1 Похожие الأذكار

اذكار المسلم اليومية(2016) 2.0
Must app
الكتاب كامل بجميع الأحاديثحصن المسلميعد هذا الكتاب من أشهر كتب الأذكار رواجاً بين المسلمين،نظراًلسهولةحفظه وصحة معظم الأحاديث فيهNow Full Book With Every Dua's (supplications)Hisn AlMuslimFortress of the Muslim, Invocations from the Quran and Sunnah:isavery beautiful booklet consists of manyauthenticDua's(supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a dailybasisand onspecial occasions.-- كتاب كامل --- تم إعادة التصميم والبرمجة من الصفر- أندرويد من 1.6 ومافوق- يمكن نقل البرنامج إلى المساحة الخرجية-- Full Book --- Reworked interface and recoded- Now you can share page to social networks apps- Added Favorite with the ablity of backup and restore- Run from android 1.6 and above- App to SDCardKeyword:Thiker islamic islam athkar allahكتاب ذكر اسلام أذكار الله مسلمبعد هذا التطبيق سنتطرق ان شاء الله الى:قصص الانبــــياء ـبدون انترنتـقصص الأنبياء كاملة بدون انترنتقصص الصحابة كاملةقصص اسلامية رائعةسيرة الصحابة والتابعينكتب اسلاميةصحيح البخاري كاملاجميع الأحاديث النبوية الشريفةالأحاديث القدسية مع الشرحرياض الصالحين مع الشرح المبسطصحيح مسلم كاملاBook fullofallconversationsFortress of the MuslimThis book is written from months Adhkaar popular amongMuslims,dueto the ease and save the health of mostconversationsinwhichNow Full Book With Every Dua's (supplications)Hisn AlMuslimFortress of the Muslim, Invocations from the Quran and Sunnah:isavery beautiful booklet consists of manyauthenticDua's(supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a dailybasisand onspecial occasions.- Full - book- The re-design and programming from scratch- Android 1.6 and above- The program can be transferred to the space Kherjah- Full Book -- Reworked interface and recoded- Now you can share page to social networks apps- Added Favorite with the ablity of backup and restore- Run from android 1.6 and above- App to SDCardKeyword:Thiker islamic islam athkar allahBook said Islam Muslim Remembrance of GodAfter this application, God willing we will look to:Stories of the Prophets without InternetStories of the Prophets complete without InternetFull companions StoriesIslamic wonderful storiesBiography of companions and followersIslamic booksBukhari fullAll the HadithDivine conversations with explanationRiad righteous with simplified explanationTrue full Muslim