4 Похожие Desain Kebaya Pengantin

Staircase Design Ideas 1.0
The look of your stairs shouldcoordinatewiththe rest of your house, so don't try to mixtwodramaticallydifferent styles, like traditional and modern. Forthestepsthemselves, carpet and stone are populartraditionalmaterials,while metal or floating wood steps aretrendier options.The stairrailings don’t usually get much love, butreally are theperfectopportunity to let your creativity flow. Whilepairing twooppositestyles is not recommended, subtling mixing upthe rail andtreadstyles can make for a showstopping effect; forexample,anindustrial-style rail can help make wood treadscontemporary, oranornate metal railing can help enhance themediterranean feelofstone treads.If you don’t want to commit to full-blown carpeting,stairrunnersare an easy way to mix up your style and protectthematerialunderneath. In the end, even though appearanceisimportant, youshould first and foremost think aboutcreatingfunctionalstaircases. If you have young kids, an openrailing orhard metalsteps can become a safety hazard, while dogsand commonhouseholdtraffic might scratch up wood. If you’reabsolutely inlove with afew staircase ideas that might be less thatideal foryour familiesneeds, get creative and with faux-lookmaterials andcoordinatewith your contractor or designer to findacompromise.
Grafiti Desain 1.0
Design graffiti is a formofvisualcommunication using images to convey information or amessageaseffectively as possible. In the design of graffiti, textimagesarealso considered as an abstraction of symbols that canbesounded.graphic design is applied in communication design andfineart. Aswith other types of design, graffiti design can refertothemanufacturing process, design methods, theresultingproduct(design), or any discipline that is used(design).So that we produce designs that draw the eye there aresomeelementsthat should be learned is the element in graphicdesign.All theseelements should not be included once in amasterpiece ofdesignbecause there are some designs that require oneof thesemust beprioritized so there emphases in each element.1. Line (Line)A line is a design element that connects between thepointspointspoints out that other so that it can form a curvedlinedrawing(curve) or linear (straight). The line is the basicelementforbuilding or construction design form. In the duniavisualcommunication often we use a dotted line, solid line, andadottedline.2. Shape (Shape)Forms are all things that have a high diameter and width.Thebasicshape that is known is the (rectangle), circle (circle),andthetriangle (triangle).3. Texture (Texture)Texture is the surface appearance (pattern) of an object thatcanbeassessed to be seen or touched. Which, in practice, thetextureisoften categorized as a pattern of an object surface, egthesurfaceof the carpet, clothing, leather wood, paint walls,paintthecanvas, and so forth.4. Space (Space)Space is the distance between a form with other forms,thepracticeof design elements can be used to give effect tothedesignaesthetics and dynamics of graphic design. In thephysicalform ofidentification space is classified into twoelements, namelytheobject (figure) and background(background).5. Size (Size)Size is another element in the design that defines the sizeofanobject. By using this element you can create contrastandemphasis(emphasis) on the object of your design so that peoplewillknowwhere to be seen or read first.6. Color (Color)Color is an important element in the design of objects.Becausethecolor can demonstrate identity, convey messages ortodistinguishthe nature of the forms of visual forms clearly
Tattoo Drawing Styles 1.0
In language, tattoos have almost thesametermsare used in different parts of the world. Some of themaretatoage,Tatouage, ttitowier, tatuaggio, tatuar,tatuaje,tatoos,tattueringar, tatuagens, tatoveringer, tattos, andtattoos.Tattoosthat are part of the body painting is a product ofdrawingon theskin using a needle or similar tools sharpened objectsmadeofflora. Images are decorated with colorful pigments.In Indonesian, the word tattoo is a tattoo pengindonesiaanofwordmeaning scratches, pictures, or symbols that form a designontheskin. In the Encyclopedia Indonesia explained that the tattooisapermanent colored paintings on the skin (1984: 241).WhiletheEncyclopedia Americana states that tattoos, tattooingistheproduction of pattern on the face and body by oftenstruckdyeunder the skin some anthropologists think thepracticedevelopedfor the painting indication of status, or as amean ofObtainingmagical protection (1975: 312) ,It is said that the word "tattoo" comes from theTahitian,namely"tattau" which means to mark, in the sense that thebodyischaracterized by using the tool hunting pointed to insertdyeunderthe skin (see The AmericanHeritage Desk Dictionary). Nicholas Anne in "The Art oftheNewZealand" explained under the word tattoo comes from thetattauwerebrought by Joseph Banks who first leaning in Tahiti in1769,andthere is a wide range of human phenomena Tahiti noted thathisbodyis covered by tattoos.Amy Krakov technically revealed that the tattoo is apermanentstainon the body by means impregnated with a sharp objectinto theskin(dermis). In literary language Dutch expression,tattoos meandoehet tap toe which means the signal for closingpublic houses,givenby continuous drum beating or rapping; thisrapping ortapping wasclose to the sound made by early tattoers astheytapped a needlewith a small hammer in the process ofpuncturingthe skin.The process of needling by hand (manual) as disclosed aboveuntilnow• still are in some cultures the world such asSamoa,Maori,Mentawai, Burma, to Thailand. In the Java language,tattooshave ameaning that is almost as though different, from theword"wounded"who also has parallels meaning "wound" or "scar",which isacertain sign with other skin either in his own body aswellasdifferences in the sign of the body property of others.
Design House 1.0
MODERN MINIMALIST HOUSE - perhapsyou'relookingfor a modern minimalist house design andcontemporary,contemporaryarchitecture term is also applied tovarious models ofnewly builtstructures and spaces that areoptimized for usetoday.The concept of modernism is a central theme in effortstomodernarchitecture of the 20th century. Gettingglobalpopularity,especially after the Second World War,architecturalmodernism wasadopted by many architects andarchitecturaleducators, andcontinues as a dominant architecturalmodels used forbuildinginstitutions and enterprises in the 21stcentury.Basic modern home architecture is simple and clean. Thephilosophyisthat the characteristics of the home will follow thefunctionofresidence. This means that the modern homearchitectureexpressesabout simplicity, looks neat from thestructural element,andeliminate anything that is not needed for thedesign.When looking at modern architecture you will seethatmostmagnificent homes are designed for materials used fortheprocessof development is not covering these materials with adesignthatis not necessary. This is why most modern home designwillfeatureelements of glass, steel and wood.Contemporary minimalist modern home plan put forwardfeatureopen,flexible floor space, minimalist decorative elements,andextensiveuse of modern mixed materials or "industry" inthewholehouse.