15 Похожие Kuis Cerdas Cermat Anak

Tes IQ & Kepribadian 12
Test your brain's abilities with various puzzle games.
Anak Cerdas 1.4.6
PT. Acer Indonesia
Kini tak perlu khawatir saat si Kecil asyik bermaindengangadgetnya. Aplikasi Anak Cerdas memungkinkan si Kecilbermainsekaligus belajar dengan mudah dan menyenangkan.Fitur-fiturnyamemastikan si Kecil aman saat bersama gadgetnya.Dapatkanrekomendasi aplikasi yang sesuai untuknya. Orang tua pundapatmemonitor aktivitas dan perkembangan belajar anak.Belajar dan bermain makin menyenangkan berkat Anak Cerdas!FITUR UTAMA:• Zona Anak: Memberikan lingkungan bermain dan belajaryangmenyenangkan dan aman bagi si Kecil. Tetap aman saat siKecilbersama gadgetnya, karena si Kecil hanya dapat mengaksesaplikasiyang telah Anda pilihkan.• Latihan Yuk!: Ajak si Kecil latihan di rumah bersama soalyangdisesuaikan dengan materi sekolah nasional usia 6-12 tahun.Kini,Latihan Yuk! juga dilengkapi dengan soal-soal ujiannasional.Temani juga dia untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapiujian.• Mari Bermain: dapatkan ratusan rekomendasi aplikasi untukanakdengan kategori: game, pendidikan & e-book• Laporan Penggunaan: orangtua bisa memantau aktivitas siKecilbersama gadgetnya dan melihat perkembangan belajarnya diLatihanYuk!• Dunia Tekno: info dan pengetahuan seputar teknologi denganbahasayang mudah dicerna• Jelajah Seru: si kecil kini bisa menjelajahi tempat-tempat serudiDunia Anak Cerdas, memecahkan teka-tekinya, dan mendapatkanbadgekeren serta ide liburan seruDownload GRATIS sekarang dan nantikan updatenyasecaraberkala!Kunjungi www.anakcerdas.co.Spesifikasi minimum untuk menginstal Anak Cerdas:1. Minimal versi Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) ke atas2. Tablet dan smartphone Android ukuran 4.7” ke atas3. RAM minimal 512 MB4. Kapasitas penyimpanan di Android minimal 1GB.5. Koneksi internet untuk:a. Aktivasi awal aplikasi/registrasi user dan Loginb. Membaca artikel “Dunia Tekno”c. Browsing dan menginstall “Aplikasi Terpilih”d. Pengiriman Laporan Penggunaan bulanan via emaile. Download updateNow noneedto worry when the little one busy playing withgadgetnya.Intelligent application allows the Little Children playwhilelearning simple and fun. Its features make sure the little onesafewhen with gadgetnya. Get advice on the appropriate applicationforhim. Parents can also monitor the activity of a child'slearningand development.Learning and playing more enjoyable thanks to the SmartKids!KEY FEATURES:• Kids Zone: Provide play and learning environment that is funandsafe for the little one. Stay safe when the little onewithgadgetnya, because the little one is only able to accesstheapplication that you chose.• Exercise Yuk!: Encourage your child to practice at home withthesmall matter of the material that is adapted to nationalschoolsaged 6-12 years. Now, Exercise Yuk! also comes with anational examquestions. Also accompany him to prepare for theexam.• Let's Play: get hundreds of applications recommendationsforchildren with categories: games, education and e-book• Usage Report: parents can monitor activity along theLittlegadgetnya and see the development of learning inpracticeYuk!• Techno World: information and knowledge about technology withaneasily digestible• Roaming Fun: child can now explore exciting places in theWorldSmart Kids, solve the puzzle and get a cool badge andexcitingholiday ideasDownload for FREE now and forward periodically updates!Visit www.anakcerdas.co.The minimum specifications for installing Smart Kids:1. Minimal Android version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) tothetop2. Tablets and Android smartphones sizes 4.7 "to the top3. Minimum of 512 MB RAM4. Capacity of at least 1GB of storage on Android.5. Connection to the internet:a. Initial activation of the application / user registrationandloginb. Reading the article "World Techno"c. Browsing and install "Selected Applications"d. Delivery of monthly usage reports via emaile. Download updates
Kawruh Basa Jawa 2.8
Kawruh Basa Jawa : Knowledge of Javanese language culture
IPS II (6 SD) 1.0
Segala puji syukur kami panjatkankehadiratTuhan Yang Maha Esa atas limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya,sehinggakami dapat menyelesaikan buku Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial untukSekolahDasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah ini.Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial merupakan salah satu mata pelajaranyangmengkaji seperangkat peristiwa, fakta, konsep, dangeneralisasiberkaitan dengan isu sosial. Bagi sebagian orang, IlmuPengetahuanSosial hanya merupakan sebuah mata pelajaran hafalan.Namun, dalamkenyataannya Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial sangat bermanfaatuntukmenghadapi era globalisasi yang menuntut kita selalucermat,tangkas, dan cerdas dalam menghadapinya.Buku Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial ini disusun dan disesuaikandengancara berpikir siswa tingkat sekolah dasar. Materi dalam bukuinitelah disesuaikan dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikandenganbahasa yang komunikatif. Buku ini berisi pernik-pernikdanilustrasi yang menarik untuk dibaca dan dipelajari. Bukuinidisusun dengan konsep menyeluruh agar siswa dapatmengembangkankreativitas belajarnya.Kami berharap buku mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosialinidapat menjadi rujukan dan acuan dalam kegiatan belajarmengajar,serta dapat mengarahkan siswa untuk memiliki sikapdemokratis,bertanggung jawab, dan cinta tanah air. Kritik dan saransangatkami harapkan, agar kedepannya kami dapat membuat karya yanglebihbaik.Praise God we pray tothepresence of Almighty God upon an abundance of His mercy andgrace,so that we can finish the book Social Science for PrimarySchooland Elementary School this.Social Sciences is one of the subjects that examine a setofevents, facts, concepts, and generalizations related tosocialissues. For some people, Social Sciences subjects just arote.However, in reality the Social Sciences is very useful fortheglobalization era that demands we are always careful, agile,andintelligent in the face.Books Social Sciences is structured and tailored to thestudents'way of thinking elementary school level. The material inthis bookhas been adapted by the Curriculum Education Unit withcommunicativelanguage. This book contains trinkets andillustrations areinteresting to read and learn. The book isstructured with acomprehensive concept for students to developcreative learning.We hope that the subjects of Social Sciences can be areferenceand a reference in teaching and learning activities, andcan leadstudents to have a democratic attitude, responsible, andlove ofthe homeland. Criticisms and suggestions are we expected, sowe canmake the future better work.
Buku Panduan Pramuka 6.3
Sejalan dengan zaman era globalisasiyangsemakin canggih ekstrakulikuler Pramuka kebanyakan para siswaatausiswi, mereka enggan untuk memilih ekstrakulikuler Pramukasebagaiorganisasi yang mereka pilih, mereka memilih OrganisasiPramuka itumonoton dan tidak asyik. Organisasi Pramuka itu adalahsalah satuwadah para siswa atau siswi untuk berkreatifitas sesuaidengankemampuannya dan FAKTA-nya Pramuka adalah Organisasi yangmasukseluruh Organisasi seperti : OSIS, PMR, PASKIBRA, CASPALAdanlain-lain.Kenapa saya dapat mangatakan demikian, Pramuka adalahOrganisasiyang memiliki banyak pelajaran didalamnya, Pramukamempunyai systemkerja menyusun dan menginferensi Administrasi, Ilmutentangkesehatan, Ilmu teori dan Praktik baris-berbaris, permainanbegituasyik dan perlu digaris bawahi bahwa Organisasi Pramukasangat eratsekali dengan Alam.In line withtheglobalization era of increasingly sophisticated Scoutsmostextracurricular student or students, they are reluctant tochooseextracurricular Scouts as an organization they choose, theychoosethe Scouting organization monotonous and not fun. TheScoutingorganization is one container of the student or studentsforcreativity according to his ability and FACT-Scout istheorganization that makes the whole organization such as:studentcouncil, PMR, Paskibra, CASPALA and others.Why I can mangatakan Thus, the Scout is the organization thathasmany lessons in it, Scout has a working system collateandmenginferensi Administration, health science, science theoryandpractice marching, the game is so fun and it should bestressedthat the Organization of the Scout very closely withNature.
Kuiz Biologi SPM 2.0.8-beta
Test your mind about biology in the application of this flick.
Kuis Fisika 1.0.0
Soal yang digunakan pada aplikasiinimenggunakan soal FISIKA SMAQuestions used inthisapplication uses about PHYSICS SMA
Tes IQ Indonesia 2.1
Blacx Knights
Tes IQ IndonesiaAnda Hanya Merlu Melihat, amati, perhatikan, lalu jawabsesuaipersepsi fikiran anda sendiriKecerdasan atau yang biasa dikenal dengan IQ dalambahasaInggris: intelligence quotient adalah istilah umum yangdigunakanuntuk menjelaskan sifat pikiran yang mencakup sejumlahkemampuan,seperti kemampuan menalar, merencanakan, memecahkanmasalah,berpikir abstrak, memahami gagasan, menggunakan bahasa,danbelajar. Kecerdasan erat kaitannya dengan kemampuan kognitifyangdimiliki oleh individu. Kecerdasan dapat diukur denganmenggunakanalat psikometri yang biasa disebut sebagai tes IQ. Adajugapendapat yang menyatakan bahwa IQ merupakan usia mentalyangdimiliki manusia berdasarkan perbandingan usia kronologis.apikasi ini bisa untuk perbandingan tes kepribadianpsikologi,tes kepribadian, atau tes kejiwaanIQ tests IndonesiaYou Only Merlu Look, observe, note, and responsible accordingtothe perception of your own mindIntelligence or commonly known in English IQ:intelligencequotient is a general term used to describe the natureof the mindwhich includes a number of capabilities, such as theability toreason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly,comprehend ideas,using language and learning. Intelligence isclosely related tocognitive abilities possessed by individuals.Intelligence can bemeasured using psychometric tools are commonlyreferred to as IQtests. There are also suggestions that IQ is amental age of humanbeings based on the comparison of chronologicalage.This apikasi able to compare psychological personalitytests,personality tests, or psychiatric assessments
English For Kids 1.0
***** English For Kids - Educate Your ChildInA Different Way *****Educating a child is the foremost responsibility of theparents.If proper learning does not happen, it might hamper thefutureprogress of the child. The world is highly competitive andhenceyou have to enable your children to compete successfullyamidst theprevailing competition. We all have heard that people saythat thebase education of the kid is very important. So, let’s doit in themost interesting way.English For Kids is a wonderful app, which will impartusefulinformation to all the kids. In the world of today, it isveryimportant for every individual to learn English. So, don’tyouthink that it is a great idea to start learning English as soonaspossible for a kid?The app has 25 lessons subdivided into popular categoriestakenfrom closing life’s children:+ Alphabet+ Bird+ Flower+ Fruit+ Insect+ Number+ Pet & Farm+ Playground+ Season & Weather+ Sea Animal+ Shape & Color+ Vegetable+ Fruit+ Wild Animal+ Occupation 1+ Occupation 2+ Occupation 3+ People and Relationship+ Bathroom+ Bedroom+ Dining room+ Kitchen+ Trucks**** MAIN FEATURES ***_ Study major English with illustration, clear andlovelypictures. Learning English with image corresponding withword’smeaning is the easiest and fastest way for children tounderstandand remember._ English For Kids will improve the vocabulary and pronunciationofthe children in Native American English. Practicepronunciationcorrectly as soon as possible for kids is reallyimportant inlearning English._By touching the screen, the audios can repeat various timebytouching once on screen_ After spending some time learning the new words, yourchildrenwill have some funny quizzes to revise the lesson: 4 photoswill bedisplayed on the screen and kids just need to find thecorrect oneby listening to the audio._Beside learning vocabulary, there are quizzes which helpchildrenreview the lesson. 4 photos will be displayed on thescreen, kidsonly need to find the correct picture which iscorrelative withaudio_Moreover, children will have fun with simple games. There isarange of letters with random arrangement, and the role ofyourchildren is ordering those into a meaning word followingthepronunciation. This game will help your child remember deeplynewwords.Get the app and let’s get started with the beautiful journeyofleaning something new each day for your child.If you thing this app is useful. Please help us to rate, likeandshare my Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/mobileLifeApp
Kids Alphabet-Quiz Game 1.02
kids alphabet-quiz game is an education appforkids.Through this kids can learn alphabet and then attempt quiz.Kids alphabet speak letter.Awesome and cool graphics for kids and toddlers.Game Features:* Kids learn alphabet from A to Z with pronunciation sound* Kids learn alphabet with words.* For repeating letter and word tap the Word.
Pembelajaran Matematika SD 1.0
Di Indonesia ini, kurikulumseringberganti-ganti. Ini membuat para pengajar harus mengikutikurikulumyang sudah ditetapkan dan menyampaikan pelajaran sesuaidengankurikulum yang sedang berjalan. Tetapi para pengajar seringkalibelum menguasahi kurikulum yang sedang berjalan. Oleh karenaitu,untuk mempermudah pengajar mengetahui struktur kurikulum 2013makadibuat Aplikasi khusus Android yang dapat membantu parapengajarmemahami matematika dengan sistem kurikulum yangsedangberjalan
Cerdas Alkitab Plus Songs 22
Cerdas Alkitab Plus Songs
IBPS Bank Exam Prep 2.13
Sana Edutech
IBPS Bank Exam preparation app from Sana Edutech
Pintar Matematika SD Kelas 4 1.7
Applications clever math quiz for elementary school childreningrade 4, based elementary curriculum
Belajar UN SD Kurikulum 2013 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang UN SD sesuaidenganKurikulum 2013.Dalam aplikasi ini disediakan Kompetensi Inti (KI) danKompetensiDasar (KD) setiap mata pelajaran beserta Materi setiapKompetensi.This application contains the curriculum according to the UNSD2013.In this application provided Core Competency and theBasicCompetency of each subject matter along with anycompetency.This applicationcontainsthe curriculum according to the UN SD 2013.In this application provided Core Competence (KI) and theBasicCompetency (KD) of each subject matter along with anycompetence.This application contains the curriculum According to the UNSD2013.Provided in this application and the Core CompetencyBasicCompetency of each subject matter along with anycompetency.