4.0.0 / June 28, 2017
(/5) ()


This app, "Platforms: How Do You Do This in SAS?", is one of aseries of eBooks about SAS software programming focusing onfrequently asked questions and answers about SAS on Windows, UNIX,Linux and z/OS, illustrated by code samples which can be sent byemail directly from the app. It is designed to encourage users tocontribute questions some of which will be included in futureversions of the app. There are controls to select specificquestions, move to the previous or next question, decrease orincrease the font to suit the user's preference, and send emailsrequesting answers to questions not yet included in that version ofthe eBook. The questions, with answers, included are: 1.Introduction 2. About the Author: Philip R Holland 3. Whichplatform is SAS running on 4. Which version of SAS is being used 5.Which folder is SAS running in 6. Base SAS differences betweenWindows, UNIX, Linux and z/OS 7. Transferring SAS data sets betweenWindows, UNIX, Linux and z/OS 8. Transferring SAS formats betweenWindows, UNIX, Linux and z/OS 9. Transferring SAS templates betweenWindows, UNIX, Linux and z/OS 10. Importing text files fromdifferent platforms into SAS data sets 11. Why can I see my dataset in Windows SAS and not in UNIX SAS 12. Why can I use my SASindex in Windows, but not in UNIX

информация о приложении Platforms: Do This in SAS?

  • Имя приложения
    Platforms: Do This in SAS?
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    June 28, 2017
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    Holland Numerics
  • Количество установок
  • Цена
  • Категория
    Books & Reference
  • Разработчик
    94 Green Drift Royston Hertfordshire SG8 5BT United Kingdom
  • Google Play Link

Holland Numerics Ещё...

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Holland Numerics
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Holland Numerics
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Holland Numerics
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Holland Numerics
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Holland Numerics
SAS software programming FAQ with code samples that can be emailedfrom the app