畫,小投資大回報遊戲內達到VIP3的玩家,即可花費1000元寶購買成長計畫,最高可領取到7088元寶的返還獎勵!【活動七】:儲值翻倍儲值指定金額的元寶時,獲得的元寶立即翻倍,最高可以額外獲得8000以上元寶!【活動八】:招財進寶,元寶生元寶玩家花費一定數量的元寶,即可返還更多的元寶,最多可返還36800元寶!活動限開服頭兩天,要換要快!【活動九】:天天好禮,橙裝送給你!每天儲值一次,不限金額即可獲得好禮,總計30次,儲值次數越多,獎勵越棒,還有機會獲得橙裝喔!還不快來試試看!
孔明派來的 2.0.01
★★登入就送 360 VIP點卡!史上首創免儲送你真的VIP2★★★★打造最適配超強戰隊,過關斬將成為超強霸主★★★★超完整遊戲內容一次釋出,與好友一同成立軍團吧★★─挑戰地表最強武將─四國SS神將登場,魏:張遼、司馬懿;蜀:趙雲、諸葛亮;吳:孫策、周瑜;群雄:左慈、呂布。─指戰操控性奇策技─超強主角神技豪強,烽火連天全體攻擊,休養生息恢復生命,冰寒刺骨降敵方怒氣,七星貫日強攻暈技!─怒氣激戰風雲戀色─怒氣攻擊附加特殊能力,增怒、減怒考驗反應,補血、封技、禁怒連動後續戰局,關鍵怒氣決定勝負!─衝三圍 突破天賦機緣─武將突破解鎖獨有天賦能力,雙機緣切換應變不同戰役,武將超重要三圍UP提升,戰力絕對OP狂飆!─搶不停 奪寶競技爭霸─真的搶到停不下來!奪寶搶碎片翻牌再拿寶,競技聲望搶拿橙裝,爭霸榮譽再拿S將,超多寶等你來搶!開服活動完整放送:【活動一】:每日登錄領好禮,三國美女伴你行新玩家每天上線即可領取元寶、裝備、美女名將等超值道具,更有免費VIP贈送!【活動二】:免費終身會員卡,福利領不停新玩家達到13級後,即可成為終身會員,每天領取元寶、銀幣、戰功等會員福利。【活動三】:升級有禮,元寶領不停新玩家等級達到一定等級時,即可領取相應的等級獎勵,升級獎勵送出大量元寶和裝備。【活動四】:青梅煮酒中午和下午可恢復50點體力,晚上恢復30點體力【活動五】:首次儲值即送穿越神器「七星破空劍」,助你靠霸統三國!玩家首次儲值任意金額即可獲得價值1888元寶的首儲大禮包,內含限版神器「七星破空劍」,戰功旗,體力丹和大量銀幣。【活動六】:成長計畫,小投資大回報遊戲內達到VIP3的玩家,即可花費1000元寶購買成長計畫,最高可領取到7088元寶的返還獎勵!【活動七】:儲值翻倍儲值指定金額的元寶時,獲得的元寶立即翻倍,最高可以額外獲得8000以上元寶!【活動八】:招財進寶,元寶生元寶玩家花費一定數量的元寶,即可返還更多的元寶,最多可返還36800元寶!活動限開服頭兩天,要換要快!【活動九】:天天好禮,橙裝送給你!每天儲值一次,不限金額即可獲得好禮,總計30次,儲值次數越多,獎勵越棒,還有機會獲得橙裝喔!還不快來試試看!
雙模式戰鬥轉珠遊戲 - 吞食Q傳3
進化再進擊!這已經不是一般的轉珠遊戲!《吞食天地TOUCH2》全新3D手遊,除了繼承前作培育養成、攻城戰、PVP競技等多樣化系統之外,更加入全新玩法,雙模式戰鬥、覺醒系統並且推出超~級巨大的BOSS……說得再好玩,也比不上你親自試試看。====新手超值好禮大相送=====‧在線禮包 : 全部超過600鑽‧升級禮包 : 練到60 , 再拿1900鑽====你玩遊戲 我送鑽=====‧天天領60鑽,連續登入三日再送120鑽‧打副本不怕沒體力,體力天天送給你
中華英雄2 2.4.2
《中華英雄2》─港漫xRPGx轉珠!集港漫四大名著《中華英雄》、《龍虎門》、《如來神掌》及《醉拳》之精髓的手機遊戲!蒐集「華英雄」、「王小虎」等等數百位香港漫畫英雄人物作戰!新感覺港漫式戰鬥特效,敵人應聲倒地!全新季度PV P玩家對戰,爭奪盟主寶座!《中華英雄2》全新人物醉八仙神威下凡,全新關卡登場,百分百經典重溫!《中華英雄2》遊戲特色簡介●超強人氣香港漫畫改編登場!集港漫四大名著《中華英雄》、《龍虎門》、《如來神掌》及《醉拳》之精髓;「港漫、RPG、轉珠」於一身。百分百原著、百分百經典!●港漫名作英雄人物、邪惡Boss全收集!遊戲中眾港漫英雄由馮志明等多位名師獨家手繪。香港漫畫四大名著全角色包括「華英雄」、「王小虎」、「王無忌」、「龍劍飛」等等亦將齊集共演,等玩家一一蒐集!關卡中的邪惡Boss角色亦可收服,《如來神掌》的「孫碧玲」、《醉拳》的「修羅魔仙」、《龍虎門》的「翻江蛟」、《中華英雄》的「無敵」,儘管原來是英雄的敵人,也有可能成為一起並肩作戰的隊友!●四大名著經典劇情再現!遊戲中大地圖親身體驗四大名著,關卡前的Boss對話經典重現重要劇情、重要戰役!超過100幅經典漫畫彩圖供玩家重溫!●絕世武功互相傳授!打造最強英雄!各英雄人物的武功可以互相傳授,藉此提升英雄戰鬥力,與你一起挑戰更強勁的敵人!●獨家港漫式轉珠效果!敵人應聲倒地!轉珠戰鬥中,加插港漫式擬聲字及受傷爆紅效果,讓每場戰鬥更投入、更有港漫味道!●PVP系統!最強港漫英雄對決!遊戲獨創PVP系統!組成最強港漫英雄聯盟,使出經典絕世武學!與其他玩家即時對決!爭奪盟主寶座!●最新醉拳改版醉八仙神威下凡!全新關卡!全新戰略!八仙神威下凡!醉拳八式淋漓盡致!
靠霸天下-三國群雄爭霸 5.3.00
日系正統三國志RPG強勢襲來!「陣型策略」、「多元培養」、「萬人戰爭」等要素完美結合,讓你馬上率領三國名將馳騁天下!【超爽快簡單操作的三國武將大亂鬥!】單手就可輕鬆操控的三國RPG,簡單操作趣味無限!三國武將隨時召喚,讓你充分體驗號令名將的超快感!【多樣性陣容排列,絕品神將能力再提升!】上百位武將分別擁有多樣技能,多樣性的強化手法隨你選用,讓你從成千上萬的組合中組出屬於自己的無雙隊伍!搖身一變成為一騎當千的強者!【奇策發動,一發必殺逆轉局勢!】戰場情勢瞬息萬變,勝負決定就在一招之間!活用專屬奇策,讓敵軍瞬間敗於手下,逆轉所有不可能!【多管道強化手法,戰力瞬間爆升!】命盤、煉化、突破、機緣、天賦、覺醒,多種強化手段讓戰力再突破!各種強化管道將是成為霸主的關鍵,想奪取天下你一定不可錯過!【世界戰爭就在眼前,最強王者蓄勢待發!】跨服亂鬥大PK立即開展,萬人世界戰爭就在眼前,戰鼓已經敲響。奪寶、競技、爭霸等多樣戰役等你挑戰,誰才是三國霸主就看這次!【登入特典,豪華禮物每日放送!】每日登入即領豐富元寶,多重豪華禮物無償贈送!新手登錄30天內擁有橙級名將,附贈永久VIP免費奉送!讓你迅速躋身強者行列!粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/cowbasg客服信箱:WalkFun020@chinesegamer.net◎ 本軟體中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為 輔15級。
侏羅紀恐龍世界 1.19
這次,侏羅紀的遠古生物即將再次席捲大地!玩家將在遊戲中扮演只有被神選上才能擔任的職業-喚獸師,在遊戲中與最強恐龍相遇並且成為夥伴,組成自己的強大恐龍隊伍展開冒險!同時也能在遊戲中與其他喚獸師進行鬥技PK,看誰才是侏羅紀中的最強王者!被神選上的喚獸師們,快帶上你的勇氣與決心,到這邊來和恐龍們展開一段刺激的冒險旅程吧!1. 三百龍獸帥氣現身!快來挑選最強恐龍加入你的陣營!玩家在遊戲將與超過三百種以上的龍獸相遇,其中不乏傳說級龍獸,無論是暴龍、劍龍或是翼手龍,遊戲中通通有!喜歡恐龍的你還不快來邀請牠們加入你的陣營!2. 千變萬化陣型排列,發揮龍獸100%威力!擁有最強龍獸之餘也別忘記活用陣法!結合宇宙星辰神秘力量的星陣系統將可讓龍獸威力瞬間提昇!透過不同的陣法排列可以獲得意想不到的強大效果,多種星座及太陽系九大行星力量等你來發掘!3. 800+關卡等你挑戰,熱血冒險一觸即發!遊戲中擁有超過800種以上關卡,誰能破解重重難關擊倒敵人誰就是贏家!只有喚獸師才能帶領自己的恐龍團隊,與敵方恐龍展開一場生死之鬥!快來培育並鍛鍊你的龍獸們,一起打擊黑暗勢力,開啟一場全新冒險!4. 強者限定競技鬥龍,與你的伙伴共享榮耀!玩家可在鬥龍競技場中與其他喚獸師進行鬥龍大戰!擁有實力的你當然要來挑戰天梯排行!帶著你的龍獸夥伴闖蕩競技場,下個最強喚獸師就是你!5. 喚醒古老血脈力量,羈絆達成龍獸威力再進階!每隻龍獸的體內都蘊藏著古老血脈的力量,而這股力量只有喚獸師才能喚醒!活用血脈力量,在冒險的道路上將能事半功倍!龍獸之間的羈絆加成也不能錯過!上陣龍獸達成羈絆條件,整體能力馬上升級!上百種羈絆力量任由你組合,你還在等什麼?官網http://dm.sky-dragon.net/粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/dmskyd?fref=ts開發團隊粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/pocketdragon2014This time,Jurassic ancient organisms is about to sweep the land again!Players will play in the game only chosen by God to serve theprofession - call animal division, with the strongest dinosaur meetand become partners in the game, the composition of his teamlaunched a powerful dinosaur adventure! But also to carry out theBig Dipper and other call animal PK division in the game, to seewho is the strongest in the Jurassic king! To be called the beastmasters of their chosen deity, quick to bring your courage anddetermination, come over here and dinosaurs start a adventure tripnow!1. The three hundred Drake handsome appearance! Come and pickyour strongest dinosaur camp!Players in the game will be over three hundred kinds of more Drakemet, many of whom are legends class Drake, whether Tyrannosaurus,Stegosaurus or pterodactyl, the game all have! You do not like thedinosaurs come to invite them to join you!2. The arrangement of the ever-changing formation to play Drake100% power!Drake has the strongest while also utilizing the matrix method, donot forget! Combined with the mysterious forces of the universestars star array system will allow Drake powerful instant upgrade!Arrangement may get an unexpected effect through various powerfulmatrix method, a variety of constellations and the solar system'snine planets force waiting for you to discover!3. 800+ checkpoints waiting for you to challenge, blood imminentadventure!The game has more than 800 kinds of the above points, who can breakdown the obstacles to the enemy who is the winner! Only call animaldivision to lead his team dinosaur, a life and death struggle withthe enemy launched a dinosaur! Come nurture and train your dragonbeast who together against the forces of darkness, opening a wholenew adventure!4. Limited strong athletic fighting the dragon, shared the glorywith your partner!Players can be in the arena fighting the dragon fighting the dragonwar and other call animal division! Of course you have the strengthto challenge the ranking ladder! Take your partner battles DrakeArena, the next strongest call animal division is you!5. Wake ancient bloodline power, fetters reach Drake Advancedpower again!Drake's body each bears a force of old blood, and this force onlycall to wake the beast teacher! Utilize the power of the blood, inthe adventure of the road will be able to do more with less!Fetters addition between Drake can not miss! Drake reached fettersbattle conditions, the ability to immediately upgrade the overall!Hundreds of bond strength and let you combinations you waitingfor?Official website http://dm.sky-dragon.net/Fans https://www.facebook.com/dmskyd?fref=tsDevelopment team fans https://www.facebook.com/pocketdragon2014
3D TANK GO Lite 1.1.3
Features:The war of tank based on 3D scenes offers players a more excitingand challenging game experience.1.Time counting mode: Do your best to destroy enemy's tanks inthe limited time. The more tanks you destroy, the higher score youget.
Q Kitty Garden 1.3
Feature:Can you imagine what will happen when the kitty and apples playtogether? Q Kitty Garden combines kitty raising and gardenmanagement. Try and have fun from raising your kitty and collectingapples of every variety .Game mode:1. Farm mode: You can raise a cute kitty and play with it.2. Garden mode: You can get different kinds of apples from the treeand earn some money to raise your kitty.Language: English. Chinese
巨龍守護者- TDA可愛塔防新玩法 2.1.2
粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/tdagod《巨龍守護者》是一款以中古奇幻世界為背景的TDA(Tower DefenseAttack)塔防手機遊戲,TDA玩法不只可以享受塔防遊戲最原始的防禦樂趣,還可以化為進攻方突破各個塔防關卡,雙重玩法一次滿足!來自世界各地的真實玩家將透過PVP系統,挑戰其他玩家所建造的塔防領域。唯有成功守護巨龍,才能獲得最強守護者的榮耀!★★★★★運用兵種相剋理念,以少擊多,造就經典戰役!★★★★★戰略攻擊:玩家將肩負起國之重任,組織強悍隊伍、運用奇巧戰術,一路攻城掠地,殲滅擾亂人間的煉獄魔龍,並從血紅騎士團手中,一步步收復失土。★★★★★策略性擴張城鎮發展,巧思配置,抵禦敵軍入侵。★★★★★建設城鎮:玩家既可設置農場、礦場,自產自足,打造自己獨有的桃花源。亦可籌謀推算、防禦敵軍入侵,用絕妙的配置,將侵略者盡數封殺於領地內。★★★★★三類屬性、七大系列、三十五種部隊,多重選擇。★★★★★多樣兵種:近戰、遠攻、支援,三類屬性。劍兵、工作兵、槍兵、騎兵、射手、法師、炸彈客,七大系列。延伸出數條發展路線、多重選擇與升級目標。★★★★★精美飾品、超強武器、珍稀角色。★★★★★珍奇裝備:為各兵種量身打造的精緻裝備,能煉金合成,滿足玩家蒐藏樂趣,兼具美觀與實用的雙重優勢,能增加兵種能力,甚至有些還備有神秘技能!★★★★★上線好禮、每日任務、成就系統、分區排行…。★★★★★追求目標:唾手可得的日日上線禮、輕鬆簡單的每日任務、值得長期追求的成就勳章、可讓玩家相互競爭挑戰的分區段排行榜,與讓人難忘的每日探索。
3D TANK GO 2.0.1
Features:The war of tank based on 3D scenes offers players a more excitingand challenging game experience.1.Time counting mode: Do your best to destroy enemy's tanks inthe limited time. The more tanks you destroy, the higher score youget.2.Survival mode: The longer you survive among the endless tanksof enemy, the higher socre you get.
巴豆妖金妖 (Eating monster) 1.1
There're greedy monsters which keep eating dayand night, and their favorite stuff is food. On order to satisfytheir needs, we have to keep feeding them by foods. They will growup by eating foods; besides, more cute monsters will be attractedby these foods.
【吞食傳說】~小劉備萌翻三國 1.00.04
粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/CG.TSL★★ 吞食天地2 online獨家正版手遊登場! ★★吞食天地2online經典武將全收錄,官方推出唯一正版手遊,結合創新玩法,豐富戰鬥樂趣。進化系統升級,武將養成、練等不單調,多種策略混合搭配,出奇致勝、稱霸三國就趁現在,全體萌將在此聽候你的差遣!★★ 創意大富翁冒險玩法!想前進還得靠運氣? ★★透過丟擲骰子決定自己前往敵軍本營的步數及遭遇,策略運用骰子數值,沙場上想怎麼走、就怎麼走!改變傳統直線式玩法,打破遊戲規則,遇敵、對戰、撿寶通通由你主宰!★★ 全新滑牌戰鬥,指尖對決更有感! ★★深思熟慮、策略分配鬥氣數量,挑戰創造超高連續combo數!不限時玩法,更能刺激思考,完美規畫縝密謀略,實現一擊必敗敵營大軍的目標。玩家盤面由職業符卡及愛心符卡亂數組合而成,利用創新滑牌系統消除符卡產生高攻擊力,掌握最佳時機,在敵方剩餘發動攻擊回合數,消除盤面上不需要的符卡,來完成自己最佳的消除符卡方式。★★ PVP激烈對戰,比戰略更要鬥心機! ★★玩家可隨意帶軍投奔魏、蜀、吳三個陣營,與其他陣營玩家之間對戰。玩家共用同一個符卡盤面進行PVP激烈對決;互別苗頭、牽制彼此的拉鋸玩法,強化玩家間的互動機制。奮戰殺敵的玩家,將從各陣營的排行榜中脫穎而出,成為吞食天地中第一名將,排名越高就能獲取越豐厚的賞賜獎勵!而每場對戰後還可獲得特殊武魂,換取限定版超殺武將!★★ RPG養成大突破!超強技能完整釋放! ★★四大職業主帥完美承襲吞食天地2online設定;豪傑、鬼謀、猛將、醫者各自身懷絕技,玩家可任意選擇起始角色掛帥出征!遊戲中更能三顧茅廬招攬多位傳奇武將入隊培養,戰鬥進行時即時施展特殊技能,依照金、木、水、火、土的五行相剋進行調兵遣將,佈陣殺敵由你一手掌握!天時、地利、人和,將士們萬事俱備,只欠你前來挑戰!我們不是轉珠遊戲!但我們不是轉珠遊戲!但我們不是轉珠遊戲!因為很重要所以說三次!你準備好跟我們一起闖蕩可愛三國了嗎?
Guardian of Dragons 2.1.2
Global Server: Set for players from all overthe world.1.FREE TO PLAY!!2.Train your own DRAGONS to win the battle!!3.Build your own city into a great Kingdom!!4.Defeat real players all over the world!!5.Lots of combat missions to challenge!Build your own city into a great empire and lead your dragonarmy to win the epic battle.Join the epic battle online, destroy all your enemy's city to winthe vicotry.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Servidor Global: Fije para los jugadores de todo el mundo.1.FREE JUGAR !!!!2.Train sus propios DRAGONS para ganar la batalla !!3.Build tu propia ciudad en un gran Unido !!Jugadores reales 4.Defeat todo el mundo !!5.Lots de misiones para desafiar!Generales fuertes 6.Many pueden crecer y ser las unidades debatalla de gran alcance.7.Famous Heros le permitirá utilizar las habilidades especiales debatalla para ganar la guerra.Construye tu propia ciudad en un gran imperio y llevar a tuejército del dragón para ganar la batalla épica.Únete a la batalla épica en línea, destruir toda la ciudad de tuenemigo para ganar la victoria.
Go Go Tadpole Lite! 1.0
A war has broke out in the quiet pond! Helpthe innocent tadpole to escape the pursuit of thorn turtles, anduse the magic ball to gain high score!《Controls》Control the tadpole by tilting the handheld device.The moving direction and speed of tadpole will determine by thetilting degree and direction of the device.《Modes》【Stage Mode】Many different levels of stage awaits little tadpole to challenge,help the tadpole to pass each challenge!1.Normal ModeControl the tadpole to avoid attack by thorn turtles, magic ballswill appear on the map randomly, use these magic balls wisely andget high score.2.Crazy ModeMass thorn turtles are coming! Control the tadpole to avoid attackby thorn turtles. Use magic balls wisely and do not panic!3.Starchaser ModeStar Candies are tadpole's favourite! Control the tadpole to avoidattack by thorn turtles and collect the star candies on the map! Ifcollect same color star candies in a roll, score will double!4.Obstacle ModeThe cunning thorn turtles has set up many traps to make it morediffcult to escape. Avoid them all and find a safe way out.5. Protect ModeProtect your companion from thorn turtles. This time your tadpolewill be invincible, destroy as many annoying thorn turtles as youcan!
WhatsSlotHD - Xmas 1.5.2
★Shake It Up!!★★Christmas arrives in WhatsSlot!! - Christmas version ★Just press the ""SPIN"" button, slot machine will be started;The most exciting part of the slot machine is Its unique ""Bounstime""! When you pulled the red seven,blue seven,1BAR, 2BAR and3BAR ,you will be conducted after Bouns time mode selected. Thesuccessfully entered the Bouns time mode is excited explosion.Interesting bonus times, exciting combos, poignant show times andcollection of good luck will Ignite your high morale, so you onceagain experience the thrill of the ultimate get rich overnight!☆☆☆☆☆ Achievements ☆☆☆☆☆Top #1 Paid Games iPhone Apps in Taiwan.Top #1 Casino Games iPhone Apps in the China and 3 Countries.Top 20 Casino Games iPhone Apps in the US and Over 20Countries.Top #3 Games iPad Apps in Japan.Top #1 Casino Games iPad Apps in the China and 3 Countries.Top #5 Casino Games iPad Apps in the US and Over 20 Countries.☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆✓ This version is primarily for ARMv7 phone support.✓ Somatosensory Slot Machine – Shake It Up!!✓ Amazingly realistic arcade game playing experience✓ Exotic 3-D graphics✓ Awesome coin return effect✓ 3 Special mode – Bouns time, Combos, Show time✓ 100 Mission level – Welcome to challenge✓ Over 40 types of collectable prizes✓ 79 Achievements☆☆☆☆ Special mode ☆☆☆☆- Bouns time: Bonus times is to accumulate points, continuousbonus will bring you more and more points.- Combos:In bonus time, every once in the same, combos can beaccumulated even number can be even infinite number.- Show time:When not completely, it will be the end of bonus time,but if entered into the show time, that is not an overall grid willturn again, as well as the opportunity to pull in the overall!☆☆☆ Want more WhatsSlot fun ☆☆☆FLLOW US: www.Twitter.com/SlotdiamondLIKE US: www.Facebook.com/SlotdiamondWATCH US: Youtu.be/npyFy5fNvTUIf YOU enjoyed "" slot diamond HD"", YOU will also enjoyed these:Blast Monkeys, Inotia3: Children of Carnia, Angry Birds, Diversion,Bubble Blast 2, Live Holdem Poker Pro, Angry Birds Rio, WordfeudFREE, Mouse Trap, Tap Fish, Zoo Club, Aliens Invasion, Word WithFriends Free, Jewels Deluxe, Sudoku Free, Fruit Slice, ParadiseIsland, Reversi Free, Backgammon Free, Solitaire, Angry BirdsSeasons, Four In A Line Free, Jewels, Alchemy, Zynga Poker,Tags/Keywords - Casino, Slot, Machine, Vegas, Roulette, Room,Money, Bet, Gamble, Gambling, Fruit, Coin, Chip, Poker,Progressive, Royal, Cash, Score, Social, Shop, Bonus, Jackpot,Seven, Gold, Wheel, Fortune, Luck, Million, Betline, Cherry,Billion, Black, Jack, Blackjack, video, solitaire, dozer, frenzy,Poker, dragon, Pirates, Crazy, Angry, Bar, Pirates, solitaire,dozer, frenzy, Live, online, Multiplayer, vegas, roulette,klondike, cell, spider, Top, Chart, Diamond, Spinner, Tournament,Texas Holdem, Texas Hold'em, lottery,Bodysense.
金礦俱樂部[BETA] 0.0.1
Oops!Tadpole Adventure 1.4
Feed back of Thankgiving!We appreciate people's help, little tadpole finally can get back towhere it belongs to!But how does little tadpole go back to it hometown?Thanksgiving special discount, you can play all 3 main stages!!challenge 3 main bosses!! and obtain 3 costumes as well!!It's only cost you $0.99 (original tag was $1.98, here'sThanksgiving feedback special price $0.99)《Instruction》Use the balance equipment of hand-held device to control tadpoles,the direction and movement speed of tadpoles depend on the tiltdirection and tilt angle.《Descriptions of mode》【Arcade mode】Play the role of tadpoles to start a great adventure! You are goingto control the fate of tadpole.In the arcade mode, tadpoles isgoing to train itself through ""instruction mode"" in order topass""magic ball mode,""barrier mode"",""protection mode"",""darknight mode"",""dodge mode"" and etc. Use strong unique skills tolet the boss feel the power of tadpoles.【Survival mode】Challenge the unlimited time survival game! Let's see who is thehighest scorer and the longest survivor, and he/she will be theoverlord of survival mode! Let's challenge it together with playersaround the world, fight for your ranking in the world!
吞食魔將傳(群魔亂舞萌三國) 1.1.05
上架說明文官網: bad.sky-dragon.net粉絲團:http://www.facebook.com/beadevil2014特色說明:風靡全台,國產Q版三國RPG,吞食天地系列回來了!這次將讓玩家化身三國最強魔王,招募歷史名將,組成最強軍團!運用高深謀略及強大武力,稱霸三國成為霸主!====不當英雄當魔王,KUSO故事從此開始!====玩家所扮演的魔王大人被巴豆妖拉入時空裂縫,來到了魔化後的三國,發現貂蟬的養父是張角!呂布居然被小喬打得滿頭包!?為了找出亂源,魔王大人必須帶著魔將闖過重重關卡!屬於魔王的極惡RPG手遊,就是要顛覆你心中的三國!====Q版魔將現身搞怪,全面佔領你的手機!====經典吞食天地Q版魔將現身!看似可愛的身形中卻藏有足以毀滅敵人的強大力量!想要稱霸魔化後的三國,就看魔王大人收服魔將的本事啦!====兩百三國名將,任憑魔王大人差遣!====超過兩百名三國知名魔將任你招募,玩家可用萬中選一的魔將組成史上最強軍團,用絕對強勁的武力讓敵人立刻俯首稱臣,稱霸三國非你莫屬!====魔將x緣份系統,天下無敵!====出戰關聯魔將,即可獲得額外能力提升!玩家可利用上百種魔將緣份搭配,提升魔將能力,讓整體戰力再提升!幫助玩家成就魔王霸業!====排兵列陣退敵,組合出魔王的最強陣法!====玩家可自由選擇兵法陣型,利用高深謀略排兵布陣,甚至能不費吹灰之力輕鬆打敗對手!最強軍隊配上最強陣法,成為三國史上最強傳說,再也不是夢想!====數百種魔將技能隨你搭配,培育出魔王的最強軍團!====每位魔將身上都可裝備額外技能,玩家可使用不同技能去搭配不同魔將,創造出獨一無二的最強魔將!究極技能配上最強魔將,三國霸業唯你獨尊!
Pirate Quest:Turn Law 1.0
Little pirate MARS love to adventure treasurehunt adventure. Once he find a mystical island. This island isconstrained by a mystical power. People can only walk along routesand can not turn while meet forks, and no one can resist this rule.Moreover, there are ghosts and pterodactyl trying to obstructMARS!Use your wisdom to help MARS to pass these difficult challenges andwin the victory.
神之契約-洛基的陷阱 1.0.7
注意事項:CB期間的玩家,由於重大版本更新,請妥善保管您的快速登入帳號,如 aaaa123456即為您的帳號123456即為您的密碼,請妥善保管。==最新活動==1.每日登入領好禮:新玩家每天上線即可領取鑽石、裝備、神格等超值道具!2.新創角七日登入禮:每日登入都可領取高階套裝裝備以及大量金幣!3.升級獎勵領不停:達到對應等級即可領取大量鑽石和金幣!4.首次儲值送好禮:首次儲值任意金額即可獲得高階套裝「聖使套裝」!《神之契約》粉絲團:https://goo.gl/XfAWAI《神之契約》官方網站:http://goo.gl/hEOU69《神之契約》客服信箱:WALKFUN013@chinesegamer.net==遊戲介紹==《神之契約》遠古神話文明融合未來科技元素構築出龐大的世界觀,加上豐富交錯的原創劇情,帶你進入人、神共處的奇幻世界,體驗RPG遊戲最深層的魅力!打破舊式隊伍組成迂腐思維!15種精算構面X多樣化技能=最自由多變的組合!隊伍組成不再只視角色能力,在這裡沒有絕對強弱,只有更精妙的搭配!==遊戲特色==◆無界神話-各國神祇妖魔一次擁有從北歐的雷神索爾、邪神洛基到日本的天照大神、九尾狐玉澡前,甚至媽祖-林默娘,你喜愛、尊敬的神祇妖魔這裡通通有!◆RPG體驗-主線與支線劇情交錯與夥伴們一起穿梭於七大古文明之間,尋找對抗判神的力量。充滿歡笑、悲傷及衝擊的真相,故事的結局及各種支線劇情等待你來探索!◆三線三排-九宮格橫軸精算戰鬥戰鬥中每步決定都足以影響勝負!唯有完美控制靈力消耗並運用神靈間屬性搭配,抓準時機施放華麗「必殺技」爆發眾神之力,方能一舉突陣滅敵、扭轉戰局!◆精算數值-打造專屬的神之陣容計算靈力花費、考量神靈相性,只有衡量全面因素、精算各項數值,才能打造出所向披靡的神之陣容!多達15種精算構面等你一一破解,就是要挑戰你對計算的敏銳度!==小提醒==依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔12級。遊戲內容涉及: 暴力、部分角色有凸顯胸、臀之服飾。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請合理安排時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。==建議設備==建議系統版本:Android4.0及以上CPU:1.4 GHz以上RAM:1.0GB及以上注意事項:需保有500MB及以上存儲空間建議機型:Samsung Galaxy S3以上
三國殺很大 18.1.1
「三國殺很大」以三國題材結合策略與卡牌元素,獨特的「一指號令」玩法將顛覆你對手機遊戲的印象。上手輕鬆卻擁有無窮變化,主公不僅鬥力更要鬥智,手滑出錯,全盤皆輸!想與呂布、關羽、趙雲等英雄豪傑結伴再戰三國?現在!就和我一起三國 殺!很!大!★★★★★以殺制殺!三國,就要殺!很!大!★★★★★承襲桌遊經典「殺、閃、桃」!讓你體驗最「殺」的三國!★★★★★首創「一指號令」玩法,締造傳奇謀略對決★★★★★令牌在手,一指揮軍!無數經典戰役,靠你鬥智、鬥勇、鬥策略!★★★★★衝破卡牌枷鎖 猛將變身戰八方★★★★★卡牌互敲對戰Get Out!無雙猛將衝破枷鎖,啟動最華麗的怒氣攻擊!★★★★★上百名將 授勛升星任你定★★★★★屏除卡牌星數SABCD分級,伯樂相馬名將星數任你掌控!★★★★★競技對決 誰與爭鋒 ★★★★★挑戰你的死鬥極致,波濤洶湧、步步為「贏」,碾殺對手、精采放肆!★★★★★絕世寶物 提升戰力★★★★★副本關卡戰不停,好康寶物掉不完!戰力素質大提升、殺遍三國就靠這!◎建議裝置◎安卓系統系統版本:Android2.3及以上CPU:1.2G CPU,雙核及以上RAM:512MB及以上注意事項:需保有350MB及以上存儲空間建議機型:小米2、三星Note、索尼Z1以上
GR Bubbles[BETA] 1.04
Why slimes gather up mysteriouly? Oh, theyfound an interesting game…《Rules》1.Activity time: Unlimited. Slimes will drop continuously. Three ormore silmes with the same color can be eliminated. Each time theslime reach the bottom will minus 50 points and 3 times will begame over.2.Holding still can adjust direction. Aim and click to shootslime.3.Golden slime: Appears occationally. Eliminate one can get 10points.4.Red slime: Appears occationally. Blow up in 5 seconds and youwill be deducted 10 points.5. After game starts, there are buttons at the bottom: "BOMB" toblow up a group of slimes and "DOUBLE" to gain double scores.
Under extreme pressure? Can not hit back whenyou are bullied? Feel injustice and sad ? Use this software tochoose the photo of the "bad guy" and make a fun with him.
Tadpole Adventure 1.4
《Instruction》Use the balance equipment of hand-held device to controltadpoles,the direction and movement speed of tadpoles depend on thetiltdirection and tilt angle.《Descriptions of mode》【Arcade mode】Play the role of tadpoles to start a great adventure! You aregoingto control the fate of tadpole.In the arcade mode, tadpoles is going to train itselfthrough""instruction mode"" in order to pass ""magic ballmode,""barriermode"",""protection mode"",""dark nightmode"",""dodge mode"" andetc. Use strong unique skills to let theboss feel the power oftadpoles.【Survival mode】Challenge the unlimited time survival game! Let's see who isthehighest scorer and the longest survivor, and he/she will betheoverlord of survival mode! Let's challenge it together withplayersaround the world, fight for your ranking in the world!
Fruit Heroes Lite 2.6
★狂賀【2011年 台灣APP STAR超級冠軍】★《Hami Farm》(Fruit Heroes前作)勇奪2011年台灣APPSTAR冠軍,歡喜邀請你下載進化版《FruitHeroes》,推出2012新年版本內容,增加龍年關卡且加強節慶氣氛。因為年邁的老農夫去買肥料的路途中被猴子欺負了…猴子從樹上丟下椰子把老農夫砸傷,導致老農夫沒辦法照顧農場。農場裡生氣的作物們決定推派三位勇者,去打倒猴子。但其實猴子已經攏絡其他壞蛋,正在密謀更邪惡的計畫…《操控說明》用手指在螢幕上畫線,阻擋被丟下的石頭砸傷農作物。幸運的話,還能將石頭反彈回去,給調皮的猴子一個教訓。《特點》※用手指畫出線條,利用反彈的角度將破壞農場的壞心動物們趕走吧。※善用過關獲得的點數去購買防禦配備吧!配備越齊全,就能越輕鬆過關。※通過越多關卡,將迎接更多挑戰。除了調皮的猴子外,還會遇上不可思議的敵人!遊戲分級:輔12★【APP STAR of Taiwan super champion】★《Hami Farm》(Fruit Heroes series), obtained APP STAR ofTaiwan2011. We have a more advanced《Fruit Heroes》fordownloading.New yearversion released. Year Dragon stage added!An aged farmer was teased by monkeys while he is on his waytobuy fertilizer...those monkeys hit the aged farmer bythrowingcoconut, it leads to that the aged farmer can not take careof hisfarm. Those angry crops have decided to choose 3 bravers tobeatmonkeys. However, other bad guys have been roped in by monkeystoconspire an eviler plan...《Instruction》Tips on screen to keep crops away from the hits of rocks. Ifyouhave fortune, you can bounce rocks back to monkeys to give themamoral.※Tip on screen to draw lines, knick out those monstersbycalculating rock bounce angles.※You can purchase equipments by earned points! The moreequipmentsyou have, the easier you can pass the challenges.※The more challenges you pass, the more challenges will come toyou.There are more inconceivable enemies beside monkeys will cometoyou!
Under extreme pressure? Can not hit backwhenyou are bullied? Feel injustice and sad ? Use this softwaretochoose the photo of the "bad guy" and make a fun with him.
DJS 1.5
《刀劍笑Online》推出跨平台手持裝置版本,此行動版本以提供玩家查詢練功狀態、服用補品、更換練功地點等內容為主,讓玩家可以把遊戲帶著走、帶著玩!【操作方式】1.請先點擊手持裝置上的「刀劍笑Online」圖示,並按下「進入遊戲」。請注意:手持裝置必須是連線狀態喔!2.接下來請選擇您的伺服器。3.接著請輸入您的帳號及密碼,並按下「進入遊戲」,即可開始進行遊戲囉!【介面說明】1.人物屬性:玩家可查看及分配角色屬性點數,以及進行角色升級的動作。2.背包:查看及使用物品。3.寵物:查看及使用訓練寵物和出戰的相關功能。4.系統:可選擇「重新登錄」、「角色離線」,或「清空緩存」5.月光寶盒:可透過「名師指導」、「副本活動」、「遊歷江湖」、「笑恩錄」,來獲得經驗及元寶的功能。6.雙倍經驗:開始及停止雙倍經驗功能。7.元寶商城:可進行商城購物的功能。8.在線禮物:玩家在線達指定時間即可領取在線禮物。注意事項:1. iOS版本不支援元寶商城功能。2. 玩家不可同時登錄於手持版本及客戶端版本。開發者客服信箱:DJS008@chinesegamer.net"Swordsmen Online"launchcross-platform version of the handheld device, this mobileversionof the state to provide gamers queries practice,takingsupplements, replacement practice sites and othercontent-based, sothat players can take the game away with a play![Operation]1 Please click on the handheld device "Swordsmen Online" iconandpress "enter the game." Please note: handheld deviceconnectionstatus must be Oh!(2) Next, select your server.3 Then, please enter your username and password and press "enterthegame" to start the game Hello![Interface Description]1 character attributes: Players can view and assign rolesattributepoints, as well as role of the upgrade action.2 Backpack: View and use items.3 pets: View and pet and play with training relatedfunctions.4 System: choose "log", "Role offline" or "Empty Cache"5 Moonlight: through the "teacher guidance", "copyactivity","traveling quack", "laughing En Lu," to gain experienceand goldfeatures.6 double experience: Start and stop doubleexperiencefunctions.7 ingot mall: shopping mall can be functional.8 online gift: Players online can receive up to a specifiedtimeonline gifts.Note:1. IOS version does not support ingot mall functions.2 players can not simultaneously log on handheld version andclientversion.Developer Customer Service: DJS008@chinesegamer.net
WhatsSlot - Xmas 1.5.2
★Shake It Up!!★★Christmas arrives in WhatsSlot!! - Christmas version ★Just press the ""SPIN"" button, slot machine will be started;Themost exciting part of the slot machine is Its unique ""Bounstime""!When you pulled the red seven,blue seven,1BAR, 2BAR and3BAR ,youwill be conducted after Bouns time mode selected. Thesuccessfullyentered the Bouns time mode is excited explosion.Interesting bonustimes, exciting combos, poignant show times andcollection of goodluck will Ignite your high morale, so you onceagain experience thethrill of the ultimate get rich overnight!☆☆☆☆☆ Achievements ☆☆☆☆☆Top #1 Paid Games iPhone Apps in Taiwan.Top #1 Casino Games iPhone Apps in the China and 3 Countries.Top 20 Casino Games iPhone Apps in the US and Over 20Countries.Top #3 Games iPad Apps in Japan.Top #1 Casino Games iPad Apps in the China and 3 Countries.Top #5 Casino Games iPad Apps in the US and Over 20 Countries.☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆✓ This version is primarily for ARMv6 devices withVFPsupport.✓ Somatosensory Slot Machine – Shake It Up!!✓ Amazingly realistic arcade game playing experience✓ Exotic 3-D graphics✓ Awesome coin return effect✓ 3 Special mode – Bouns time, Combos, Show time✓ 100 Mission level – Welcome to challenge✓ Over 40 types of collectable prizes✓ 79 Achievements☆☆☆☆ Special mode ☆☆☆☆- Bouns time: Bonus times is to accumulate points,continuousbonus will bring you more and more points.- Combos:In bonus time, every once in the same, combos canbeaccumulated even number can be even infinite number.- Show time:When not completely, it will be the end of bonustime,but if entered into the show time, that is not an overall gridwillturn again, as well as the opportunity to pull in theoverall!☆☆☆ Want more WhatsSlot fun ☆☆☆FLLOW US: www.Twitter.com/SlotdiamondLIKE US: www.Facebook.com/SlotdiamondWATCH US: Youtu.be/npyFy5fNvTU★Diamond Club Online★- #1 Ranked Taiwan 3D Multi-line Slots with SUPER JACKPOT,SHOP& MINI GAMES! FREE!- First 3D Slot Machine Online Game in Taiwan ""DiamondClubOnline""- Luxury Las Vegas-style full-3D Game- Since July 9, 2010, membership has reached 1,000,000- One of the most popular game ""Slot Machine""- Popular preferences favor of all casual game players!
Fruit Heroes 2.6
★狂賀【2011年 台灣APP STAR超級冠軍】★《Hami Farm》(Fruit Heroes前作)勇奪2011年台灣APPSTAR冠軍,歡喜邀請你下載進化版《FruitHeroes》,推出2012新年版本內容,增加龍年關卡且加強節慶氣氛。因為年邁的老農夫去買肥料的路途中被猴子欺負了…猴子從樹上丟下椰子把老農夫砸傷,導致老農夫沒辦法照顧農場。農場裡生氣的作物們決定推派三位勇者,去打倒猴子。但其實猴子已經攏絡其他壞蛋,正在密謀更邪惡的計畫…《操控說明》用手指在螢幕上畫線,阻擋被丟下的石頭砸傷農作物。幸運的話,還能將石頭反彈回去,給調皮的猴子一個教訓。《特點》※用手指畫出線條,利用反彈的角度將破壞農場的壞心動物們趕走吧。※善用過關獲得的點數去購買防禦配備吧!配備越齊全,就能越輕鬆過關。※通過越多關卡,將迎接更多挑戰。除了調皮的猴子外,還會遇上不可思議的敵人!遊戲分級:輔12★【APP STAR of Taiwan super champion】★《Hami Farm》(Fruit Heroes series), obtained APP STAR ofTaiwan2011. We have a more advanced《Fruit Heroes》fordownloading.New yearversion released. Year Dragon stage added!An aged farmer was teased by monkeys while he is on his waytobuy fertilizer...those monkeys hit the aged farmer bythrowingcoconut, it leads to that the aged farmer can not take careof hisfarm. Those angry crops have decided to choose 3 bravers tobeatmonkeys. However, other bad guys have been roped in by monkeystoconspire an eviler plan...《Instruction》Tips on screen to keep crops away from the hits of rocks. Ifyouhave fortune, you can bounce rocks back to monkeys to give themamoral.※Tip on screen to draw lines, knick out those monstersbycalculating rock bounce angles.※You can purchase equipments by earned points! The moreequipmentsyou have, the easier you can pass the challenges.※The more challenges you pass, the more challenges will come toyou.There are more inconceivable enemies beside monkeys will cometoyou!
BoBo venture 1.2.4
Classic sokoban with a completelynewrefreshing style! The Golden Feather award received game-“BoBoVenture”is coming! With all the cuteness and surprise!"BoBo Venture"is an all-3D puzzle game with new elements suchasrole playing and venturing through tricky traps, hundredsofHollywood-level stages are waiting for you to conquer! Let’sgoventuring!---------Game features---------* Cutest leisure puzzle game you have ever seen!* Hundreds of Hollywood-level stages will bring you awesomevisualexperience!* Surprising Traps and all kinds of setup will put yourintelligenceto the test!* Using multiple items to become the master of pushing boxes!* Over 10 kinds of “BoBo” for you to collect and play with!* Play with your friends and see who can be the winner!Official fanpage:https://www.facebook.com/BaDowYao---------Supported Android version---------Android 2.3 or higher version
Tea Bar Dash 1.0.2
Selling the popular Taiwanese CuisineslikePearl Bubble Tea、Fried Chicken all over the world, expendingthebusiness and developing more delicious cuisines! You want toSHAKElike a pro? When customer order the 《Pearl Bubble Tea》, it isyourtime to SHAKE IT ALL YOU CAN!《Control》Touch panel with finger to make meal, and “shake” thehandhelddevice to make pearl bubble tea.《Feature》※With new map unlock, more Taiwanese Special Cuisine canbemake.※New map will unlock when completing stages on a map.Besidesexperiencing the different styles of each place, expect thespecialcustomers to appear anytime!※Stage is clear when reaching the target revenue. And challengetheExpert Level target revenue, to show others theoutstandingscore!
Tea Bar Dash LITE 1.0.1
Selling the popular Taiwanese CuisineslikePearl Bubble Tea、Fried Chicken all over the world, expendingthebusiness and developing more delicious cuisines! You want toSHAKElike a pro? When customer order the 《Pearl Bubble Tea》, it isyourtime to SHAKE IT ALL YOU CAN!《Control》Touch panel with finger to make meal, and “shake” thehandhelddevice to make pearl bubble tea.《Feature》※With new map unlock, more Taiwanese Special Cuisine canbemake.※New map will unlock when completing stages on a map.Besidesexperiencing the different styles of each place, expect thespecialcustomers to appear anytime!※Stage is clear when reaching the target revenue. And challengetheExpert Level target revenue, to show others theoutstandingscore!
Oops! Bubble Tea之水巷茶弄 1.2
★炎炎夏日,水巷茶弄陪你抗暑清涼一夏!★★★水巷茶弄限定版 免費下載★★★★★★以水巷茶弄實名茶飲的遊戲正式登場★★★★★★玩遊戲天天送你折價券 隨時體驗水巷茶弄好滋味★★★「Oops! Bubble Tea之水巷茶弄」以台灣手搖茶為題材;在遊戲中,玩家將經營專屬於自己的水巷茶弄飲料小舖!《操控說明》結合了觸碰與體感的操作方式。大部分餐點以觸碰的方式操作,但在製作特色餐點-珍珠奶茶時,需要真的以搖動手持裝置的方式來操作,彷彿就像真的在搖動shake杯製作飲料的感覺;趕快來認識來自台灣的美食、體驗台灣特有的手搖茶文化吧!《特點》※達到指定的過關營業額即可過關。除此之外還能挑戰達人級的營業額,讓其他人刮目相看吧!※即日起至9/30日止,凡下載「Oops!BubbleTea水巷茶弄免費版」,每日即可享有特定夏日飲品折價5元的活動,每天都會有不同的飲品折價喔!※全部關卡闖關後還可參加神祕活動參加精美周邊抽獎喔!遊戲分級:普遍級
燃燒吧!上班族 1.0.8
官網:http://boss.sky-dragon.net/粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/bossigu你是否每天睡醒都有一種不想上班的症頭!?責任制讓你加到肝有點硬硬der,卻沒有加班費嗎?天橋下睡覺的乞丐碗中的錢搞不好都比你多!!今天又被同事挖坑推入,讓你忍不住想開背刺+爆擊嗎?想報仇嗎?想百倍奉還嗎?想擺脫月領22K的命運嗎?那就加入巴豆妖國際訓練中心,我們有專業的人員指導您如何鬥垮你的頂頭上司,老闆換你做!【故事背景】:  小巴頂著高學歷的光環畢業,踏入職場,好不容易終於找到一間賞識他的公司,可是儘管小巴天天努力爆肝賣命的工作,卻總是被上司刁難,還被同事們排擠、陷害,每周的績效表,連比他晚進公司的好友都不如…。  可憐的小巴看著自己的績效表、薪資單,回想起自己進公司時,那個充滿理想抱負的自己…小巴在心中默念著:「昨日種種譬如昨日死,今日種種譬如今日生」,突然小巴像是頓悟般,堅定的握緊拳頭,發誓要讓往上爬,擊敗所有的對手!!  小巴開始學習運用手段、拉攏同伴、凝結屬於自己的勢力,準備展開絕地大反攻,小人同事OUT!!機車主管OUT!!苦命小職員一步一步往上爬,勵志中帶點歡樂的帷幕就此拉起!!【特色說明】:1.最貼近上班族情境,最符合上班族心聲!!玩家扮演主角小巴,從一名菜鳥一路過關斬將,努力向上奮鬥,打飛所有小人同事和機車主管!如何學習運用手段、拉攏屬於自己的勢力。2.三消結合戰鬥,推光你的頂頭上司,老闆換你做!!消除的方塊後會轉換成戰鬥力!累積一定的COMBO數,還會開起怒氣爆發模式,把頂頭上司打飛遠遠的。當然頂頭上司們也不是好惹的,他們也是會反擊的:責任制枷鎖、薪資凍漲、人事大地震!伙伴們小心啊!3.團隊收集冊,道具再強化!利用每次戰鬥過招,趁機拉攏同事們,打造屬於自己的夢幻團隊!魅力值不夠嗎?攻擊力不高嗎?記得要成功出人頭地,魔鬼就在細節中,好好扎實強化自己的能力、升級手段道具吧!4.天天免費抽,給你大大大確幸!公司的尾牙分紅最開心,天天登入讓你天天免費抽。摸彩繼續加碼手氣旺旺來,可愛萌職員陪你一起上班唷!啾咪!5.達成成就,讓你順利升遷!!廣結人緣,成為同事的萬人迷!!不同階段成就達成,完全滿足你的榮耀感,還有、還有福委會滿滿的福利等著你唷!讓我們獵人頭讓更多志同道合的人才一起加入吧!Officialwebsite:http://boss.sky-dragon.net/Fan group: https://www.facebook.com/bossiguDo you have a kind of do not want to wake up to go to workeveryday of disease head! ?Responsibility to let you add a little bit of the hard liverder,but did not get overtime pay?Sleeping under bridges they might beggar bowl money than youandmore! !Today has been pushed into the pit colleagues, so you can nothelpbut want to open backstab + crit it?Want revenge? Times you want your money back? 22K collar monthtoget rid of fate?Croton demon would join an international training center, we haveaprofessional staff to guide you on how Doukua your boss, thebosschanged you do![Background story]:Minibus wore the aura of highly educated graduates, the jobmarket,finally finally found an appreciation of his company, butdespitethe efforts of burst liver minibus their lives every day towork,but the boss is always making things difficult, alsocolleaguescrowding, framed, weekly performance table, even lateinto thecompany than his friends do not like ....The poor performance minibus looked at his watch, payroll,recallinghis own time into the company, the full ambitions oftheir own ...minibus in the heart meditation: "Yesterday all kindssuch as deadyesterday, today, today, for example, variousstudents' suddenMinibus like epiphany-like, firm clenched fist,vowed to climb,defeating all opponents! !Minibus start learning to use tools to draw companions,settingtheir own forces, ready to start the Jedi, villaincolleagues OUT!! Motorcycle Head OUT! ! Bitter small staff climbstep by step, ina little joy inspirational pull the curtain onthis! !Description [Features]:1 closest office worker scenario, most workers in line withthevoices! !Players play the protagonist minibus, all the way from arookie,struggling upward, playing the villain flying allcompetentcolleagues and locomotive!How to learn to use tools to draw their own forces.2 three combined elimination fight, pushing the light ofyourboss, the boss you do change! !After the elimination of the box will be converted intocombat!COMBO accumulate certain number, but also opened anger burstmode,the boss is gone far. Of course, their boss is not to betrifledwith, they will also fight back: the accountability chains,salaryfreeze up, personnel earthquake! Partners are careful ah!3 teams to collect books, props and then strengthen!Use each battle blows, took the opportunity to draw colleaguestocreate their own dream team!Charisma enough? Attack is not high? Remember tosuccessfullysucceed, the devil is in the details, to strengthentheir abilityto take a solid upgrade means props it!4 day free pumping and give you a great bigindeedfortunate!The company's year-end banquet bonus happiest day let you loginevery day smoke free. Want to continue to overweight lucklucky,cute Meng staff to work together with you yo! Chirpmicrophone!5 achievements reached so that you successfully promoted!!Forming popularity, becoming colleagues heartthrob! !Different stages of the achievements reached, fully satisfyyoursense of honor, and, as well as welfare committee fullbenefitswaiting for you yo!Let's head to allow more hunters like-minded people tojointogether!