Glaucom Diary 1.3
The Glaucoma Diary stores your intraocular pressure values inatable and shows it graphically. This app was developed byD.Claessens, MD. Additionally the app calculates the valuesdependingon your corneal thickness.
MyGlaucoma 1.01
MyGlaucoma è l'app di GMSDB(GlaucomaManagementSystem) che permette al paziente divisualizzare i datidell'ultimotono, stadio dell'ultimo CampoVisivo, gli storici deitoni e deicampi visivi. Avvisa inoltrel'utente all'ora disomministrazione deifarmaci.Ulteriori informazioni su www.myglaucoma.itATTENZIONE se il suo medico oculista non utilizzaGMSDBversione3.14 o successiva MyGlaucoma è inutilizzabile.GMSDB è disponibile gratuitamente su www.glaucomamanagement.eukeywords: glaucoma, myglaucoma, my glaucoma,maiglaucoma,maiglaucoma, ANPIG.MyGlaucoma is theappGMSDB(Glaucoma Management System) that allows the patient toviewthe dataof the last tone, the last stage Field of View,historiansof tonesand visual fields. and alerts you the timeofdrugadministration.More information on www.myglaucoma.itCAUTION if his eye doctor does not use GMSDB version 3.14orlaterMyGlaucoma is unusable.GMSDB is available for free on www.glaucomamanagement.euKeywords: glaucoma, myglaucoma, my glaucoma,maiglaucoma,neverglaucoma, ANPIG.
Ophthalmology 2.0
Dr. Ahmad Apps
This App is made basically for medical students. It shows- eye disorders.- eye examination.- 2 parts of quiz one is MCQs and the other part isslideshow.We hope you enjoy the App.... Good Luck.
Winthrop Ophthalmology 2.5
Cloud Nine Development
This Mobile Application providesinformationand patient education for the private ophthalmologypractice ofLawrence F. Jindra, M.D., Chief Emeritus ofOphthalmology atWinthrop University Hospital. An internationalthought leader inhis field of glaucoma, Dr. Jindra holds a USPatent for a glaucomadiagnostic procedure and has pioneered theclinical implementationof non-perforating trabeculectomy andselective lasertrabeculoplasty for the surgical treatment ofglaucoma.
Glaucoma Pro 1.0.4
Chad Cozart
This app is based upon the journal article titled "Forwhichglaucomasuspects is it appropriate to initiatetreatment?",published in thejournal Ophthalmology. It allows theuser tocalculate, based upon 7clinical criteria, whether or nottreatmentis indicated for apatient. The full article can befoundat:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722433/
AAO eBooks 6.1
American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Academy of Ophthalmology
Glaucoma 1.3
You can set up a drop plan and make a documentation of youreyedoctors visit.
TLA - Ophthalmology 1.1
Eric N. Brown
Common (and uncommon) three-letter-acronyms used intheophthalmology medical field.Have you noticed that ophthalmologists speak a language alltheirown? Physicians in other medical fields can havedifficultyunderstanding ophthalmology notes because of plethoratheabbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms.This application provides common and uncommon acronymsandinitialisms used by ophthalmologists. Look up the(sometimesmultiple) definitions for each acronym. Included areacronyms andinitialisms from general ophthalmology, glaucoma,oculoplastics,genetics, retina, neuroophthalmology, cornea, andpediatricophthalmology.
MyEyeDrops 1.10
Singapore National Eye Centre
Glaucoma patients and caregivers, this appisfor you!The MyEyeDrops app is developed by the Singapore NationalEyeCentre (SNEC) to help glaucoma patients and their caregivers intheapplication of eye drops and medication.For glaucoma patients and their caregivers, this app will:1.Remind them to put the eye drops or take their medication attheright time.2.Show them the correct way of putting eye drops throughavideo.3.Indicate the correct eye drops for the correct eye.4.Allow them to listen to instructions through anaudiofunction.5.Allow multiple users and caregivers to be alerted ofthereminders.6.Allow them to customise various functions and settings.Not putting the eye drops as prescribed could leadtodeterioration of the vision and worsening of the condition.Throughthis app, SNEC hopes to encourage people with glaucoma toapply theeye drops as prescribed by their doctors and takeownership inensuring that their vision does not deteriorate.Download the other useful apps developed by SNEC:• MyEyeGym – Eye Exercises for restoring binocularvision/stereopsisor 3D vision, for persons suffering from squints(strabismus).• MyEyeMatters – Comprehensive educational information onvariouseye conditions, symptoms, prevention, treatment and usefuleye caretips.Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) is the designatednationalcentre within Singapore’s public sector healthcare network.Itspearheads and co-ordinates the provision ofspecialisedophthalmological services with emphasis on qualityeducation andresearch.SNEC’s facilities include an 8-storey tower block andafour-storey podium block and it consists of three floorsofoutpatient clinics supported by comprehensive ancillaryfacilities,nine operating theatres with expanded day recoverysuites and twofloors housing the Singapore Eye Research Institute'sresearchclinics and research laboratories.Ten subspecialties have been established to provide a fullrangeof eye treatment from comprehensive to tertiary levels fortheentire spectrum of eye conditions:1) Cataract2) Corneal and External Eye Disease3) General Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology4) Glaucoma5) Neuro-Ophthalmology6) Ocular Inflammation and Immunology7) Oculoplastic and Aesthetic Eyeplastic8) Paediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus9) Refractive Surgery10) Vitreo-RetinaThe centre’s one-stop multi-subspecialty approach to treatmentofcomplex eye conditions, a quality assurance programme that isbackedby 100% audit of outcomes and its pursuit ofhigh-impacttranslational research have placed SNEC as one of thepremier eyecentres in the region.