17 Похожие Daltonicam ( for colorblind )

Color Blindness test Ishihara 1.8
Pixel Teddy
Color blindness test Ishihara and Farnsworthisa completely free application which will make out very easily ifyouare color-blind (colorblind). Don't doubt anymore and take thistestwhich will last only a few seconds! (100% harmless).***Already more than 600 5 STARS REVIEW so you can TRY THISTESTTODAY without any hesitation***This application also helps to understand someonewithcolorblindness (colorblind): thanks to our camera mode you willbeable to understand your partner, children or friends. You'llseewhat a colorblind person see.Key features of Color Blindness test Ishihara andFarnsworth:- Two different test: Ishihara test & Farnsworth D-15HueDiscrimination test.- Camera mode test: See what a colorblind person sees,understandcolorblindness, take pictures and feign all kind ofcolorblindness.(Anomalous trichromacy: Tritanomaly, Deuteranomaly,Protanomaly,Dichromacy: Protanopia, Deuteranopia .... )- Share to your favorite social networks or via mail what youseewith the ColorBlind camera test- Split screen mode: To experience your environment asacolor-blindness and normal in the same time.- Information about the color-blindness.- Free application and updates.- Application easy to use and good for all the family.This free application is based on the Ishihara color test. Itwasnamed after his designer, Dr Shinobu Ishihara, professor totheUniversity of Tokyo, who published the first version of thistestin 1917.The application now includes a second test, the FarnsworthD-15color arrangement test also called hue discrimination test.Thistest will help you determine which color deficiency you have,ifany.Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/pixelteddy and like usonFacebook http://www.facebook.com/pixelteddyAbout pixel Teddy: http://www.pixelteddy.comIf you have ideas or questions about Color BlindnessTest(evaluation) FREE send an email to:sebastien@pixelteddy.comDiscover our new game aboutcolors:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixelteddy.colorhero
Color Blindness Test 1.5
Have you ever wondered whether you're color-blind or not?
Daltonizer 1.3.0
See as a colorblind person!
Color Blind Check 0.7.0-1602051918
Color blindness test which finds any type & severity ofcolorvision deficiency.
Eye Color Test 2.2
Eye Color Test is my first try to developasimple color blindness test. Eye Color Test is based on the ideaofthe real anomaloscope, made from two different light sourceswhichhave to be brought to a match.- Visual Acuity Test- Astigmatism Test- Duochrome Test- Colour Test- Far field vision test- Optician Finder- Eye Quiz- Eye Advice and factsCHECK OUT YOUR IDENTITY1. Click the box that have unusual colors with theremainingbox.2. The test begins when you click on the first box3. You have 15 seconds to answer each box4. When you press the wrong one box you will lose 3 seconds.
Color Blindness Test 1.0
iGreen Software
Color Blindness Test, a small game that allows you to checkyourcolor vision.
Colour Blind Test 1.0
The most common cause of color blindnessisdueto a fault in the development of one or more of the threesetsofcolor sensing cones in the eye. Males are more likely tobecolorblind than females as the genes responsible for themostcommonforms of color blindness are on the X chromosome. Asfemaleshavetwo X chromosomes, a defect in one is typicallycompensatedfor bythe other, while males only have one X chromosome.Colorblindnesscan also result from physical or chemical damage totheeye, opticnerve, or parts of the brain. Diagnosis istypicallywith theIshihara color test; however a number of othertestingmethods alsoexist.[2]There is no cure for color blindness.[2] Diagnosis mayallowaperson's teacher to change their method of teachingtoaccommodatethe decreased ability to recognize color.[1]Speciallenses mayhelp people with red-green color blindness whenunderbrightconditions. There are also mobile apps that canhelppeopleidentify colors.[2]Red-green color blindness is the most common form,followedbyblue-yellow color blindness and total colorblindness.Red-greencolor blindness affects up to 8% of males and0.5% offemales ofNorthern European descent. The ability to seecolor alsodecreasesin old age.[2] Being color blind may makepeopleineligible forcertain jobs in certain countries. This mayincludepilot, traindriver, and armed forces. The effect of colorblindnesson artisticability, however, is controversial. The abilityto drawappears tobe unchanged and a number of famous artists arebelievedto havebeen color blindColor vision deficiencies can be classified asacquiredorinherited.Deuteranopia is a type of color vision deficiency wherethegreenphotoreceptors are absent. It affects hue discriminationinthe sameway as protanopia, but without the dimming effect.Likeprotanopia,it is hereditary, sex-linked, and found in about 1%ofthe malepopulation.[6]Protanomaly is a mild color vision defect in whichanalteredspectral sensitivity of red retinal receptors (closertogreenreceptor response) results in poor red–greenhuediscrimination. Itis hereditary, sex-linked, and present in 1%ofmales. Thedifference with protanopia is that in this casetheL-cone ispresent but malfunctioning, whereas in the earliertheL-cone iscompletely missing.[7]
Colour Blindness Test 2.2.0
Instil Developers
The Ishihara test is a color perception test for red-greencolordeficiencies. The test consists of a number of coloredplates,called Ishihara plates, each of which contains a circle ofdotsappearing randomized in color and size.Within the pattern aredotswhich form a number or shape clearly visible to those withnormalcolor vision, and invisible, or difficult to see, to thosewith ared-green color vision defect, or the other way around. Thefulltest consists of 38 plates, but the existence of a deficiencyisusually clear after a few plates. But this test consisting only17plates.
Color Blindness Camera 1.1
It has experimentally to be createdforthepeople of color blindness. Currently, we offerassistanceforpeople with type 1 2 color vision type 2 2 colorvisionofstrength. We will continue to update the aid ofa3-inch-friendlyand the weaker for it if you have any demand. Ifyoufeedbackbecause it is currently in development and I think Iwillimprovethe skill of the application quality.In our app, I think that it is not a little is a placethathasbeen the color universal design for those who are haveastillcolor blindness such as billboards and guidance Map inthecity.This app I think If you serve you at that time.In addition to color vision auxiliary function, and ahealthypersoneven if you could know the appearance of people ofcolorweaknessand I think simulation function. In the simulation,itwill be ableto experience the type 1 2 color-3 type 2colorvision.Alternatively, you can take two photos of the time tohavestandardand color vision aid with a photo function at thesametime. Thereis also auto-focus because it ispossiblefocusing.At the time of photography, we have the sound in silence so asnottobother the people around you.In carrying make to our application, documentation of thoseoftheweaker is I was made to think it is allowed to create forthepeopleof strength not enough.I, from the examined materials, etc., if the person withtype1dichromats strength, without L cone, would have thefrequencyofthe red system recognized originally captured in aseparate Mcone· S cones , I thought the color of the green systemnotamusingeven seen the original color is recognized by the blueandyellowcolor gradient becomes yellow system.Therefore, healthy people can see colors in the range,isdividedroughly in nine colors of red, orange, yellow, yellowgreen,green,cyan, blue, purple, magenta, range of colors that lookbetteroftype 1 2 color vision of strength , it was divided intoyellowandblue only the vent color basis 9 compartment where itcanbedistinguished gradation from black, yellow, white, blue.Also,So,I gained some brightness for difficult to distinguish inthedarkcolor.Due to their, I have widened the visible range to the the wasuptoabout 400nm ~ 650nm about 700nm.Status quo, still in order not to smooth the differenceofpartition,or became rougher image in a dark place, in theclosepicture, etc.in black, it may be difficult to tell.[How to Use]○ on / off button: you The menu list are displayed here.○ color vision auxiliary button: I will switch the type 12auxiliaryof color vision, etc. here.○ Simulation button: I will switch the simulated colorvision,suchas type 1 2 color vision here.○ focus button: but we have automatic auto focus isequipped,pleaseuse here unless if out of focus.○ shooting button: You can take a picture here.[Operation check Model]au ISW16SH (SHARP AQUOS PHONE SERIE) Android OS 4.0.4au SHL25 (SHARP AQUOS PHONE SERIE) Android OS 4.4.2[Developer Privacy PolicyThis app is a color vision auxiliary camera appthatEast-Bridge.Jhas been developed and published.Those that get unnecessary information other thantheapplicationfunction and improve your bidder is not included.Timeofcommunication, it is used only to improve the app and websiteandadvertising display.This app is, there is a possibility that the appearanceanddifferentof those who are have the actual color weakness.
Color Amplifier 2.00
Andrei Popleteev
Color Amplifier makes your smartphoneacolor-enhancing lens: it takes live video from the camera,changescolors as you prefer, and shows the improved result. Thesettingslet you adjust the colors for your own perception.Functions:- Simulate different types of color-defficient vision;- Augment the view by replacing unseen colors.Keywords: protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia,daltonism,daltonizer, protanomaly, deuteranomaly,tritanomaly,dyschromatopsy, augmented reality, dankam, colorblindness,daltonism correction, color vision, CVD.
Color Blindness Test 1.0
Have you ever wonderedwhetheryou'recolor-blind or not?Color blindness is a condition in which certain colorscannotbedistinguished, and is most commonly due toaninheritedcondition.Try this app and see if you may be color bind. This app isbasedonthe Ishihara Color Test.Color blindness test is a completely free applicationwhichwillmake out very easily if you are color-blind. take thistestwhichwill last only a few seconds.This is a color-blind and color weakness oftestapplications,using Ishihara color test to determine whether youaresufferingfrom color deficiency or color blindness.Testing will show a set of pictures, these pictures iscomposedbylots of colored dots, you need to identify a patternfromthesecolored dots, in general is a number, and you need toinputthisnumber and click correct answer button.By the end of the test, the program will give a score,andtheanswer will be given for each tested picture.Good colour blind test and colour vision diagnosis. Trythissightand eye test right now.
ตาบอดสี Color Blindness 1.0.8
ทดสอบตาบอดสี ColorTest วัดสายตาให้คุณตรวจสอบสายตาโดยประมาณได้ว่าคุณตาบอดสีหรือไม่โดยแอพจะให้ผู้ใช้ใส่ตัวเลขที่เห็นตามภาพที่แสดงแล้วระบบจะตรวจสอบว่าคุณตอบถูกหรือไม่
Color blindness correction 1.3.0
Real-time image correction for color blind people!
ColorTest 1.0
Color Test is an Ishihara test for color vision deficiencies("colorblindness")
Тест на дальтонизм 1.2
iwolt apps
Перед вами диагностическийтестпополихроматическим таблицам Рабкина, используемыйдлявыявлениядальтонизма, а также его проявлений. Этот тестзнакомкаждомуроссиянину мужского пола - его проходят на медкомиссииввоенкоматевсе призывники.Правила прохождения теста:Расслабьтесь, смотрите на картинки с приличногорасстояния,лучшеоколо метра, важно не рассматривать их носом вэкран.Не торопитесь, на каждую картинку выделяйте около 5 секунд.Если увидели в себе отклонения, не паникуйте. При прохождениитестасэкрана телефона, всё сильно зависит от настроексамогоизображения,цветности и т.д.. Тем не менее, эторекомендацияобратиться кспециалисту.Классификация дальтонизмаЧаще всего это заболевание встречается в частичной форме,новединичных случаях в полной.Протанопия (protanomaly, deuteranomaly) -невосприимчивостьккрасному спектру;Дихромия-тританопия (tritanopia) –невосприимчивостьксине-фиолетовому цвету;Дейтранопия - невосприимчивость к зелёному цвету.Нарушение красных цветовых рецепторов – самыйчастыйслучай.Диагностика этого расстройства, заключается вопределениихарактеравосприятия цвета, у больного спомощьюспециальнойполихроматической таблицы Рабкина. Человек снормальнымвосприятиемцветов, увидит фигуры или цифры, составленныев одномцвете,дальтонику же такая таблица покажется однородной.Припротанопии,восприятие красного будет более тёмным, и онсмешиваетсястёмно-зелёным и тёмно-коричневыми цветами, а зелёныйцвет ссерым,коричневым и жёлтым.Here is adiagnostictestfor polychromatic tables Rabkin used to detect colorblindness,aswell as its manifestations. This test is familiar toeveryRussianmale - pass it to the medical examination in themilitaryallrecruits.Terms of the test:Relax, look at pictures from a distance, about a meter better,itisimportant not to consider their nose at the screen.Take the time to highlight each picture for 5 seconds.If you see a deviation, do not panic. When passing the testwiththephone's screen, all strongly depends on the imagesettings,color,etc .. However, it is recommended to consultaspecialist.Classification of color blindnessMost often, the disease occurs in partial form, but in afewcasescomplete.Protanopia (protanomaly, deuteranomaly) - insensitivitytoredspectrum;Dihromiya-acyanopsia (tritanopia) - insensitivitytoblue-violetcolor;Deytranopiya - insensitivity to green.Violation of the red color receptors - the mostfrequentcase.Diagnosis of the disorder is to determine the natureofcolorperception, the patient with a special Rabkinpolychromatictable.A person with normal color perception, seefigures ornumbers,composed in one color, color-blind as this tablewillseemhomogeneous. When protanopia perception of red is darker,andit ismixed with dark green and dark brown, and green colorwithgray,brown and yellow.
Таблицы Рабкина тест free 1.0
Данное приложения разработанодляисследованияцветового зрения человека. Приложение бесплатноисодержит 27таблиц.Приложение с использованием таблиц Рабкина полезно для:- Пациентов с размытым или искаженным зрением- Пациентов с хроническими головными болями и усталостью глаз- Домашних посещений врачей- Домашнего проведения теста для тех людей, которыесомневаютсявнеобходимости посещения врача.- Школ, детских садов, университетовТест для исследования цветового зрения человека являетсяоднимизобычных и полезных тестов для анализазрительнойфункциичеловека.Данный тест рекомендуется проходить регулярно. Тестразработандляразных возрастов и интеллектуальных групп.Тест исследования цветового зрения человека сприменениемтаблицРабкина, имеет интуитивный дизайн, позволяетпользователюслегкостью управляться с приложением.В тесте будут даны объекты. Требуется определить эти объекты.Вконцетеста будет показан результат.Советы:- Выберите наиболее удобную вам позицию и расслабьтесь.- Расположитесь спиной к окну или источнику света.- Голову следует держать прямо, не двигая и не поворачиваяеёвразные стороны.- Гаджет располагают в строго вертикальной плоскостинауровнеглаз.- Время просмотра одной таблицы не должно превышать 5 секунд.Поддерживаемые языки:- РусскийЗаявление:Данное приложение не может являться заменойрегулярныхобследованийофтальмолога. Мы рекомендуем пройти полноеобследованиепослепрохождения данного теста.Thisapplicationisdeveloped for the study of human color vision. The appis freeandcontains 27 tables.Application using tables Rabkin useful for:- Patients with blurred or distorted vision- Patients with chronic headaches and eye fatigue- Home visits by doctors- The home of the test for those who question the needfordoctorvisits.- Schools, kindergartens, universitiesTest for the study of human color vision is one of thecommonanduseful tests for the analysis of human visualfunction.This test is recommended to be held regularly. The testisdesignedfor all ages and intellectual groups.Test study of human color vision using tables Rabkin hasanintuitivedesign allows the user to easily operatetheapplication.This test will be given objects. Required to identifytheseobjects.At the end of the test result will be shown.Tips:- Choose the most comfortable position and relax you.- Position yourself back to a window or light source.- Keep your head straight, not moving and not turning itindifferentdirections.- The gadget is a strictly vertical plane at eye level.- While watching one table must not exceed 5 seconds.Supported languages:- RussianStatement:This application may not be a substitute for regularexaminationsbyan ophthalmologist. We recommend a completeexaminationafterpassing the test.
Color Blind Test 2.0.1
Reveal Red-Green & Blue-Yellow Color Blindness &ColorVision Deficiencies