2 Похожие RI Recovery Resources

New2Recovery for Addictions 1.0.3
Handshake Media, Incorporated
If you think you have a problem withalcoholordrugs, or you’re new or early in recovery from addictions–todrugs, alcohol, or both - New2Recovery helps you stay awareofwhatyou’re feeling and thinking so you can make the choicesyouwant tomake.When you’re feeling like using or drinking, there’snosureformula for staying clean and sober, but we’ve done ourbestwithNew2Recovery to help you be present in the moment andchangewhatyou used to do into what you want to do.With New2Recovery you can:- Pause before you act so you can respond rather than react.- Check in with yourself: What are you feeling and thinking?- Check out positive choices that are hard to rememberinthemoment.- Share with people in your network what you’re feeling,thinkingandchoosing through text, email, and social media.-Track your feelings, thoughts and choices over time andshareyourprogress with friends, sponsors, counselors,cliniciansandphysicians who are helping you become aware of what’sgoing onwithyou when you make choices.New2Recovery is there for you:- When a feeling is coming up for you.- When you have a thought that can be a problem for you.- When you feel like doing something you’re trying not to do.- When you can’t reach someone in your network or aprofessionalorget to a group meeting.If any of these apply, New2Recovery is for you:- You think you have a problem.- You’re making changes and want to keep them going.- Your family, friends and co-workers have asked you to stop.- You’ve had consequences from the law, school or work and wanttodowhat it takes not to have those again.- You’re just out of treatment and want tosupportyourrecovery.- You’ve been in treatment before and you’re ready to makeitworkthis time.- Aftercare isn’t available or isn’t offered often enoughtomeetyour needs.- You know you have a problem and are ready to dosomethingaboutit.New2Recovery respects your privacy.- It’s free.- Graphics are discrete.- Apps require permissions from the device to install. Weusetheminimum permissions possible. We do not ask forpermissiontoaccess your contacts.- Registration or account creation is not required.- Your feelings, thoughts and choices data is only savedonyourphone or mobile device, not on a server. You can deletethedataany time within the app and start fresh, or you can deletetheappand the data will be deleted as well.- When we release updates, your stored data stays protectedonyourdevice so you can track your progress over time.- The Internet is accessed only if you access options ontheMorescreen, or use social media Share features.We hope you have a great experience with New2Recovery.Wewelcomequestions and feedback!New2Recovery(TM) is informed by a synthesis of bestpracticesforaddictions recovery, including Cognitive BehaviorTherapy(CBT),mindfulness meditation, 12-step recoveryandadditionalevidence-based supportive processes.New2Recovery is for informational purposes only and isnotasubstitute for medical or professional advice. Pleaseconsultaqualified health care professional for personalizedmedicalandprofessional advice.Support URL: http://www.new2recovery.comSupport email: support@cognichoice.com
Gateway Rehab 4.0.3
Opticom Apps
Track each step of your addictionrecoverywiththe Gateway Rehab recovery app. With a swipe, thisrehabassistanthelps you maintain recovery goals and overcomesubstanceabuse. Theapp keeps you inspired and informed withfeatures likethe 12-stepaddiction recovery guide, sober thought andsobrietyclock. You canconfidentially refer a friend, use the eventandmeeting finder tolocate nearby events and meetings or trackyourown recoveryprogress any minute of the day. Everywhere yougo,recovery follows.Some features of the app include:- Facilitate referrals for people in need andtheirlovedones- Give tools and inspiration to people recovering fromtheaddictivediseases- Provide an electronic version of our unique A.R.K.toolkittofacilitate the recovery process- To help all affected by addictive diseases to becomehealthyinbody, mind and spirit- Share tips, resources, and other information aboutGatewayRehaband recovery