19 Похожие Rukun Islam

Rukun Iman 2.0
Para ulama menetapkan setiap umatIslammestilah percaya kepada 6 perkara asas dalam Islam yangdikenaliramai sebagai Rukun Iman." Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Tetapkanlah iman kamukepadaAllah dan RasulNya, dan kepada Kitab Al-Quran yang telahditurunkankepada RasulNya (Muhammad S.A.W) dan juga kepadaKitab-kitab Suciyang telah diturunkan dahulu daripada itu dansesiapa yang kufuringkar kepada Allah dan Malaikat-malaikatNya, danKitab-kitabNyadan Rasul-rasulNya dan juga Hari Akhirat, makasesungguhnya diatelah sesat dengan kesesatan yang amat jauh."(Surah An-Nisaa':136)
Everything Islam 2.8
Halal Apps
Everything Islam is an Islamic app providing you withqualitycontent.
Islam : Le Saviez-Vous? 1.0
"Le Saviez-Vous?" version Islam est lapremièreapplication qui propose chaque jour des rappels sous formed'imageset permet d’accroître et de confirmer ses connaissancessur laculture islamique.L'application a pour but d'informer sur la culture musulmane etderapprocher les gens des principes de l'islam.Les images, logos et autres contenus sont les propriétés desauteursrespectifs.Avertissement : La pluparts de notre contenu appartient auxpagessuivantes:https://www.facebook.com/LaVoieDuMuslim/https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesaviezvousMuslimhttps://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesavislamVos propositions ou suggestions sont les bienvenus."Did you know?" versionofIslam is the first application that offers daily reminders intheform of images and enhances and confirm their knowledge ofIslamicculture. The application aims to inform about the Muslim culture andbringpeople closer to the principles of Islam.The images, logos and other content are the property ofrespectiveauthors.Warning: pluparts our content belongs to thefollowingpages:https://www.facebook.com/LaVoieDuMuslim/https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesaviezvousMuslimhttps://fr-fr.facebook.com/LesavislamAll suggestions and feedback are welcome.
Islamic Dictionary-Basics for Muslim -2019
Digital Valley
Islamic Dictionary & Guide or info is a unique browsing toolforIslamic terms.
Questions Islam
Question Islam est une application destiné àunlarge public, elle permet d'accroitre et de confirmersesconnaissances sur la culture islamique.Elle est dans un format ludique sous forme de questions /réponsesavec un contenu explicatif.Elle a pour but d'informer sur la culture musulmane et derapprocherles gens des principes de l'islam.C'est une première initiative qui a besoin de votre soutien.Pour toute proposition ou suggestion, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyerunemail au questions4islam@gmail.comQuestion Islam isanapplication designed for a wide audience, it allows to increaseandconfirm their knowledge of Islamic culture.She is in a playful format as questions / answers withexplanatorycontent.It aims to inform about the Muslim culture and bring people totheprinciples of Islam.This is the first initiative that needs your support.For any proposal or suggestion, do not hesitate to send me anemailquestions4islam@gmail.com
Islam Guide: Beginners & Kids 1.0
App Pilot
Are you new to Islam a revert or convert?Maybeyou have kids and want teach them the basics of Islam? ThenIslamGuide: Beginners and Kids is the perfect app for you!This app covers the very basics of Islam and Islamic values.From what is Islam? Who is Allah? What does Allah do? WhereisAllah?To the five pillars of islam:∙ Shahadah - The declaration of faith that all Muslims must maketofollow Islam.∙ Salah - The daily prayer performed by Muslims 5 times a day∙ Zakah - The sharing of wealth∙ Sawm - Fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan∙ Hajj - The Islamic Pilgrimage to MakkahThe app contains brightly coloured and fun images so is agreatway to teach your kids and children Islamic values but revertsandconverts who are looking to learn the basics could also findthisto be a great indicatory text. Its very important we teach ourkidsthe beauty of this religion.Designed for all ages!∙ Suitable for reverts / converts∙ Suitable for beginners∙ Suitable for young kids and teenagers∙ Suitable for Adults
La prière en islam 1.3 (git build)
Modern Guide Co
Dans cette application sera expliqué les piliers de lareligion,lesrituels les plus importants de l'Islam et les plusimportantsactesd’adorations. De plus, une clarification du statutde laşalât(prière) sera faite ainsi que son mérite et commentonaccomplie laprière de manière parfaite. Les piliers etlesobligations de laşalât (prière) seront expliqués, ainsiquel’explication del’importance du recueillement lors de laşalât(prière) avec unexposé de quelques jugements concernantcerecueillement en destermes intéressant, amusant et facileacomprendre. Contenu del'application : • Importance et mérite delaşalât (prière) • Lescinq şalât (prière) obligatoires etleurhoraire • Le lieud’accomplissement de la şalât (prière)•Description de la şalât(prière) • Les piliers et obligations delaşalât (prière) • Laşalât (prière) du vendredi • l’appel à laşalât(prière) (adzân) etl’annonce du commencement de la şalât(prière)(iqâma) • Lerecueillement dans la şalât (prière) [khuchû`]• Laşalât (prière)en groupe • La şalât (prière) du voyageur • Laşalât(prière) dumalade Particularités de l'application : •Navigationsimple etagréable • Application interactive jolie etintéressante• Guidesimplifié basé sur le Coran et la Sunna Pourêtre encontact Nousserions heureux de recevoir vos questions ouvoscommentaires:info@modern-guide.com Tout comme nous serionsheureuxque vousévaluiez nos produits Modern Gude. Birmingham - UKB11 1AR
A'dan Z'ye Islami Bilgiler C1 6.0
Okumayi Teşvik Derneği
* (V6) SD Karta taşıma özelliği eklendi.Değerli okurlarım!Ben, âcizane olarak ve gücümü zorlayarak elimden geldiğikadarahiret azığı ile ilgili kanımca en önemli ve en önceliklikonularısizin için yazmaya çalıştım.Aradığınız bilgileri kolayca bulabilmeniz için,konularıalfabetik sıraya göre düzenledim ve A harfinden L harfinekadarolan birinci cildi Yüce Rabbimin yardımı ile tamamladım.Rabbimömür ve sağlık verirse, İnşâAllah ikinci cildi detamamlamayaçalışacağım.Siz değerli okurlarım için yararlı bir eser yazabilmişsem,buAllah’ın lütfudur, O’na hamdü senâlar ederim. Yararlı bireseryazamamışsam, bu benim kusurumdur, Allah’tan afetmesinidilerim.Bu eserin hazırlanmasında, basımında, dağıtımında veokunmasındamaddi, mânevî emeği geçen din kardeşlerimden Allah razıolsun.Hepiniz Allah’a emânet olun!..Ahmet TOMORKonular : Abdest , Acelecilik , Adak , Ahirete Iman , Ahlak,Allah'a Iman , Ana Baba Hakkı , Avcılık , Ay , Ayet-el Kürsü,Balve Arı , Balık , Bayram , Berat Gecesi , Besmele , Namaz ,Cemaat ,Cenaze , Cennet , Cinler , Cuma Günü , Çocuk Sahibi Olmak ,DargınDurmanın Günahı , Deprem , Din ve Islam , Dua , Dünya veAhiret ,Ecel , Ehli Beyt , Evlenme , Evliyalar , Ezan , Faiz ,Fatiha , FenBilimleri , Miras , Fıkıh , Gusül , Güneş , Hac ve Umre, Hediye ,Hicri Yıl , Hurma , Iftar , Imamlık , Incil , Incir ,IsaAleyhisselam, Kabe , Kader , Kalp ve Gönül , Kıyamet ,KitaplaraIman , Kul Hakkı , Kıble , Kuran , Kurban
Islamic Kids Songs 1.0
Islamic Kids Songs Video Apps Free!----------------------------------------The collection of most popular Islamic Songs for Kids VideoClipsfor kids, baby, toddler, children to fun and educationallearningby songs.It is available FREE of cost, and needs INTERNET connectionisrequired to work. All of contents are Youtube and this appprovidesthe Link list for user's easy use.Sample : Islamic Kids Songs- Islam for Children: Upsy Daisy - I Look, I See 2- Nasheed | Arabic Alphabet Song- Islamic Animation: The Golden Words of the Prohet Muhammad- Ramadan Song- Umma Ummaa Kids Song- Wonderful Islamic Nasheed for Children - I Am A Muslim- A Way Of Life- Bangla Islamic Song for Children...? ????? ???? ??? ???.- Islam Kaaryangal Song- Asmaul Husna- Malayalam Islamic Songs for Kids- Gan Ke Valobase Zara- A is for Allah by Yusuf Islam- Porer Jonne Korle Kisu Nijer Jonne Kora hoy- Islamic Rhymes for children- Muhammad (saw)- Urdu Lori For KidsAnd More ...***DISCLAIMER : The content provided in this app is hostedbyYouTube and is available in public domain by youtube api. We donotupload or add videos to YouTube or in this app. This app is justanorganized way to browse and view these YouTube Videos. We donotclaim the videos, audios or other contents. The graphics andothercontent are the property of respective copyrightholders.***Remember that this is UNOFFICIAL APP and not affiliated withthevideo publisher, and is simply an easy interface to accesspubliclyavailable videos.Any problems or suggestions, please contact us.
ABCs of Islam for Kids 3.0.0
Moftak Solution
Teach your child Islamic words with ABCofIslam. We strive to educate children with Islamic knowledge.ABC of Islam contains Islamic word for each letter from A toZ.It contains shapes that help your child to better understandtheword and its meaning.After a complete walk through from learning zone the ABCRandomzone will help to memorize the words learned.
doa-doa islam 1.0
Mobile App Dev TIF
Islam 1.0
Islam Muslim
GREAT FOR NON-MUSLIMS TOOOur Islam APP has a beautiful Islam Theme. Simple to usewithbeneficial Tools, All available when you open the app.Ability to Search the net with a search barWe have links to:Islam Questions and AnswersHALAL Places ( Can locate Halal restaurants within yourlocation.Locate MOSQUES around you plus much more)QURAN Recitation and LessonsHADITH COLLECTIONIslam LECTURES (Podcast)UNDERSTANDING IslamTHE NOBLE QURAN (Arabic & English)Quran AudioMufti Menk LecturesThe only Islam App you need!
Bulan Bulan Islam 2.0
Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan pada sisiAllahadalah dua belas bulan, dalam ketetapan Allah di waktuDiamenciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulanharam(Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, Muharram, Rejab). Itulah (ketetapan)agamayang lurus, maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalambulanyang empat itu dan perangilah kaum Musyrikin itusemuanyasebagaimana mereka pun memerangi kamu semuanya, danketahuilahbahawasanya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertaqwa.(SurahAl-Taubah : 36)Dua belas bulan yang disebut oleh Allah di dalam ayat diatastelah dihuraikan oleh Rasulullah SAW di dalam sebuah hadithyangtelah diceritakan oleh Saidina Abu Bakar as-Siddiq r.abahawaRasulullah SAW memberikan khutbah ketika ibadah hajidenganberkata:Ketahuilah bahawa masa berputar seperti mana hariAllahmenciptakan langit dan bumi, setahun ada 12 bulan antaranyaempatbulan haram, tiga daripadanya berturutan iaituZulkaedah,Zulhijjah, Muharam dan Rejab yang terletak antara JumadadanSyaaban. (Hadis Riwayat Imam Ahmad)Bulan dalam bahasa Arab disebut "Al-Syahru" bermaksud bulanyangmerujuk kepada bulan-bulan yang terdapat dalam Islam yangdipanggilbulan-bulan Hijriyah. Tarikh Hijriyah Islam yang pertamaadalahbermula ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW serta umat Islam telahsampai danberhijrah ke Madinah. Nama-nama bulan Arab yang telahdiiktirafsebagai bulan Islam dan telah dirasmikan penggunaannyaoleh SaidinaUmar al-Khattab r.a.
I Love Islam 7.0
Danyal Butt
- Islamic Moral stories tab is addedNamaaz Duas Stories KalimasI Love Islam, the purpose of this app is to providebasicinformation of Islam.- Islamic Moral stories tab is added- Basic Information (Islamic Topics)- Islamic months- Du'as Daily and Ocasional- Ramadan information- To filter Dua's & Kalimas by holding menu button untilitshows the keyboard.- New Islamic topics are added.- Namaz (Arabic & Urdu text)- Main screen with english & urdu text- Islamic month names with details- Meaning, Events of months and details- Full chapters are added of "Stories of The Prophets"
Marbel Muslim Kids 4.0.0
Educa Studio
Marbel Muslim Kids merupakanaplikasipendidikan islami untuk anak usia 4-8 tahun. Aplikasi inimembantuanak-anak belajar mengenal Islam dengan cara yangmenyenangkan.Marbel Muslim Kids dilengkapi dengan suara pendukunguntukmemudahkan anak-anak belajar. Sehingga tidak perlu khawatirjikabuah hati belum lancar membaca.Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadisatusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi denganGambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalambelajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melaluipermainanedukasi yang disediakan.POINT KHUSUS--------------------------------------------------- Belajar Rukun Islam- Belajar Rukun Iman- Belajar Malaikat dan Tugasnya- Belajar mengenal 25 Nabi dan Rosul- Belajar mengenal Khulafaur Rasyidin- Belajar Nama Bulan dalam Islam- Belajar Nama Hari dalam Islam- Belajar Huruf Hijaiyah- Belajar Angka Arab- Belajar Dzikir- Belajar Tata Cara Wudhu- Belajar Tata Cara Shalat- Belajar Mengenal Asmaul Husna- Dilengkapi juga dengan gambar dan animasi yang menarik.- Dilengkapi dengan Narasi untuk membantu anak-anak yangbelumlancar membaca.Aplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajaranak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar,belajarinteraktif, Permainan Puzzle, Permainan anak, Buku gambar,bukumewarnai, belajar mewarnai.TENTANG MARBEL--------------------------------------------------Marbel adalah aplikasi pendidkan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d8tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancarayang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantuanak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka,buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna, danmasih banyaklainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasiyang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan mengujikemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat,ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyaklainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik,musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anakyang belum lancar membaca.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Marbel:Website: http://www.educastudio.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/educastudioTwitter: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak adasalahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkankesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajarsambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anakbelajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)
Tentang Islam 0.90
Derry Destian
This application feature Islamic ContentinArabic and Indonesian Language. The contents are : some ofAlQur'an shurah, Hadits, Islamic article and prayer.
Islam - 30 Facts 1.3
This App aims to educate people who are interested in learningaboutIslam. In just 10-15 mins you will go through some easytounderstand short 30 facts about Islam, which will helpyouunderstad Islam better!Plus Enjoy App Features Like:• 30 Short and to the Point Facts!• Search box• Easy Browsing• Share Via Email• Favorites functionality• Change font size functionality• Works on android 4.0• Universal App works almost will all Android Phones & TabsThe App includes the following facts about Islam:* Meaning of Islam* Meaning of Muslim* The Abrahamic Tradition* Five Pillars of Islam* 6 Article of Faith in Islam* Islamic Concept of God* Muhammad(Pbuh) - Last Prophet of God* Quran - Last Revelation of God* Jesus(Pbuh) & Moses(Pbuh) - Prophets in Islam* Islam - A Complete Way of Life* Women Rights in Islam* Islamic Pilgrimage - The Hajjand more...Download it Now!
Tafsir Mimpi (Menurut ISLAM) 3.1.1
PONDOK Aplikasi
Dream interpretation books by Islam and the Quran
6 Kalma of Islam by Word 2020 1.7
Quran Reading
Word by Word Learning of 6 Kalmas of Islam