2 Похожие App 4 Schools

Gilbert Community Schools GCSD 9.2
Gilbert Community School District
School ALERT 3
Helix Group LLC dba School ALERT
During an emergency every second counts.Thatisthe premise behind School ALERT. The android app isthecompanionMobile Application to the School ALERT software.SchoolALERT (ActiveLockdown and Emergency Response Technology) isacloud based softwaresolution that empowers school staffbyallowing them to initiate aschool lockdown from any authorizedandconfigured smart phone,tablet, or desktop PC. Thissignificantlyreduces the amount of timebetween the recognition ofa threat andthe initiation of a schoollockdown. The School ALERTSystemintegrates with existing (orfuture) electronic door locksandsurveillance cameras, allows schoolstaff to check in withlocationand student counts when safe, andallows schooladministrators andlaw enforcement to provideinstructions to staffduring alockdown.