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Скачивание JB Workaround Cloud Contacts_Latest Version.apk - APk-DL

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Note: Download and save the apk file to your Android Phone's SD card and install it manually onto the Android device.


This is just a workaround app for a bug in Android 4.1 (aliasJellyBean). Seehttp://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=34880for details.Info for Samsung users: at present you'll need thisapp too,seehttp://developer.samsung.com/forum/board/thread/view.do?boardName=GeneralB&messageId=232748UnderAndroid 4.4.2 it's recommended to install this app as well.There isa new issue in Android that causes accounts to be removedduring anapp update,seehttp://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=66905 Thebugcauses accounts of paid apps to be removed when Android bootsup.To work around this issue this app pretends to provide thesameaccount type that SmoothSync for Cloud Contacts provides.That'senough to convince Jelly Bean to keep the account. That's allthisapp does. Please open the app at least once from within GooglePlayto "enable" the workaround. It may not work properly otherwise.Onsome devices you'll have to install this app before youinstallSmoothSync for Cloud Contacts. Please try that if you stillhaveproblems. Also, to hand over the account to SmoothSync forCloudContacts the workaround disables itself for a couple ofseconds.Please note that the bug is in Android 4.1, not inSmoothSync forCloud Contacts! If you're not using SmoothSync forCloud Contactson Jelly Bean, you don't need this app. There is noneed to give ita bad rating in that case! Please don't install itin that case.