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Welcome to Empowering with wisdom.Keepyourchurch with you wherever you go – on your mobile phone!This app has many interactive features enabling youtostayconnected to Empowering with wisdom, and what is goingonthroughthe week in the local community and never miss out on anyofthegreat events going on – easily, from your mobile phone.Thisisjust the beginning!We are a church/non-profit organization committedtocapacitatingGod's people with practical Bible based principlestolive inSUPERABUNDANCE!The MissionThe purpose of this ministry is to empower, equip, andteachGod'speople the truth about the Word of God, the revelationof theKingdomof God, and how to live victorious Christian lives.Wisdomis appliedknowledge; therefore we will be God's tool to notonlydeliver theknowledge of the Word, but also the revelation ofthewisdom to applythat knowledge to everyday practices.We are developing plans of action to do communityoutreachandeffective evangelical works. Working in and with smallgroups,wewill effectively change families for the better with afocus ontherestoration of the heads of households (men). Wewillalsoestablish resources for single parent households withthepurposeof balancing out the absence of the father figure.As we are led by the Spirit of God, we will establishaplacewhere people can learn to live as "KingdomCitizens"and"Ambassadors for Christ", and be sent back into theworld andteachothers to live the same way.