3 Похожие Wine Quiz

Château Academy 1.0.7
Château Academy is a free serious game aiming togetplayersinterested in the vineyard culture, wine-growing andwinesellingfunctions. The targeted players are scholars between 14and20. Thegame is in solo player mode and doesn’t requireanyinternetconnection. The game At start, you buy a wine “Château”intheBordeaux area. You will have to manage your estate,buyingtoolsand machinery and hiring employees withdifferentqualifications inorder of making the best possible wine tosell.Every professionalfunction has a short explanation.Deeperinformation on every jobis available through an internet linktovideos and files. The gamecovers a whole year. Game time ratio is1week every 2 minutes ofreal time, so the game can be finishedinless than 1 ½ hour andstarted again to improve the score. Scoreisa combination ofamount of money (earned selling the production)andreputation ofthe “Château” (result of the care the player tookofthe estate).Gameplay is based on a sequence of tasks tobefulfilled in alimited time. Random climatic incidents (hailandsnow) can happen.User interface Interface is tactile usual:choicesare made with aone finger touch; in and out zooming is madewithtwo fingersmoving closer or spread. Initial instructionsOnceyou’ve made yourinitial choice (your estate location), youarewelcomed by yourexecutive staff and receive the firstelementarygame instructionsand menu descriptions. Everyday tasks Assoon asthe game starts,you will have a lot of “tasks” to perform,whichare reported witha warning. When touched, the warning opensthedescription of thetask and what’s needed to fulfill it,i.e.specific employees and,most of the time, tools or an extradevicefor his tractors. Allyear long, you will have to take care ofyourgrapevine and yourwine in barrels and bottles. You will alsohaveto manage yourteam. For instance, when hiring an employee, youhaveto choose hisefficiency. The more efficient, the higher is hisfee.An option isto hire less efficient people and when they arenotstaffed, tosend them to professional training. When back, theyare10% moreefficient but they don’t cost more. You are supposedtotake careof your tools too. If not, failures will happen atthelessappropriate moment. The project Chateau Academy issupportedbypublic French “Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine”. Thepartners oftheproject’s consortium are EPLEFPA Bordeaux Gironde,CIVB,Inno’Vinand Shinypix.
Wine cellar Escape 2.0.0
funny games
A poor wine cellar came to buy wine fromthestorage room.But unfortunately he got trapped inside a wine storage room.He seeks your help to escape from that place.Will you please help him?Then what you need to do is, just collect all the items found intheroom and correlate them logically to escape from theplace.The rules to collect the items are simple just tap on the itemsitwill added to the inventory panel and just a flick to movetoanother view.If you got struck up in the middle of the game, just make use ofthewalk through video provided by us.Have a great escape!!!!!Install Adobe Air Plugin to play this game.
Aunty Acid Quest For Wine 1.7.6
Acres Retail
The official Aunty Acid game. HelpAuntyAcidbattle through different objects to get to her box ofwine.Bewarned things are not as it seems and there maybesomesurprisesalong the way!