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GardenAnswers Plant Identifier 6.6.9
Garden Answers
Garden Answers is a plant identification app thatinstantlyidentifies plants
Plant Diary 2.9
Behrang Javaherian
Plant diary is an essential app for anyone who istakinggardeningand planting seriously. Plant diary allows you todefine aset ofalarms for each plant in your garden and get reminderwhenanaction (like watering) should be performed on a plant.WithPlantDiary you will never forget to water your plants as itwillalwaysremind you to water your plants. Current feature are:*Definealarms and scheduling for different activities on the plant*Trackthe growth and health of your plants * Track expenseforyourplants * Track images for your plant If you liketheapplication,please like us atFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/plantdiaryhq.Happy gardening.
Planteo : Plant reminder
Christian Castaldi
Planteo is the perfect all in one reminderanddiary application for your beloved plants.With Planteo's simple alarm system and beautiful interface youaresure to have the healthiest plants on the block.Alarms:Alarms are effective, simple to use and offer a wide rangeoftypes.Diary:Forgot if you watered your plant or not? With Planteo's diarysystemall alarm reminders will automatically create a new recordforyou.Photo logging:You can take pictures, add captions and mark photos as favouritetomake your plant's story more memorable.Actions:Actions (watering, repotting, pruning, etc) are editable and canbeadded or deleted.Please note that the application is still new and may haveacouple of hiccups here and there. They are being fixedcontinuouslyand we appreciate your support.https://www.facebook.com/pages/Planteo/549803261827545Would you like to contact us?Send us an email at planteo.service@gmail.comA special thanks for your support and work: TonioPiscopo,Lynette Agius, Justin Farrugia, Neil Farrugia andEmanBuhagiar.
Plant Watering 0.5.1
'Plant Watering' app reliably reminds youofwatering you plants regularly. With this app your flowers needtodie of thirst again. Even without the green thumb you canhavegorgeous prospering plants. An overwatering is avoidedaswell.A real help for the busy plant lover. The Bothering mode bothersyouuntil the plants are watered.It is very easy to add all flowers and plants that needregularwartering. For easy recognition of the plants it is possibletotake a photo or select one from the devices gallery. Thewateringinterval and the remaining days until next watering can beset foreach plant individually and changed at any time. For abetteroverview and management the plants name and exact location oftheplant may be provided as well.If needed it's possible to give a fertilizing interval as well.Plants will be sorted after number of days until next watering.Theplants needing water soonest are shown first and it'sdisplayedwhen they need waterOnce a day it's checked if there are plants needing water. Ifthereis at least one plant that should be watered a reminder willbegenerated. The time of the day when the check is being done canbeconfigured as well as the kind of reminder.When a plant was given water it can be marked as watered. Thenumberof days until next watering will be set to the wateringperiod andthe plant will be sorted in again.The same way a plant can be marked as fertilized.Features:* Different kinds of notification** notification sound configurable** 4 different vibration modi** entry in notification bar* Configurable daily notification time (you will only benotifiedif there are plants needing water)* Fertilizing reminder: If needed it's possible to enableareminder that notifies if plants are needing fertilizer.* Bothering mode bothers you until the plants are markedaswatered (or the bothering mode is disabled)** Enabled either globally for all plants or for singleplantsonly** Bothers only whan plants needing water. Does not botherwhenfertilizer is needed.** Bothering interval is configurable* Very good overview** Plant images from camera or from saved photos** Every plant can be named** Exact location may be provided** Exact input of watering and fertilizing intervals(unlimitednumber of days)** Time until next watering and fertilizing can be given andchangedat any time* Beautilful clean Interface in Material Design.* Optimized for Android 4 and 5.This app is still in development. If you encounter problemspleaseinform me.Ideas and suggestions for improvements are always welcome. Theywillbe implemented in a later version if possible.
Waterbot: Plants watering + Ga 2.0.0
Nikola Kosev
Track houseplants in your home and water them on time.
Indoor Plants 2.8
Indoor plants caress our souls. Our house festivities, ourjoysource sometimes. If you want to grow indoor plants in yourhome,our indoor plants app is for you. Download the app now andenjoyour indoor plants. - Indoor plants can pictures wallpaper onyourphone or tablet. - Indoor plants pictures, can send to yourfriendsto, you can share in a social environment.
Garden Manager : Plant Alarm 1.8.3
'Garden Manager' app is an essential gardening tool to save time.
GreenSnap - Plant and Flower
DAITO Co.,Ltd.
\ Google Play "2016 Best Application -BestDesign Application Division" Winner! /What is GreenSnap (Green Snap)SNS application where plantsandflower lovers gather. There are 2,000nicepictures everyday. Over 800,000 copies havebeenposted. You can also retrieve how to nurture andnameimmediately.I can do something like this○You can judge the name ofaplant with photos!Just take a picture of a plant whose name you do not understand!Theapplication will automatically tell me the names of plantsandflowers.○You can search how to grow in plant books!It is easy to investigate the method of raising plants andfeatures,plants sunshine, fertilizer and watering in the plant mapbook inthe application.○My own plant album!You can record photos of plants you posted in My Album. Let'skeepgrowing records by fixed point observation, manage names ofplantsthat we just bought and do not want to forget with tags,let's makeyour own plant album.○Find fellows who like plants · flowers!With "Like" or "Comment", beginners can easily interact.○Always held! Plant-themed photo contest!From the seasonal flowers to the most popular succulent plantsandbizarre plants (Bizarre plants), plants theme photo contestsareconstantly holding, so you can meet various plants.○To see how to decorate plants andarrangeflowers!There are plenty of reference on arranging concern such asfleshyplanting, flower gathering, gardening at a narrowveranda.○Updated every day! I can read column specializedinplants!How to grow plants, tips for planting, up to trivia aboutflowers.An article that becomes a reference for foliage plants,succulentplants, gardening is updated everyday.○Reach every day! Today's flowerWe will deliver 'Today's flower' with flower language everymorningnotice.Recommended for those who like plants · flowers○I want to knowthename and how to raise it○I want to decorate it more fashionable○I'd like to find a recipe for arranging, such assushiplanting○I want to leave growth record○Plants · flower friends Feel free to talk○I want to be healed with nice pictures【Past holding contest theme】- Your bragging succulentphotocontest- Rare plant photo contest- Photo contest of 'Plants that color life'- Daily life contest with DIY + GREEN- photo contest for foliage plants in your room- The appeal of Succulent plants! Photo Contest- Plant Halloween Arrange Photo Contest- Autumn color garden photo contest- Green X'mas Photo Contest- Photo contest with Japanese beauty and plants- Green contest for coloring kitchen tables- Green contest for decorating the wall- A window with a green window photo contest- Succulent Spring Colored Photobucket Photo Contest- Boasting foliage plant photo contest- Enjoy the rainy season Hydrangea photo contest- Photogeneric plants that can be eaten! Home garden gardenphotocontest- Your favorite plant photo & episode contest- Enjoying a life like a cafe Book Green Contest PhotoContest- Enjoy the Terrarium Photo Contest- Plant Hanging Photo Contest- Airplants Photo Contest
Vegetable Gardern Ideas 1.0
You may have been pondering how toplanavegetable garden, if you want fresh vegetables this year.Youdonot have to restrict yourself to the customarystraightorderlyrows. There are other options available. You canunleashyourcreativity and construct a container or raised bedgarden.Youcould even make a more formal flower type bed and fillitwithplant life which produces vegetables as an alternativetoflowers.Sublime SimplicityTidy rows are the first step in thelong-establishedconventionalvegetable garden. A specific vegetableis dedicated toeach row. Anorth to south orientation, whenpossible, is usuallyrecommended.To easily reach the rows you shouldtill the soil andmake it level.This makes it easier to reach theweeds in the rowsand tend to theplants other needs. For largervegetable gardensyou may wish to addwalkways so that you do notstep on plantstending to the garden.Remember to plant your rowsacross a slopeto keep the seeds frombeing washed away. It also aidsthe rootgrowth.Spice it upWhen you begin planning the layout of your garden, youmayperhapsthink about making use of a raised bed as a substitutetothe tidyrows of conventional gardens. The raised bed systemusesblocks forplanting. In addition to the unique look thissystemtakes up lessspace. Another benefit this type of garden isthat itis off of thelocal dirt. Tending to the needs of yourgarden ismuch easier. Yourknees and back will thank you also. Allyou needare some old bricks,a few cinder blocks, or maybe leftovertimbers to build up yourraised bed vegetable garden.Flair is GoodKitchen gardens have a bit more eye appeal. If you areagardenerthat likes a bit of flair you might consider this typeofgarden.Kitchen gardens usually mix vegetables and herbs intoasmallerspace as close as practical to the kitchen. Mostkitchengardens setthe plants into geometric patterns between thestonesor bricks thatform the paths. This makes the kitchengardensprettier than moretraditional gardens. Some kitchen gardensevenhave well trimmedsurrounding them. Picture some bright redhuedlettuce mixed withcurly parsley set against a backdrop oflatticecovered with peasand beans. Add a few marigolds, which keepbugsat bay, and you havea wonderfully whimsical garden thatretainsits true function.Still More OptionsBe a little flexible and you will find an assortmentofoptionsavailable to layout your garden. The beauty is intheflexibility.Consider your lifestyle, the space you have, andtheamount of timeyou will invest in your garden. A four squaregarden(one that isrectangular with a central focal point, like astatue)or anasymmetrical garden (one that has no defined rules) maybeotheroptions for you to consider.
Plant A Tree 2.0
Tohle Solutions
Plant A Tree is simple app focusedonplantingtrees throughout the world.Features of Plant A Tree.1. Plant A Tree ! Mark it ! Share it with the world.2. Take selfies with your trees.3. Set reminder for watering !!!4. See who and where people is planting trees.5. Make a album or history with your trees.Keep Planting and Save Tree Save Life.
Parrot Flower Power
Parrot SA
Enjoy gardening without constraints thankstoParrot Pot and Parrot Flower Power, connected objects dedicatedtomaintaining your plants.Parrot Pot is a connected pot that helps you keep yourplantshealthy. It incorporates an intelligent watering system andfoursensors that continuously analyse your plant's needs.With the Parrot Flower Power application, you can monitoryourplants' development every day. Additionally, you can access avastdatabase packed with information on your plant's maintenanceandcharacteristics.A free dedicated Application*Download the Parrot Flower Power Application onyoursmartphone/tablet to enjoy comprehensive monitoring of yourplant'shealth: light, temperature, level of fertilizer andsoilmoisture.Enabling notifications allows you to receive a real-time alertinthe three following cases:- low water tank level (only for Parrot Pot),- low soil moisture content- low battery level.Database with over 8,000 plantsOver 8,000 varieties are listed in the Parrot database.In the application, you will find expert advice written bytopinternational botanists. This customised advice helps youoptimiseyour plant's growth.You can also freely browse the database to discover newvarietiesand learn how to care for your plants with tips and trendson theirmaintenance (sunshine, fertilizer, watering, etc.).SuggestionThe Parrot Flower Power application helps you choose a plantthatwill be perfectly suited to your environment. To do this,yousimply geotag yourself and indicate the level of sunlight(shade,half shade, full sun). In addition, you can consult the listofplants suited to your environmental settings according topresetcategories:- Indoor plants- Flowering plants- Orchids and original plants (Parrot Flower Power only)- Fruit and vegetables- Outdoor plants- Trees, shrubs and bonsai (Parrot Flower Power only)- Decorative leafy plants- Cacti and succulents- Wellness plantsReal-time managementWhen you are near your Parrot connected object (Pot orFlowerPower), check, in real-time, the light intensity,ambienttemperature, soil moisture and level of water in the ParrotPot'stank.Watering modesYou also have the option of selecting the Parrot Pot wateringmodesuited your needs:- Perfect Drop: automatic watering system to ensure yourplant'soptimum daily growth. This watering mode is selectedbydefault.- Plant Sitter: automatic watering system guaranteeing up toonemonth of autonomy for your holidays.- Manual: manual watering of your plant. Your plant'sautomaticwatering system will be turned off.- Custom: Customised configuration of the automaticwateringsettings for your plant.Bluetooth SmartThe data collected by your Parrot connected object (Pot orFlowerPower) are sent to your smartphone or tablet thanks toBluetoothLow Energy wireless technology (Bluetooth v4.0), whichallows it tocommunicate with Bluetooth Smart Ready devices. Thisstandard isenvironmentally friendly due to its low energyconsumption.The Parrot Flower Power application is compatible with devicesthathave a Bluetooth® Low Energy connection:Android version 4.4 and aboveCheck compatibility on www.parrot.com* A Parrot Pot or Parrot Flower Power is required to monitorthehealth of your plants. List of sales outlets availableonParrot.com