16 Похожие Love Percent- نسبة الحب

Love Percentage 1.0
Are you sure of your compatibilitywithyourpartner?Or maybe, there is someone out there who could beyourperfectmatch?It's all about communication and negotiation: areas of harmonyintherelationship, fusion of energies and potentialareasoffrictions.Just try it out now with love percentage!An extraordinary tool that gives you the keys toasuccessfulrelationship.It's very simple ! Enter your names to find out moreaboutyourdestiny and compatibility.Do you want to know how much your partner loves you?It is a form of divination technique that givesthecompatibilitybetween names of two people.Use this application to know this.This app will be especially useful on Valentine’s Day, butcanalsoprove itself to be a great love game for parties withyourfriendsor during romantic date.Install the love percentage and start using the lovecalculatortocheck who your best love match is, and who to buy aValentine’sDaygift this year!If you like our app please rate it, comment and give usfeedbackforfurther update, for better application.Thank you!
نسبة الحب بينك وبين حبيبك 0.1
Amine tchico
لعبة نسبة الحب بينك وبين حبيبك من أشهرالعابالحب التي تقوم بإختبار نسبة الحب بينك وبين أكثر واحديحبك.انقر لرمي الحجرة و سوف ترى او ترين نسبة الحبGame proportion oflovebetween you and your lover of the most famous love games thattestthe proportion of love between you and the more onelovesyou.Click to throw the room and you'll see, or do you see theproportionof love
قس حبك ببصمة اصبعك 1.0
Uvriste Inc.
لعبة قس حبك ببصمة اصبعك لعبة حب و رومنسيةرائعةفيها تستطيع قياس نسبة للحب بينك و بين اي شخص و طريقة اللعبةسهلةجدا! لعبة قس حبك ببصمة اصبعك واحدة من اجمل العاب الحب علىالإطلاق!اختبر مقدار الحب بينك وبين حبيبتك عن طريق بصمةاصبعكما!Game priest lovefootprintfinger game great romantic love and which you can measuretheproportion of love between you and any person and the way thegameis very easy! Game priest footprint love your finger and oneof thenicest games absolutely love it! Tested the amount of lovebetweenyou and your sweetheart through the imprint Esbekma!
مقياس الحب الحقيقي بين شخصين 1.0
مقياس الحب الحقيقي 2016 بالعربي تقومبعمليةقياس الحب و التوافق بين شخصينتطبيق مقياس الحب الحقيقي بالاسماء بالعربي , تطبيق مقياس الحبالحقيقيبالاسماء بالعربي كل ما عليكم فعله هو ادخال اسم من تحبوا معادخالاسمكم باللغة العربية لمعرفة نسبة التوافق والحب بينالطرفينمقياس الحب واحدة من اجمل تطبيقات الموبايل مقياس الحب علىالإطلاق!استخدم مقياس الحب من اجل قياس الحب. تطبيق ميزان الحب هيتطبيق مقياسالحب الجديدة كلياً. استمتع باجمل تطبيقات الموبايلالحبتطبيق مقياس الحب الحقيقي بين شخصين من أشهر تطبيقات الموبايلالحبالتي تعطيك نسبة التوافق بينك وبين أكثر واحد يحبكحاسبة الحب او مقياس الحب تقوم بعملية قياس الحب ونسبة التوافقبينشخصين اي نسبة التوافق مع شريكك مثلاً بالاعتماد على اسم كلواحدمنكما. اذا كانت لديك الرغبة في معرفة إذا كان علاقتك مع شخص مايمكنأن تنجح فان حاسبة الحب هذه قد تساعدك على حساب احتمال وجودعلاقةناجحة بين شخصين.هي وسيلة مؤثرة للحصول على انطباع عن فرصة نجاح العلاقة بين شخصين.◄ ملاحظات هامة عن حاسبة الحب او مقياس الحب :- حاسبة الحب تقوم بتقييم التوافق بين شخصين على أساس الأسماء.النتيجةاي نسبة التوافق تترواح ما بين 0٪ الى 100٪. كلما ارتفعت نسبةالتوافقكان أفضل. تذكر انها حاسبة للمعرفة والمرح وانه عندما تجدحقاً من تحبفسوف تشعر بهذا وانت لست بحاجة لاي حاسبة .- نحن لا نقوم بتخزين اسماء او اي معطيات التي تقوم بادخالها ولاايمعلومات عنك في هذا الخصوص◄ المميزات :* التطبيق سهل الإستخدام* يمكن أن يعمل بدون إنترنت* إرسال النتيجة الى شريكك أو مشاركتها مع أصدقائك علىالشبكاتالإجتماعيةجرب التطبيق ولا تنسى تقيمه ^^2016 measure true loveinArabic in the process of measuring and love compatibilitybetweentwo peopleTrue love scale application names in Arabic, true lovescaleapplication names in Arabic All you have to do is enter thename oflove with insert your name in the Arabic language to knowand lovecompatibility between the two parties ratioLove scale and one of the nicest love scale mobile applicationsatall! Love used to measure the scale of love. Love istheapplication of the balance of the application of new lovescaleentirely. Enjoy the warmest love mobile applicationsThe application of a measure of true love between two people ofthemost famous mobile love which gives you compatibility ratiobetweenyou and loves you more than one applicationCalculator love or love scale in the process of measuringtheproportion of love and compatibility between two people ofanyproportion compatibility with your partner, for example,dependingon the name of each one of you. If you have a desire toknow ifyour relationship with someone can love the calculator thismayhelp you succeed on the possibility of a successfulrelationshipbetween two people account. It is an effective means to get an impression of the chanceofsuccess the relationship between two people.◄ important for calculator love or love scale Notes:- Love Calculator evaluates the compatibility of two people basedonnames. The result of any compatibility ratio ranging from 0%to100%. Whenever compatibility ratio was the best rose. RememberitCalculator for knowledge and fun and it's really when you findoneyou love will feel this and you do not need anycalculator.- We do not store the names or any data that you enter noranyinformation about you in this regard◄ FEATURES:* Easy to use application* Can be run without Internet* Send the result to your partner or share with your friendsonsocial networksTry the application and do not forget hosted ^^
لعبة ميزان الحب 1.0
لعبة طريفة و مسلية لقياس نسبة الحب بينكوبينشريكك.. تقوم اللعبة بحساب نسبة التوافق بين حبيبينمحتملينباستعمالاسم الحبيبن حيث تقوم بإدخال اسم الشخص الأول و الشخصالثانيبالحروفالعربية أو اللاتينية لتقوم اللعبة بحساب نسبة التوافقبينالاسمين..توفر اللعبة أيضا إمكانية مشاركة النتيجة علىواتساب،فايسبوك، تطبيقمسانجر، الرسائل النصية.. كما يتميز التطبيقبحجمهالصغير وخفته.مميزات التطبيق:* سهل و بسيط* لا يحتاج إلى اتصال بالأنترنيب* ممتع لكسرالملل مع صديقتك راك فاهم هههاستمتع.Game funnyandentertainingto measure the proportion of love between you andyourpartner .. Thegame calculates the compatibility ratiobetweenlovers potentialusing Alhabibn name where you enter thename ofthe first person andthe second person in Arabic script orLatin toplay the gamecalculates the compatibility ratio betweenthe twonames .. The gamealso offers the possibility to and posttheresult on Atsab,Facebook, Msanjr application, textmessagingapplication alsofeatures .. small size andlightness.Application features:* Easy and simple* Does not need to touch Balonturnab* Fun to Ksralmell with your girlfriend Rak Fahim hahEnjoy.
tester love pro 2016 1.0
Want to check the level oflovecompatibilitywith your partner? Then go with Love TestCalculatorapp. This funfree app will tell you about yourcompatibility levelwith yourloved one.You have a funny application to prank your friends andfamily.Are you in search of true love?That a true and lasting love is based on trust, happinessandrespectfor others.Test it now with this famous appLove tester HalloweenFinding 'the one' may be a want that each individual has. anumberofplace ourselves out there in hopes of finding our truelove,whereassome simply wait to come across it unintentionally.nomatter ourfantasies is also, the ways in which of affectionsquaremeasurene'er clear and even after we do realize somebodyWorldHealthOrganization appears to be the one amongst our dreams,theconstantconcern of losing them and having doubtsconcerningone'srelationship may be a horror.Enter your name, your date of birth, your love mate name,yourlovemate date of birth and you will be surprisedThe Love Calculator app will function a follower and mayguideyouthru these rough patches. It quantifies the standingofyourrelationship and offers recommendation that will assistyouandyour partner in computation things out. On the oppositehand,ithappens to be a recreational app at identical time andso,accuracyof the results isn't secure.There square measure 2 alternative ways during which yourresultsisinferred. It is done either by a fingerprint scan of 2peopleorwith the assistance of their names. the selection is tobecreatedby the user. you'll be able to conjointly share yourresultsonnumerous social networking media and let othersfathomyourhappiness.Share love calculator result with your partner or friendsonsocialnetwork, e-mail and message.This app is just for Entertainment, Results and Graphbasedonlogical expression only...So transfer this app which might be a follower that'llassistyoueventually realize the love of your life.Try it out, and tell your friends. It is a real enjoyment!
Love Meter 1.0
The app provides your love percentagewithyourpartner with a sweet sound effect. Love Meter is for allthosewhothink that they are in love but want to know how true itreallyis.It may not help you find your true love, but it isdesignedtoprovide your loving heart a lot of excitement. The LoveMeter isalove percentage reading tool for Android. The purpose ofLoveMeteris to find the extent of affection between partnersandthereby thelove compatibility of any two people. Enter namesintothe lovemeter or choose from the given list and findthelovepercentage.This love meter can be used any number of times.So,goahead calculate your chances on a successful relationship.Note: The app is just for fun and not intended tohurtanyone'sfeeling.
Love Meter 1.1
Sharp Apptech
Use this application to know the loving accuracy with your partner.
Valentine Fingerprint Love 1.0
Maybe you are wondering if you arecompatiblewith someone. Now you can be near to know the response.You cancheck it with our free application. Check the compatibilitywithsomeone. You can download our app for FREE.It's very easy to use. Just type your names and put yourthumbson the next screen, our app will scan your thumbs. Oursecretalgorithm will find out your compatibility percentage.Rememberthat love is energy and you have to be positive when youare doingthis test. Notice that the position of the moon and thestarsenergy influences with the result. So you can checkyourcompatibility every day!People like this kind of applications. You can have a goodtimewith your friends, hang around with family, boyfriend,girlfriendand so on. It's really funny and is completelyfreeapplication!- What's your compatibility with someone?- Is this the perfect moment to tell someone something?- Do you want to see the compatibility with someone you love?- Do you want to know the compatibility percentagewithsomeone?- Do you want to achieve your dream and be with someoneyoulove?All this things can be possible if you fight by yourdreams.Talking about love it would be to be with someone youlove.Love is an international language. This application isdesignedfor all kind of people.It doesn't matter if you are american, chinese or from othercountryin the world. This free app is for all kind of cultures andpeople.Specially focused for youngest people but anyone can useit.We have done the application with beautiful colors andloveimages and animations. It's nice to see and to play.The wisdom of our algorithm is awesome. He takes intoaccountseveral things before his veredict, yourcompatibilitypercentage.Remember that the results given by this app are based on asecretalgorithms created by us we don't have the love formula butthisresults can help you to make some decisions around yourrelations oryou can feel more confident.Important:We are constantly improving this free application. Ifsomethingdoesn't work or have any suggestions, please send us anemail toasasga1@gmail.combeforequalify negative qualification.We appreciate your participation.
Love Tester Pro 1.0
Proven Digital Web Solutions
Love Tester Pro help you test your Love in Percentage, DownloadandHave fun.
معلومات عن لغة العيون 2016 1.0
بالتأكيد لا يستطيع الجميع قراءة تلكالجملالصعبةالمكتوبة على العيون ولا يستطيع أي فرد أن يحل تلكالطلاسمالمرسومة علىلوحة اسمها العين ..لكن في احيانا كثيره الزوجةتستطيعمعرفة ما إذا كانزوجها يمر بموقف صعب حتى ولو كان محنكاً فيإخفاءمعالم تأثره .. الصديقالعزيز .. والعزيز جداً والمقرب إلىصديقهومنزلة كليهما عند كليهمارفيعة ومتميزة فهنا يعرف أن صديقه غاضبمنه.. الرجل إذا كان بينهما حبمن طرف واحد سيعرف أن من خطبها لاتريده.. والزميل كان بينهما كره (متبادل ) سيعرف أن زميله سيضع هدنةاليوم..!!إذا ماالمشترك في كل هذه المواقف ؟ هي الأحاسيس والمشاعر .. حيثأنآليةالقراءة كالتالي :العيون تلتقي ، تنتقل صورة منسوخة من كل عينين تراها عيناالرائيإلىالعقل ، يفسر العقل بعض المواقف المعروفة كالتقاء حبيبينأوابتعدهماأو رؤية دم ينزف أو .. أو .. ، أما إذا لم يستطع العقلتفسيرما حصلهنا توجد الأحاسيس وهي التي تستطيع تفسير ذلك ..!!– كيف تقرا لغة الجسدالعيون اشكال والوانفهناك العيون الساحرة والخائنة والواثقة والجرئيةومنهاالضعيفةالمتخاذلة والوديعة المتكبرة والعيون التي تنطق بالذاءوالاخرىالتيتدل على الغباء الضعف وهبوط الهمة … الخ فالعين مراةالنفسوالنفسطاقة مشحونة بالفكر والعواطف والاحاسيس والاراء والمواقفوكلهاعناصرتتجمع وترسل التيارات المختلفة لتنطق بها العين في صورلهامعانودلالات وذللك يقال ً انطر الى عيني محدثك تعرف ما يخفيهعنكًفمراقبة العين اثناء الجديث ضرورة فهي تفضح عما يفكر فيهمحدثكأكثرمما تعبر عنه تقاطيع وجهه واشارات جسده وقبل ذلككلماته كما تفضح عن نوع الحميمية الخاصة التي تكنها للشخصالذيتتحدثمعه .Certainly noteveryonecanread those tough sentences written on the eyes and cannotanyindividual to solve those hieroglyphs painted on a plate inhereye..lkn Many times the wife can find out whether her husbandisgoingthrough a difficult situation even though it wasinfluencedbysavvy to hide landmarks .. dear friend .. very dear andclosetohis friend and status both at both the high anddistinguishedHere,knows that his friend angry with him .. man iftheir love ofoneparty will know that speeches do not want .. andcolleaguewastheir hatred of (mutual) will know that his colleaguewillputtruce today .. !!If Maalmstrk in all these situations? Are the sensationsandfeelings.. Since the reading mechanism is as follows:Eyes meet, copied image transmitted from each eye to seetheseerkind of reason, explains the reason some well-knownloversorAptadahma Kaltqa or seeing blood or bleeding positions ..or..,but if the mind could not explain what happened hereanosensations that can interpret that ..!!- How to read body languageEyes forms and colorsThere are charming eyes and treacherous and confidentandoutspoken,including the weak Almtakazlh and deposit arrogantandeyes thatpronounce Balmae and the other that indicatethestupidity ofweakness and decline in vigor ... etc. Eyesmirrorself andself-charged thought, emotions and feelings andopinionsandattitudes energy and all the elements gather and sendthedifferentcurrents to pronounce her eye in her photo glossandsemantics andZllk said Antr interlocutor's eyes to know whatyouhide Monitoringof the eye during Alagdit need to expose whattheythink of theinterlocutor more than reflected in the shape ofhisface and hisbody signals and before thatHis words also expose all rooted in the special intimacythattheperson you are speaking with type.
Toyor al Jannah Songs 2016 3
Ring-Tones Mania
Toyor Al Jannah 2016/2017 in EnglishandArabic, is a collection of the best free mp3 songs and Arabkidsmusic without internet (Anachid Atfal) Anachid dinia andislamia,your chains MBC3 and Spacetoon are in your hands today,ourapplication Account various children’s stories (as storiesjoha),learning songs of ablution, prayer and evocation, baby songsaswell as pedagogical and educational kids songs to teachyourchildren easily and amusing letters alphabets andnumbers.Our application, is a library for not only your children buttheentire family in order to learn the art of behaving, invoke Godasthe Prophet did (SWS), it is a gathering of the best new songswithmusic (taraneem Atfal), cartoons (rousom motaharika), Ramadan,gaza... ..Etc.To take advantage of these childhood music, you need justtodownload for free toyor al jannah, to hear the news of yourtopfavorite singers, especially because these kids and baby songshaveknown a remarkable development actually with the stars of yourtvsuch as: dima bachar, Alwaleed Meqdad, al-Mu'tasim Bilhah,iyadMikdad, jad Mikdad, jana Mikdad, amina karam chihab Chaarani,BaraaOwaied, mourad cherif, layan samih, omar Saaidi andmanyothers.With Toyor Al Jannah, you can update your phone or iPad withthemost popular songs as: alarnab wa ta3lab, ala 3ini,Hamidou,Harami, are Oustad, mama Jabet baby, arra3i lkaddab, Marratala3nawmachina, al3ab Jiran, baghsil wichi, saymin (sas music),gayinaRamadan (without music), an todkhilani rabi ljana,bismillah,batata, binti zghira, are Tayba ... ..Etc.To be sure, download the free application and you will discoverallnewest kid’s music. To request information, please contact usonenamel if below and do not forget to note the application.
مقياس الحب 1.0
مقياس الحببرنامج يقوم بحساب نسبة التوافق بينك وبين حبيبكمقياس الحب هو تطبيق جديد يستخدم خوارزمية قديمة تعودلسنة1132.باستخدامه يمكنك البحث عن الحب الحقيقي الخاص بك ومشاركةنتيجةالخاصبك على شبكة التواصل الاجتماعي .ضع اسمك واسم من تحب واضغط اختبار الحب وبعد ذلك ستحصلعلىحسابالنسبة المئوية من الحب الخاص بك،فقط أدخل أسماء بالنسبة لك وصديقك الاسم واضغط علىالحسابوسترىالنتيجة هل هي جيدة ام لاهذا التطبيق هو فقط خدعة وليس حقيقة هو فقط للتسلية و اللعبLove ScaleThe program calculates the percentage of compatibilitybetweenyouand your loverLove Scale is a new application that uses theoldalgorithmreturns for the year 1132. Using it you can search for your true love andshareyourresult on the social networking. Put your name and the name of love and press thetestoflove and then you'll get a percentage of your loveaccount,Just enter the names for you and your name and clickontheaccount and you will see the result Is it good or notThis application is only a trick and the fact is not onlyforfunand play
Love Percentage 1.2
Byte Lab Apps
Love percentage is only for fun app and don't takeitserious.Checkout what your lover's think about you. Calculatethepercentage oflove to input your name and your's lover'sname.Enjoythe life verynicely with your lover's. Note: 1) Pleaselet me knowif there willany bugs or suggests. 2)Please keep yourapp updatedto the latestversion .In case of any problem pleaseEmail me at:shahimtiyaj94@gmaill.com
Zodiac Love Meter 1.1
Do you want to know who will be your idealandperfect partner? Than download “Zodiac Love Meter”. It tellsyouwhich zodiac partner will be best suited for you. It also tellshowmuch compatibility you both have. These compatibilities are allsetby famous and renowned astronomers. You can even checkyourcompatibility by just entering your name and yourpartner’snames.Search your perfect love with “Zodiac Love Meter” and don’tforgetto rate and review the app.
Love Percentage Calculator 1.8
Sarthak Apps
Check your compatibilty with your loved one! Check YourLovePercentage.