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iTimePunch - Work Time Clock 5.2
iTimePunch is a virtual time card andpaychecktracker that helps you track work hours of your employees,and aidsin employee scheduling and timesheet tracking. Hourlyemployees areeasy to manage thanks to our comprehensive paycheckcalculator,hourly work cards, and work schedule calendar.Employees clock in and out of work using the simpleinterface,and iTimePunch takes care of the rest. Employees canclock in/outthemselves from their mobile devices. GPS locationtracking showsyou the exact location of each employee clock in andout event, soyouíll always have peace of mind.Back up your punch clock data with NEW Cloud Backupstorage!Track and calculate hours, mileage travelled for work,expenses,vacation hours and sick hours, comp time, cash advancesand lunchbreaks, and rest secure knowing your data is safe in thecloud.iTimePunch Features:Time CalculatorCalculate employee scheduling and paycheck information bysimplyclocking in and outiTimePunchís timesheet calculator automatically provides payowedbased on the hours you enterTrack Hours Remotely via GPSTrack each punch in and punch out of your employees remotely viaGPStrackingCheck each clock in/out on an easy-to-read mapGPS checks are made every 30 minutes for accurate,up-to-datereportingBlock employees from editing their time sheet data remotely withthepress of a buttonHourly Wage CalculatorInput schedules and let iTimePunch do the work. Calculate hoursandpay for all hourly employeesTrack Mileage and Pay Per MileEmployee time tracking is just the start. iTimePunch has optionsforany unique situation your work environment might demandTrack and calculate the mileage and per mile rate for employeeswhoneed transportation reimbursementCalculate hours for Sick Time, Overtime and Vacation TimeTrack employee sick daysTrack hours for overtime money owed to employeesTrack hours for employee vacation hours owed and usedTrack and manage compensatory time owed to each ofyouremployeesAuto Punch Out For Lunch BreaksCalculate hours for lunch breaks automaticallyEmployees clock in and out instantlyEmail Work Shifts Calendar and ReportsWork time tracker makes running reports easy. Simply use thepremadework schedule calendar to collect all pay and timeinformation forthe periodEmail work time spreadsheets as .csv files directly fromyourdeviceSave Data With Cloud BackupCloud backup technology secures your employee dataIf you have hourly employees, the iTimePunch employee timeclock,attendance tracker and paycheck calculator is yoursolution.Download iTimePunch wage tracker and punch clock, andtakecontrol of your workplace today!**New feature: iTimePunch now has a backup featurethatautomatically backs up your device time punch data to ourcloudservice. Restore your backed up cloud data to your deviceeasilywithin the app (Device backup can only be restored to likedevices.Cross platform backup restore and restoration toothermanufacturers is not supported at this time).We will do our very best to backup your iTimePunch data.However,there are a few things you should know. Your internetconnectionmust be working on the device for backup to function. Wewill not beliable in any way for your data. Data backup is alwaysyourresponsibility solely. This backup service is provided ìasisî,without any implied warranty to the user. You accept theseterms bypurchasing and downloading our app, iTimePunch.Please see our full terms and conditions: http://www.itimepunch.com/terms-and-conditions/Please note, continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.Please note, the map described above is not a live map.TheìBossî must have the employees email a timesheet to viewGPSlocations on this map.
Realtime Attendance 15.19
Realtime Biometrics
If you found any bug in the application then please send usmail.Abad review does not help you to solve yourproblem.👍RealtimeAttendance is online attendance managementapplication usercaneasily mark attendance through a mobileapplication. Inthisapplication, you can log in with Employee orAdmin. FromAdminlogin => Admin Can manage all these thinkfrommobileapplication. 1.Masters 2. Device Management 3.LeaveManagement4.Daily Report, Monthly Report, Salary Report, GPSReport5.GPSTracker(Admin can easily track employee live location6.AccessControl(Admin can communicate with the biometricmachinethoughAccess Control part) 7.Manual Punch(Admin can domanual punchforany employee) From Employee login => Employeecanmarkattendance through a mobile application and also see adailyreporton the Employee dashboard. An employee can manage allthesethings.1. Mark Attendance(Employee can mark attendancewithmobileapplication) 2.Report(Employee can see daily, monthly,GPS,salaryreport) 3. Leave Request(Employee can request for leave)
TimeClock Connect : Time Tracking and Invoicing 11.5.2
Spotlight Six Software LLC
✓ A simple and easy way to track your billable hours,expensesandmileage ✓ Automatic cloud sync: your data is always safeevenifyour phone is lost or broken ✓ Generate invoices directlyfromyourTimeClock Connect data - or export as spreadsheet or html✓Syncacross all your devices - including iPhone and iPad ✓Safe&dependable - we've been here since 2009 ✓ No ads, notracking,noanalytics - just a great product at a fair price - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - TimeClock Connect makes it easy totrackyourbillable hours and expenses - and then use this datatogenerateinvoices or spreadsheets. It's the perfect Androidtimetracker forfreelancers, contractors, attorneys or anyone whobillsclients bythe hour. TimeClock Connect is: * Simple andintuitive:you'll betracking your billable hours and expenses withinminutesofinstalling the app. * Safe and dependable: on Androidsince2009,TimeClock Connect is rock solid and trusted by thousandsofusersaround the world. With your free Timeclock Connectaccount,youget: * Instant, automatic back-up for peace of mind: nomatterwhathappens your phone, your data is always safe andaccessibleonline.* Instant syncing with multiple devices - use yourphone ortablet.* A better way to view and manage your data: lookingat dataonyour laptop or desktop is a lot easier than using asmallmobiledisplay. * Optional invoice system: the easiest waytocreateprofessional looking invoices directly from yourTimeClockConnectdata - no more spreadsheets! More information aboutinvoicescan befound below. More Features: * Set your hourly ratefor eachclientand TimeClock Connect will calculate your earnings. *Roundyourwork times by specifying an optional billing incrementforeachclient - from one minute up to one hour. * Flat feeactivitiesaresupported where the client is charged a fixed amountfor ajobregardless of the time worked. * Track your time asyou'reworkingby clocking in and clocking out - or manually entercompletetimerecords in the past or future. * Powerfulnoteentry/managementcapabilities. * Track expenses along withyourbillable hours. Setup predefined expenses for recurringexpenseitems. Manage andexport your expenses from the app or fromyourTimeClock Connectaccount. * Track Mileage Expenses by providingamileagereimbursement allowance and then entering thedistancetraveled ORproviding starting and ending odometer readings.* Viewand editall time records within the app. You can go back andchangethestart and end times, billing rate, notes - any field canbeedited.* Customize your spreadsheet export: you pick whichdatacolumnsare exported, the order of the columns and the typeofsummaryinformation. * Each time record contains: client, notesandasecondary data field that defaults to "Project", but youcanchangethis to whatever suits your business: Location, Task,Jobetc. *While working, you may quit the app or even turn offthephone -the time will be tracked until you restart the app andstopthetimer. * Note: TimeClock Connect does notautomaticallycalculateovertime nor does it support multiplesimultaneous timers.InvoiceSystem Features: + Simple, easy to useweb interface. +Create newinvoices in just a few clicks using yourtime records andexpensessynced from the app. You won't believe howquick and easyit is! +Payment tracking - including partialpayments. + Bill formaterialsas well as labor - items can be taxedat different rates.+Complete invoice lifecycle history log for eachinvoice.+Customize your invoices with your company logo. +DownloadPDFfiles to print - or email them to clients fromwithinTimeClockConnect. + Try it free for 30 days. Afterwards, it'sonly$5/monthfor unlimited invoices.
.Hours - Time Clock/Card free 1.1
.Hours - Time Clock/Card Pro Created by The-App.co Thetraditionalemployee time clock has become a thing of the past Atop-rated,full featured multi-language , multi-client time clockapp with allthe features you need. creates a time card that you canemail tomultiple employers automatically. With GPS locationconfirmationand real time tracking and automated GPS alerts andloggingfunctions. Hours was created with simplicity in mind. Simplycreateclients or jobs, clock in, and instantly view your hoursworked,instantly view your current paycheck and instantly send yourtimecard to your employer in CSV. Whether you are a smallbusiness,with only 1 or 2 employees, or a large corporationemploying tensof thousands in multiple locations you want to knowwhere the timegoes. Employees - No more having to fill in your timecards. Savetime and money by sending your hours to your boss andnow get paidinstantly with Go Payment by Intuit, the creators ofQuickBooks .Track multiple clients with ease and quickly deliveryour hours tothe boss without actually having to drive to theoffice. Employers- No more crumpled up , hard to read time cards.No more late timecards and excuses. Efficiently track , manage andreport youremployees time and eliminate "round off" scenarios(whereemployeesgo ahead and give that extra 15 minutes a nudge :-)) Timeiscalculated exactly and is precise to the minute. Saveprocessingtime and money getting your time cards on time and in ahighlyusable form. Time card is sent by email as an attachment.Openingthe attachment utilizes your favorite spreadsheet program .Importyour hours Spreadsheet is fully compatible withQuickBooks,Peachtree, Excel, Google Docs and Lotus, as well as manyotheremployee management software's. On average, our clients see 1dayreturn on investment - the system pays for itself Employeesandemployer alike save time immediately! Our clients see up to a80%decrease in payroll processing time GREEN! Hours is ECO_FRIENDLY-Paper time cards are replaced by digital and think of the gasyoursaving not having to drive your time card to the boss! NoBatteryusage : as a matter of fact , once you log in with one ormore ofyour clients the system runs with the phone on or off!Secure withautomated backups. Whether your phone is lost, stolen ordamaged,off-cell cloud backups make your hours secure and yourclientsinformation safe.
TimeStation 1.6.2
TimeStation, LLC
Turn your Android phone or tablet into a cloud-basedtime&attendance system Using our Fast-Scan technology,employeescanpunch In & Out in less than a second, andbecauseTimeStationruns in the cloud, there’s no software or serverstomaintain.Managers can see who’s in and run time andattendancereportsanytime, anywhere. TimeStation is the perfectsolution forsmalland medium businesses looking to track time andattendancewithoutthe usual costs and overhead of traditionalsystems.Theversatility of TimeStation allows for a widevarietyofapplications: ● Track employee time and attendanceforyourbusiness ● Track student attendance for your school ●Trackmemberattendance for your club or group ● Track timespentacrossmultiple projects or clients Setup your FREE accountinminutes atwww.MyTimeStation.com ▶ Visit www.MyTimeStation.com To:●CreateYour account ● Manage Employees ● Print Employee Cards ●RunTimeReports ▶ Features: ● Turn your Android phone or tabletintoacontactless Time & Attendance System ● Employees canPunchIn& Out in less than a second with our Fast-Scantechnology ●Getup and running in minutes, by printing your ownemployee cards●Cloud-based solution means there's no software orhardwaretoinstall and maintain ● Off-Line Mode allows employees toPunchIn& Out even when there's no internet connectivity●Managershave access to a full range of online reports totrackattendanceand calculate pay ● Employees can punch by PIN whentheircard isnot available ● GPS Location Tagging ● SupportsMultipleLocationsand Departments ● Department Transfers ● Exportdata toExcel andother programs ● Support for Manual TimeAdjustments ▶Pricing:TimeStation is FREE for organizations with upto 10employees.Affordable monthly plans available forlargerorganizations.
ClockShark - Time Clock App 3.14.0
ClockShark, LLC
NOTE - In order to use the ClockShark mobile app you musthaveanactive trial or paid subscription. Free trial andalldetailsavailable at www.clockshark.com. ClockShark is theleadingtimetracking and scheduling software built forlocalconstruction,field service, and franchises, that want asimpler wayto trackmobile employee time, run payroll quickly andaccurately,andunderstand job costs. Thousands of customers replacedthe hassleofpaper timesheets with software that makes it easier toruntheirbusiness and keeps accountants happy. SOFTWARE FEATURES1.)TimeClock Clock in and out from your mobile phone, selectjobsandtasks, and take breaks... all with the tap of afinger.UseCrewClock to manage time for your team in the field, orusefacialrecognition to prevent buddy punching with KioskClock.Nevertouchthat paper timesheet again. 2.) Simple Schedule Keepupwithjobsite changes and constantly changing field serviceroutes.Justlook at the schedule for today or this week, and knowexactlywhereto go, and when. Scheduling is included at no extracost!3.)Location Matters GPS helps to keep you pointed intherightdirection, without draining your battery. Customizeageofenceperimeter around a jobsite, set alerts and reminderstoclock in orclock out when entering a jobsite. Perfect forfieldservice work…see who's working now, & replay routes. 4.)PaidTime Off Needto know how many hours of vacation you have? Wanttotake a sickday? It’s all in the app. Now you can request PTOfromyour phone,which alerts the administrator or manager. Then,getalerts whenyour request is approved, and you’ll even get areminderto takethat day off work! 5.) Operations Flexiblemanagerpermissions,departments & locations, job costing, andtimesheetapprovalskeep your teams running lean. Plus, run detail orsummaryreportson job costs, employee hours, and more. Finally, asimpleway tomake sure payroll and accounting are accurate the firsttime,everytime. CUSTOMER SERVICE Get expert support when you needitandleave smiling every time. Simply chat, call or emailsupportandhear back in minutes! 100% of our support and successcrewareCertified QuickBooks ProAdvisors to helpnavigatecomplexaccounting and payroll issues.
TimeDock - employee time clock 2.3.7
TimeDock keeps you up to date withreal-timejob timesheets, forcing your team leaders into the habitofclocking staff in at the point of doing work.Stop chasing timesheets last minute before payday, and compileyourlabor positioning reports at the click of a buttonathttp://timedock.com (Premium Account or Trial required to usethisapp).Suitable for...Remote team-based workforceEach employee carries an ID card with a Barcode or NFC tag thentheyapproach the designated person when they start work who clocksthemin. Then, at the end of the day, they present their ID card toclockout. Great for construction crews, agriculture, service teamsandother wage-based organisations with designated personsresponsiblefor tracking hours worked.Fixed-premisesInstall a modular wall-mounted Wifi time clock that uses the sameIDcards as our mobile app. Or optionally install your own tablettothe wall with this app set to front-facing camera forself-servicecheck-in as employees arrive.Repeatable laborCleaners, healthcare workers, security staff and otherswhoregularly visit set locations can check-in by scanning a fixedtagat each location to create a new jobsheet entry with theirhoursassigned. Review in job-sheet format with total hours perrepeatedjob.Top reasons to choose TimeDock.com• Scales from 1 to 1000's, without diminishing workflow.• Lets you react to labor fluctuation and project overrun beforeithappens.• Gives you real-time labor costing for keybusinessdecisions.• Eliminates the hassle of chasing timesheets andresolvingtimesheet errors.• Forces point-in-time workflow and actively fightstimesheetlateness and consistency issues.• Modular architecture lets you integrate as many mobile devicesandwall-mounted punch clocks as you need, across many locationswithdiffering internet connectivity.• Works seamlessly online and offline.How this app works:1. Download the app and connect to a TimeDock account asatime-tracking device.2. Optionally pre-select a job code or activity code (configuredbythe admin through the online web portal).3. Use the in-app camera to scan staff ID's as they arrive, orwavetheir NFC badges next to the NFC sensor, to clock into work.Repeatsteps 2-3 for switching jobs, then clock out at the end oftheyday.What you'll get from the online web dashboard:• Instant timesheets for each employee and job. Plustimesheetoverview.• Positioning reports and analytics for configurable costcodes,activity types, tasks.• Manually adjust or enter hours missed.• Configurable CSV exports for sending time data directly topayrollapplications.TimeDock's card-based interface is highly scalable, allowingtheissue of thousands of ID cards and eliminating the need formanualinteraction at the point of recording time.Designed for payroll administrators, TimeDock gives youinstantonline access to timesheets in real-time. Time can also beappliedto jobs on a job-sheet, allowing you to monitor in real-timetotalhours worked on a specific job or location.Install any number of attendance clocks on any number of devicesandthey all work together as employee time clock devices,collectingtimesheet information for your central TimeDock account.Unlike yourtraditional punch clock, employees can check in fromone device andout another.* TimeDock software subscription required to usethisapplication.
iTimePunch Plus Work Hour Tracker & Time Clock App 8.23
Double Down Software LLC
TimePunch Plus is built for business. It is the perfect workhourstracker with time clock. A work time tracker & employeehourskeeper - the app logs work schedule with weekly timesheets,clockin time, clock out time, sick days, vacations, & cashadvances.Manage ALL of your employees within this work time app orviawebsite. Our work hours tracker & clock in clock out app,letsyou customize hourly wage, pay periods, vacation time, sickdaysand more, making your job for time tracking easier. iTimePunchPlusis the ultimate employee work hours calculator, hours keeper&attendance tracker! ~~Features~~ -Work Hours Tracker &TimeSheet iTimePunch Plus is a comprehensive work hours trackerandtime sheet app. Employees clock in and out, and you tracktheirwork hours in convenient tsheets. It’s the easiest timesheet&hours keeper app. -Vacation Time Tracker Add vacations totheemployee schedule & work timesheet app. View them in onetimesheet. Click on an employee time card to view total vacationhours,hours used/remaining, and start/end dates. -Sick TimeTracking Withthis time card app set sick time allocations, &enter sick dayswhen requested. Our sick time calculator showsused/remaining sickhours, and requested dates in easy tsheets.-Individual Job TimeClock Time sheet reports are offered for eachemployee. Log hourlyclock in and out events when employees clock infor work. Customizehourly wage & track hours. iTimePunch Plus,work hourscalculator app, is the most convenient weekly timesheet& hourskeeper for a busy manager. Explore work log &tsheetsmanagement like never before. -Comp Time Clock Addingcomputertracking for an employee? Enter the hours & minutesforcomputer time, as well as the starting date, & our timetrackerwill store the information. Download the best employeescheduling,employee time tracking and hours keeper app now! -CashAdvances Ifan employee needs a part or all of a paycheck early,give them acash advance & log it in the app, complete withreason andediting capabilities, & delete when the pay period isdone. Itis not only a work hours calculator but also lets you logadvancepaychecks. It’s an all-in-one employee scheduling app withtsheets,time card calculator, work log, hours tracker & more.-MileageExpenses Customize a pay per mileage rate, add the numberof milesdriven & let our rate calculator do the rest. Use notestotrack even more! -Comprehensive Reporting View reports on clockinand out records, billable hours worked and pay earned, everytimeemployees clock in for work. -GPS Locations of Clock In &OutEvents This work timesheet app uses the devices' GPS to trackwhereeach clock in and out event occurs, & logs them inconvenienttsheets. Turn this function off for select employees. Thetimesheethours keeper app will only log the time of the clock inand clockout for such employee without logging their location. -PushNotifications Send team notifications, schedule notificationsaheadof time, & receive real-time employee punch notifications.-Use the Trustable setting to control what your employees canedit.- Track tips & notes at the end of every shift.~~WhyiTimePunch Plus~~ iTimePunch Plus, work hours trackercombineseverything you need to manage a business and your employeesin onesimple mobile app. It’s more than a work hours calculator.Alongwith tracking hourly clock in and out events, the time sheetappdoubles as a location tracker, a work log & hourskeeper,leaves tracking app, time card calculator, and mileageexpensecalculator. iTimePunch Plus helps you in employee scheduling&management via your smartphone. iTimePunch Plus, workhourscalculator, is a great tool for any business manager. It’sanemployee time sheet app capable of tracking work hours, clockinfor work events, leaves, expenses & more. DownloadiTimePunchPlus, time clock wizard & work timesheet app tochange the wayyou manage employees.
Workly TimePad
Newmax Technologies
The Leader in Cloud-based Time Tracking and Attendance.