22 Похожие Serenity Relaxation

Serenity Massage 1.0.5
On Demand Pte. Ltd.
Serenity Massage is an on-demandmassageservicein Bangkok for ladies, by ladies that lets you enjoyahigh-quality,safe and convenient massage experience inthecomforts of your ownhotel room.Make a booking via our app and our Serenity MassageTherapistwillbe there in as little as an hour or as long as up toa monthinadvance if you’d like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.We offer three types of massages – Foot massage, ThaimassageandOil massage.Choose the Serenity Massage you like and the lengthofthemassage. You can choose to combine up to a maximum of2differenttypes of massage if you want.Then select the date, time and finally place and wewillmatchyour request with one of our Serenity MassageTherapists.Have any special requests or needs? Leave a note foryourSerenityMassage Therapist in the app and it will be takencareof.Once the appointment is confirmed, we will immediately sendyouanin-app notification with your Serenity Massage Therapist’snameandphoto and subsequently notify you when she has arrived.All our Serenity Massage Therapists aremeticulouslyandtirelessly screened and verified for their massageexperienceandfinally certified by the Serenity Team to ensure thesafety ofourclients and that our clients enjoy the highestofservicestandards.For more information, please visitwww.serenityservices.asiaoremail us athello@serenityservices.asia.
Relax Melodies P: Sleep Sounds
Ipnos Software
Sleep problems? Insomnia? Personalizedwhitenoise, sleep sounds and meditation can help you fallasleep!Take back control of your sleep with Relax Melodies, themostpopular sleep app featured in People magazine, Mashable andmanymore. Download the app, mix sounds, add a meditation and enjoyfullnights of sleep like you haven’t in a long time!All the tools needed for falling asleep:* 108 sleep sounds, white noise & melodies you can mix tocreateunlimited ambiences* Five-day meditation programs to reach specific sleep goals:- Light Sleep- Stress & Anxiety- Dream- Deep Sleep (coming soon!)- Nap (coming soon!)- 15 SOS insomnia sessions for immediate help- New content added monthly, including sounds* 6 different brainwaves frequencies to enable you reachspecificrelaxation state. Binaural beat & isochronicssoundsavailable.Sleep easily, wake-up refreshed and improve your life ineveryaspect. Even your baby will have a better night!Need help with the app or meditation?E-mailsupport@ipnossoft.comEula: http://www.ipnossoft.com/eula
Nature Sounds for Sleep 1.96
Nature sounds app with calming sounds for sleep, relaxingandmeditation
5 Minute Relaxation
Olson Applications Ltd
5 Minute Relaxation - Voice guidedmeditationsto give you a relaxed feeling of peace and calm fast -perfect forstress relief and insomnia.Do you feel stressed and anxious? Do you crave a moment of peaceandrelaxation? Then download this app and feel calmer and morerelaxedin just 5 minutesFeatures:A combination of vocal guidance, soothing music and relaxingsoundsto create a calm journey into peace and tranquility.Don't think you have time to relax? Every session takes just5minutes from start to finish - ideal for short breaks intheworking day.Want to relax before you drift off to sleep? Set the apptoautomatically guide you to sleep .Beautiful imagery helps you feel calmer from the moment you opentheapp.The easy way to escape the stresses of modern life -downloadnow!
Deep Sleep Relaxation Therapy 1.2
Deep Sleep By Relaxation Therapy Home By The Sea 46 minutes ofpuresleep music
Relaxing Music Melodies Free 3.0
Online music application RelaxingMusicMelodies with music storage system is placed onpowerfulservers, with many of the natural melody,piano,melancholic,vacation, relaxation, spa, relaxing, relax,meditation,meditating, relaxation music, meditation music,sleepsound , etc ..soothing music .., The most amazing tunes that wehave synthesizedmelody But this will help you easily get a deepsleep because themusic helps us reduce stress, especially the musicof nature. It'sgreat when you can hear the music very convenientand especiallyit's free!The application is very simple, with only one main view, butitcovers the full range of features, maximum support totheusers!Music used in the application is removed from the onlinemusicserver down!Our music is synthesized and selected carefully from melody,sound... how the listener feel the most comfortable possible. Thegentlemelodies, gentle, quiet and charm of this book comes fromnature,the other melodious (Melodies ).Effects while listening to relaxing music:* Relaxing Music Melodies, meditation and relaxation* Melancholic,vacation, relaxation, spa, relaxing,relax,meditation, meditating, relaxation music, meditationmusic,* Easily drill deep to sleep.* Reduce stress and fatigue.* Creating a sense of calm, pleasant.* Help your mind, think smarter.* relax melodies, relaxing sounds, relax and sleep* relaxation music for sleep stress and anxiety, rest andrelaxationmusic* relaxing music for sleeping, relaxing sounds for sleeping,sleepsounds, sleep music sleep deeply* And many other benefits of the Melodies that you cannotimagine.The player has the following features:- The application interface is designed very simple, easy to useforlistening to your music, suitable for everyone.- The application runs in the background music, so the musicthatyou absolutely can be used in combination with the games,otherentertainment,- The default mode of application development will continue toplaythe next song.- Continuously Repeat 1 song or songs randomly run- Automatically detects the entire order list or random turn.- Automatically pauses when a call comes in: You cancontinuelistening later.- In the top right corner of the application window menu.Itincludes some special features of us.* Use our app daily to tunes seductive, soothing,melodious,lively music will help you reduce stress and fatigueafter a longday at work. Do not forget to share this app to yourfriends!* We hope this app will bring you comfort and more usefultoyou.* We are looking forward to your comments on the application.Forour applications increasingly better and develop more suitableforeveryone!* Special thank you for using our application. Allcommentsplease send to our email or you can also commentimmediately in thecomment section below!
Singing Bowls Relaxation Sleep 1.0
Singing Bowls Relaxation & Sleep 48 minutes Best Seller AudiobyeMorphiX
Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson
Put on your headphones and drift to sleepwiththis relaxing guided meditation intended to clear your mindandenable you to get deep restful sleep. Thousands of people haveusedAndrew Johnson's apps on the iPhone and Android to improveandenhance their lives. Try this app to beat insomnia and get agoodnight's rest.
Sleep Cycle: Sleep Tracker
Sleep Cycle AB
Sleep Cycle: Sleep better with smart alarm, snore tracking&relaxing sounds
La Relaxation 1.0
4 exercices de self-help thérapie : 32minutesd’accompagnementJe relaxe le haut de mon corps - 7mn05Je relaxe l'ensemble de mon corps - 7mn41Je relaxe rapidement mon corps - 7mn01Je relaxe progressivement mon corps - 10mn143 vidéos pour comprendre la technique :- Qu’est ce que la détente musculaire progressive ?- Comment pratiquer la détente musculaire progressive ?- Bénéfices de la détente musculaire progressive4 fiches conseil pour bien maîtriser :- Se libérer des tensions- Recommandations et bénéfices de la pratique- Description détaillée des 4 exercices- Docteur Dominique Servant3 tests d’auto-évaluation avec résultats, interprétations etsuivi:-Savez-vous vous relaxer ? (10 questions)-Etes-vous d’un naturel anxieux ? (18 questions)-Etes-vous d’un naturel stressé ? (22 questions)Un apprentissage personnalisable6 diaporamas photos en complément6 thèmes musicaux en accompagnementEn résuméÀ partir de notre application de détente musculaireprogressiveSe libérer des tensions, vous pouvez induire un état derelaxationmusculaire général de l’ensemble de votre corps.L’action directe sur le corps sera pour beaucoup d’entre-vouslemoyen le plus simple d’obtenir un état de relaxation etderessentir des effets de bien-être mental, plus difficiles àobtenirsimplement par la pensée.Le principe repose sur l'existence d'une relation entre l'étatderelaxation et la tension musculaire. Plus vous êtes tendu,moinsvous êtes relaxé. En pratique, vous allez contracter puisdétendresuccessivement différents groupes musculaires. En obtenantainsi unétat de décontraction musculaire, vous agissezindirectement, dansun second temps, sur la tension psychique etémotionnelle pouraboutir à un état de relaxation générale.La relaxation musculaire est l’une des techniques lesplusaccessibles et des plus efficaces.Vous pouvez obtenir cette détente musculaire de deuxfaçons:- la première par action directe en contractant et endécontractantles muscles.- la seconde en induisant la sensation de détente et de calmeparautosuggestion.BénéficesLa pratique régulière de notre application Se libérerdestensions va vous apporter les bénéfices suivants :- Obtenir par la contraction-décontraction un état dedétentemusculaire de l’ensemble du corps.- Réduire les tensions spécifiques du corps :contracturesmusculaires au niveau de la nuque, des épaules, dudos…- Se détendre en un temps de plus en plus court et savoirretrouverun état de détente par la suggestion.- Trouver le sommeil en position allongée.- Utiliser la relaxation musculaire dans la vie de tous lesjourspour agir sur la tension psychique et émotionnelle et pouraboutirà un état de relaxation générale.Apprentissage personnalisableAccessible à tous et personnalisable, notre applicationSelibérer des tensions permet d’aménager votre propre programmederelaxation musculaire en écoutant et en suivant lesrecommandationsdu docteur Dominique Servant, au travers de vidéospour comprendrela détente musculaire progressive, de conseilspratiques pour agirau quotidien, de diaporamas photos etd’accompagnementsmusicaux.Nos différents tests d’auto-évaluation facilitentvotreapprentissage progressif et le suivi de vos progrès.Loin d’être une perte de temps, Se libérer des tensions vous aideàêtre plus en phase avec vous-même au quotidien.Auteur & collaboration scientifiqueDocteur Dominique ServantMédecin psychiatre et psychothérapeute, le docteurDominiqueServant dirige l’unité spécialisée Stress Anxiété au CHRUdeLille.Le docteur Servant est l’un des meilleurs spécialistes françaisdustress et de l’anxiété et il utilise la relaxation depuis 15 ansauCHU de Lille.Il est l’auteur de :- Relaxation : nouvelles approches, nouvellespratiques(Masson)- Relaxation et Méditation. Trouver son équilibre émotionnel(OdileJacob).- Soigner le stress et l’anxiété par soi-même (Odile Jacob).4 exercisesself-helptherapy: 32 minutes accompanyingI relaxed my upper body - 7mn05I relaxed my whole body - 7mn41I relaxed my body quickly - 7mn01I gradually relaxed my body - 10mn143 videos to understand the technique:- What is progressive muscle relaxation?- How to practice progressive muscle relaxation?- Benefits of progressive muscle relaxation4 records council to master:- To release tension- Recommendations and benefits of the practice- Detailed description of the 4 years- Dr Dominique Servant3 tests for self-assessment findings, interpretationsandmonitoring:-Do you relax? (10 questions)-Are you a natural anxiety? (18 questions)-Are you a stressed natural? (22 questions)Customizable learning6 photo slideshows in addition6 musical themes accompanyingIn briefFrom our application of progressive muscle relaxationReleasingtension, you can induce a state of general muscularrelaxationthroughout your body.Direct action on the body will be for many of you the easiest waytoget a state of relaxation means and feel the effects ofmentalwell-being, more difficult to get just by thinking.The principle is based on the existence of a relationshipbetweenthe state of relaxation and muscle tension. More tense youare, theless you are relaxed. In practice, you will contract andrelaxdifferent muscle groups in succession. Thereby achieving astate ofmuscle relaxation, you act indirectly, in a second time onthemental and emotional strain to reach a state ofgeneralrelaxation.Muscle relaxation is one of the most accessible andmosteffective techniques.You can get this muscle relaxation in two ways:- The first by direct action by contracting and relaxingthemuscles.- The second by inducing the sensation of relaxation and calmbyautosuggestion.EarningsThe regular practice of our application Releasing tensionwillbring you the following benefits:- Get the contraction-relaxation in a state of muscle relaxationofthe entire body.- Reduce the specific tensions of the body: muscle spasms intheneck, shoulders, back ...- Relax in a time shorter and shorter and know find a stateofrelaxation by the suggestion.- Find sleep lying down.- Use muscle relaxation in the life of every day to work onthemental and emotional stress and lead to a state ofgeneralrelaxation.Customizable learningAccessible and customizable, our application Releasingtensionallows you to arrange your own program of muscle relaxationbylistening and following the recommendations of Dr.DominiqueServant, through videos include progressive musclerelaxation,practical tips for action daily, photo slideshows andmusicalaccompaniments.Our various self-assessment tests facilitate your learningandprogressive track your progress.Far from being a waste of time, Releasing tension helps you tobemore in tune with yourself everyday.Author & scientific collaborationDr. Dominique ServantPsychiatrist and psychotherapist, Dr. Dominique Servantdirectsspecialized Stress Anxiety at the University Hospital ofLilleunit.Dr. Servant is one of the best French specialists stress andanxietyand it uses relaxation for 15 years at the UniversityHospital ofLille.He is the author of:- Relaxation: new approaches, new practices (Masson)- Relaxation and Meditation. Finding emotional balance(OdileJacob).- Treating Stress and Anxiety by itself (Odile Jacob).
Relaxation Breathing 1.0.4
Agile Sumo
Relaxation Breathing is a deep breathing and relaxation tool.
Relax and Sleep for everyone 5.0.6
The application "Relax and Sleep for everyone" is an effectivetoolfor rapid stress relief in a few minutes, relax and sleepreally.Used to manage anxiety and personal balance, thisapplication is anessential tool for modern life. For all those whoare subjectstress and sleepless because of the many daily tasks,this appprovides relaxation therapy that really works.Our application can be easily integrated into your dailylife.The app will help you to have a focused mind, less stressandbetter Sleep. The more you use, the better your results will beandthe more effective.Allows you to relieve your mental and physical stress. Thankstothe colors of chromotherapy can benefit from theirtherapeuticproperties. In addition to the colors you can selectmore than 40Melodies and sounds to listen to while very relaxingtherapies,transforming your room, your office or the environment inwhich youspend your holidays in a pleasant Living Colours. All thiswithjust one click.Sit back and enjoy the pleasure of relaxing! This applicationispractical and functional because you can take it with you anduseit in any situation with a simple click.Use it also in many other situation such as whileexercising,during your yoga meditation sessions, while massaging,during aquick nap or even to help your baby fall asleep faster!WHAT IS THE APPLICATION?- CHROMOTHERAPY - a full-service spa with colors and soundsthataccompany your moments of relaxation. Sit back in a dark roomandstarts chromotherapy, you'll turn your room into arelaxationcenter. Be accompanied by more than 30 songs chosen foryourphysical and mental well-being.- SOUNDS - a faithful reproduction of the sounds thatnatureoffers us every day. The sounds are accompanied by animatedimagesthat stimulate your well-being and activate the innateprimordialmemory of nature.- REST AND MEDITATION - Binaural tones application hasseveralfunctions that stimulate mental activity, concentration,deepmeditation, Relax, dream and Sleep. For a correct use isessentialto use headphones connected to your device.- BREATH RELAXATION - Have you ever paid attention toyourbreath? Very likely it is shallow, fairly rapid and irregular,mostof us, in fact, is used to "shallow breathing" and only 20% ofhislung capacity.With this application you'll get used to breathe properlycomingquickly to a state of physical and mental well-being.- HERBAL TEA - Everything you need to know about theworld'soldest drink Relax. Property, explanations, mistakes toavoid andtips on the use of herbs and preparation of herbal tea.All thisand more in this comprehensive guide dedicated to herbalteas. Forbest Sleep.- ALARM CLOCK - For a relaxing awakening with the 7primarycolors of light therapy, an alarm is fully configurable.102 HIGH QUALITY WHITE NOISE AMBIENT SOUNDS & MELODIESRelax Melodies, Celtic music, Gregorian chanting,Sleep,Carillon, River, Ocean, Wind, Flute, Rain, Birds, MusicBox,Lounge, Waterfall, Thunder, Zen, Campfire, Melody, Nightmelody,White Noise, Urban Rain, Cavern, Medieval, Toskana, SlowWaves,Heavy Rain, Rainy Day, Afternoon, Rainstorm,Underwater,Underwater, Seaside, Rain on Roof, Humming, GrandfatherClock,Frogs, Thunder Storm, Monk Chant Melodies.New! We've added lullabies for your babyAds Free, No Ads!!!Features:-install to SD card-different nature sounds-count Down Timer for music relaxation therapy-beautiful wallpaper for each sound of nature-meditation music run in background-relaxation for human brains-only good quality nature sleep sounds-best relaxing sounds of nature Free App-sounds of the season-sounds of the city-ambient soundsFollow us on:-Blog: http://relax-chromotherapy.blogspot.it/-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/relaxChromotherapy
Zenfie, Mindfulness Meditation 2.2.15
Second Wind
Zenfie is an app to learn and practice mindfulnessmeditation.UseZenfie to discover or rediscover mindfulnessmeditation:rest,relax, better manage your stress, be more presentandimproveconcentration on a day to day basis. The discoveryprogrammeoffersyou ten different ten minute sessions, completelyfree. Sofor 10ten days, Zenfie will become your partner with adailyguidedmeditation session. Some of the themes covered intheseinitial 10meditation sessions which help you be more zenandimprove rest andrelaxation include: meditation positions,bodymaps, attention tobreathing, awareness of sensation andfeeling,letting go, innerpeace... Once you complete themindfulnessdiscovery programme, youwill be able to continue yourmindfulnessmeditation with Zenfie(through the Initiation and thenAdvancedmodules). The practice ofmindfulness meditation has beenrecognisedand validated bynumerous scientific studies: meditationis one ofthe best naturalmethods of combatting the effects ofstress andimproving rest andrelaxation. What’s more, meditationoffersexcellent results forthose suffering from sleep or moodproblems,as well as depression.After two to three months ofregularmeditation, significanteffects can be seen, bothpsychological andphysical. This simpleactivity, brought to yoursmartphone byHeadspace, requires timeand dedication, butsignificantly improvesquality of life. It willhelp you toappreciate good times, to takestock when times aretough, to feelmore relaxed and to stay orbecome zen, whatever thecircumstances!Zenfie will be by your sideto help you reach yourpersonal goals,with its guided meditationmodules in English.Zenfie will becomeyour partner in meditationand in: - Letting go- Sleeping better andreclaiming sleep -Improving rest andrelaxation, better managingstress - Improvingself-confidence -Improving your interpersonalrelationships -Improving yourconcentration in sports - Unguidedmeditation withrelaxing music AZenfie Kids module: “Meditation forKids” is alsoavailable forchildren between 3 and 6 years old, as isa ZenfieJunior modulefor children between 7 and 14. As well as thestep bystepmindfulness meditation learner programme, practiceandtailoredmodules, Zenfie also comes with several guidedsessionswhich youcan go through as many times as you like. Forexample: -Rest andrelaxation session - Imminent stress SOS session- Wake upsessionto start the day on the right foot - Before bedsession -Musicalsessions We are regularly expanding the Zenfiemeditationoffering.You can also access our online community, andcontributetopicsthat matter to you, which will help us to developnewmindfulnessmeditation sessions better tailored to your needs.WithZenfieinstalled on your smartphone or tablet, you candownloadthesessions and meditate wherever and whenever you want.You canevenmeditate on public transport! About the author JeanDoridot isaFrench psychologist, specialising in personaldevelopment.Authorof a number of reference works, and with hundredsofthousands ofviews on YouTube, you will be accompanied by Jeanineach of theguided sessions he has created. Rest, relaxation,zen,letting go,stress management, concentration: greatmeditationsessions withZenfie!
Pacifica - Stress & Anxiety
Pacifica Labs Inc.
Stress, anxiety, and depression can get intheway of you living your life. Pacifica givesyoupsychologist-designed tools to address them based onCognitiveBehavioral Therapy, mindfulness meditation, relaxation,andmood/health tracking.Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused by an ongoing cycleofnegative thoughts. Thoughts cause physical feelings andemotionswhich cause actions. Pacifica helps break this cycle usingtoolsthat target each of its components. Day-by-day, you'll learntomanage stress, anxiety and depression at your own pace. We’renotabout quick-fixes or false promises. We are about real progress,aday at a time.#1 - BuzzFeed's Amazing Apps For Anyone Living With Anxiety#1 - Forbes' 4 Technologies Innovating in Mental HealthRELAXATION & MINDFULNESS MEDITATION AUDIO TOOLSCalm down in moments of stress or anxiety using one ofPacifica’s25+ audio exercises, including deep breathing, musclerelaxation,positive visualization, mindfulness meditations, andmore. Theseactivities are set to relaxing soundscapes like oceanwaves orthunderstorms.GUIDED SELF-HELP PATHSOur psychologist-designed Paths include audio lessons andhelpfulactivities to help you with stress, anxiety, or depression.Theseinclude an introductory Path, two Paths focused on CBT, andamindfulness Path.MOOD TRACKERRate your mood and feelings throughout the day, and addspecificnotes (the situation, the trigger, etc.) so you can noticepatternsand see improvement over time.THOUGHT RECORDING, JOURNALING & ANALYSISUse Pacifica’s psychologist-designed thought analysis tools tolearnhow distorted thinking patterns contribute to your anxiety.Pacificauses CBT techniques to help you to think in a morebalanced way,which helps break the negative thought cycle.DAILY CHALLENGES & GOAL TRACKINGPacifica uses CBT techniques to help you to face your anxiety,oneday at a time, and gradually work toward your long term goalsviadaily challenges.HEALTH TRACKERSet and track daily health goals for habits that affectanxiety(exercise, sleep, caffeine, alcohol, etc.). Learn which ofthesetrigger your anxiety based on patterns in your mood.Exercise,sleep and caffeine can also be populated using the AppleHealthapp.COMMUNITIES & GROUPSYou aren’t alone in this. Share stories, advice and morewithPacifica’s peer-support community.PACIFICA FULL ACCESS PRICING & TERMSPacifica is free to download and use. Pacifica Full Accessallowsfor unlimited use of the suite of tools and is availablethrough anauto-renewing subscription. There are two options:1 month: $5.991 year: $35.99These prices are for United States customers. Pricing inothercountries may vary and actual charges may be converted toyourlocal currency depending on your country's residence. Paymentwillbe charged to your Google Play Account at confirmationofpurchase.Your Pacifica Full Access subscription will automatically renewatthe end of each term and your credit card will be chargedthroughyour Google Play account. You can turn off auto-renew at anytimefrom your Google Play account settings but refunds will notbeprovided for the unused portion of the term.Need help with the app? Please email info@thinkpacifica.comTERMS OF SERVICE: http://thinkpacifica.com/tos.htmlPRIVACY POLICY: http://thinkpacifica.com/privacy.html
Meditation Relax Music - Sleep 3.7
Promote Apps
- Meditation Music --- Relaxing Music --- Relaxing Melodies -Enjoy the best Free Meditation Music, Relaxing Music andRelaxingMelodies. Great Music Therapy and Relaxing Sounds forGuidedMeditation or Stress Relief and Free.Meditation Relax Music the App can help you! Mindfulness,Treatment,Sleep, Depression, Relaxation, Peaceful!Wondering how you could get relaxed? Try Meditation Relax Music–Sleep! Enjoy the music therapy! You can find different highqualitymeditation and relaxing melodies such as:- Relaxing Melodies for Stress Relief and Free, etc.- Meditation for Spirituality, etc.- Concentration for Study, etc.- Calming techniques for Relaxation, etc.- Sleep for sleep disorders, sleep apnea symptoms, restlesslegsyndrome, insomnia, etc.- Exercise for Yoga, Pilates, etc.What can I find using Meditation Relax Music – Sleep?• High quality meditation sounds and relaxing music.• Wonderful relax sounds and melodies.• Timer - The app turns off automatically.• You can simply adjust meditation and relaxing music accordingtoyour needs.Need help?Do not hesitate to contact us atcontactpromoteapps@gmail.com.
Binaural Beats and Relaxation 1.3
Systems USA
Binaural Beats and RelaxationBinaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditoryprocessingartifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specificphysicalstimuli.Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtlewaysthrough the entrainment of brainwaves and provide otherhealthbenefits such as control over pain.Binaural Beats were discovered in 1839 by Heinrich WilhelmDove,and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th centurybasedon claims that binaural beats help induce relaxation,meditation,creativity and other desirable mental states.The effect on the brainwaves depends on the differenceinfrequencies of each tone, for example, if 300 Hz was played inoneear and 310 in the other, then the Binaural beat would haveafrequency of 10 Hz. See more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beatsSo Binaural Beats and Relaxation can help you toinducerelaxation, sleep, creativity and many other desirablementalstates.Improve several aspects:* Make time go faster on flights.* Insomnia relief.* Power nap.* Self Hypnosis. Short meditation preset to unite your consciousandsubconscious mind.* Enhance concentrate and think clearly in learning.* Stimulates lucid dreaming.* Astral projection-Relaxation.* Assist in creative thinking.* Highest mental activity.* Good to Healing---Pain killer.* More...***** Some comments"Very cool binaural beats and relaxation app""Binaural Beats and Relaxation. My favorite free app""Awesome app binaural beats and relaxation""Love this binaural beats and relaxation app! Perfectforstudying and astral projection""Binaural beats and relaxation app helped me withinsomniarelief""Binaural beats and relaxation, the best binaural beats app""Nice... I found Binaural beats and relaxation that is usefulformy clients"******Binaural beats are very powerful and new presets mustbeexperienced carefully, in a safe environment. But rest assured,Ihave been using binaural beats for a few years now withgreatsuccess and without any concern.Try Binaural Beats and Relaxation. Binaural beatsreallywork.WARNING: The following people should not usebrainwavesentrainment applications like Binaural Beats andRelaxation:People subject to any forms of seizures or epilepsyPeople using pacemakersPeople suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or otherheartdisordersPeople taking stimulants, psychoactive drugs, or tranquilizersIf you like Binaural Beats and Relaxation, please rate it.
Relax Lite: Stress Relief 4.9.1-lite
** Voted Top Mind & Body App of 2014 by LeadingDoctors**Effective and rapid stress relief in 5 minutes. De-stresswithourguided breathing and meditation exercises that use calmingmusictopromote relaxation. It’s an ideal stress managementtool,beingsimple and intuitive. Finding time to relax can beverydifficultfor most people. Our app can be easily integratedintoyour dailylife. ""Relax"" by ""Saagara"" enhances the way youfeeland leavesyou with more energy, stamina, and focus. The moreyouuse it, thebetter and more effective the results. UNIQUEFEATURES -Music cuesthat use distinct tones for each phase ofbreathing. - Astructuredcourse that gradually reduces yourbreathing rate as youprogressthrough the sessions. - GuidedMeditation features an 8minutesession that focuses on differentparts of the body. -Beautifulgraphics - Quick start feature -In-app purchase opens upeven morefeatures including Intermediateand Advanced BreathingSessions,and a 12 minute Guided MeditationSession. HEALTHBENEFITSPracticing deep breathing for only 5 minutesa day canreducestress and stress-related illnesses. Practicingdeepbreathing hasthe following benefits: 1) Has an almostimmediaterelaxing effect.2) Improves focus and reduces anxiety. 3)Lowersblood pressure andheart rate naturally. 4) Improves staminaandfitness by optimizingthe usage of your lung capacity. 5) Worksas asleep aid for peopleaffected with Insomnia. 6) Helps inpainmanagement. 7) Helps inmanaging Headaches and Migraines. WHOWOULDFIND THIS APP USEFUL A)People interested in Meditation: Theguidedbreathing exercises arenot only a great form of breathmeditation,but also extremelyuseful in regulating your breathingduring othermediationtechniques. The guided meditation is based onYoga Nidra.YogaNidra is a systematic multistage set ofrelaxationtechniquesdesigned to induce deep meditative state. YogaNidratechniqueshave been extensively studied and are used to treatPTSD,anxiety,depression and insomnia. B) If you have Panic Attacks:Ourguidedbreathing when used with the quick start function isanextremelyrapid and effective technique to help you manageyourpanic attackand it can used anywhere. When used with headphonesyoucandiscretely handle your panic attack almost in any settingfromtheoffice, coffee shop, in the park, on a bus, or while flyinginaPlane. C) If you suffer from Insomnia: Theguidedbreathingtechnique is very effective in dealing withinsomnia.Alway use thesame music style to guide the breathing whenusing theapp forinsomnia. the more you use the app the moreeffective itwill be. Aguide to how to use this app for insomnia canbefoundat:http://www.saagara.com/learning-center/guide-to-better-sleepD)Ifyou have a stressful lifestyle or job: Both the guidebreathingandguided meditation will quickly help re-center andrelaxyou.**Available in English, French, and ChineseLanguages**ClassicMode is available in the Settings for theclassicbreathingexercise view. Visit our website formoreinformation:http://saagara.com Make sure you check our ourlearningcenter fortips on yoga, diet, andbeingmindful:http://saagara.com/learning-center Recommended byLeadingDoctorshttps://www.healthtap.com/apps/2279
Jesus Prayer 2.0
Dejan Zivanovic
The prayer has been widely taught anddiscussedthroughout the history of the Orthodox Church. Theancient andoriginal form did not include the words, "a sinner,"which wereadded later.[2][3] It is often repeated continually as apart ofpersonal ascetic practice, its use being an integral partof theeremitic tradition of prayer known as Hesychasm (AncientGreek:ἡσυχάζω, isycházo, "to keep stillness"). The prayer isparticularlyesteemed by the spiritual fathers of this tradition(see Philokalia)as a method of opening up the hear and bringingabout the Prayer ofthe Heart (Καρδιακή Προσευχή). The Prayer ofThe Heart is consideredto be the Unceasing Prayer that the apostlePaul advocates in theNew Testament.[1] St. Theophan regarded theJesus' Prayer strongerthan all other prayers by virtue of thepower of the Holy Name ofJesus.[2]While its tradition, on historical grounds, also belongs totheEastern Catholics,[4][5] and there have been a number ofRomanCatholic texts on the Jesus' Prayer, its practice hasneverachieved the same popularity in the Western Church as intheEastern Orthodox Church, although it can be said on theAnglicanRosary. As distinct from the prayer itself, the EasternOrthodoxtheology of the Jesus' Prayer enunciated in the 14thcentury by St.Gregory Palamas was generally rejected by RomanCatholictheologians until the 20th century, but Pope John Paul IIcalledGregory Palamas a saint,[6] cited him as a great writer,[7]and anauthority on theology[8][9][10] and spoke with appreciationofPalamas's intent "to emphasize the concrete possibility that manisgiven to unite himself with the Triune God in the intimacy ofhisheart".[11] In the Jesus' Prayer can be seen theEasterncounterpart of the Rosary, which has developed to hold asimilarplace in the Christian West.[Effect is total relaxation and joyful.-Removes stress and calms mind-Good for relaxation-Lowers blood pressure-Increase peace and joy-Good for Meditation-No side effects-Christian Meditation-Reduces stress and illness-Healing effects-Anxiety release and healing-TranquilizerDisclaimer:Royal blue color relax nerves system with white combinationcleansesmind. Symbol is Chi Rho, or Constantine Cross. Symbol ofJessChrist. A/W represents Alpha and Omega, so as Circlearoundsymbol.Note:Please don't use this application during driving or workingwithmachines.This application will take you to tranquility andcalmedstate of mind so please don't use it in any situation thatneedyour focus.This application alter state of mind, so people withmentalillness not suppose to use it.Chi RhoFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Chi-Rho symbol.The Chi Rho (/ˈkaɪ ˈroʊ/) is one of the earliest formsofchristogram, and is used by some Christians. It is formedbysuperimposing the first two (capital) letters chi and rho (ΧΡ)ofthe Greek word "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ" = KRistos = Christ in such a waytoproduce the monogram.[1] Although not technically aChristiancross, the Chi-Rho invokes the authority of Jesus, as wellassymbolising his status as the Christ.[citation needed]The Chi-Rho symbol was also used by pagan Greek scribes tomark,in the margin, a particularly valuable or relevant passage;thecombined letters Chi and Rho standing for chrēston,meaning"good."[2] Some coins of Ptolemy III Euergetes (r. 246–222BC) weremarked with a Chi-Rho.[3]The Chi-Rho symbol was used by the Roman emperor Constantine Iaspart of a military standard (vexillum), Constantine's standardwasknown as the Labarum. Early symbols similar to the Chi Rho weretheStaurogram (Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 2.jpg) and theIXmonogram (Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 4.jpg).
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On Demand Pte. Ltd.
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