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Applying Anger - Self Hypnosis 1.1
Applying Anger - Hypnosis for Anger ManagementThis app includes:• 29 minute NLP / self-hypnosis audio program with binauralbeatfrequencies• 60 page e-book "An Overview of NLP & EricksonianHypnosis"***** A great tool for some "attitude adjustment""Michael Emery has mastered the art of self-hypnosis; atleastthat's what I'm calling it. I've listened to a couple ofhismeditations; this one "Applying Anger" and "DynamicDetermination",oh wait, make that three, I listened to "ExperienceTrance" lastnight. All three are GREAT! Applying Anger was veryappropriate andhelpful with focusing anger toward and into aspecific mentalhang-up thereby releasing the anger while using itto destroy amentally selected hang-up of your choosing. Fascinatingconcept.His voice is so relaxing, some meditation cd's that I'velistenedto of others have nasally, or high pitched voices which canbe, forme, distracting. His is the first male meditation cd thatI'velistened to. His voice is very calming, not boring, engagingandinteresting." - Merle9999Even as far back as childhood you were probably taught angeris"bad"... In doing so, you were robbed of one of yourgreatestsources of personal power. Take it back, today.Life happens and one of the things you can count onroutinelybeing exposed to is anger. Hey, even if you don't want tothinkthat it affects you, it does because it is becoming more andmoreundeniable that our thoughts and actions influence the rest oftheworld. In fact, remember this the next time you are drivingintraffic and someone cuts you off. Or, when someone tries toforcetheir political, religious or personal beliefs upon you. Howfarcan they go before you experience anger?It's all around you - all the time gently balanced uponthepivotal point between caged animal savagery and humanbenevolence.Even in light of your own goals, desires andaspirations - how manytimes do you have to not get what you wantbefore you experiencefrustration followed by anger? You were likelytaught to be afraidof letting anger get out of control. So you pushit down inside andtry to be calm.Meanwhile, the pressure just builds and instead of focusing itasyou can - it just blows up one day.I've found that, in general, our society is very afraid ofangerand for many individuals, instead of finding a healthy waytoprocess a situation in which they have experienced anger, weoftenjust repress the feelings we are experiencing. Such feelingsbuildup and because there is usually no constructive way toreleasethem, they remain with us and in some cases may evenhavephysiological side effects such as ulcers, digestiveproblems,panic attacks and other health complications that havebeenattributed to emotional causes.But, what if your anger was perceived to be like a fuel?Mostpeople are afraid to even show anger because they don't trustthatthey can experience anger and still be in control. What ifyoucould? What things in your life could you apply all energythistoward? Applying Anger is a unique 29 minute program thatcreates aprivate, safe place for a person to experience andredirect theiranger. When directed and applied, anger can becomeone of your mostpowerful resources for achieving what you want inlife.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
Anger Management Pro 1.1
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach toManageyourAnger and Experience All the Benefits of Dealing withyourAnger tohave a Happy Stress Free Life in a matter of Days❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Chapter one: Knowing How to Identify the Root of Your Anger 6Chapter Two: Anger Can Control Your Life 29Chapter Three: Taking Control of Your Anger 56Chapter Four: In Review 76❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps theTeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and withinaminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: management, what is anger, how to anger management,howtocontrol anger