14 Похожие Sim Decibel Meter

Sound Meter Pro 2.6.8
Smart Tools co.
Measure and save environmental noise and vibration with yourdevice.
Sound Meter & Noise Detector 2.11.19
Tools Dev
Sound meter is an indispensable tool for your daily life, nomatterwhat you do, where you stay, it is a practical noise detectortohelp you avoid noise pollution that harms your hearing andaffectyour rest. Our sound meter app can provide accurate decibeldataand show you how the decibel goes. Get noise datamorecomprehensively and more accurately: Minimal, average andmaximaldecibel Real-time decibel in dial and graph Levels ofnoiseCalibrate before use for precise data Review measurementhistoriesCustomize your sound meter Save audio file while measuringSetdecibel warning when the value is higher than the preset oneOpenthe sound or vibrate for the warning Apply the black or whitethemeOther features of sound meter: Re-start measuring SuspendrecordingRename, share and replay the recording Indicate themeasuringduration, time and status Notice: 1.To get an accuratedecibel ofsound with this decibel meter (noise meter), pleasecalibratebefore use (because the performance of the microphone willbedifferent for each device). 2.Adjust the decibel according toyourexperience or calibrate with a real sound meter deviceforcomparison. (Because we couldn't estimate the differentdecibelbetween devices, we do not provide a specific solution.)3.To avoidunnecessary loss, please SAVE your recording beforeexiting thesound meter app 4.If the recordings are not saved, youcannotreplay the measurement. If you have any questions, pleasecontactus by email.
Sound Meter 1.4.02
EXA Tools
Measure noise and sound level - use this smart app !
噪音捕手2.0 2.3
噪音捕手(NoiseCatcher)以人性化與實用性的功能為出發點,依照環保署所規範之噪音量對人體健康的影響,與勞工安全衛生設施規則所規範之勞工暴露噪音音壓級與容許暴露時間對照表為判斷基準,讓噪音捕手(NoiseCatcher)使用者能夠清楚的了解目前所處的環境音量為何,並且依照判斷結果提出相關提示語,讓使用者能夠即時的做出適當的反應,以維護自身之聽覺健康。一般而言,環境音量在50分貝以下會讓人們覺得舒適寧靜、注意力集中,且心情愉快(我們的講話音量大約為50分貝~60分貝)。當環境音量提升至70分貝時,人們就會開始覺得注意力無法集中、心情煩躁、緊張。若是長期處在音量為85分貝以上的環境,而又沒有適當的保護措施,就有可能會造成聽力受損。特點:※透過可愛的柿子娃娃表情與動作,加上標語與指示,瞭解目前環境噪音狀況。※以現在分貝與平均分貝來表示環境噪音值,更有參考性。※透過文字與顏色方式,讓使用者對於目前環境狀況一目了然※提供專業頻譜圖,將聲音訊號以頻率方式呈現,可瞭解聲音特色,進而進行分析※從40db以下到95db以上分成五個等級,給予不同的建議,方便使用者保護自己。※提供錄音、播放功能,並結合google地圖,可將周遭環境噪音錄製下來,並透過e-mail方式寄送至相關機構。※結合環保署檢舉電話,提供最直接的通報功能。說明:1.在錄音時,無法同時監測分貝數,故顯示「錄音時,不顯示分貝數」2.針對samsung手機部分型號,會發生顯示分貝數過高的現象,目前廠商仍在尋求處理方式,請您見諒!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------華科事業群(PSA)慈善基金會自成立以來,關心聽力障礙孩童。經過統計,嬰兒先天性兩耳聽障發生率為千分之三(以台灣一年三十萬個新生兒估算,每年將有超過三百個嚴重聽損嬰兒出生),其中百分之九十五以上仍具有可利用的剩餘聽力,只要及早為他們配戴輔聽器材並給予刺激、訓練,使剩餘聽力不致萎縮,聽障兒童一樣能擁有「聽、說」權利。因此,透過捐贈助聽器、電子耳等設備,並協助後續矯正、服務,協助聽語教師專業訓練,希望能讓每個聽力受損孩童,聆聽天籟之音。2012年起「減噪取靜」成為基金會重點工作,為了讓社會大眾一起關心相關議題,結合智慧型手機運用,與長庚耳科學實驗室余仁方教授合作,將噪音防制與聽力維護的概念整合至噪音捕手(NoiseCatcher)中,對所量測到的音源進行分析,在結果顯示的部分除了將分析結果顯示出來外,更提供了聽力維護的貼心小叮嚀,讓使用者能夠有效的保護自身的聽覺健康。附錄:噪音音壓級及容許暴露時間容許暴露時間(小時)/A權噪音音壓級(dBA)8小時/90 dBA6小時/92 dBA4小時/95 dBA3小時/97 dBA2小時/100 dBA1小時/105 dBA0.5小時/110 dBA0.25小時/115 dBA
Sound Meter 1.0
Sound Meter is professional sound meter for your phone Soundstoolarge to affect your health Want to measure the intensity ofsoundyou are hearing Noise pollution affecting serious health Oryouwant to see if, as I have said over loud in public SoundMetersolution providers help you hear the sound intensity (db) inrealtime, so you stay away from loud sounds, affects your healthSoundMeter : Used to protect the health of the ban, protectingsense ofcommunity: 140 dB - Gun shots, fireworks 130 dB -jackhammers,Ambulance 120 dB - Jet planes taking off 110 dB -Concerts, Carhorns 100 dB - Snowmobiles 90 dB - Power tools 80 dB -Alarm clocks70 dB - Traffic, vacuums 60 dB - Normal conversation 50dB -Moderate Rainfall 40 dB - Quiet library 30 dB - Whisper 20 dB-Leaves rusting 10 dB - Breathing Thank you for using Sound Meter
Sound Analyzer App 2.7
Dominique Rodrigues
Smart tool with Sound Level Meter and Real time Audio Analyzer
Decibel Meter Sound Level 1.2
AGI Applications
this sound meter measures the noise inyourenvironment using the microphone of your mobile phone.therepresentation of the sound in decibels.
Sound Meter & Noise in Decibel 1.2.1
Noise dB meter and analyzer app that measures the sound volumeleveldecibels
Sound Meter 1.1
Soft Clickers
This is smart sound level meter appforAndroid!This decibel meter uses your built-in microphonetomeasure soundvolume in decibels (dB) and also displays soundlevelcharts in theform of graph. Microphones in most devicesarealigned to human voiceand the maximum values are limited bythehardware. It measuresloudness or sound pressure (SPL) indecibels.Automatic gain controlused in some devices may interferewith theoperation of this noisemeter.***Features***-Fast dB response- Gauge for indicate values- Show the current noise environment- Show the sound level graph- With multiple gauge meter themesNOTE:Microphones in most devices are aligned to human voice.Themaximumvalues are limited by the device. Very loud sounds (over~90dB)may not be recognized in most device. Thanks.
Perfect Noise 1.1.5
VIVA Zhang
This software is for noisemeasuringandspectrum analysis software. It is installed cell phoneandtabletPC understand ANDROID operating system. Throughthissoftware, wecan use the MIC of cell phone to do measure soundleveland analyzespectrum. So that we can know how noisy oftheenvironment.The first interface is in BIG VALUE display mode whichclearlyshowsthe current noise value.Switch interface can click on interface tab strip, therearethreedisplay modes: SINGLE, GRAPH, LIST.The gradient bar is charging correspondingly according tothenoisevalue.In the spectrum display area, beside the verticalcoordinatetheyellow part stands for the current noise spectrumdiagram, andtheupper and lower gray shadow parts stand for thespectrum ofthemaximum and minimum values, the top right cornershows thespectrummodel and overlap rate. In the right, the 3 bluebar graphis A, C,Z weighting graph.There’s a extra “keep2 ” in button area and it is usedforkeepingdisplay spectrum curve. Each click, there will be shownthered,green, blue curve in spectrum display area, total3curves.List display area shows the value of all frequency point.Above the List display area, there shows how long ittakesforcalculating FFT one time. The number behind FIFO is thenumberofdata is in buffer. Usually, this number will notcontinuetoincrease, if the number keeps increasing, it meansthemobileprocessing speed too slow which can lead to display delayanddatalost. In this way, we can reduce the sampling rate,linenumber,and overlap rate to refresh screen. Below the FIFO itshowsthevalue of each frequency point, each page displays 10rows.Press the menu button of cell phone, it will show entranceofsettinginterface.Signal input set: there’re 2 ways of inputting signallikecellphoneMic mode and USB Mic mode.Sampling rate set: set the FFT sampling frequency. Range from4000Hz~ 48 KHz.FFT lines set: 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384,32768,65536are optional. When it is specified sampling frequency,thelarger ofFFT lines number, the finer of analysis, butthecorrespondinganalysis speed will be slow.Overlap ratio: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%.Spectrum mode: FFT, 1/1 OCT, 1/3 OCT, 1/6 OCT, 1/12 OCT。Screen refresh time: (ms), the shorter of the time,thehigherrequirements for CPU.Axis Parameter set: set the Min and Max of X, Y coordinates.WhenFFTlines is too big, reducing the interval of X coordinatecancheckprecisely some specified frequency points.Color set: elements of the color in coordinates.Cell phone Mic.: if there’s no iSV1600 measurement micinsertingcellphone, the app will use cell phone Mic.USB Mic: when use USB Mic manufactured by Hangzhou AihuaCompany,theAPP setting should choose USB Mic mode.Calibration set: Auto calibration and Manual calibration.The Auto calibration interface is used with iSV1600measurementMicor AWA14608 USB Mic. And also together withsoundlevelcalibrator.Mic Sensiti.: the sensitivity level reading forlastmeasurementusing.(default is -26.0dB)Calibrator SPL: becasue the measurement limit of eachphoneisdifferent, some phones’ measurement limit can’t reach94dB,set84dB as SPL calibration, the user can switchaccordingtorequirements.New sensiti: current calibration sensitivity.Current SPL: current calibration sound pressure levelCalibration signal adjustment: step by +1dB or +0.1dBStart: start auto calibration. Save: press “save”aftereverycalibration.Manual calibration interface:Input the positive or negative calibration value (in dB)onApp.Because the built-in MIC cannot be calibrated,manualcalibrationshould use the comparison of phone andprofessionalequipment. Forcalibration, please purchase ourprofessional Mic orUSB Mic andsound level calibrator.
Sound Tools (SPL Sound Meter) 1.3.2
Peco Stanoev
Hobby sound pressure meter (SPL) foryourdevice!It has cool analog VU meter and oscilloscope.It can be used to verify if a sound is at same level formeasuringloudspeaker response.The app is intended for fun and it does not provideaccuratemeasurement in decibels.100% Ad free!Features:■ 30 to 102dB range■ local peek/max values display■ response mode: fast/medium/slow■ analog vu meter■ digital vu meter■ oscilloscope■ support for tablets and landscape mode■ chart■ support for sending chart to email■ support for calibration
Precise sound meter 4.0
Do you want to check how loud is inyourneighbourhood? Use built-in microphone and measure soundlevel!Result of the measurements are displayed in decibels. Youcanprecisely know how loud is it and how many decibels is it insoundenvironment.Phone's microphone was created to capture human's voice. It'snotable to measure sounds louder than about 100 dB.If you have professional sound meter and our noise measurementisnot exactly equal - you can calibrate our tool. For the basicusageour app is fully sufficient! If you want you can alsochangemeasuring frequency.Download sound meter for free and precisely measure noisevolumein decibels!
Perfect Sound Meter 3.4.2
Netigen Tools
★ Measure the sound with Best Sound Meter application! ★
Mobile, SIM and Location Info 1.0.25
AppTrendz Studio
Find you mobile features, sim information and locationinformationat one place