7 Похожие Electric Power and Energy

Puissance dans une résistance 1.0
Un circuit est constitué d'ungénérateurdetension variable, d'une résistance R de valeur réglableetd'uneampoule en série.Un ampèremètre placé en série permet de mesurer le courantIducircuit et un voltmètre placée en dérivation mesure latensionURaux bornes de la résistance.L'ampoule réagit comme une résistance RA = 10Ω.La courbe mesure la puissance P dissipée dans larésistance.L'unitéde la puissance est le Watt (W)P = UR x I = R x I2Quand la tension d'alimentation augmente, I augmente etlapuissancedissipée par R augmente.Quand la valeur de R augmente, I diminue et la puissancedissipéeparR diminue.La résistance réglable R permet de contrôler l'intensitéducourantdans le circuit.Faire glisser les curseurs pour fixer les valeurs de la tensionetdela résistance.A circuitcomprisesavariable voltage generator, an adjustable resistancevalue R andadropping mass.An ammeter connected in series allows the current measuringcircuitIand a voltmeter placed in shunt to measure the voltage URacrosstheresistor.The bulb acts like a resistor RA = 10Ω.The curve measures the power P dissipated in the resistor.Theunitof power is the watt (W)UR = P x R x I = I2When the supply voltage increases, I increases andthepowerdissipated by R increases.When the value of R increases, I decreases and thepowerdissipatedby R decreases.The adjustable resistor R controls the current in thecircuit. Drag the sliders to set the values ​​of voltageandresistance.
Electrical Engineering Pro 3.2
GK Soft
Electrical Engineering Pro
Circuit Solver Pro 6.38
Phasor Systems
Simulate circuits in your web-browserat:http://androidcircuitsolver.com/app.html As I approached mysenioryear for my B.S. in Electrical Engineering, I wanted tocreatesomething that most people hadn't created before, acircuitsimulator! It was about the experience, the learning, andthe thejourney itself. I put together this application to packagemyknowledge in Electrical Engineering to some day helpanotherstudent have an easier time in their scholastic pursuits andinturn teach them about circuits. Circuit Solver is far fromperfectand there are lots of things that could be optimized. Itwillhowever, simulate a majority of linear Circuits and a decentamountof smaller scale Non-Linear Circuits. If this app helps youin anyway, i'd appreciate you spreading the word to help supportmyefforts, Thanks! Think of Circuit Solver as an electroniccircuitboard, you drag your electrical components and place them onone ata time. You hook up some sources and you place some meters toreadthe values. If you need to analyze the waveform, grabsomeelectrical leads and view them with an oscilloscope. There aremanySPICE tools out there for PC such as Multisim, LTSpice, andPSpice.Circuit Solver doesn't compare to their raw power but itisoptimized to run on mobile devices which makes it both portableandeasily accessible to anyone in need of circuit solutions.CircuitSolver strives to verify Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's current andvoltagelaws by creating models that are both stable and efficient.Makecircuit solver your first step in circuit design! DCSimulation: Tosimulate the circuits, a matrix is defined based onall thecomponents inside the circuit. The application solves thecircuitusing matrix manipulations such as LU-Decomposition andmatrixinversion. DC Analysis is completed by writing a series ofnodalequations. The equations are solved simultaneously to obtainaunique solution. Transient Simulation: In transient simulationweuse numerical integration to determine the response ofRLCcircuits. Numerical integration allows for one to solvefordiscrete moments of time and in effect integrate theirresponse.This application only supports the Backward Euler method.NonLinear Simulation: Non linear simulation is used forcomponentssuch as diodes, LEDs, and transistors. The solver firstguesses theapproximate value of the solution and is refined throughthe use ofa Newton-Raphson process. It utilizes linearapproximation topredict the answer through successiveiterations.Built-in-Oscilloscope: Visualize waveforms through theuse of thebuilt in oscilloscope. To use this feature simply linkeither avolt meter or an amp meter to the graph by tapping on themandpressing the eye, in order to view the wave.SavingSchematics/Circuits: Save your circuits on your device touseanywhere you go and at any time. You may also capture screenshotsof the circuits you build. These screen shots are savedlocally onyour device. List of Components: +Resistor +Capacitor+Inductor+Ideal Operational Amplifier +NMOSFET +PMOSFET +PNPBipolarJunction Transistor +NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor +ACVoltageSource +AC Current Source +DC Voltage Source +DC CurrentSource+Square Voltage Source +Triangle Current Source +SawtoothCurrentSource +Triangle Voltage Source +Sawtooth Voltage Source+Amp Meter+Ohm Meter +Volt Meter +Diode +Red LED +Green LED +BlueLED +YellowLED +Orange LED +Wire +Voltage Controlled Voltage Source(VCVS)+Voltage Controlled Current Source (VCCS) +CurrentControlledCurrent Source (CCCS) +Current Controlled Voltage Source(CCVS)+Switch (SPST) +Switch (SPDT) +Ground +Transformer +AND Gate+ORGate +NOR Gate +NAND Gate +Inverter +Potentiometer +XOR Gate+XNORGate +Zener Diode +Push Button (NC) +Push Button (NO)
Passing electricians certifications have never been so easy.
Electronics Lab 2.0.20
Discover new electronics projects and circuits with completedetailsand guides.
Electrical Instrumentation 1.0.3
Engineering Hub
Notes,quiz,blog and videos of electrical instrumentation. Italmostcover all important topics which are indexed chapter wiseChapter 1Measurement 1. Measurement and error 2. Accuracy andPrecision 3.sensitivity resolution 4. Error & Error analysis 5.Effect oftemperature 6. Stray field 7. Hysterisis and Frequencyvariation& method of minimizing them 8. due to shunt connectedandseries connect ed instruments 9. calibration curve 10.Testing& calibration of instruments 11. Theory & operationofballistic galvanometer 12. D'arsonal galvanometer 13.galvanometermotion & damping 14. Definition of analog &digitalinstruments 15. Classification of analog instruments,theiroperating principle Chapter 2 Different types of Ammeter&Voltmeter 1. Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instrument2.Electrodynamometer 3. Hotwire 4. Electrostatic 5. Induction6.Rectifier 7. Ferro dynamic & Electro-thermic 8. Extensionofrange of instruments using shunt & multiplier Chapter3Instrument transformers and Measurement of power 1. Potentialandcurrent transformers 2. ratio and phase angle errors 3.Differencebetween CT and PT 4. Power in AC and DC Circuit5.Electrodynamometer type of wattmeter 6. Low power factor &UPFwattmeter 7. Measurement of power in three phase circuit, one,two& three wattmeter method 8. Measurement of power usingCTs& PTs Chapter 4 Measurement of Energy 1. Single phaseinductiontype energy meter 2. Testing by phantom loading and usingR.S.S.meter 3. Three phase energy meter 4. Tri-vector meter 5.DCpotentiometer standardization 6. application of DC potentiometer7.AC polar type and coordinate type potentiometer Chapter5Miscellaneous Instruments & Measurements 1. Power factormeter2. Single phase and three phase Electro-dynamometer type&moving iron type 3. Vibrating reed 4. Resonance type &Westontype 5. Series Type Ohmmeter And Shunt Type Ohmmeter 6.Megger& Ratio meter 7. Classification of low 8. medium &highresistance Voltmeter 9. Ammeter 10. Wheatstone Bridge 11.Kelvin?sdouble bridge & loss of charge methods forresistancemeasurement 12. Earth resistance measurement 13. B-HCurve
Cherala Apps
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