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MoonLock Saturn 1.7.0
MoonLock Saturn is arealisticsimulatordesigned to provide accurate measurements of thepositionofSaturn, its rings and some of its primary moons, forthephysicalobservation of the system. Although MoonLock Saturn isnotmeant tobe as accurate as NASA’s JPL ephemerides, itissufficientlyaccurate to be trusty and reliable if you wish touseyourtelescope and predict the position of the moons and rings."Sufficiently Accurate" is a direct reference to JeanMeeus.Thisprogram was written as an implementation ofAstronomicalAlgorithms,originally developed by Jean Meeus: hisincredible workin the fieldof Computational Astronomy has been theinspirationfor many works,including this one...MoonLock Saturn is a companion to MoonLock Jupiter(thelatterperforming similar functions on the Galilean system).Theseare thefunctions that MoonLock Saturn can perform:* Detailed ephemeris of Saturn, its rings and its moons,foragiven date and time, including observer's coordinatesandtimelocation* Realistic visualization/Simulation of the system as onewouldseein real time* Real-time calculations for any given instant (from theyears2000to 2050)* Realistic mechanical visualization of the Satellite System* Calculations performed on-the-fly (no interaction withoutsideappsor systems)* Ability to move time forward and backward and to zoom in andoutofcalculations and orbits* "Sufficiently Accurate" results are good to 1 hourwithinyourlocationTo use MoonLock you must first establish yourlocationprofile(otherwise, all calculations default to midnight-Greenwich) -this is called your "observatory". You may look upyourcity'scoordinated easily by searching google (forinstance,"WashingtonDC coordinates" and simply enter the locationanglesprovided indecimal form (e.g. 53.2366). Also check the boxforDaylightSavings Time and enter your time offset from GMT(forinstance, inthe eastern US this would be 5 hours - no signneededfor positiveoffsets, use negative sign for negative offsets).Youmay use theDST button to automatically calculate andprefillthis.After you have done the above, simply click on anyoftheavailable functions (Ephemeris or Visualization) and allshouldbeset.