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Zindagi Forever Radio 1.0
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Hindi Christian Songs 1.3
Padma Teju
This App has an excellent collectionofHindiChristian songsLet your phone praise the Almighty everytime you listenfromthisappA buzz that will capture the attention of everyone aroundA melodious method to praise the LordLet the Christian spirit in you show up with theselovelyHindiChristian songs
Jesus Audio Songs 1.1
Keybo Studios
Jesus Audio songs : FreeOfflineAudioSongs.Free Jesus of Nazareth Songs for Children withAudioAvailableOffline Only for You.This App includes beautiful and popular English Jesussongsforparents, teens, elderly, kids and toddlers for praisingJesusandworshiping our Lord.You can use this app anywhere, even in Church,withouttherequirement of an Internet Connection.We hope that this great collection of audio songs willinspireyouand encourage you to spread the love, courage andperseverancethatyou gain after listening these prayers.Features:NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED.FREE of Cost.Hassle free Streaming.Pause and Play the Audio.Thank you for downloading this app. We hope that you like it.2016 Keybo Studios.
Hindi Christian Radio 2.0
P Daniel Karthikeyan
Hindi Christian Radio, HindiChristianSongs,Hindi Christian Sermons, Hindi Church, Hindi Songs,HindiMusic,Hindi Churches, Hindi Christian Radio is an internet orwebbasedChristian radio. Hindi Christian Radio broadcastsliveHindiChristian programs, Songs, Sermons, Interviews andHindiChristianmusic.
Just Jesus Radio 1.0
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Christmas Telugu Songs 1.4
Christmas is an annualfestivalcommemoratingthe birth of Jesus Christ, observed mostcommonly onDecember 25 asa religious and cultural celebration amongbillionsof peoplearound the world. A feast central to theChristianliturgical year,it is prepared for by the season of Adventor theNativity Fast andinitiates the season of Christmastide,whichhistorically in theWest lasts twelve days and culminates onTwelfthNight; in sometraditions, Christmastide includes anOctave.Christmas Day is apublic holiday in many of the world'snations, iscelebratedculturally by a large number of non-Christianpeople, andis anintegral part of the holiday season.The celebratory customs associated in variouscountrieswithChristmas have a mix of pre-Christian, Christian,andsecularthemes and origins. Popular modern customs of theholidayincludegift giving, completing an Advent calendar orAdventwreath,Christmas music and caroling, lighting a Christingle,anexchangeof Christmas cards, church services, a special meal,andthedisplay of various Christmas decorations,includingChristmastrees, Christmas lights, nativity scenes,garlands,wreaths,mistletoe, and holly. In addition, several closelyrelatedandoften interchangeable figures, known as SantaClaus,FatherChristmas, Saint Nicholas, and Christkind, areassociatedwithbringing gifts to children during the Christmasseason andhavetheir own body of traditions and lore. Becausegift-giving andmanyother aspects of the Christmas festival involveheightenedeconomicactivity, the holiday has become a significantevent and akeysales period for retailers and businesses. Theeconomic impactofChristmas is a factor that has grown steadily overthe pastfewcenturies in many regions of the world.While the month and date of Jesus' birth are unknown,bytheearly-to-mid 4th century, the Western Christian ChurchhadplacedChristmas on December 25, a date later adopted intheEast,although some churches celebrate on the December 25 oftheolderJulian calendar, which, in the Gregoriancalendar,currentlycorresponds to January 7, the day after theWesternChristianChurch celebrates the Epiphany. The date ofChristmas mayhaveinitially been chosen to correspond with the dayexactlyninemonths after the day on which early Christians believedthatJesuswas conceived, or with one or more ancientpolytheisticfestivalsthat occurred near southern solstice (i.e.,the Romanwintersolstice); a further solar connection has beensuggestedbecause ofa biblical verse identifying Jesus as the"Sunofrighteousness".