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Modern Exterior House Gallery 1.0
facade is generally one exterior sideofabuilding, usually, but not always, the front. It is aforeignloanword from the French façade, which means "frontage" or"face".In architecture, the facade of a building is oftenthemostimportant aspect from a design standpoint, as it sets thetoneforthe rest of the building. From the engineering perspectiveofabuilding, the facade is also of great importance due toitsimpacton energy efficiency.[1] For historical facades, manylocalzoningregulations or other laws greatly restrict or evenforbidtheiralteration.Modern House Exterior DesignModern House Exterior Design. The right combinationtodecoratingexteriorWhile we all want a spectacular home that stands out amongtherest;we also want a home that blends with itssurroundingsandneighborhood.Designing the exterior of a home can be a complicatedprocessofcolor choices, materials, balancing shape and lines.Balancing Shapes With SymmetryLike in all types of design, balance and symmetry playanimportantrole in achieving a well-designed space. The facadeofevery homeneeds some semblance of balance and symmetry in ordertoappearpleasing to the eye and properly designed.Whether it is the eye-catching appeal of a symmetricalGeorgianhome,where the door is centered and the windows equallyflankeither side,or a home where the balance is achievedthroughpointed roof lines ordormers that are equally placed amongtheexterior.There are numerous ways to achieve a proportionalhomeexterior—somethrough obvious symmetry, while others are notasapparent. Eitherway, a properly designed home has an exteriorthatis proportionaland balanced.Exterior Color CombinationsOh, the cornucopia of color choices! How do you decide whatistheright color for your home exterior? Do you go bold or basic?Asinall decorating, color choice is vital—it can hide flawsorwhendone poorly, draw attention to flaws. Either the lighterorthedarker shade could be used for the body and the oppositeforthetrim. The a third contrasting accent color couldpunctuatethedoor.Color can play up so many features of your home exterior.Paintyourfront porch a bright fresh white to draw the eye tothecozyentrance, or make your too-tall home look shorter with adarkcoloron top and a lighter color on bottom. The ways that colorcantrickthe eye and play up the positive are endless!Form Follows FunctionLouis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright’s mentor, coined thephrase,formfollows function. Essentially, this means that thepurpose ofthebuilding should be the starting point of thedesign.What is the purpose of your home? What do you plan to useyourhomefor? Consider all your families needs and then decidewhatisrequired in your home in order to accommodate thoseneeds.The exterior of your home will mimic the form of theinteriordesignsthat you have chosen. Maybe you are an artist whochoselarge windowsbecause you need natural lighting topaint/create.Maybe you needed agranny suite over the garage, sothe exterior ofthe home has adormer in order to make the window inthat room lookbalanced. Alwaysremember that your interior designaffects theexterior one, aswell.Modern house exterior design shows you some modernhouseexteriordesigns for you to make your perfect house exteriordesignin modernstyle. This modern house exterior design will addthebeauty andluxury in your home at once. Find your favoritemodernhouseexterior design and you will have modern house.Modern Exterior House Gallerymodern exterior designs are ready for you, Install Now!