1.0.5 / September 7, 2016
(4.0/5) (4)


The app can only be used by participating inthe "Living in Germany" survey. The participants are given theirpersonal participation code by the interviewer who conducted thesurvey locally.

The "Living in Germany" app was developed as part of the "Livingin Germany" study conducted by TNS Infratest Sozialforschung andHappiness Research Organisation.

It is important to keep in touch with the interviewees once thesurvey has ended: 4 times per year, there will be shorter surveysof about 10 questions each on the participants' well-being andcurrent situation. In return, the participants will receive amobile phone credit or an Amazon voucher by way of a 'thank you'.At the same time, the "Living in Germany" app provides regular newsupdates on the asylum seekers' situation in Germany.

The app is available in German, English, Arabic, Urdu, Pashto,Farsi and Kurmanji.

информация о приложении Living in Germany

  • Имя приложения
    Living in Germany
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    September 7, 2016
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 4.1 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    Happiness Research Organisation
  • Количество установок
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

Happiness Research Organisation Ещё...

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Living in Germany 1.0.5 APK
Happiness Research Organisation
The app can only be used by participating inthe "Living in Germany" survey. The participants are given theirpersonal participation code by the interviewer who conducted thesurvey locally.The "Living in Germany" app was developed as part of the "Livingin Germany" study conducted by TNS Infratest Sozialforschung andHappiness Research Organisation.It is important to keep in touch with the interviewees once thesurvey has ended: 4 times per year, there will be shorter surveysof about 10 questions each on the participants' well-being andcurrent situation. In return, the participants will receive amobile phone credit or an Amazon voucher by way of a 'thank you'.At the same time, the "Living in Germany" app provides regular newsupdates on the asylum seekers' situation in Germany.The app is available in German, English, Arabic, Urdu, Pashto,Farsi and Kurmanji.
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Happiness Research Organisation
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Happiness Research Organisation
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Happiness Research Organisation
In der vorliegenden Studie möchten wirInformationen zu Ihrem erlebten Wohlbefinden und zu Aspekten, diedieses beeinflussen können, erheben. Anders als in vielenexistierenden Arbeiten stellen wir dabei positive Aspekte IhresErlebens in den Vordergrund. Mit Hilfe Ihrer Unterstützung möchtenwir verstehen, wie subjektives Wohlbefinden als ein wichtigerAspekt der Lebensqualität und als Bedingungsfaktor für physischeGesundheit bei Lehrerinnen und Lehrern entsteht und - in einemweiteren Schritt - gefördert werden kann.Aufgrund der Wichtigkeit des Themas für alle Lehrpersonen,richtet sich die Studie an die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer allerSchulformen.Das Forschungsprojekt ist an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum in derProfessional School of Education sowie der AG Sch.U.L.forschung amInstitut für Erziehungswissenschaft angesiedelt und wird inKooperation mit der Happiness Research Organisation umgesetzt.In the present study, wewant information about your experienced well-being and on aspectsthat may influence this charge. Unlike many existing works, weprovide this positive aspects of your experience in the foreground.With the help of your support, we want to understand how subjectivewell-being emerges as an important aspect of quality of life and asa condition factor for physical health with teachers and - canbenefit - in a further step.Due to the importance of the issue for all teachers, the studyis aimed at the teachers of all school types.The research project is based at the University of Bochum in theProfessional School of Education and the AG Sch.U.L.forschung atthe Department of Education and is implemented in cooperation withthe Happiness Research Organisation.