移動資訊科技 Приложения

全誠建設 1.0.0
全誠建設20多年來,始終堅持從客戶的角度出發、為建築注入未來生活的理想,以外觀恆久的設計處理「時間」,以貼心的生活美學規劃「空間」,讓每一棟作品,都能展現獨特的「遠見個性」。為了提供更貼心的顧客服務,我們推出「全誠建設APP」,讓顧客能在手機上就能接收瀏覽全誠最新的建案作品,誠摯邀請您下載使用,歡迎預約賞屋!全誠建設APP特色介紹:● 全誠建設品牌介紹● 最新建案隨時掌握● 建案特色立即瀏覽● 一鍵撥出預約電話● 賞屋有機會抽好禮● 地圖導引至接待中心Prudentialbuilding full 20 years, always adhere to from the customer's pointof view, for the construction of an ideal future inject life to theappearance of long-lasting design processing "time" to intimateaesthetic life planning "space", so that each set in the works,both can show unique "personality foresight."In order to provide more intimate customer service, we launchedthe "full sincerity construction APP", so that customers can browseon the phone will be able to receive full sincerity latest works tobuild the case, I sincerely invite you to download and use, welcometo make an appointment reward house!APP Prudential building features a full description:● Full Prudential building Brand● keep abreast of the latest build case● case features built immediately browse● a key dial telephone appointment● have the opportunity to tour the house smoked Gifts● map guide to the reception center
花季度假飯店 1.1.0
花季度假飯店位於高雄市近郊,總面積7,000坪,館內擁有天然碳酸冷泉,共54間客房及33間湯屋,從整體風格到室內裝飾,散發出濃郁的日式風情與峇里島熱帶氣息,為客人悉心營造出山居歲月的藝術美學渡假氛圍。專屬APP提供給您: ● 花季度假飯店完整服務介紹與相關影片觀賞。 ● 隨時掌握最新動態訊息與優惠活動。 ●地圖導引至飯店位置,並且列出其周邊景點,讓旅行更加精彩。 ● 手指一按即可預約訂房,立即查詢接駁時刻。 ●拍照分享美好假期,與家人朋友一同體驗頂級湯泉之旅。
H匯館 1.0.1
愛家青年,您值得更好的禮遇!H匯館導入「H會館」飯店式空間概念,再創High-Class頂尖生活體驗,善待有品有味的有為青年。H匯館App的貼心服務:1. 內容包含建案介紹,建築規劃,房型設計圖等等。2. 內建互動小遊戲,不定時推出限量賞屋禮。3. 預約賞屋一指搞定,導航系統讓您輕鬆到達接待中心。Young loving family,youdeserve better benefits! H Meeting Hall import "HCenter"hotel-style space concept, a new High-Class top lifeexperience,good to have a promising young flavored product.H Meeting Hall App attentive service:1. Content contains built case reports, architecturalplanning,design room and so on.2. Built-in interactive games, no time to launch a limitedrewardceremony house.3. Appointment house tours to get a finger, navigation systemallowsyou to easily reach the reception center.
香蕉來三民 1.0.2
App特色:1. 介紹三民區的各式美食小吃,及三民區的觀光景點等等…2. 針對三民區的未來施政重點及發展,在本app也都有詳細介紹。3. 加入服務選民的功能 : 線上客服,表單留言,三民巡守隊,藉此發揮選民們守望相助的精神。有任何問題歡迎指教服務電話 : 07-3820915E-mail : bananahuang1023@gmail.comApp Features:1 Introduction Sanmin District kinds of gourmet snacks, and SanMin area attractions, etc. ...2 for the future development of policy priorities and San MinDistrict, in this app also has a detailed introduction.3 voters added service features: online customer service, formsa message, San Min patrol team, whereby voters play the spirit ofmutual help.Have any questions please adviseTel: 07-3820915E-mail: bananahuang1023@gmail.com
移動資訊科技 1.0.1
『移動資訊科技』官方app:- 讓客戶體驗互動行銷工具- 不定期發佈APP情報,提供給您新的觀點,了解APP趨勢!- 精選TED影片,分享各領域頂尖人物的演講,共同為實現理想而努力- 提供客戶售後教學服務,讓使用者更能得心應手團隊服務內容:APP製作、APP行銷、UI平面設計、網頁製作聯絡我們:TEL:07-7227862 / 0936-365582E-MAIL:mitapp.service@gmail.com