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Скачивание 日漢發音字典_Latest Version.apk - APk-DL

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Note: Download and save the apk file to your Android Phone's SD card and install it manually onto the Android device.


1. 擁有超過76,000條日語漢語(中文)本地詞庫。
2. 日文翻譯結果發音支持。
3. 內置日文假名輸入法。
4 詳盡的翻譯結果,當本查詢不存在本地詞庫的單字的時候會使用網絡翻譯結果。
5. 翻譯結果可加入收藏夾。
6. 通過搜索歷史快速查詢。
It is designed forJapanese learners develop Japanese Chinese dictionary.
1. With more than 76,000 bars Japanese Chinese (Chinese) locallexicon.
2. Japanese translation pronunciation support.
3. Built-Japanese kana input method.
4 detailed translation results, when this query does not exist whenthe local lexicon of words used network translation.
5. The translation can be added to favorites.
6. Search History Quick Search.