2.0 / April 23, 2016
(3.6/5) (16)


◉ All the content is 100% Free ◉

Are you looking for the best secrets and cheats for Clashofclans?
yes!, with this app you will find all the secrets from thetopplayers!

And of course you will enjoy learning the best Base Attacksthatwill crush your Enemies every time.

This is an unofficial reference guide for clash of clans,thatfeatures extensive and comprehensive information about everysinglething from the game to the game's strategy.
This is the most complete Guide for Clash Of Clans and it'sFREEtoday!
And of course, constant updates! More and more stuffconstantlyadded.
It gives you so much info on troops that you couldn't get beforeonCoC.
With this app you will Learn the basics step by step.

We provide this guide for you that will help you tobetterunderstanding the strategy of clash of clans!
Discover the best Clash of Clans guide available now! Packedwithstrategies, tips, and guides covering every fact here.

Find all the secrets and cheats for the coc fromthepro-players!
This guide will show you the Clash o Clans tips for beginnersthatwill help you build a base, enjoy early success and become abetterplayer without spending real cash.
- Easy to use.
-30 topics including:
-Learn the basics to intermediate Strategies on Attacking andBasedefense.
-Learn from our mistakes so you can advance quicker.
-Queen Walk
-- Awesome Defense Strategies
-Lightning spell Must know!
-Defeat the Base
-Upgrade Priority Guide
-Walls vs Wall Breakers
-Ultimate Farming Guide
-Army Buildings
-Resource Buildings
- Hints for Beginners, Newbies.
- Best Town Hall Layout

•Complete Tactics & Strategy Guide for Clash of Clans
(Troops, Heroes, Resources, Defense, Army, & OtherBuildings,Spells)
• ALL Achievements Guide
• Tips & Tricks Videos
• COMPLETE CoC Level Strategy

Everything all Clashers must know, easily explained.

Pictures to all troops and buildings in all levels. Find outhowthey look and learn how to identify them only by theirdesign.

•strategy guide
• Army
• Clans

Play better using our simple to use guide for gems, coinsandelixir management.

Finally, this app is an UNOFFICIAL guide to the 'Clash ofClans'video game series, and is not affiliated to the games'publisher(s)or developer(s). The guide is intended purely to assistplayers,and is intended to be used alongside the games.
Please contact us and we will gladly add on the next update.

информация о приложении Guide for Clash of Clans

  • Имя приложения
    Guide for Clash of Clans
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    April 23, 2016
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    the real life studio
  • Количество установок
    100 - 500
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

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Guide for Clash of Clans 2.0 APK
the real life studio
* WELCOME CLASHERS OF CLANS!!! *◉ All the content is 100% Free ◉Are you looking for the best secrets and cheats for Clashofclans?yes!, with this app you will find all the secrets from thetopplayers!And of course you will enjoy learning the best Base Attacksthatwill crush your Enemies every time.This is an unofficial reference guide for clash of clans,thatfeatures extensive and comprehensive information about everysinglething from the game to the game's strategy.This is the most complete Guide for Clash Of Clans and it'sFREEtoday!And of course, constant updates! More and more stuffconstantlyadded.It gives you so much info on troops that you couldn't get beforeonCoC.With this app you will Learn the basics step by step.We provide this guide for you that will help you tobetterunderstanding the strategy of clash of clans!Discover the best Clash of Clans guide available now! Packedwithstrategies, tips, and guides covering every fact here.Find all the secrets and cheats for the coc fromthepro-players!This guide will show you the Clash o Clans tips for beginnersthatwill help you build a base, enjoy early success and become abetterplayer without spending real cash.Features:- Easy to use.-30 topics including:-Learn the basics to intermediate Strategies on Attacking andBasedefense.-Learn from our mistakes so you can advance quicker.-Matchmaking-Queen Walk-- Awesome Defense Strategies-Lightning spell Must know!-Defeat the Base-Upgrade Priority Guide-Walls vs Wall Breakers-Ultimate Farming Guide-Army Buildings-Resource Buildings- Hints for Beginners, Newbies.- Best Town Hall Layout-Troops•Complete Tactics & Strategy Guide for Clash of Clans(Troops, Heroes, Resources, Defense, Army, & OtherBuildings,Spells)• ALL Achievements Guide• Tips & Tricks Videos• COMPLETE CoC Level Strategy• BEGINNER'S GUIDE •Everything all Clashers must know, easily explained.• PICTURES •Pictures to all troops and buildings in all levels. Find outhowthey look and learn how to identify them only by theirdesign.•strategy guide• Army• ClansPlay better using our simple to use guide for gems, coinsandelixir management.Finally, this app is an UNOFFICIAL guide to the 'Clash ofClans'video game series, and is not affiliated to the games'publisher(s)or developer(s). The guide is intended purely to assistplayers,and is intended to be used alongside the games.Please contact us and we will gladly add on the next update.
tips for pokémon gO 1.0 APK
the real life studio
Pokémon Go is an assistant self pace unitwithfull of multimedia guidelines for you to achieve the targetofentertainment content building. Pokémon Go supports users withfullinstructions and tips as main substances you can learn PokémonGoyourself for highly effective outcomes. All you need to knowandprerequisites can be easily found within Pokémon Go. Moreover,youcan track your progress across all registration devices thathavePokémon Go installed.Pokémon Go is the important guidance for anyone who is findingthemajor assistance for being the professional contentbuilding.Pokémon Go is easy, important and helpful.This is an unofficial application for Pokémon Go This applicationisnot affiliated in any way.Traduire la description en Français à l'aide de Google Traduction?TraduireBuilt from several sources as necessary to achieve the targetofPokémon Go, this app is designed with full list of musthaveinstruction leading you to be on top of Pokémon Go users. Theapplet you to conquer all foes and obstacles of Pokémon Go in afewsteps. No need to wait for the better way to achieve PokémonGo.This is the only one you have to have it installed.Small but completed app for Pokémon Go with full multimediacontent,you will get the new experience while finishing each stepin PokémonGo. The app is designed on modular concept so you canstart onwhatever location in Pokémon Go as you prefer. Stopsticking in theold style guide. Let’s check it out.guide game of Pokemon Go. This application containts tips,cheatsand tutorial of pokemon go.This is a one of the best Pokemon Go Guide & Tips.Thisapplication contains a guide in playing Pokemon Go highconsists ofseveral tips and tricks to simplify the lovers of thisgame incompleting every mission in the Pokemon Go games.
note circualaire LF2016 MAROC 1.2 APK
the real life studio
Cette deuxième version de l'application delanote circulaire des Impôts pour la loi de finances 2016,estdestinée pour les professionnels et les étudiants delafiscalité.Elle a pour objectif de faire de la lecture de la notecirculaire726 de la loi de finance 2016, une mission facile àréaliser!Notre ambition est de faire connaitre aux citoyens sesobligationset ses droits fiscales !Tout en restant à jour de différentes changements de la loidefinance.L'application propose donc face à cette défis de classerlesdifférentes rubriques de la présente note d'une façon facileàdéfiler.L’article 8 de la loi de finances (L.F.) n° 70-15 pourl’annéebudgétaire 2016 promulguée par le dahir n° 1-15-150 du 7rabii I1437 ( 19 décembre 2015) publiée au bulletin officiel n°6423 bisdu 9 rabii I 1437 (21 décembre 2015) a modifié et complétélesdispositions du Code Général des Impôts (C.G.I.) par desmesuresfiscales visant :L’encouragement de l’investissement et l’amélioration delacompétitivité de l’entreprise ;Le renforcement de l’équité fiscale ;La lutte contre la fraude et l’évasion fiscales ;L’amélioration de la qualité des services rendus auxcontribuables;La clarification et l’harmonisation de certaines dispositionsduCGI.Ces mesures s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la visionstratégique,arrêtée en concertation avec les opérateurs économiqueset lesprofessionnels de la fiscalité, lors des travaux de ladeuxièmeédition des Assises nationales sur la fiscalité tenues àSkhiratles 29 et 30 avril 2013, visant à entreprendreprogressivement uneréforme profonde du système fiscal national dansle sens del’amélioration de son efficacité et de sonefficience.Ainsi, les mesures fiscales insérées dans la loi de finances2016précitée sont commentées dans la présente note circulaire selonleplan suivant :I.- Mesures spécifiques à l’impôt sur les sociétés ;II.- Mesures spécifiques à l’impôt sur le revenu ;III.- Mesures spécifiques à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée ;IV.- Mesures spécifiques aux droits d’enregistrement ;V.- Mesures spécifiques à taxe spéciale annuelle sur lesvéhiculesautomobiles(T.S.A.V.A) ;VI.- Mesures communes à certains impôts et taxes ;VII.- Mesures communes aux sanctions ;VIII.- Mesures communes aux procédures fiscales ;IX.- Mesure spécifique à la contribution sociale de solidaritésurles livraisons à soi-même de construction.Notre application vise à améliorer la lecture de la noteenquestion, en présentant d'une façon organisée etsynthétiqueCe n’est pas la peine de tourner les pages pourtrouverl'explication de l'article de la loi de finance qui vousintéresse!Il faut juste allez directement au chapitre qui vousconcerne!N'oubliez pas que cette application peut vous aider à Aide àlapréparation du concours de l'accès au ministre de l'économie etdeFinance du MAROC.Les questions de l'examen de recrutement concerne touteslescatégories professionnelles :*les administrateurs*les techniciens de troisième grade*les ingénieursIl faut juste être au courant et préparer votre examen d'accès àlafonction publique!Bonne chance !This second version oftheapplication of the circular note of Taxes for 2016 Finance Act,isdesigned for professionals and students of taxation.It aims to make reading of the circular note 726 of the FinanceAct2016, an easy task to achieve!Our ambition is to make known to the citizens its obligationsandtax free!While remaining day of different changes in the Finance Act.The application proposes face this challenge to classifythedifferent sections of this note an easy way to scroll.Section 8 of the Finance Act (LF) No. 70-15 for the fiscal year2016enacted by Dahir No. 1-15-150 of 7 Rabii I 1437 (19 December2015)published in the Official Bulletin No. 6423 bis 9 rabii I1437 (21December 2015) amended and supplemented the provisions oftheGeneral tax Code (CGI) by fiscal measures: Encouraging investment and improving thecompany'scompetitiveness; The strengthening of tax equity;The fight against fraud and tax evasion;Improving the quality of services provided to taxpayers;Clarification and harmonization of certain provisions oftheCGI.These measures form part of the strategic vision, stoppedinconsultation with economic operators and the tax professionalsatwork on the second edition of the national conference ontaxationheld in Skhirat on 29 and 30 April 2013, to graduallyundertake aprofound reform of the national tax system in thedirection ofimproving its effectiveness and efficiency.Thus, fiscal measures inserted in the above 2016 Finance Actarediscussed in this circular notes on the following basis:I. specific measures to tax on companies;II.- specific measures to tax on income;III: Specific measures to tax value added;IV.- Specific Measures registration fees;V. Specific measures for special annual tax on motor vehicles(T.S.A.V.A);VI.- Measures which certain taxes;VII.- common sanctions measures;VIII.- Measurements common to tax procedures;IX.- Specific measure social solidarity contribution ondeliveriesto self-construction.Our app aims to improve the reading of the note, presentinganorganized and coherent mannerIt's not worth turning the pages to find the explanation ofthesection of the budget law that interests you!You just go directly to the chapter that concerns you!Remember that this app can help you question contest preparationofaccess to the Minister of Economy and Finance of MOROCCO.The issues of recruitment examination covers allprofessionalcategories:*administrators* The third grade technicians*the engineersJust be aware and prepare your access to reviewpublicservice!Good luck !
Calcul IR MAROC 2016 2 APK
the real life studio
L'impôt sur le revenu au Maroc est unimpôtprogressif dont les taux des impositions évoluent selon lerevenude contribuable.La difficulté se trouve dans la multiplicité des tranchesdebarèmes, des taux d'imposition, des sommes à déduire.Si vous êtes parmi d'autres qui trouvent la difficulté à savoirsonImpôt sur le revenu, n'hésitez pas à utiliser cetteapplicationpour calculer l'impôt sur le revenu du Maroc !Cette application gratuite permet de calculer rapidementlesimpôts sur les revenus 2015, à déclarer en 2016, entoutesimplicité.La simulation repose sur le barème de l'impôt sur le revenu duMarocqui n'a pas subi des changements depuis l'année de2010.Il faut juste, entrer la base net imposable, qu'est en générallerevenu globale imposable des revenus catégoriales, par la suitelesnombres des déductions pour charges de famille.Au Maroc on entend par les charges de familles le montant àdéduirede l'impôt pour les personnes à charges à savoir :- son épouse- ses propres enfants ainsi que les enfantslégalementrecueillisPar lui à son propre foyer à condition :-qu’ ils ne disposent pas par enfant, d’un revenuglobalannuelSupérieur à la Tranche exonéré du barème de calcul de l’impôt surlerevenu.-que leur âge n’excède pas 21 ans ou 27(Loi de finance 2013)anss’ils justifient deLa poursuite de leurs études. Cette condition d’âge n’estpastoutefois applicable auxEnfants atteints d’une infirmité les mettant dans l’impossibilitédesubvenir à leurs soins.La femme du contribuable bénéficie des réductions pourchargesDe famille au titre de son époux et de ses propres enfantsLorsqu’ ils sont légalement à ses charges.Les calculs sont détaillés !Merci pour votre soutien !The income tax inMoroccois a progressive tax with taxation rates change according tothetaxpayer's income.The difficulty lies in the multiplicity of scales slices, taxrates,amounts to be deducted.If you are among others who find it difficult to know hisincometax, please use this application to calculate the tax on theincomeof Morocco!This free application allows to quickly calculate the incometaxin 2015, to declare in 2016, with ease. The simulation is based on the tax schedule onMorocco'sincome that has not undergone changes since the year2010.You just enter the net taxable base, that is usually theaggregatetaxable income of categorical revenues, subsequently thenumbers ofdeductions for dependents.In Morocco means loads of families to deduct the amount of taxforpeople in charge are:- his wife- His own children and the children lawfully gatheredFor him to his own home if:-What they do not have a child, for a total annual incomeAbove exempt portion of the scale for calculating theincometax.-that their age does not exceed 21 or 27 (Finance Act 2013) yearsifthey justifyPursuing their studies. This age requirement is not,however,applicable toChildren with a disability putting them unable to provide fortheircare.The wife of the taxpayer benefits cuts for chargesFamily under her husband and her childrenWhen they are legally in his charge.The calculations are detailed!Thank you for your support !