14 Похожие SOS Lactancia - Guía en Vídeos

Lactancia Materna AEP
Asociación Española Pediatría
Benefits, recommendations and updated information on breastfeeding.
Lactamás 6
Juan D. Vega
¡BIENVENIDOS!Con Lactamás te damos la enhorabuena por haberdecididoamamantara tu bebé.Desde aquí queremos promover la importancia que tienelalechematerna como el mejor alimento que puedes ofrecer a tuhijo.Es porello que te acompañaremos en este camino con todalainformaciónque puedas necesitar, y por supuesto brindándotetodonuestroapoyo.El contenido de esta aplicación ha sido creado por:Silvia AlejoVirginia HerreraIdaira AlonsoJoana DénizWELCOME!With lactams Congratulations you for choosing tobreastfeedyourbaby.We want to promote the importance of breast milk as the bestfoodyoucan offer your child. That is why we will accompany you inthiswaywith all the information you need, and of course givingyoufullsupport.The content of this application has been created by:Silvia AlejoVirginia HerreraIdaira AlonsoJoana Déniz
Lactancia Nutriendo con amor 1.0
Nutriendo con Amor fue desarrollada porungrupomultidisciplinario de profesionistas de las áreasde:PsicologíaEducativa y del Desarrollo, Ingeniería en Computaciónyavalada porMédicos. La aplicación tiene como objetivo proveerelseguimientoconstante del desarrollo biológico y emocional detubebé, por loanterior, consta de diversas áreas como son:1. Lactancia. El el registro de la toma es importanteparaeldesarrollo de tu pequeño. Aquí se registra fecha, hora yelnúmerode onzas ingeridas. Y si estás amantando entonces laappteindicará que seno corresponde en esa toma, con ellopodrásevitarlas dolorosas grietas o congestión mamaria.2. Resumen de lactancia. Es una excelente herramienta queteayudaráa saber la cantidad de tomas que realizó el pequeñoduranteun día oun determinado tiempo, es decir, podrás saber si tubebéestácomiendo lo necesario.3. Pañal y Sueño. Nutriendo con Amor lleva el registrodelasevacuaciones y las siestas de tu pequeño. Hay tres cosasquetupediatra siempre te preguntará en una revisión de rutina:cómohacomido, cómo y cuántas veces ha evacuado y cómo ha dormido,aquílopodrás consultar sin necesidad de escribirlo enlibreta.4. Eventos extraordinarios. En el primer año de tu bebésucedelamayor cantidad de cambios, lo anterior te llenará dedudassobre:lactancia, sueño y crecimiento, entre otras. Por ello,seagregó unespacio donde pudieras anotar todas ellas para quetupediatra y túlas puedan resolver.5. Pediatra. En este apartado podrás anotar las visitas de tuhijoalpediatra, se incluye información de datos generales,peso,talla, asícomo los medicamentos, observaciones orecomendacionesque tu médicohaga.6. Tips. Son recomendaciones realizadas por expertosenPsicologíaEducativa y del Desarrollo, que te ayudaran duranteelcrecimientode tu hijo. La versión completa tiene mayoramplitudderecomendaciones y sugerencias.7. Gráficas. Los datos obtenidos del pediatra, sobre peso ytalla,sepodrán observar gráficamente en esta opción, podrásrevisar demaneramás amigable si tu bebé va creciendo conforme aloesperado.Disponible sólo en la versión completa8. Momentos especiales. Podrás tomar fotografías de tu niñoyponeralguna leyenda sobre ese momento especial, ademáslaspodráscompartir con tus familiares y amigos.9. Adicionalmente a lo anterior, Nutriendo con Amorteproporcionauna serie de alarmas para avisarte sobre la horadeamamantar,cambio de pañal o algún otro elemento queconsideresnecesario,como toma de medicamentos.10. También es desatacar que la aplicaciónestotalmentepersonalizable, puedes incluir la foto de tu pequeñoenlaaplicación así como elegir el color de acuerdo alsexo,ademáslleva la cuenta de la edad en años, meses y días.Feeding withLovewasdeveloped by a multidisciplinary group of professionalsintheareas of Educational and DevelopmentalPsychology,ComputerEngineering and endorsed by doctors. Theapplication aimstoprovide constant monitoring of biological andemotionaldevelopmentof your baby, from the above, it consists ofseveralareas suchas:1. Breastfeeding. The registration of the decision isimportantforthe development of your child. This date, time andnumber ofouncesingested recorded. And if you then amantando the appwilltell youthat I take heart in that corresponds with it you canavoidthepainful cracks or engorgement.2. Summary of breastfeeding. It is an excellent tool thatwillhelpyou know the number of shots that did little for a day oracertaintime, that is, you'll know if your baby iseatingenough.3. Diaper and Sleep. Feeding with Love keeps track ofthemovementsand your little naps. There are three things thatyoualways askyour pediatrician for a routine: how has eaten, howandhow oftenyou evacuated and how he slept, here you can checkwithoutwritingin notepad.4. Special events. In the first year of your baby it happensasmanychanges, the above will fill you with questionsabout:feeding,sleep and growth, among others. Therefore, a spacewhereyou couldrecord all of them to your doctor and you can solvetheadded.5. pediatrician. In this section you can write down yourchildvisitsto the pediatrician, general information data,weight,height andmedicines, comments or recommendations that yourdoctordoes isincluded.6. Tips. They are recommendations made by experts inEducationalandDevelopmental Psychology, which will help you duringyourgrowingchild. The full version has greater rangeofrecommendations andsuggestions.7. Charts. Data from the pediatrician, about weight andheight,canbe observed graphically in this option, you can checkmorefriendlyway if your baby is growing as expected. Available onlyinthe fullversion8. Special Moments. You can take pictures of your child andputalegend on that special moment, besides the you can sharewithyourfamily and friends.9. In addition to the above, Feeding with Love gives you aseriesofalarms to warn about when feeding, diapering or anythingelseyouconsider necessary, and taking medication.10. It is also desatacar that the application isfullycustomizable,you can include a photo of your little one intheapplication andchoose the color according to sex, also itkeepstrack of the age inyears, months and days.
Breastfeeding - Baby Tracker 3.8.20
By a mom for other moms: Track and share all your baby'sactivities.
Breastfeeding 1.0
Personal Care & Health Studio
★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★How do I start breastfeeding?To breastfeed successfully, it doesn't really matter whereorhowyou sit or lie back.What is important is that you are comfortable and can bringyourbabyto your breast easily. This will help you to getyourlatching-ontechnique right.It's never too early to start thinking about how you'regoingtofeed your baby. But you don't have to make up your minduntilyourbaby is born.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **
Medela Family - Breast Feeding 5.5.3
Medela AG
Track Pregnancy & Baby Development. Breast pumping tracker&Newborn Feeding Log
7 products for young mother 1.0
The app contains the most importantproductstoincrease lactation breast milk while feeding the baby andgivesananswer to the question of what it depends on, and thataffectstheproduction of milk after childbirth. These simpleproducts helptostimulate and accelerate the process of productionof breastmilk,and to contribute to significantly increase it. Allproductsaresimple, presented in an easy list, with photosandexplanations.Breastfeeding - is very important. Eat a nursing mothershouldmakethe most diverse and balanced child should receivereceive allthenecessary vitamins and minerals from the mother'smilk. And tothequestion "how to improve milk supply" did notdisturb my mother,Icreated a simple and intuitive application. Ifthe baby doesnothave enough breast milk before the baby to finishfeedingmixtures,make sure whether your baby really malnourished.And thentry toimprove lactation using the products listed in theAnnex.
Baby Tracker & Care 10.7
Track baby's daily activities.Breastfeeding, sleeping,diaper,health and more
Lactancia 1.3
Esta aplicación fue creada con el fin dedaraconocer información acerca de:Lactancia Materna en Las Primeras Etapas de la VidaLa importancia de la lactancia maternaAlternativas a la lactanciaY mucha mas información que esperamos sea de gran ayudada paratiquehas llegado hasta aquí.Thisapplicationwascreated in order to disclose information about:Breastfeeding in the early stages of LifeThe importance of breastfeedingAlternatives to breastfeedingAnd much more information that we hope will be great foryouthathelped you get here.
Lactancia - Tomas de tu bebé 1.1
Jordi Corominas
Con la app Lactancia podrás hacerelseguimiento de las tomas de pecho o biberón de tu bebé a travésdeun práctico registro que te permitirá tener un listado delasúltimas tomas, su duración y el tiempo entre cada una de ellas.Es una aplicación sencilla pensada para facilitarte la vidaenunos días que suelen ser preciosos pero complejos a la vez :)With the app you canmakeLactation tracking shots breast or bottle feeding your babythrougha practical record that lets you have a list of the lastshots,duration and time between each.It is a simple application designed to make your life easier inafew days that are often beautiful but complex at the sametime:)
Breastfeeding Help 1.0
Learning Digital Studio
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★All you need to know about breastfeeding and baby care!Breastfeeding Help offers you a complete andeffectivetechniquethat will teach you to deeply latch your babyandbreastfeedwithout pain within minutes for a contented baby andanend to sorenipples.Breastfeed your baby confidently and latch without painandlearnfast effective solutions to commonbreastfeedingproblems.Master a range of baby care techniques includingwrapping,bathingand dressing your baby with BreastfeedingHelp’sinstantlydownloadable videos.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Breastfeeding Schedule Tracker 2.3
Looking to unknowing schedule ofbreastfeeding? Schedule of breastfeeding is one of the easiest waysto know howto look after breastfeeding. Our application allows youto readcontent of Schedule of breastfeeding that work!!!Some contents that Breastfeeding Schedule Tracker offers:- Baby Feeding Schedule by Age- Breastfeeding - The Ideal Schedule- Tips on Breastfeeding Your New Baby- How to Successfully Breastfeed Your Baby- How to Create a Newborn Feeding ScheduleApp is 100% free. Thanks for download BreastfeedingScheduleTracker.It is also now available.
Desarrollo del Bebé 14.0.0
FSDapps - Aplicaciones para todos
Gross motor development, vision, language, sleep, baby stimulation
WomanLog Baby Calendar 3.6.2
Pro Active App SIA
WomanLog Baby (Baby) is a calendar of child development forparents.