2 Похожие Black Seed Oil

Black Cumin Cures 0.0.1
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Black Cumin or Black Seed isanexcellentsupplement in the prevention and treatment formanydiseases. Overtwo thousand years the black seed curesmanydiseases.International universities researcher studies thatBlackCumin alsocalled Kalonji seeds is an essential reductanthealth,strengthensthe immune system and gives energy and strength.Tilltoday theefficiency and the power of black seed has beenrepeatedlyprovenby scientific research. Find Out The Secret...The history of Black Cumin or Hei zhong caoIt all started more than two thousand years, theancientEgyptiansknew and used the black seed that described it asapanacea (curefor problems and diseases). Tutankhamun even hadabottle of theoil in his tomb!Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam, said:"Intheblack cumin healing for all diseases exceptdeath."(Bukhari,Muslim).The Romans also knew this seed and called it GreekCorianderorNigella sativa and used it as a dietary supplement.In the first century, the Greek physicianDioscoridesrecordedthat the black seed or black cumin were taken totreatheadaches,nasal congestion, toothache and intestinalworms.The black seed is also mentioned in the Bible inisaiah28:25-27as the ‘Fitch’. Ibn Senna, known in the West asAvicenna,who wrotethe great medical treatise 'The Canon ofMedicine',referred to theblack seed as the seed ‘that stimulatesthe body'senergy and helpsrecovery from fatigue’.
Kalonji(Black seed) Sy Ilaj 1.0
Kalonji or black seed is a great foodofourlife. t has cure for many diseases. Holyprophet(S.A.W)alsodescribed importance of kalonji. Download thisapp it containsmanybenefits of kalonji(Black Seed). IF you followthis appdefinitelyyou will stay fit.