5 Похожие Magical Egg

Mystery Egg 1.0.7
Super fun and fun, addictivechildren'sgame!Ready to enjoy the magic eggs very fun game! Multiple eggs,multiplesurprises, super multi-mysterious thing! Inside the eggshidden inthe end what rich reward? Constantly knocking eggs, untilthe eggcracked up to see the egg inside in the end contains anumber ofsurprises and fun, the game is very easy to addictionOh!Magical Eggs are perfect for kids and the best app that modernkidshave to play is one of the ultimate virtual eggs that istheultimate surprise game. If your child likes to open thesurpriseeggs, it must not miss this surprise burst of the game,forchildren, is a very perfect application, a play to play,classplay, class play, Sleep play, reading play, free fromtimeconstraints, the child will play to love the perfectsurprisegame.In this app, you will find lots of eggs and a variety ofinteractivesurprises. You will find many different gifts tocollect, such asthe Princess and other cartoon and moviecharacters, as well aschildren's favorite large number of toys,Cubs, puppets, dinosaurs,rabbits, cats, dogs and other toyswaiting for you to collect.Magical Egg is a fun and fun game for children, combining allsortsof toys with surprises and fun.Play Description:* Select eggs to open* Keep clicking on the magic eggs with your finger* Until the eggs crack open to get the toy so farPerfect for kids games, lots of different toys and surprises,letyour kids learn and grow educational games.Absolutely not miss the game, come and play exciting magicalegggame, enjoy the fun of constant surprises!So that your children learn to have to pay to have results, to getasense of achievement toys, and efforts to click the process, isavery rare experience, must work only money can take, One oftheeducational games.
Dinosaurus III
Adam Foods, S.L.
¿Te imaginas tener un auténtico Dinosauruscomomascota? Con Dinosaurus podrás tener a ¡un t-rex y aunapteranodon!¡Podrás cuidar a tu huevo de dinosaurio hasta que salgadelcascarón! Cuando nazca, descubrirás a tu dinomascota ypodrásalimentarla, bañarla, jugar con ella e incluso verla crecerhastaconvertirse en un dinosaurio adolescente.Además, podrás pasarlo en grande con dos divertidosminijuegos.¿Te gustaría tener más razas de dinosaurios? Con lasaplicacionesDinosaurus II y Dinosaurus III podrás jugar con ¡4razas más!Descárgate gratis la App Dinosaurus, ¡el juego educativo paraniñosmás divertido!Can you imagine havingareal pet Dinosaurus? With Dinosaurus you'll have A t-rex andapteranodon!You will be able take care of your dinosaur egg until it ishatched!When born, you will find your dinomascota and you feedher, batheher, play with it and even see it grow into ateenagerdinosaur.In addition, you'll have a great time with two fun minigames.Would you like to have more races dinosaur? WithDinosaurusDinosaurus II and III applications you can play with fourracesmore!Download the free App Dinosaurus, The educational game forchildrenmore fun!
Garfield Math Run 2.0.1
Web Prancer
Boost your math skills with Garfield in an exciting running game!
Mysterious Egg 1.0.6
Rara satarin
Ready to enjoy the magic eggs very fungame!Multiple eggs, multiple surprises, super multi-mysteriousthing!Inside the eggs hidden in the end what rich reward?Constantlyknocking eggs, until the egg cracked up to see the egginside inthe end contains a number of surprises and fun, the gameis veryeasy to addiction Oh!The magic egg is perfect for kids and the best app for modernkidsis one of the games that must be played and is theultimatesurprise egg virtual simulation game. If your child likesto openthe surprise eggs, it must not miss this surprise burst ofthegame, for children, is a very perfect application, a play toplay,class play, class play, Sleep play, reading play, free fromtimeconstraints, the child will play to love the perfectsurprisegame.In this app, you will find lots of eggs and a variety ofinteractivesurprises. You will find many different gifts tocollect, such asthe Princess and other cartoon and moviecharacters, as well aschildren's favorite toys, bear,Magical Egg is a fun and fun game for children, combining allsortsof toys with surprises and fun.Play Description:* Select eggs to open* Keep clicking on the magic eggs with your finger* Until the eggs crack open to get the toy so farPerfect for kids games, lots of different toys and surprises,letyour kids learn and grow educational games.Absolutely not miss the game, come and play exciting magicalegggame, enjoy the fun of constant surprises!So that your children learn to have to pay to have results, to getasense of achievement toys, and efforts to click the process, isavery rare experience, you must work to have money can taketheworld no free lunch, is the best children One of theeducationalgames.Super fun and fun, be sure to play down to see yo ~
Dinosaurus I
Adam Foods, S.L.
¿Te imaginas tener un auténtico Dinosauruscomomascota? Con Dinosaurus podrás tener a ¡un diplodocus y aunvelocirraptor!¡Podrás cuidar a tu huevo de dinosaurio hasta que salgadelcascarón! Cuando nazca, descubrirás a tu dinomascota ypodrásalimentarla, bañarla, jugar con ella e incluso verla crecerhastaconvertirse en un dinosaurio adolescente.Además, podrás pasarlo en grande con dos divertidosminijuegos.¿Te gustaría tener más razas de dinosaurios? Con lasaplicacionesDinosaurus II y Dinosaurus III podrás jugar con ¡4razas más!Descárgate gratis la App Dinosaurus, ¡el juego educativo paraniñosmás divertido!Can you imagine havingareal pet Dinosaurus? With Dinosaurus you'll have A diplodocus andavelociraptor!You will be able take care of your dinosaur egg until it ishatched!When born, you will find your dinomascota and you feedher, batheher, play with it and even see it grow into ateenagerdinosaur.In addition, you'll have a great time with two fun minigames.Would you like to have more races dinosaur? WithDinosaurusDinosaurus II and III applications you can play with fourracesmore!Download the free App Dinosaurus, The educational game forchildrenmore fun!