23 Похожие Skull Images

Te quiero Amor 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
En esta ocasión te presentamos "TEQUIEROAMOR",una aplicación que contiene más de sesentapreciosasimágenes deflores y corazones con frases inspiradas paradedicar aesa personaespecial de tu vida y así enamorarla oreconquistarla!!En ella encontrarás frases como:- Te quiero princesa!- Te amo hasta el infinito y más allá.- Sólo quería decirte que Te amo!!- I love you- Te he dicho hoy que Te quiero?- Sin ti me siento incompleta. Te quiero!- Te amo más de lo que te imaginas.Y otros más con diseños exclusivos, no esperes que telocuente,mejor descarga y empieza a utilizarla ya!"TE QUIERO AMOR" es una aplicación gratuita que unavezinstaladapuedes ver en el menú dos opciones:* Imágenes con corazones* Imágenes con floresEso quiere decir que puedes elegir imágenes de cualquieradeestosdos grupos, hay muchos y variados para enviarlos a travésdelasdiferentes redes sociales con las que cuenta tudispositivoandroidsea teléfono móvil o celular y tablets; bastaseleccionar lapostaly compartirla por Snapchat, Facebook, Meetme,Google+,Twitter,Vkontakte, Sina Weibo, Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone,Badoo,Hi5,Youtube, WhatsApp, etc o mediante correo electrónico.Es sencilla de utilizar, tan sólo navega por nuestragaleríadeimágenes las cuales tienen una muy buena resolución yelige laquemás te agrade y empieza a compartir o si deseaspuedesdescargarlay utilizarla como: fondo de pantalla (wallpaper),fotode perfil,pantalla de inicio, foto de contacto, pantalladebloqueo, etc.Esperamos que esta app "TE QUIERO AMOR" sea de tu totalagrado,ypor favor recuerda valorar nuestro trabajo, almomentodedescargarla calificándola con cinco estrellas, haciendoclic enG+1y dejando un comentario positivo o sugerenciaparafuturasactualizaciones, de antemano te lo agradecemosmucho.Dios los bendiga siempre!!Y a expresar tus sentimientos de corazón conestalindaaplicación.NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad la misma que nosayudaamantener los costos de programación.This time wepresent"ILOVE LOVE", an application that contains more thansixtybeautifulimages of flowers and hearts inspired to devote tothatspecialperson in your life or phrases and so reconquer Love !!Here you will find phrases like:- I love you princess!- I love you to infinity and beyond.- Just I wanted to say I love you !!- I love you- I told you today that I love you?- Without you I feel incomplete. I love you!- I love you more than you think.Still others with unique designs, do not expect me totellyou,best and download and start using it!"I LOVE LOVE" is a free application that once installed canseeonthe menu two options:* Images with hearts* Images with flowersThat means you can choose images from any of these twogroups,thereare many and varied to send them through the varioussocialnetworksthat your device has android is mobile or cellularandtablets; justselect the postcard and share it bySnapchat,Facebook, Meetme,Google+, Twitter, Vkontakte, SinaWeibo,Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone,Badoo, Hi5, Youtube, WhatsApp, etcorvia email.It is simple to use, just browse our gallery of imageswhichhavea very good resolution and select the one you like andstartsharingor if you want you can download and use aswallpaper(wallpaper),profile picture , home screen, contact photo,lockscreen, etc.We hope this app "I LOVE LOVE" is your totalsatisfaction,andplease remember to rate our work, when downloadingcalling itfivestars, by clicking G + 1 and leaving a positivecommentorsuggestions for future updates, advance we thank youverymuch.God bless you always!!And to express your heartfelt feelings withthiscuteapplication.NOTE: This application contains advertising it helps uskeepthecosts of programming.
Mensajes de Buenas Noches 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
"Mensajes de Buenas Noches" esunaaplicaciónque contiene más de 50 hermosas postales con frasesparadesear unafeliz noche a tus seres queridos y amigos a travésdelasdiferentes redes sociales con las que disponetudispositivoandroid (teléfono móvil o tablet).En ella encontrarás mensajes como:- Que el día de mañana sea bello y resplandeciente para tí.- Que Dios y los ángeles del cielo acompañen tu dulce sueño.- Dulces sueños! Que Dios te bendiga siempre.- Nunca pierdas la esperanza de lo que Dios hará en tu vida.y otras más, que seguro a la persona que la envíes lesorprenderásyalegrarás su noche con un hermoso mensaje.Es una app gratuita, liviana y fácil de navegar. Unavezinstaladabasta elegir el mensaje y compartirlo a travésdeFacebook, Tuenti,Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line, Viber,Telegram,Weechat, Ozone,WeChat, Linkedln, Badoo, DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo,Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK, Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.. Asícomo también, puedes establecerla como:fondo depantalla, foto deperfil, pantalla de inicio, foto delcontacto ypantalla debloqueo.Esperamos que "Mensajes de Buenas Noches" sea detucompletoagrado, y si es así te agradeceríamos quevalorarásnuestrotrabajo, calificándola con cinco estrellas,haciendo clic enG+1 ydejando un comentario positivo o sugerenciaparafuturasactualizaciones, de antemano muchas gracias.Dios los colme de bendiciones!NOTA: "Mensajes de Buenas Noches" contiene publicidad lacualnosayuda a cubrir gastos de programación.Les invitamos a ver más aplicaciones gratuitas deotrostemasinteresantes que tenemos como "agape aplicaciones""Messages Good Night"isanapplication that contains more than 50 beautifulpostcardswithphrases to wish a happy evening with your loved onesandfriendsthrough different social networks that has yourandroiddevice(phone or tablet).Here you will find messages like:- That tomorrow is beautiful and shining for you.- May God and the angels of heaven accompany your sweetdream.- Sweet Dreams! God bless you always.- Never lose hope of what God will do in your life.and others, to secure the person you send will be surprisedandgladyour evening with a beautiful message.It is a free, lightweight and easy to navigate app.Onceinstalledjust choose the message and share it viaFacebook,Tuenti, Twoo,Twitter, WhatssApp, Line, Viber, Telegram,WeeChat,Ozone, WeChat,LinkedIn, Badoo, DailyMotion, Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo,Instagram,Google+, YouTube, VK, Kik, Habbo, Friendster,Ortsbo ..So as you canalso set it as wallpaper, profile photo,home screen,contact pictureand lock screen.We hope that "Messages Good Night" is yourcompletesatisfaction,and if so please let'll appreciate our work,callingit five stars,by clicking G + 1 and leaving a positivecomment orsuggestions forfuture updates in advance many Thankyou.God fill you with blessings!NOTE: "Good Night Messages" contains advertising which helpsustocover programming costs.We invite you to see more free apps other interesting topicsthatweas "agape applications"
Sugar Skull Wallpaper 1.5
Sugar Skull Wallpaper with fanatasy Art Girly SkullWallpaperpictures.
Emoticon de Corazón 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
En "EMOTICON DE CORAZON" encontrarásunagranvariedad de imágenes de corazones para expresar lo quesientesyamenizar tus conversaciones con la persona que amas. Séoriginalytransmite tus sentimientos a través de estos emoticonesgratuitos.Es una aplicación sencilla, liviana y fácil denavegar,bastadesplazarse por la galería de imágenes y elegir elemoticonque máste agrade y compartirlo por las diferentes redessocialescon lasque dispone tu móvil android como: Snapchat,Facebook,Meetme,Google+, Twitter, Vkontakte, Sina Weibo,Instagram,LinkedIn,QZone, Badoo, Hi5, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc..!! omediantecorreoelectrónico.Al tener imágenes de alta resolución, también lo puedesusarcomofondo de pantalla, de bloqueo, de perfil, o decontacto,etc...Esperamos que "EMOTICON DE CORAZON" sea de tu agrado ynoteolvides de valorarla calificándola con cincoestrellas,pulsandoclic en G+1 y dejando un comentario positivo osugerenciaparafuturas actualizaciones, de antemano te loagradecemosmucho.Dios los bendiga siempre!!NOTA: Esta app "EMOTICON DE CORAZON" tiene publicidad lamismaquenos ayuda a cubrir costos de programación.In "EMOTICONHEART"youwill find a variety of images of hearts to express whatyoufeeland liven up your conversations with the person youlove.Beoriginal and transmits your feelings through these freesmilies.It is a simple, lightweight and easy-to-navigate,simplyscrollthrough the gallery and choose the emoticon you likebest andshareit through different social networks that has yourmobileandroidas Snapchat, Facebook, Meetme, Google+, Twitter,Vkontakte,SinaWeibo, Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone, Badoo, hi5,Youtube,WhatsApp,etc .. !! or by e-mail.Having high-resolution images, you can also useaswallpaper,lock, profile, or contact, etc ...We hope that "EMOTICON HEART" is to your liking and donotforgetto evaluate it with five stars calling it, by clicking onG+ 1 andleaving a positive comment or suggestions for futureupdatesinadvance we thank you very much.God bless you always!!NOTE: This app "EMOTICON HEART" has the sameadvertisingthathelps us to cover programming costs.
Stickers 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
En esta ocasión, hemos creadoestafantásticaaplicación gratuita "STICKERS", la cual contiene másde150pegatinas, emoticones y stickers para amenizartusconversaciones através de tus redes favoritas comoWhatsApp,Twitter, Facebook yotros más que dispone tu móvil android(celularo tablet).Caras felices, tristes, enojados, furiosos, sorprendidosyotrosgestos más es lo que esta a tu disposición ennuestraapp"STICKERS". En ella hay estas tres opciones:ALIENS, VIRUS, PACMAN, MONSTERS: contiene stickersdealiens,monsters, virus, pacman y otros.EMOTICONES Y CARAS: aquí están variadosydivertidosemoticones.MAS STICKERS: caras, emojis y más.Su interfaz es sencilla y fácil para navegar, unavezinstaladasólo debes seleccionar el sticker apropiado paraalegrar,divertiry amenizar tus diálogos de chat. Seguro laspersonas quelareciban, se sorprenderán y así robarás muchassonrisas!!No esperes a que te detalle más, sólo descarga e instala ya!Ahora, si te encantan también lo puedes usar comofondodepantalla, de perfil, de bloqueo o de contacto, tu móvilestarámásemotivo y personalizado a tu gusto.Esperamos que esta app "STICKERS" sea de tu agrado, y si esasíteagradeceríamos que la valorarás calificando concincoestrellas,pulsando en G+1 y dejando un comentario positivoosugerencia deque categoría te gustaría que se incluyaenfuturasactualizaciones, de antemano te lo agradecemos mucho.Dios los bendiga siempre y a divertirsecompartiendoestosstickers a montón!NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad los cuales nosayudanacubrir costos de programación.On this occasion,wehavecreated this fantastic free app "STICKERS" which containsmorethan150 stickers, emoticons and stickers to liven upyourconversationsthrough your favorite networks like WhatsApp,Twitter,Facebook andothers who have your mobile android ( phone ortablet).Faces happy, sad, angry, angry, surprised and othergesturesmoreis what is available to you in our app "STICKERS". Init therearethree options:ALIENS, VIRUS, PACMAN, MONSTERS: contains stickersofaliens,monsters, virus, pacman and others.Smileys and CARAS: here are varied and fun emoticons.MORE STICKERS: faces, Emoji and more.Its interface is simple and easy to navigate, onceinstalledjustselect the appropriate sticker to brighten, amuseandentertain yourchat dialogues. Sure people who receive it,beamazed and so robmany smiles !!Do not wait until you detail, just download and install now!Now, if you love so you can use as wallpaper, profile,lockorcontact your mobile will be more emotional and customizedtoyourliking.We hope this app "STICKERS" is to your liking, and ifsopleaselet the'll appreciate qualifying with five stars, clickingG+ 1and leaving a positive comment or suggestion thatcategoryyouwould like to be included in future updates,beforehandweappreciate very much.God bless you always and have fun sharing thesestickersalot!NOTE: This application contains advertising which help ustocoverprogramming costs.
Mi corazón 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
"MI CORAZÓN" es una aplicacióngratuitaquecontiene una variedad de imágenes con frases románticasy versosdeamor para dedicar a la persona que amas...Roba unasonrisa yalegracualquier momento de su vida y enamórala(o) conestasbonitaspostales.En ella encontrarás dos secciones:* MENSAJES ROMÁNTICOS* VERSOS DE AMOREntre las frases que encontrarás tenemos:- No seamos un cuento, seamos una historia.No seamos un tiempo, seamos una eternidad.No seamos un sueño, seamos una realidad.- Tu amor me inspira, tu ternura me conmueve y tusbesosmeenloquecen.- Yo nunca supe que tenía un sueño, hasta que esesueñofuisteTÚ- Amar es haber elegido a alguien y volverlo a elegirtodoslosdías...- No vales la pena...Lo vales todo!!Entre los versos tenemos:- Acuérdate del díaacuérdate del mesacuérdate del besoque nos dimos la primera vez.- No juegues con vidrioporque te puedes cortarno juegues conmigoporque te puedo besar.Y más, que seguro le encantará a la persona que lo reciba..."MI CORAZÓN" es una app liviana, sencilla y fácil denavegar,unavez instalada no necesita conexión a internet parasuuso.Desplázate por cada una de las secciones y elige lapostaladecuadapara enviar y compartir a través de las diferentesredessocialescomo: Facebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp,Line,Viber,Telegram, Weechat, Ozone, WeChat, Linkedln,Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ, SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+,YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster, Ortsbo.Así como también, al ser imágenes de alta calidad yconresoluciónfull HD pueden ser usadas como fondo de pantalla,debloqueo, deperfil, de contacto, etc...Esperamos que "MI CORAZÓN" sea de tu agrado, y por favornoteolvides de valorarla, calificándola con 5 estrellas, pulsandoen+1y dejando un comentario positivo o sugerencia de quefraseocategoría te gustaría que incluyamos parafuturasactualizaciones,de antemano muchas gracias.Dios los bendiga siempre!!!NOTA: "MI CORAZÓN" tiene publicidad la misma que nosayudaacubrir costos de programación."MY HEART" isafreeapplication that contains a variety of images withromanticquotesand love poems to devote to the person you love ...Roba asmileand happy any time of his life and enamórala (o) withtheseprettypostcards .Here you will find two sections:* ROMANTIC MESSAGES* LOVE VERSESAmong the phrases that we have:- Let us not be a story, a story we are.  We are not a time, we are an eternity.  Let's not be a dream, let's become a reality.- Your love inspires me, your tenderness moves me andyourkissesdrive me crazy.- I never knew I had a dream, until that dream was you- Love is choosing someone and re-choose every day ...- Not worth it ...'re worth everything !!Among the verses we are:- Remember the day remember the month Remember the kiss we figured the first time.- Do not play with glassbecause you can cutdo not mess with mebecause I can kiss.And more, sure you will love the person who receives it ..."MY HEART" is a light, simple and easy to navigateapp,onceinstalled no internet connection required for use.Scrollthrougheach of the sections and select the appropriatepostcard tosendand share through different social networks suchasFacebook,Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line, Viber,Telegram,WeeChat,Ozone, WeChat, LinkedIn, Badoo , DailyMotion,Flickr,QQ,SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK, Kik,Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.As well, when high-quality images with full HD resolutionandcanbe used as wallpaper, lock, profile, contact, etc ...We hope that "MY HEART" is to your liking, and pleasedonotforget to appreciate it, calling it with 5 stars, clicking+1andleaving a positive comment or suggestion that phraseorcategoryyou would like us to include for future updates,advancethank youvery much.God bless you always!!!NOTE: "MY HEART" has the same advertising that helps ustocoverprogramming costs.
Estados para WhatsApp 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
"ESTADOS PARA WHATSAPP" esunaaplicacióngratuita que contiene más de 60 imágenes con frasesyestados paraser compartidos a través de las diferentesredessociales quedispone tu móvil android, sea teléfono o tableta.Entre las frases que encontrarás tenemos:* Nunca es tarde para darte cuenta que mereces algo mejor.* La educación es el principal vestido para la fiestadelavida.* Mi tristeza se apodera cuando tú no estás...* Prefiero un minuto contigo a una eternidad sin ti* Hoy llueve o truene no hay quién nos frene!Y muchas otras más, que seguro te agradarán!!!"ESTADOS PARA WHATSAPP" es liviana, sencilla y fácildenavegar,basta desplazarse por la galería de imágenes yseleccionarla quemás te guste y compartirla por tus salas de chatsfavoritascomo:Facebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line,Viber,Telegram,Weechat, Ozone, WeChat, Linkedln, Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.Así como también las puedes utilizar como fondo depantalla,debloqueo o de perfil, foto de contacto, etc...Esperamos que "ESTADOS PARA WHATSAPP" sea de tu agrado yporfavorrecuerda valorarla, calificándola con 5 estrellas,pulsandoen G+1 ydejando un comentario positivo o sugerencia dequecategoría tegustaría que incluyamos para futurasactualizaciones,de antemanomuchas gracias.Dios te bendiga!!!NOTA: "ESTADOS PARA WHATSAPP" tiene publicidad la mismaquenosayuda a cubrir costos de programación."UNITED FOR WHATSAPP"isafree application that contains more than 60 images withphrasesandstates to be shared across different social networksavailabletoyour mobile android, either phone or tablet.Among the phrases that we have:* Never too late to realize that you deserve better.* Education is the main dress for the party of life.* My sadness comes over when you're not ...* I prefer a minute with you to an eternity without you* Today rain or shine there is no one stopping point!And many others, that surely will please !!!"UNITED FOR WHATSAPP" is light, simple and easytonavigate,simply scroll through the image gallery and select theoneyou likeand share it for your rooms favorite chats as:Facebook,Tuenti,Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line, Viber, Telegram,weeChat,Ozone,WeChat, LinkedIn, Badoo, DailyMotion, Flickr,QQ,SinaWeibo,Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK, Kik,Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.And also you can use as wallpaper, locking orprofile,contactphoto, etc ...We hope that "STATES WHATSAPP" is to your likingandpleaseremember to value, calling it with 5 stars, clicking G +1andleaving a positive comment or suggestion that categoryyouwouldlike us to include in future updates, in advance thankyouverymuch.God bless you!!!NOTE: "UNITED FOR WHATSAPP" has the same advertising thathelpsusto cover programming costs.
Cuidado del Cabello 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
En esta aplicación CuidadodelCabelloencontrarás prácticos consejos para cuidar tu cabelleraasícomotambién mascarillas caseras que lo puedesprepararfácilmentedependiendo del tipo de cabello sea rizado,teñido,graso, seco opuntas abiertas.Una vez instalado en tu móvil android, no necesitaestarconectadoa Internet para revisarlo. De modo que, puedesaprender ycompartircon tu familia y amigos a través de lasdiferentesredessociales.Esperamos que te sea útil y te sirva para cuidar yprotegertucabello.Si lo descargas y te agrada, te agradeceríamos quelovalorarás,calificando, haciendo clic en +1 y dejando uncomentariopositivo osugerencia para futuras actualizaciones, deantemanomuchasgracias.Dios los bendiga!NOTA: Esta aplicación tiene publicidad, la cual nos ayudaacubrirgastos de programación.Hair CareInthisapplication you will find practical tips on caring foryourhair aswell as homemade masks that can easily be prepareddependingon thetype of hair is curly, dyed, oily, dry or splitends.Once installed on your mobile android, you need notbeconnectedto the Internet to check it. So, you can learn andsharewith yourfamily and friends through different socialnetworks.We hope you find it useful and will serve to care forandprotectyour hair.If you download it and you like, you'll appreciateappreciateit,calling clicking +1 and leaving a positive commentorsuggestionsfor future updates, in advance thank you verymuch.God bless you!NOTE: This application has advertising, which helps ustocoverprogramming costs.
Imágenes de París 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
"IMÁGENES DE PARÍS" es unaaplicaciónquecontiene una galería de preciosas fotografías demuybuenaresolución para que personalice su móvil android(teléfonomóvil otablet).París, además de ser un museo al aire libre,ofreceinnumerableslugares y rincones para disfrutar, es por elloque enestaaplicación recopilamos las más hermosas imágenes paraquedisfrutede la belleza de esta ciudad europea.Si Ud. es una persona romántica y apasionada "IMÁGENESDEPARÍS"le va a encantar, no espere más y descargue, enellaexperimentaráapreciar la belleza de imágenes como la TorreEiffel,el Arco deTriunfo, Catedral de Notre Dame, Museo deLouvre,Jardines deLuxemburgo, Campo de Marte y otros lugares más,ya seaen el día opor la noche.Una vez instalada no necesita conexión a Internet, esfácilysencilla de navegar basta seleccionar la postal yaseaparacompartirla o establecerla como fondo de pantalla, o deperfilo decontacto o de bloqueo.Esperamos que esta app "IMÁGENES DE PARÍS" sea de su agrado,ysies así agradeceríamos que la valorarán calificándolaconcincoestrellas, pulsando clic en G+1 y dejando uncomentariopositivo osugerencia para futuras actualizaciones, deantemanomuchasgracias.Dios los bendiga!NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad, la misma quenosayudaa cubrir gastos de programación."IMAGES OF PARIS"isanapplication that contains a gallery of beautifulphotographsofvery good resolution to personalize your mobileandroid(mobilephone or tablet).Paris, besides being an open-air museum offerscountlessplacesand corners to enjoy, which is why this applicationcollectthemost beautiful images to enjoy the beauty ofthisEuropeancity.If you. Is a romantic and passionate person "IMAGES OFPARIS"youwill love it, do not wait more and download, inherexperienceappreciate the beauty of images like the EiffelTower,Arc deTriomphe, Notre Dame, Museum Louvre, LuxembourgGardens,Champ deMars and other more places, either in the day oratnight.Once installed no internet connection needed, it iseasyandsimple to navigate simply select the postcard either toshareorset as wallpaper, or profile or contact or lock.We hope this app "IMAGES OF PARIS" is to your liking, andifsograteful that valued calling it five stars, by clicking on G+1and leaving a positive comment or suggestions forfutureupdates,in advance thank you very much.God bless you!NOTE: This application contains advertising, it helps ustocoverprogramming costs.
Halloween Images 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones
En esta ocasión ponemos a sudisposiciónnuestraaplicación gratuita "HALLOWEEN IMAGES" la cualcuenta conmás de 90imágenes de muy buena resolución para que locompartas através delas diferentes redes sociales o la uses comofondo depantalla, deperfil o de bloqueo.Envía a tu familia y amigos, sorpréndelos y alegra su díaonochecon una hermosa y divertida imagen de halloween. No esperesaquellegue ese día!!"HALLOWEEN IMAGES" es una app fácil de navegar, livianaylibrepara que la descargues en tu móvil android (seateléfonocelular otablet).Una vez instalada, en ella encontrarás:Gallery of Images: Cuenta con imágenes y diseñosemotivosdeacuerdo a esta festividad para que lo uses comowallpapers.Stickers: Locas y divertidas imágenesdefantasmas,monstruos,calabazas, brujitas y más para enviarycompartir.Seguro te encantará esta aplicación!! Descarga gratis yempiezaacompartir por tus redes sociales favoritas comoWhatsApp,Facebook,Instagram, Twitter y otros, basta seleccionar laimagenyenviarla.Esperamos que "HALLOWEEN IMAGES" sea de tu agrado, y si esasíteagradeceríamos que la valorarás calificándola concincoestrellas,haciendo clic en G+1 y dejando un comentariopositivo osugerenciapara futuras actualizaciones, de antemanomuchasgracias.Dios los bendiga siempre!NOTA: Esta app contiene publicidad la cual nos ayudaamantenercostos de programación.Les invitamos a revisar otros temas gratuitosenagapeaplicaciones.Las imágenes recopiladas son de dominio público.On this occasionweofferour free app "HALLOWEEN IMAGES" which has more than 90imagesofvery good resolution for you to share acrossdifferentsocialnetworks or use it as wallpaper, profile or lock .Send your family and friends, surprise them and brightensyourdayor night with a beautiful and funny picture of halloween.Donot waitfor that day to come !!"HALLOWEEN IMAGES" app is easy to navigate, lightweightandfreefor downloading on your mobile android (eitherphoneortablet).Once installed, it will find:Gallery of Images: It has images and emotive designsaccordingtothis festival for you to use it as wallpapers.Stickers: Crazy and funny images of ghosts,monsters,pumpkins,witches and more to send and share.Sure you'll love this app !! free download and startsharingforyour favorite social networks like WhatsApp,Facebook,Instagram,Twitter and others, simply select the image andsendit.We hope that "HALLOWEEN IMAGES" is to your liking, andifsograteful that you'll appreciate calling with fivestars,byclicking G + 1 and leaving a positive comment orsuggestionsforfuture updates, in advance thank you very much.God bless you always!NOTE: This app contains advertising which helpsuskeepprogramming costs.We invite you to check out other free themesinagapeapplications.The images collected are public domain.
Sugar skulls coloring book 4144
Sugar skulls coloring book for adults.Mexicanskulls drawings for Halloween. Relax and enjoy the mandalas,whichwill help you develop your creative, intuitive andspiritualabilities. They are circular images that arise from acentral axis,the symmetrical patterns that emerge towards the fourcardinalpoints. The design is simple and common, with its designandsubsequent coloring as part of a ritual that is used forhealing,meditation and entertainment. Coloring book sugar skullsadults.Mexican drawings of skulls. Color the most beautiful Mexicanskullsand cute catrinas, paints a wide variety of Mexican skulls inthedead of night or day of the dead. Drawings of beautifulMexicanskulls, may also help the smallest of the house, If you alsolikepainting or coloring mandalas will like this app. Choose paintorcrayons that you like and paint pictures giving color and showyourcreativity. When finish painting the mandala you can analyzeitsmeaning and discover messages in your subconscious mind andyourcurrent mood. Mandalas are an interpretation by shape andcolor,powerful allies in meditation and healing. We have a coloringbookfor them too. Paint the secret garden.If you color mandalas at different times, you observe howthepatterns change according to your mood. Use your intuitiontodecipher the meanings your mandala. Here are the meaningsofdifferent colors of mandalas.These images have been acquired on Creative Commons and designedbyFreepik.es and flaticon.com
Día de los Muertos 1.0
Elizabeth Ocaña Apps
Día de los Muertos, para referirnos aMéxicoseutilizará la abreviatura Mex.Dia dos Mortos é considerado o mais representativodatradiçãocultura mexicana.Day of the Dead is considered the most representativeofMexicanculture tradition.El Día de Muertos es considerado la tradiciónmásrepresentativade la cultura mexicana. La celebración se llevaacabo en dos días:el 1 de noviembre es dedicado al alma de losniñosy el 2 denoviembre a la de los adultos.El origen del Día de Muertos tiene sus raíces en elsincretismodelas culturas prehispánica y europea, de las cualesseenriquecieronlos ritos y las ceremonias que se realizanalrededorde estafestividad.Aunque la celebración anglosajona de Halloween sehapopularizadoentre la población mexicana, en la mayoría delosfamilias latradición persiste y se colocan ofrendas conelementosmuyparticulares. A continuación te mostramos cinco delosprincipalesaspectos de esta festividad:Ofrendas como bienvenidaIluminando el camino de regreso a casaEl humor mexicano frente a la muerteLas calaveras literariasEl pan de muerto que se comen los vivosEs una época de retornos: los vivos, que por diversascausasseausentaron del tronco familiar, regresan para participarenlospreparativos de la celebración. Vuelven las almas delosseresqueridos a compartir los alimentos que les ofrecenconcariño,entonces, vivos y muertos se reúnen nuevamente. Y así,defamiliaen familia, de una generación a otra, estamilenariatradición secontinúa manteniendo a través de lossiglos.Es por esto que DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS, es nuestrasublimeaplicacióngratuita y la hemos creado para todos losdispositivosAndroid(teléfonos móviles y tabletas), una vez que lohayaninstalado no esnecesario estar conectado a internet y al sermuyliviana podráscompartirlo rápidamente a través de tusredessociales favoritascomo son: Snapchat, Facebook, Google+,Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn,QZone, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc..!!,mediantemensaje de texto ocorreo electrónico.CARACTERÍSTICAS:Nuestra App DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS es la mejor opción sitegustapasar junto a tus amigos, familia o simplemente conesaspersonitasespeciales en tu vida para recordar con cariño alaspersonas queya partieron de este mundo.DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS te ofrece una estupenda coleccióndecienimágenes de día de los muertos y sus frases popularesquehemosseleccionado especialmente para ti, consta detresactividades:1) WALLPAPERS HD.- Aquí encontrarás los mejores fondosdepantallapara tu celular o tablet2) CALAVERAS.- Empezamos con las mejores postales decalaveras3) CATRINAS.- Continuamos con divertidas catrinas que tedaránuntoque tierno y divertidoEncontrarás calaveras, catrinas, flores,rosas,sombrerosmexicanos, velas, globos, plumas y la frase popularDía delosMuertos.Con nuestra App DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS, te garantizamosquelograrásrobar sonrisas y miradas de asombro de la persona quelorecibe… Noesperes más para compartirlo..!!MODO DE USO:Nuestra App DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS cuenta con un interfazfácilysencilla de utilizar, tan sólo navega pornuestrasactividades,elige la imagen o frase que más te agrade yempiezacompartirlo através de tus redes sociales o salas dechatfavoritos.Recuerda que todas nuestras imágenes son FULL HD, alserunestallido de color para tus ojos podrás utilizarlas comofondosdepantalla, foto de contacto, foto de perfil, pantalla debloqueoopantalla de inicio, etc.Esperamos que ésta App DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS sea de tu agrado,siesasí no te olvides de valorarla con 5 estrellas y pulsa G+1ydéjanosun comentario positivo o sugerencias parafuturasactualizacioneshaznos saber qué categoría te gustaríaqueañadiésemos, te loagradecemos de antemano.NOTA:Esta aplicación contiene publicidad la misma que nosayudaamantener los costos de programación.Todos los vectores fueron Diseñado por Freepik por loqueatribuimossus derechos de autor.Day of the Dead,Mexicotorefer to the Mex abbreviation is used.Dia dos Mortos é mais considered or representativegivestradiçãoMexican culture.Day of the Dead is Considered The most representativeofMexicanculture tradition.Day of the Dead is considered the most representativeofMexicanculture tradition. The celebration takes place intwodays:November 1 is dedicated to the souls of children andNovember2 toadults.The origin of the Day of the Dead has its roots inthesyncretismof pre-Hispanic and European cultures, of whichtherites andceremonies that are performed around the feastwasenriched.Although the Anglo-Saxon Halloween celebration hasbecomepopularamong the Mexican population in most families thetraditionpersistsand offerings are placed with very specificelements. Hereare fiveof the main aspects of this festival:Offerings as welcomeLighting the way back homeMexican humor in the face of deathLiterary calaverasThe bread of the dead than the living eatIt is a time of return: the living, who for variousreasonswereabsent from the family trunk, returning to participateinthepreparations for the celebration. Return the souls of lovedonestoshare food offered to them with love, then, living anddeadmeetagain. And so, from family to family, from onegenerationtoanother, this ancient tradition continues to maintainthroughthecenturies.That is why DAY OF THE DEAD, is our sublime freeapplicationandwe have created for all Android devices (phones andtablets),onceyou have installed do not need to be connected to theinternetandbeing very light you can share quickly through yourfavoritesocialnetworks such as: Snapchat, Facebook, Google+,Twitter,Instagram,LinkedIn, QZone, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc .. !!,via textmessage oremail.CHARACTERISTICS:Our App DAY OF THE DEAD is the best choice if you'respendingwithyour friends, family or just with those special littlepeoplein yourlife to remember fondly those who have already leftthisworld.DAY OF THE DEAD offers a great collection of hundred imagesofDayof the Dead and popular phrases that we haveselectedespecially foryou, consists of three activities:1) WALLPAPERS HD.- Here you will find the best wallpapersforyourphone or tablet2) CALAVERAS.- started with the best postcards of skulls3) CATRINAS.- continue with fun catrinas that will give youatendertouch and funYou will find skulls, catrinas, flowers,roses,sombreros,candles, balloons, pens and the popular phrase Dayof theDead.With our App DAY OF THE DEAD, we guarantee that youwillachievesteal smiles and looks of astonishment of the personwhoreceivesit ... Do not wait to share it .. !!HOW TO USE:Our App DAY OF THE DEAD has a simple interface and easytouse,just browsing our activities, choose the image or phrasethatyoulike best and start sharing it through your socialnetworksorfavorite chat rooms.Remember that all our images are FULL HD, being a burstofcolorto your eyes can use them as wallpaper, contactphoto,profilephoto, lock screen or home screen, etc.We hope this App DAY OF THE DEAD is to your liking, if sodonotforget to appreciate it 5 stars and press G + 1 andleaveapositive comment or suggestions for future tell usupdatesknowwhich category you like to see added, I thank youinadvance.NOTE:This application contains advertising it helps us keepthecostsof programming.All vectors were Designed by Freepik so weassigntheircopyright.
Day of the Dead Photo Montage 2.0
Photo Montage Studio
Check out the best new 💀 Day of the DeadPhotoMontage 💀, celebrate the greatest Mexican holiday and decoratepicswith floral “sugar skull coloring” face designs! Dia de losMuertosmotifs have become incredibly popular, so don't hesitate togetamazing Calavera stickers! Follow the latest trend andsugar-skullyourself with beautiful “face changer” and floral tattoodesigns!Put on traditional Mexican mask with skull motif, decoratedwithcolorful flowers and enjoy the transformation! Our newphotoediting app is free to download so hurry up to get itnow!💀 Day of the Dead Photo Montage 💀:➳ The most popular make up app for Dia de losMuertoscelebration!➳ Simple design and easy to use photo editing software.➳ Huge gallery of free sugar skull stickers.➳ Choose and upload photo you want to edit from yourdevice'sgallery➳ Adjust images to fit the frame: crop, rotate, size, scaleup/down,zoom in/out.➳ Various filters that will make your pictures perfect.➳ Amazing day of the dead masks.➳ Save edited pics in your phone's gallery.➳ Decorate your screen with awesome Mexican skullsphotomontages➳ HD quality templates➳ Share your best montages on social networks – Instagram,Facebook,Twitter etc.Sugar Skull your photos and prepare for the celebration!Prepare for “Day of the Dead”, Mexican greatest holiday,properly!This beautiful photo editor for Dia de los Muertos willbring youso much fun, so check it out right now, completely free ofcharge!Download sugar skull makeup stickers free and createincrediblephoto montages with beautiful floral designs. Createworks of arton your face and celebrate this famous Mexicantradition ofCalaveras!Make your own Calavera mask for the Dia de los Muertos!💀 “Day of the Dead Photo Montage” 💀 lets you decorate yourselfieswith colorful decorations, body art, Calavera and floralmotifs.It's the best face changer app for some serious sugarskullcoloring! Make your own sugar skull mask, decorate your faceandget ready in time. Simply download this festive makeupphotomontage and decorate your pictures with sugar skull stickersthatwill look incredible!
Skull Wallpapers 1.0
If you want to have the best imagesofskulls,you only have to download them for free from here!Do you like skulls?The skulls are representations of the human skullandalreadyappeared in paintings of the Middle Ages andtheRenaissance, theysymbolized eternity and immortality. Skullswerealways present inpaintings, street art and tattoos.The skull is the face of death itself and symbolizesthefragilityand ephemeral and finite human condition. A momentthatwill passand that is all part of life itself.If you are among those who believe that the skulls haveagreatesthetic and visual appeal, this is the app for you!If you like to decorate your smartphone with skulls,inthisapplication you will find colorful Mexicanskulls,fuchsia,turquoise, purple, carved skulls, painted,graffities,human skullsand dark masks!Terrifying skulls for fun! You can choose from a lot ofskullsandchoose the one you prefer for your wallpaper!The skulls have much strength and power. It willalwayssurpriseus to see a skull!If you want to have it on your smartphone, downloadthisapplicationand find a wide collection of skulls. Choose theoneyou like, saveit as your favorite, as a wallpaper or surpriseyourfriends withskulls on your profile!You can also send it by email, WhatsApp or share onsocialnetworks,Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!The most striking wallpapers of skulls to enjoyandshare!Download them now for free!
Skulls Live Wallpaper HD 2.5
Dream World HD Live Wallpapers
Get the coolest app for your smartphone and enjoy thescariestbackgrounds ever with fire Skulls Live Wallpaper HD! Thesenewskull images hq will beautify your screen on the mostterrifyingway! Ghost skulls, gloomy background, mysterious smokeand fireimages will be a perfect decoration for all people wholikes scarywallpapers and backgrounds. These live skull wallpapersfree willmake you tremble with fear every time you glance at yourhomescreen app. Let the fear overwhelm you every time you look atyournew animated background. This skull wallpaper live willdecorateevery screen on the coolest way. Just install for freesugar skullwallpaper that brings the scariest backgrounds picturesof creepyskulls with fire burning from their eyes! No one canstandindifferent to these scary images with skulls and crossedbones!Set free Skulls Live Wallpaper HD and get amazing photos ofskullhead. Make your phone or tablet look fierce and terrifyingwith newsmoking skull live wallpaper! Watch the fire burning aroundthecreepy skull and get excited about these crazy images. Prepareforthe horror with skull live wallpapers 3d free and enjoy! Ifyou'vebeen searching for the scariest blue skull images. Livewallpapersof skulls will be a perfect decoration for every personwho likesghosts, grim reaper and motorbikes, you are at the rightplace! Setfree sugar skull wallpaper and enjoy the sight! Smokingskullimages will give your mobile device such an unique touch. ❅Choosefrom five beautiful “skulls wallpapers” – more images will beaddedeach day! ❅ Animated sparkles on your screen! ❅ Choose thespeedand density of floating objects! ❅ Parallax 3D effect! ❅HDgraphics – “skulls themes” and “skulls images” decoratingyourscreen! ❅ Optimized battery usage! ❅ Compatible with 99%mobiledevices! ❅ If the “skull live wallpaper” resets after thereboot,please move it to your phone storage! ❅ Skulls LiveWallpaper HD ◀looks beautiful on high resolution phones andtablets! Installghost Skulls Live Wallpaper HD and scare the hellout of everyone.Just imagine how good it would look your displaywith these creepyhorror images. Skeleton wallpaper is waiting foryou. Stunning"skull pictures" will take your breath away. This coollivebackgrounds application includes a set of amazing pictures withavariety of shapes and colors! Get this skull wallpaper,highdefinition skeleton photo collection. Customize yourphonebackground with very cool human skull! Don't miss the chancetodownload free live wallpapers in full hd. Feel strong andpowerfulwith the creepiest Skulls Live Wallpaper HD! Give yourphone ortablet edgy and unique look with the best skullbackgrounds! Lifeis just the moment! So, enjoy it and let thiscrazy skull hd imagesremind you of that. Let the fire burn all inthe flames with thesefree skull wallpapers! Hear the ghost callingand get ready for thenight horror. Your favorite skull themes youcan change every day.Share this amazing scary app with your friendsand tell them thatnew "skull wallpapers and backgrounds" are readyto be installedfor free. If you like the horror movies with fireskulls, this appis the right choice for you! This will be a realrocky horrorpicture show for any device. Take these skull picturesand enjoyall day long. DISCLAIMER: All images used in this app arebelievedto be in public domain. If you own rights, and do not wishthem toappear here, please contact us and they will be removed.
Snap Mexican skull 4115
Photograph editor to give effect tofacesandyour look with the funniest stickers. Create yourfunphotographswith this photos and stickers editors. The bestphotoeditor foryour selfis or selfie of creative photos. Themostamazing collagesto share with your friends and framing inyourfavorite photoframe. Your most creative portraits are in thisappof edition ofpic editing with brand new pictures ready in awhileor in themoment. You can use smileys and your most favoritesmileyandcreate your emoji face. Download this app of adhesiveandgluestickers, glitters and create your own tattoos or tat andinkinstickermania. The best editor of photos to put effects tofacewithstickers for funny selfiesSurprise your friends with snap photo editor for Halloweennight2016or night of the living dead. Enjoy the Halloween with awidevarietyof Mexican sugar skull makeup mask decoration.• Choose from a variety of adhesives or stickers• Edit the picture: With simple touch gestures to rotate,resizeandadjust the size, flip with which you can zoom in or zoomoutstretchthe picture, turn the fingers to the left or righttoadjust theemoji. Make it bigger or smaller and glue andstickstickers toit.• Saves images and pics in the phone gallery or SD cardandsharewith friends via social networks, social media andchat.These images have been acquired on Creative Commons anddesignedbyFreepik.es and flaticon.com
Fernando Calero
“DIA DE LOS MUERTOS HD WALLPPS esunaaplicaciónque está diseñada expresamente para dar aconocernuestra galeríabonita de mensajes en homenaje a los muertosconimágenes deCalaveras y Catrina muy coloridos y muy floridasquepuedescompartirla con todo el mundo, es decir tusamigos,familiares ymuchos amigos que no los hemos visto por muchotiempoy les permitiráa la vez realizar un merecido homenaje alosfamiliares que yapartieron a otra vida por lo cual vas aencontrarmensajes concariño, respeto y mucho aprecio.*********************************************************************Esta aplicación cuenta con:Imágenes de Catrina y de imágenes de caritas pintadas enformadecalaveras, además decoradas con flores ypañueloscoloridos.A la vez encontrarás mensajes históricos ysentimentalesparaexpresar el cariño a los recordados familiaresqueyapartieron**********************************************************************Esta aplicación es liviana y la puedes usar sin internet unavezqueya esté descargada directamente en tu android(tablets,celulares) ypresionando en la imagen que te guste tesaldrá uncuadro deopciones tanto para compartirlas en las redessocialescomofacebook, twitter, instagram que elijasycorreoselectrónicos.**********************************************************************Date prisa está disponible ahora. Si te gusta estaaplicaciónteinvitamos a que lo califiques con cinco estrellas yrecuerdadejarun comentario positivo más uno en Google +(G+1).Ingresa a Play Store escribe Fernando Calero yencontrarásotrasnovedades muy interesantes.**********************************************************************NOTA:Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nos ayuda amantenerloscostos de programación.Las imágenes utilizadas son libres de usarlas sin derechodeautorbajo CCO license y las establecidas por susautores.Algunasimágenes son atribuidas a su autor www.Freepik.com"DAY OF HD DEADWALLPPSisan application that is specifically designed topublicizeourbeautiful gallery of messages in tribute to the deadwith imagesofCalaveras and very colorful Catrina and very floweryto sharewitheveryone, that is your friends, family and many friendswe havenotseen for a long time and allow them both to make atributetofamily members who already left for another lifesogettingmessages with love, respect and much appreciation.*********************************************************************This application features:Catrina images and painted images of faces in the shapeofskulls,also decorated with flowers and colorful scarves.While you will find historical and sentimental messagestoexpressaffection to family remembered already departed**********************************************************************This application is lightweight and can be used withoutinternetonceit is downloaded directly to your android (tablets,phones)andclicking on the image you like you will get a box ofoptionsboth toshare on social networks like facebook, twitter ,instagramyouchoose and emails.**********************************************************************Hurry is available now. If you like this application willinviteyouto qualify with five stars and remember to leave apositivecommentplus one on Google + (G + 1).Login to Play Store writes Fernando Calero and findotherinterestingnews.**********************************************************************NOTE:This application contains advertising that helpsuskeepprogramming costs.The images used are free to use them without copyrightunderCCOlicense and established by the authors. Some imagesareattributedto its author www.Freepik .com
Draw Tattoo Skulls 1.0
Draw Tech
Do you like tattoo, henna tattoo andyouareinterested in tattoo sketch? Then we have something tomakeyouhappy, because we have created for you a uniqueapplicationfordrawing in the style of "tattoo sketches". Now youcan notonlylook directories tatoo- sketches, but also to draw them!Themostpopular tattoo skull collected in our huge bankofpictures.Just download the free mobile app, and start to draw and paintlikeareal artist. Drawing lesson has never been so easy andamazingfun,because you are drawing teachers will be professionalartists,thereal masters of tattoo drawing.Who can resist this variety of interesting tattoodesigns?Thecoolest tau for men, tattoos for girls, henna tattoo,youforgetabout your problems and plunge into the incredible worldofthebody art. Surround yourself with a variety oftattoosketches,liven up your routine with the help of amobileapplication fordrawing. You can draw and paint your ownworld, andyour main artsubject can be incredible TattooSkulls!The application is very easy to use, even a beginner canuseit!Download this wonderful application and draw thecoolestskulltattoo now!
Marcos para dia de Muertos 1.01
Carri Apps
Marcos para dia de Muertos es unaaplicacióndonde podrás hacer fotomontaje con calaveras mexicanasespecialespara este dia festivo. Es muy común en la tradiciónmexicana usarlas calaveras dia de muertos.Este fotomontaje lo puedes hacer directamente tomando una fotoendirecto o en vivo, o adornando las fotografías de la galeríaconestas calaveras dia de muertos o skrullEspero que disfrutes y compartas esta aplicación que realzalacultura mexicana en esta fecha especial. En pocos segundospodrásconvertir tus fotos en imagenes de dia de muertos.Para tu diversión y puedas tener acceso a juegos de dia demuertos,hemos incluido 4 puzzle de imagenes de catrina en tresniveles dedificultad, para que no te sientas aburrido y aprovechesal máximoesta aplicación de Marcos para dia de MuertosAgradecemos tu mejor valoración a esta aplicación de marcosdemuertos y calaveras mexicanas que podrás poner en tu rostro deunamanera rápida y reir y gastar bromas entre tu amigos yseresqueridos.Frameworks for Day oftheDead is an application where you can make photomontage withspecialMexican skulls for this festive day. It is very common inMexicantradition using the skulls of dead day.This photomontage you can do it directly by taking a live shotorlive, or photographs adorning the gallery with these skulls dayofdead or skrullI hope you enjoy and share this app that enhances theMexicanculture in this special date. Within seconds you can convertyourphotos into images of Day of the Dead.For your fun and games can have access to Day of the Dead, wehaveincluded four Catrina Picture puzzle in three difficultylevels, soyou do not feel bored and make the most of thisapplication Marcosfor Day of the DeadWe appreciate your better evaluation this applicationframeworksdead and Mexican skulls that you can put on your face andlaugh aquick way and jokes among your friends and loved ones.
Famous quotes in Spanish 1.0
We have selected the best quotes fromfamousauthors in Spanish to share in your state. Download the freeapp ofthe most beautiful phrases that appeal to everyone. The bestquotesto reflect or just to say how you feel are in this app.Images with famous phrases in Spanish is a collectionofcarefully selected quotes. In this app you will findthesephilosophers, writers, thinkers and other great mindswhosebrilliant words have inspired many people. Quotes,sayings,proverbs, sayings and other famous phrases in Spanish.This application can use it to meditate and to value whattheyhave to everyone you care about, because it contains manyphrasesto think, citations and quotations, life quotes, phrasesofreflection and pretty phrases, famous phrases andalsophilosophical and witty proverbs or phrases such as Gandhi,DalaiLama, quotations from Aristotle, Albert Einstein, BobMarleyquotes, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Bruce Lee, Gandhi quotes SteveJobs andcountless authors. Your partner, your true love, friendsand familywill thank you to share with them some of theseimages.Scraps of famous and interesting sentences of life tothinkpositive and encourage and motivate anyone. Phrases to reflectandthink about reflections and thoughts of life.Quick and easy to use application and always when needed.Spendthe phrases with your finger, you can share the image, save ittofavorites and enjoy your favorite phrases when you want andchoosethe most appropriate messages for each time or you can saveit inthe gallery of your phone if you give the option save.Download it for free and sends these sentences to thinkandreflect as a message of friendship. Share these phrasesandstatements of love in Spanish. A range of possibilities for youtoshare best quotations in Spanish and free.LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application are expressly madeforher and all rights are reserved. For some images, we usedpublicdomain images Internet, since they are not identified bysymbols orother information indicating the existence of reservedexploitationrights on them. Others have been designed by thecompany.Any natural or legal person who was owner of some of theimagescontained therein, may accredit via email to thedeveloper,committing to the immediate withdrawal of the imageafterverification, where appropriate, the ownership of the image.
MASKED Avatar & Photo 1.85
3ller Team
Hide. Play. Enjoy. The ultimate app togoincognito! Share your selfies safely, get your MASK!+ Create the most amazing 3D masks with your exclusivedesign:Venetian Carnival, Mexican Wrestling, Día de losMuertos,Halloween… Make your disguise come true!+ Edit your best Pictures by choosing a 3D mask to fititperfectly in your face so you can have fun and keep your imagesafeon the net. Just take a selfie or browse your gallery!+ Save it or share it! Use your artistic skills to showyoursmartest masked profile on your favorite Online Games,Forums,Chats and Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,Instagram,WhatsApp, etc.VENETIAN: Carnival, luxury, lushness, mystery, darknessandsensuality.MEXICAN: Mexican wrestling masks, Day of the Dead.Let your art be unique!
Halloween Sound Effects – Frames and Stickers 4165 v5
Educa Kids
Enjoy this app with scary sound effects to fool your friends,familyor other people during Halloween. Find terrifying soundeffects ofdreadful ghosts, bad witches cackle, crying black cats,ghost booand many more. Put your Mexican Skull mask make up,create a scaryatmosphere and use these sound effects to foolpeople! Discoverspooky photo frames and scary stickers to decorateyour photos. Useour Halloween photo frames collection. Find thecreepiest imagessuch as pumpkins, witches, ghosts and more. Frameyour scarymemories at the Day of the Dead. If you like our app,please rateand comment to help us improve!
Death Skull Theme 1.1.3
Design World
Here comes the new DeathSkullThemetheme!The theme is completely FREE, apply it to give your phoneasmoothdesign with HD wallpapers and exquisite app icons.Download and Enjoy it!FEATURES-High Quality wallpapers handpicked for your phone-Brand new wallpapers updated on a daily basis-Different kinds of basic and 3D themes for your phoneGet the FREE Death Skull Theme theme to make your phonelovelyandmore colorful