5 Похожие mejor en bici

BA Cómo Llego
The official app to help you move around in Buenos Airesusingpublic transport
This is the official app for ECOBICI systeminMexico City CDMX, that let you search for available BikeStationsor Bikes in real time, besides offer you the nextoptions:- Trace your travel routes.- Consult Bike Stations Map from our system.- Consult the Bike-path Map for Mexico City, and Metro andMetrobusstops.- To report incidents about bikes, bike stations orourservice.- Consult your activities history using your user-name.
Street'Bike - United States
Why using Street'Bike ?• it's easy, fast and in real time• one unique World Wide application• a notification bar with surrounding station• search feature by address or station identifier• favorite station management• desk and lock screen widgetPremium edition:• enjoy a refresh and a timer button from the notification bar(noneed to launch the app, very quick)• weather forecast, you'll know what to wear before going downinthe street and get your bike• statistics, find number of bikers over the last 24 hours ortheavaibility of your favorite station• no adsSupplied cities:• Boston (Hubway)• Boulder• Charlotte• Chicago• Denver• Des Moines• Fort Lauderdale• Fort Worth• Greenville• Hollywood• Houston• Kailua• Kansas City• Louisville• Madison• Minneapolis (Nice Ride Minnesota)• Nashville (B-Cycle)• Omaha• Pompano Beach• Salt Lake City• San Antonio• San Diego• San Francisco• Spartanburg• Washington (Capital Bikeshare)• Miami (CitiBike)• New York (CitiBike)• Bay Area Bike Share• Chicago DivvyKeywords: shared bike program, united-state, citibike, bcycle
BA Movil
BA Móvil es una Aplicación Móvil quecomunicael estado de tránsito en tiempo real de la Ciudad AutónomadeBuenos Aires. Combina información desde distintas fuentes ypermiteser filtrada según el medio de transporte elegido porelusuario.Brinda información precisa, constantemente, actualizada y entiemporeal para que los usuarios sepan que está pasando en la calley enlos medios de transporte.BA Mobile is amobileapplication that communicates the status of real-time trafficofthe Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. It combines informationfromdifferent sources can be filtered and sorted by the meansoftransport chosen by the user.Provides accurate, constantly updated in real time so thatusersknow is happening in the streets and in publictransport.
Bicivias 5.1.2
Ignacio Montenegro
Aplicación para visualizar las ciclovías de Chile,talleres,estacionamientos para bicicletas, etc. Esta te permitenavegar através del mapa con tu posición e ir recorriendo lasciclovías detal forma que puedas decidir la ruta a tomar. Tepermite guardar laruta recorrida en el modo navegación. Estaaplicación está en fasede desarrollo, si necesitas que se agregueuna ciclovía, taller,estacionamiento, etc. Por favor indicarnos poreste medio o enhttp://www.facebook.com/BiciviasChile .