16 Похожие Offline Mobile Data Collection

Collect - Data Collection Tool 1.3.0
SocialCops Collect is a mobile datacollectiontool that lets organizations collect data on a real-timebasisusing Android phones instead of time consuming paper-basedsurveys.With Collect – creating a mobile survey is as easy as typinganemail. By using our web dashboard allows you to createmultipletypes of questions, assign skip logic, create sectionlayout &easilypublish them on mobile devices.Our Android App works in multiple languages, in the absenceofinternet and allows field staff to capture information inmultipleformats – videos, audio, photos, text, location based(GPSenabled), numerical and multiple choice questions.Some of our features include: Upload questionnaires from excel directly to build a form Select records from database to track progress Works offline – Collect data without internet connectivity Save responses as drafts to resume data collection later Media questions (Photo, & Audio inputs) GPS based location tracking Supports table based responses Multiple levels of skip logics & conditions Supports local languages Multiple surveys under an organization Speech-to-text Handwriting recognition Download data in real-timeOver 120+ partners are using Collect to automate and improvedatacollection processes such as:a. Baseline, Midline & End line Surveysb. Impact Assessmentc. Tracking & Monitoringd. Customer feedbacke. Market researchf. Supply chain management & LogisticsBy Using Collect, we saved about 10 minutes per householdsurvey.For our survey of 8000 households, this translated to 80000minutesof time. – Prakash Bhat, SCOPE Dharwad‘An average household survey on paper took us 40 minutestocomplete. We’re able to do it in under25 minutes using Collect’ – Nirmala devi, field staff,TataTrust"Tracking data that solves problems is the mission they are on"-Economic TimesUse the web dashboard to create your survey on Collect here:www.collect.socialcops.orgFor help on how to use dashboard and the app, pleasevisitwww.socialcops.zendesk.comDownload the app now to start taking responses!About the CompanySocialCops (www.SocialCops.com) is a mission driven datacompanywhich builds solutions to impact better decision making. Wewere onthis year’s Forbes 30 and Fortune 40 lists. Our work attheintersection of technology, data and impact has won usaccoladesglobally including from the United Nations, Microsoft andIBM.
ODK Collect
Open Data Kit
ODK Collect is a replacement for paperformswith support for geo-locations, images, audio clips, videoclipsand barcodes, as well as numerical and textual answers. ODKCollectcan evaluate complex logic to control the display promptsand toimpose constraints on their responses; it also supportsgroups ofrepetitive questions and data collection inmultiplelanguages.ODK Collect is designed to work out of touch with a cellularnetwork/ Wi-Fi during the data collection effort. Once back in thenetworkcoverage, the completed forms can be copied out of thedevice orsent to a server (you control) for analysis.ODK Aggregate is a free server. ODK Collect can use ODK Aggregatetodownload the form definitions and receive completed forms.ODKAggregate can generate CSV files or publish data inGoogleSpreadsheets, Google Fusion Tables and elsewhere. There is arobustuser community and many companies that can provide assistancetoorganizations deploying surveys based on ODK.Go to https://opendatakit.org for more information.
Mobile Data Collection
GIS Cloud
GIS Cloud Mobile Data Collection is a toolforweb and mobile devices which allows you to collect data inrealtime, with custom designed forms, work in offline modeandmore.Collect field data and conduct field surveys faster and easierthanever before.Simply sign in with your GIS Cloud account (or sign up for free)andsend collected data directly to your GIS Cloud app inthecloud.You can customize your data forms to include photos and audioaswell as standard text, number, or choice inputs.Couple this mobile app with the MDC Portal web apponhttp://mdc.giscloud.com and have your team out and about inaquarter of an hour!GIS Cloud, powerful next-generation cloud solutions thatmanagegeo-located assets and information.All you need in the field:- Offline data capture- Media (photos & audio) enriched location information- QR code and barcode support- Dropdowns, lists, input boxes and comments based oncustomforms- Review data attributes directly in the app- Edit existing data- Listen to audio and view images- Real time GPS location- View and explore maps in the fieldPrepare and analyse in the office:- Cloud based web apps- Custom forms designer- Rich GIS symbology and visualization- Data editing and exporting- One-click map and data sharing- Real time collaboration- Map publishing- Spatial Queries & Analysis- Account administration
Mapit GIS - Map Data Collector
GPS and Map based field's surveys - Mobile GIS, Data CollectionandMeasurements
ArcGIS Explorer
Maps at Your Fingertips
Collector Classic
Accurate Data Collection Made Easy
GeoMobile for ArcGIS 3.2.6
Matt Sheehan
GeoMobile for ArcGIS is a cross platform mobile ArcGIS viewer.Basedon the popular ArcGIS Viewer for Flex, users can load theirown GISmap layers into the app via a Web hosted configurationfile. Theapplication includes a number of mobile GIS toolsincludingannotation/measure, interactive overview map, geo-coder,search,routing and a geolocator. The viewer is highlycustomizable, and canbe extended to include additional mobile GISfunctionality.
Survey123 for ArcGIS 3.13.234
Survey123 for ArcGIS is a simpleform-centricdata collection GIS app. Using your ArcGISorganizational accountyou will be able to login into the app anddownload any forms thatmay have been shared with you. Once a formis downloaded, you willbe able to start collecting data. If workingoffline, yourcompleted forms will be saved locally. When connected,you cansubmit the data back to ArcGIS.Features:• Easy to use: The app has a simple workflow. Download yourforms,fill them out, and submit. Not much to explain so you cangetproductive immediately.• Smart forms: Survey123 for ArcGIS supports sophisticatedformswith advanced types, validation rules and skip logic. Thismakes iteasier for you to collect data with it. Quicker,easier,faster.• Built for ArcGIS: As you submit your data, we make itimmediatelyavailable for analysis and visualization. No datatranslation orcopies are necessary. Whatever you contribute fromthe field isinstantly useful.• ArcGIS identity: The identity you use when logged into theappgives you access to the just the forms that have been sharedwithyou. Using your ArcGIS identity keeps transactions secure andevenlets your organization track the work you do.
ArcGIS Navigator 22.1.0
Get Where You Need to Be
Drum set 20201026
Get the best drums for Android!
GeoMobile for ArcGIS Online 1.4.3
Matt Sheehan
Load your own ArcGIS Online webmaps onyourtablet using GeoMobile for ArcGIS Online. The app extendsthefunctionality of the excellent ESRI mobile app. Not only doesthisapp help to showcase ArcGIS Online, we are actively extendingitfor clients to provide specific mobile GIS workflows.
Snap2Map 1.0.6
Ready to create a Map Tour directly fromthephotos on your device? You got it!Snap2Map is a native android application built by the Esri LabsforArcGIS Organizational users to upload photos directly fromtheirphone or tablet to create an beautiful interactive Map Tourandshare it.Snap2Map uses geo-tag information from the device photosifavailable and allow you to add/modify location information forthephotos selected. You can also add captions and descriptions toeachphoto and upload to create a fully interactive Map Tourwebapplication with just a few simple steps. The app andphotosuploaded are hosted in your ArcGIS Organization.You must be part of ArcGIS Organization and login as "Publisher"or"Administrator" role to create new Map Tours or use thefreeDeveloper Account. This app itself will not consume credits butyoumight be charged credits for storage of photos.About Esri Labs :Snap2Map is an app created by Esri Labs. Esri Labs appsaredeveloped by esri employees and are inspired by ourdirectinteractions with you -- our customers. Esri Labs apps arefree touse but are not official Esri products, so they arenotholistically tested, documented or supported by Esritechnicalsupport.
GIS Mobile - Imperious 1.0.0
'GIS Mobile' is GIS data viewer developed using Flex &ArcGIS.It has all basic functionality that an GIS user neede. Wekeepenhance the application and will add new tools. Pleasesubscribe toour email list and send bug, enhancement request emailsto improvethe product.It has the following functionalities;* Can choose any ESRI basemap* You can add you own operation mapservice* Find can be used on operational layers* Bookmarks manager* Identify ('portrait' displays top feature, 'landscape'displaysall features)* Zoom to find feature from find results* Zoomin, Zoomout, Pan, Full Extent, Zoom Previous, Zoom Next,Clearselection
Asset Data Collection 4.6
The application has been designedforcollectingthe data of assets from the field using handhelddevices(tablets).The application has a very simple yetpowerfulinterface. It hasseveral inbuilt functionality such asBarcode /QRCode reader, TextReader, Positioning using GPS,photographsusing camera, two wayinteraction with server, etc..Theapplication has been designed toassist the field user tocollectdata field of assets (laptop /desktop / printers / scanners/storage / network equipment / serversetc..) in anautomatedfashion instead of paper based datacollection. All thedatacollected is sent live to the server whichis further usedforanalysis purpose.This application is proprietary of Redington andhasbeendeveloped by mObilise app lab llp.
Locus GIS - offline geodata collecting, SHP edits 1.10.1
Asamm Software, s. r. o.
Professional GIS application for offline fieldwork with geodata.Itprovides data collection, viewing, and updating. All itsfeaturesare available above a wide selection of online, offline,and WMSmaps. Fieldwork • offline collecting and updating of fielddata •saving points with current or arbitrary position • creatinglinesand polygons by motion recording • settings of attributes •photos,video/audio or drawings as attachments • guidance topointsImport/Export • importing and editing ESRI SHP files •exportingdata to ESRI SHP or CSV files • exporting whole projectsto QGISMaps • wide range of maps both for online use and fordownload •support of WMS sources • support of offline maps inMBTiles,SQLite, MapsForge, TAR, GEMF, RMAP formats, andcustomOpenStreetMap data or map themes Tools and features •measuringdistances and areas • searching and filtering of data intheattribute table • style editing and text labels • organizingdatainto layers and projects Locus GIS is successfully used in awiderange of industries: • collection of environmental data(ecologicalscanning, tree surveys ...) • forestry management andplanning, •agriculture and soil management • gas and energydistribution •planning and construction of wind farms • explorationof miningfields and location of wells • survey and management ofurbanfacilities • road constructions and maintenance
PinPoint-GIS 2.0.0
PinPoint-GIS is a mobile control utility softwareforSeptentrio/Altus products.