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Скачивание 思い出タイマー -あなたの思い出が時を刻む-_Latest Version.apk - APk-DL

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Note: Download and save the apk file to your Android Phone's SD card and install it manually onto the Android device.









App can be confirmedimportant people, the time and duration that were together withloved ones at a glance, is the memories timer.

In this app, and ○ year ○ month ○ days, ○ days, ○ hours, such as○ seconds, you can use it in a variety of time.
Because it is displayed in a variety of time, I think that it isfun ♪

• it calculates and displays automatically past date and timefrom the set date.

Please use your favorite photos and.

- Since the anniversary is a possible multiple registration, Ican confirm lovers, friends, children, pets, etc. each time.

Set the photograph or title, please to the original specialscreen.

- Since the password lock also, it is also the good of alsorecording secret memories.