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Joshua House of Worship 1.403
Joshua House of Worship is a familythathasbeen called to worship God in spirit and in truth.Oneveryoccasion, the goodness of God prompts us to enter intoHiscourtswith praise and into His gates with thanksgiving.First and foremost our worship services are designed to showourlovefor God, to share that love with others and to equiphischildren tolive out their lives according to His greatpurposes.In a nutshell,each member at JHOW is encouraged, equippedandexpected to share inministry service according to theircallingsand gifts for service,regardless of age, race or gender.As amulti-cultural and multi-generational congregation seekingthespiritual welfare and growth ofher members, we’ve determinedtokeep service our goal rather thanstatus.God has inspired the JHOW family to not only organizeit’sministryaround the five purposes as learned from thepurposedriventeachings but also to reinforce those purposes withwhat wereferto as “The 12 Tribes of JHOW.” Each of the “tribes”representsagrouping of similar ministries that are connected tooneanotherfor the greater accomplishment of the overall mission.We have been told time and time again that the atmosphereatJHOWis loving and dynamic. We hope that upon your visit inthenearfuture that you will say the same. Certainly, after yourfirstvisitwe will no longer be strangers. We are "The place wherethelove ofGod abounds unconditionally and where worship comestolife." Comesee for yourself.