1.0 / May 2, 2016
(5.0/5) (1)


Rr Shop is the firsthand shop which issellfashion of woman, man, and child. Also available pretyhandmadeshoes and bag.

We sell with cheap price so you can happy shopping and sureyoucan sell it again. Rr shop is accept resseller and dropship.

Rr shop can convert to international rate too.
We sell accross nation. Accept paypal and some bank atinternationalcountry.

Download aplikasi Rr Shop

wa 081282062015
bb 5F63A921

Tangan pertama utk baju-baju Dewasa wanita, pria, FashionAnak,dll

Bisa reseller dan dropship

Biar mudah pake aplikasi stok semua barang keliatan terus gadiganggu ama bunyi tingtingting klo admin lagi upload gambar.

Bisa order juga di aplikasi jadi ga perlu nunggu admin.

Silahkan download ya... Fast respon kok
Klo mau ganggu admin available

Silahkan ya didownload..

Rr Shop is theshopfirsthand the which is sell fashion of woman, man, and child.Alsoavailable prety handmade shoes and bag.

We sell with cheap price so you can happy shopping and sureyoucan sell it again. Rr shop is accept resseller and dropship.

Rr shop can convert to international rate too.
We sell accross the nation. Accept paypal and some banksatinternational country.

Download application Rr Shop

wa 081282062015
bb 5F63A921

For first-hand clothes Adult women, men, Kids Fashion, etc.

Can resellers and dropship

Let easy to use application plasticity stock all goods keptgadisturbed admin klo ama tingtingting sound againuploadpictures.

Can order also in the application so no need to wait foranadmin.

Please download ya ... Fast response kok
Thx admin disturb available

Please ya downloaded ..

информация о приложении Rr Firsthand Shop

  • Имя приложения
    Rr Firsthand Shop
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    May 2, 2016
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    Cv.Karunia Web Desain
  • Количество установок
    50 - 100
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  • Разработчик
    Visit website Email adelina02@gmail.com
    Cv.Karunia Web Desain (Jasa Pembuatan Website) Jl.Raya Pangandaran no.136 Padaherang- Pangandaran Telp/Fax (0265) 656 212 Website: http://niadesain.com Perusahaan yang Bergerak dalam bidang Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah, Melayani Jasa Pembuatan Website Toko Online, Jasa Pembuatan Website Company Profile, Website MLM, Website Properti, Web Reseller atau Affiliasi, Website Portal berita, Website Iklan Baris,dll.
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SMK Online 1.0 APK
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
Kesuksesan Sudah Menanti AndaSiapapun Anda bisa memiliki penghasilan pasif income500 ribu rupiah setiap haridengan hanya merubah Ide, Hobi, Pengalaman atau KeahlianAnda.Simak Caranya!Belajar bisnis langsung dari Pebisnis yang telah terbuktisukses“dipandu selangkah demi selangkah sehingga Anda bisa menjual apasaja di internet untuk mendapatkan income online 500 ribu rupiahsetiap hari”SMK ONLine dapat membantu Anda guna Meraih Sukses dan mampupunya sumber income sebelum LULUS, Sehingga dapat melajutkan kuliahsecara mandiri pada saatnya sekaligus Sukses sebagai pengusaha danlulus sarjana intelektual. Dapatkan;Briefing praktis tentang cara tampil sebagai pemenang gunameraih impian lebih cepat dan lebih pasti terwujud [by Ahira –internet marketer nasional & SMK ONLine].Audio tentang menumbuh-kambangkan kebiasaan take action, sebuahkualitas yang selalu dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang berada dipuncak keberhasilan, terbang tinggi dan capailah puncak Impian-mu[by Ahira – internet marketer sukses & SMK ONLine].Internet tidak hanya sebagai media hiburan atau konsumtif sematanamun bisa ditingkatkan menjadi lebih produktif bahkan menghasilkanprofit yang bisa diandalkan.Komunitas pengembangan diri [social-bonding SMK ONLine] danbisnis.Informasi dan Inspirasi dari para Partner & CoachProfesional tentang Cara Menghasilkan Income denganLaverage-Teknologi.Khusus siswa SMK Bisa – dapat langsung gabung di Inkubasi Bisnisdi sekolahnya masing-masing [SMK yang telah tergabung denganProgram SMK-Gateway dot com].Already Success AwaitsYouAnyone you can earn passive income500 thousand rupiah per dayby simply changing ideas, hobbies, experience or expertiseyou.Listen How!Learning directly from a business that has proven successfulbusinessman"Guided step by step so that you can sell just about anything onthe internet to get online income of 500 thousand rupiah per day"SMK online can help you to Achieving Success and able to have asource of income before PASS, So it can carry on independentlylecture on Success as an entrepreneur at the same time andgraduated intellectual. Get;Practical briefing on how to emerge as winners in order toachieve the dream faster and more surely realized [by Ahira -national & Vocational internet marketers online].Audio on foster the habit kambangkan take action, a quality thatis owned by people who are at the pinnacle of success, fly higherand attain peak Dream-mu [by Ahira - a successful internet marketerand vocational online].Internet not only as a medium of entertainment or consumptionalone, but can be upgraded to a more productive and even generateprofits that can be relied upon.Community self-development [social-bonding SMK online] andbusiness.Information and Inspiration of the Partner and CoachProfessionals on How to Generate Income withLaverage-Technology.Can special vocational students - can be directly joined onBusiness Incubation in their respective schools [CMS that has beenincorporated with SMK-Gateway Program dot com].
www.niadesain.com 15080904 APK
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
CV.Karunia Web Desain (website:www.niadesain.com) Bergerak dalam bidang Jasa dan Teknologiberfokus pada layanan JASA PEMBUATAN WEBSITE.Berbagai mancam jenis website dapat kami buat seperti:1. Jasa Pembuatan Website Toko Online2. Jasa Pembuatan Website Company Profile3. Jasa Pembuatan Website MLM4. Jasa Pembuatan Website Properti5. Jasa Pembuatan Website Iklan Baris6. Jasa Pembuatan Website Portal berita7. Jasa Pembuatan Website Dealer Pulsa8. Jasa Pembuatan Website PPC dan PTC9. Jasa Pembuatan Website Reseller10. Jasa Pembuatan Website Affiliasi11. Jasa Pembuatan Website Instansi12. Jasa Pembuatan Website Responsive13. Jasa Pembuatan Aplikasi Android14. Jasa Publikasi Aplikasi Android15. Jasa Pembuatan SMS Gateway Untuk Website16. Installasi SSL Scurity17. Webhosting Service18. Jasa Promosi OnlineTarif jasa kami sangat terjangkau, untuk pembuatan website mulaiRp.75ribu nett siap online, hal ini untuk membantu para UKM pemulayang ingin mengembangkan usahanya melalui media website.Informasi lengkap bisa kunjungi website kami: http://niadesain.comProfile PerusahaanLegalitas Perusahaan:CV. KARUNIA WEB DESAINSIUP: 503 / 57 / SIUP / BPPTPM / PK / 1 / 2015TDP: 101547000164 - Akta Notaris no. 59Alamat PerusahaanJalan Raya Pangandaran no.136 Kel.Karangmulya RT 02 RW 01Kecamatan Padaherang Kab Pangandaran, Jawa Barat 46384Kontak(0265) 656 212Web Design CV.Karunia(website: www.niadesain.com) Engaged in Services and Technologyfocuses on service SERVICE WEBSITE.Mancam various types of websites can we make such as:1. Online Store Website Development Services2. Website Development Services Company Profile3. MLM Website Development Services4. Property Website Development Services5. Classified Ads Website Development Services6. Development Services Portal news7. Toll Dealer Website Development Services8. Website Development Services PPC and PTC9. Reseller Website Development Services10. Website Development Services Affiliates11. Website Development Services Agencies12. Responsive Website Development Services13. Android Application Development Services14. Android Application Publication Services15. Development Services SMS Gateway To Website16. Installation SSL Scurity17. Webhosting Service18. Promotion Services OnlineOur services are very affordable rates, for the creation ofwebsites ranging Rp.75ribu nett ready online, this is to help theSMEs beginners who want to develop their business through themedium of a website.Detailed information can visit our website: http://niadesain.comCompany profileThe legality of the company:CV. GIFT WEB DESIGNLicense: 503/57 / SIUP / BPPTPM / PK / 1/2015TDP: 101547000164 - Notary Deed no. 59Company's addressHighway Pangandaran Kel.Karangmulya 136 RT 02 RW 01 DistrictPadaherang District Pangandaran, West Java 46 384Contact(0265) 656 212
Nadiva Store 1.0 APK
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
NaDIVA Store adalah toko online yang sudahberpengalaman dalam jual beli online selama lebih dari 5 tahun.NaDIVA Store kini hadir dengan website resmi www.nadivastore.comdalam rangka memberikan kemudahan dalam berbelanja bagi parapelaggan di seluruh tanah air. Kami Spesialis Perlengkapan Ibu danAnak berusaha memberikan pelayanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ibu dananak diantaranya:KEBUTUHAN IBUGamis/ Baju Ibu MenyusuiSlimming BeltPregnancy BeltWashable MenspadWashable BreastpadGendongan Bayi Anti PegelBantal MenyusuiASI Booster [ Mama Soya ]dllKEBUTUHAN ANAKCloth Diapers [Popok Kain Modern]Accessoris ClodiAlas Ompol Baby OZSprey Water ProofBook EducationKelambu Nyamuk GantungKelambu Nyamuk Anti JatuhdllSelamat berbelanja dan nikmati keuntungan jika menjadi MEMBERNaDIVA STORE. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kontakkami.NaDIVA Store is an onlineshop that is experienced in selling online for over 5 years. NaDIVAStore now comes with www.nadivastore.com official website in orderto provide convenience in shopping for pelaggan throughout thecountry. Our Equipment Specialist Maternal and Child seeks toprovide services to meet the needs of mothers and children include:MOM NEEDS    Gamis / Breastfeeding Clothes    Slimming Belt    Pregnancy Belt    Washable Menspad    Washable Breastpad    Baby sling Anti Pegel    Breastfeeding pillow    ASI Booster [Mama Soya]    etc.NEEDS CHILDREN    Cloth Diapers [Modern ClothDiapers]    Accessoris clodi    Alas Ompol Baby OZ    Sprey Water Proof    Book Education    Mosquito netting Hanging    Mosquito netting Anti Fall    etc.Happy shopping and enjoy the advantages of becoming MEMBERNaDIVA STORE. For further information please contact contactus.
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
LPK DAI ICHI GAKKOU adalah lembagapendidikannon-formal yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan danpelatihanbahasa Jepang.LANDASAN HUKUM1. Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan,2.PeraturanMenteriTenagaKarjadanTransmigrasiNomor:KEP.17/Men/III/2006Tata CaraPerijinandanPendaftaranLembagaPelatihanKerja,3. PeraturanMenteriTenagaKerjadanTransmigrasiNomor :KEP.08/MEN/2008TentangTataCaraPerijinandanPenyelenggaraanPemaganganLuarNegeri,4. KeputusanKepalaDinasTenagaKerja Kota BekasidenganNomor:563/Kep.286-LATPROD/VI/2013.TUJUAN DAN SASARANTujuan daripada Pelatihan Program Pemagangan Luar Negeri diLPKDAI ICHI GAKKOU adalah :Mempersiapkan calon pekerja,dan calon peserta magang keluarnegeri yang telah dididik mengenai etos kerja,disiplinkerjamelalui bimbingan belajar dan tes juga konsultasi agardapatditerima bekerja baik didalam negeri maupun diluar negeriSasaranSasaran daripadaPelatihan Program Pemagangan Luar Negeri diLPKDAI ICHI GAKKOU adalah :1. Terselenggaranya pelatihan pra pemberangkatan yang efektifdanefisien program pemagangan luar negeri/Jepang;2. Terwujudnya tenaga kerja terampil dan kompeten dalammemasukipasar kerja global baik dalam hubungan kerja maupunbekerjamandiri/wiraswasta;3. Meningkatnya angkatan kerja yang dapat mengikutiprogrampemagangan luar negeri/Jepang.RUANG LINGKUP1. Gambaran Kondisi LPK DAI ICHI GAKKOU meliputi StrukturOrganisasipersonil,Sarana dan Fasilitas,2. Rencana Kegiatan Program Pemagangan ke Jepang Kerjasama LPKDAIICHI GAKKOU dengan Accepting Organisasi (OrganisasiPenerima).LPK DAI ICHI GAKKOUisnon-formal education institutions engaged in education andtrainingof Japanese language.LEGAL FOUNDATION1. Law No. 13 of 2003 on employment,2. PeraturanMenteriTenagaKarjadanTransmigrasiNomor: KEP.17 / Men/III / 2006ProcedurePerijinandanPendaftaranLembagaPelatihanKerja,3. PeraturanMenteriTenagaKerjadanTransmigrasiNomor: KEP.08 / MEN/2008regardingCaraPerijinandanPenyelenggaraanPemaganganLuarNegeri,4. KeputusanKepalaDinasTenagaKerja BekasidenganNomor City: 563/Kep.286-LATPROD / VI / 2013. OBJECTIVE AND TARGETSThe objective of the Foreign Training Internship Program inLPKDAI ICHI GAKKOU are:Prepare prospective employees, and prospective apprenticesabroadwho have been educated about the work ethic, discipline,workingthrough tutoring and test consultations in order to beaccepted towork both in the country and abroad TargetTarget daripadaPelatihan Overseas Internship Program at LPKDAIICHI GAKKOU are:1. The implementation of pre-departure training effectiveandefficient apprenticeship program abroad / Japan;2. Realization of skilled labor and competent in entering thegloballabor market both in terms of employment and self-employment/self-employed;3. Increased labor force can follow apprenticeship programs abroad/Japan.SCOPE1. Overview LPK Conditions DAI ICHI GAKKOU includeOrganizationalStructure of personnel, facilities andamenities,2. Planned Activities Internship Program to Japan CooperationLPKDAI ICHI GAKKOU with Accepting Organizations(RecipientOrganization).
Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah 15012901 APK
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
Melayani Jasa Pembuatan Website BerbagaiJenis, diantaranya Jasa Pembuatan Website Company Profile, WebsiteToko Online, Website MLM, website Perusahaan.Jasa Pembuatan Website terbaik Untuk perusahaan anda, denganTampilan Elegan serta responsive atau mobile ready dapatdiintegrasikan dengan aplikasi android yang kami buatkan secaragratis.Info lengkap silahkan kunjungi https://www.jasawebsite.co.idServing Different Typesof Website Development Services, including Website DevelopmentServices Company Profile, Website Online Store, Website MLM, theCompany's website.Best Website Development Services For your company, with a viewElegant and responsive mobile ready or can be integrated withandroid application that we build for free.Information please visit https://www.jasawebsite.co.id
Toko Online Hpa Indonesia 1.0 APK
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
Toko Online Hpa IndonesiaHpaindonesia.biz adalah penjual produk HPA IndonesiasecaraonlineWebsite toko online terbaik dan terpercaya dengan fungsipalinglengkap seperti: Penghitungan Ongkos kirim otomatis untukTIKI,POS, dan JNE. Semua produk yang anda beli secara onlineakandikirim dari Jakarta.Shop Online Hpa IndonesiaHpaindonesia.biz is a product seller HPA Indonesia onlineWebsite best and trusted online store with the mostcompletefunctions such as: Automatic Calculation Postage for TIKI,POS, andJNE. All of the products you buy online will be sentfromJakarta.
SMK Gateway 1.0 APK
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
Sebuah Gerbang Guna MembantuMewujudkan‘Apapun’ Keinginan Anda…dengan memanfaatkan Potensi Diri, Marketing RevolusidanLeverage-Teknologi.Sukses adalah HAK Anda,Namun bagi kebanyakan orang seringkali terasa sulituntukmenggapainya… karena bermacam kendala/halangan sukses yangtidakmudah dihancurkan, utamanya mental blocking, diperlukan :1. Mind-set / Pola pikir, keyakinan, percaya diri sertacarabertindak yang benar.2. Marketing Revolution - Kemampuan berkomunikasidalam‘Memasarkan diri dengan nilai tambahnya’ kepadacalonpembeli/pengguna jasa.3. DUNIA TELAH BERUBAH!Dengan adanya Teknologi Komunikasi & Informasi membuatduniakini ‘nyaris’ berada dalam genggaman Anda, teknologi jugamembuatbanyak hal menjadi bergulir lebih cepat, lebih mudah, lebihefisiendan praktis. Juga dengan adanya digital bisniscara-caraMendapatkan Penghasilan pun juga telah banyak mengalamiperubahan[munculnya model bisnis baru].Sumber Penghasilan bisa berasal dari Aktif income [gaji],PasiveIncome dan Masif Income akan lebih menyenangkan jikamemilikiberbagai sumber income terutama dari internet bisnis.Pentingnya memiliki partner & mentor untuk mampumemanfaatkanlaverage-teknologi sebagai alat bisnis yang ampuh! Agarsemakinmakmur – bukannya justru semakin tertinggal…Manfaat & Keuntungan PROGRAM SMK Gateway :Untuk Warga SMK1. Peningkatan pemahaman potensi siswa – guru dan smk.2. Peningkatan pemahaman esensi pengetahuan netpreneurshipdikalangan warga smk.3. Peningkatan pemahaman potensi dan manfaat internet sebagaialatbisnis.4. Peningkatan motivasi netpreneurial siswa.5. Peningkatan atmosfir netpreneurship di smk.6. Intensitas aktivitas bisnis warga smk.7. Optimalisasi penggunaan gadget & social media yanglebihproduktif & profit.8. Peningkatan kreativitas & inovasi dalam iklim kompetisiyangsehat antar siswa.9. Peningkatan wawasan bisnis serta percepatan memperolehincome& Skill.Untuk SMK :1. Membantu mewujudkan optimalisasi visi – misi SMKsebagaiinstitusi pencipta lapangan usaha sekaligus pemberikerja.2. Membantu menciptakan sumber income dari aspek komersial.3. Membantu penambahan komunitas mitra DUDI.4. Meningkatkan brand image smk dalam masyarakat.Untuk Dinas Pendidikan dan Dinas terkait.1. Membantu optimalisasi program pembinaan kepada smk.2. Membantu mewujudkan brand promise SMK BISA.A Gate To HelpAchieve'Whatever' What You Want ...by utilizing the Potential, Leverage Marketingand-TechnologyRevolution.Success is your RIGHT,But for most people often find it difficult to reach out...because of various obstacles / impediments success is noteasilydestroyed, especially mental blocking, it is necessary:1. Mind-sets / mindset, belief, confidence and the correct wayofacting.2. Marketing Revolution - The ability to communicatein'Marketing yourself with added value' to prospective buyers /usersof services.3. THE WORLD HAS CHANGED!With the Communication and Information Technology made theworldnow 'almost' is within your grasp, the technology also makesthingsget rolling faster, easier, more efficient and practical.Also thepresence of digital business in ways Monetizing had alsobeen manychanges [the emergence of new business models].Source of Income can come from Active Income [salary],PasiveIncome and Massive Income would be more fun if you havemultiplesources of income, especially from the internetbusiness.The importance of having a partner and mentor to be able toutilizeleverage technology as a powerful business tool! To bemoreprosperous - instead of being increasingly left behind ...Benefits & Advantages PROGRAM SMK Gateway:For Residents SMK1. An improved understanding of the potential of the student-teacher and smk.2. Increased understanding of the essence of knowledge amongthecitizens smk netpreneurship.3. An improved understanding of the potential and benefits oftheInternet as a business tool.4. Increased motivation netpreneurial students.5. Increased atmospheric netpreneurship in smk.6. The intensity of business activity smk citizens.7. Optimizing the use of gadgets and social media aremoreproductive and profit.8. Increased creativity and innovation in a climate ofhealthycompetition among students.9. Improved business insight and accelerate obtain incomeandSkill.For SMK:1. To help realize the optimization of the vision - themissioncreator vocational school as an institution at the samefield ofbusiness of the employer.2. Helping to create a source of income from acommercialaspect.3. Help addition DUDI partner community.4. Increase smk brand image in the community.For the Department of Education and related agencies.1. Help optimizing education programs to smk.2. Helping to realize the brand promise SMK CAN.
RAM Speed Booster, App Cleaner 1.0 APK
Cv.Karunia Web Desain
Increase your android RAM, Task manager,Memory cleaner and android Optimization.You can boost your RAM with single touch. Touch boost button andclear running process. In Tasks tab you can swipe to cleanindividual process from ram memory. In more tab you also know aboutyour internal and external memory status.Features:- Enchance your OS performance- Recover RAM Memory- Check your available memory- Clean unused process- Its Completely Free