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Hex,Dec,Oct,Bin(Dev Calc) 2.3.4
The Calculator for Developer Hex,Dec,Oct,Bin in one screen
Hex Converter Plus 2.0
Duncan Watson
Utility converting between decimal, hex, binary, octal andASCIInumbers
Numerical Systems + ASCII 1.19
Binary, hex or any base! ASCII, BCD, GRAY, AIKEN and more
Prime Calc 0.6
PrimeCalc - free scientific symbolic calculator - 70functions,20mathematical constants and up to six variables - Newfunctionsandconstants can be defined by the user - Supports complexnumbers-Matrices, vectors, sets and calculations on them -Solvesthemathematical equations - Calculate the integrals andderivatives-Step-by-step calculations - And many moreSupportedfunctions,operators, and mathematical constants:Arithmetic:Operators +, -,×, ÷, % x^n - nth power of x √(x) -Square root of x√(n, x) - nthroot of x ln(x) - Natural logarithm ofx log(x) -Logarithm of x tobase 10 log(n, x) - Logarithm of x tobase n∑(f(x), imin, imax) -Summation of f(x) from imin to imax∏(f(x),imin, imax) - Productof f(x) from imin to imaxMathematicalanalysis: ∫(f(x)) -Indefinite integral of f(x) ∫(f(x),xmin, xmax)- Definite integralof f(x) from xmin to xmax ∂(f(x)) -Derivativeof f(x) lim(f(x), c)- Limit of f(x) when x approaches cEquationsolving:Representation of polynomial - x^2+3x-2=0 = -Polynomialequationoperator Numerical Functions: m mod n - Remainderof m ÷ ngcd(m,n) - Greatest common divisor of m and n lcm(m, n) -Leastcommonmultiple of m and n abs(n) - Absolute value of nround(n) -Integerclosest to n frac(n) - Fractional part of nfloor(n) - Floorvalueof n ceil(n) - Ceiling value of n Complexnumbers:Representation -5+2i re(c) - Real part of complex number cim(c) -Imaginary partof complex number c Statistics: median([a]) -Medianof [a]gmean([a]) - Geometric mean of [a] amean([a]) -Arithmeticmean of[a] randi(n) - Random integer from 0 to n randr -Randomreal from0 to 1 Number theory: harmonicN(n) - nthharmonicnumberCombinatorics: n! - Factorial of n binomial(n, k)-Binomialcoefficient multinomial(n1, n2, ...) -MultinomialcoefficientcatalanN(n) - nth Catalan number fibonacci(n)- nthFibonaccinumber Trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x),tan(x)sec(x),csc(x), cot(x) asin(x), acos(x), atan(x),acot(x)Hyperbolicfunctions: sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)arsinh(x),arcosh(x),artanh(x) Matrixes: Representation -[[1,2],[3,4]][m1]⋅[m2] -Product of [m1] and [m2] tran([m]) -Transpose [m]ctran([m]) -Conjugate and transpose [m] inverse([m]) -Invert [m]det([m]) -Determinant of [m] tr([m]) - Trace of [m]mpow([m], n) -nth matrixpower of [m] Number sets: Representation -[1,2]union([a1], [a2])- Union of two sets intersec([a1], [a2])-Intersection of two setsmax([a]) - Largest element of [a]min([a])- Smallest element of[a] Constants: π - Number Pi e -Euler'snumber i - Imaginary unit∞ - Infinity γ - Euler–MascheroniconstantG - Catalan's constant A- Glaisher–Kinkelin constant φ -Goldenratio κ - Khinchin'sconstant C₂ - Twin prime constant ζ₃ -Apéry'sconstant B₄ - Brun'sconstant for prime quadruplets B₂ -Brun'sconstant for twin primesEB - Erdős–Borwein constant δ -Feigenbaumfirst constant α -Feigenbaum second constants BL -Legendre'sconstant M₁ -Meissel–Mertens constant
Boolean Algebra Calculator 7.2
Nishant Rajput
Boolean Algebra | Binary Hexadecimal | SOP POS | Custom Base |LearnElectronics
Numeral Systems Calculator PRO 2.0
I'm Katrechko
Converting of integers and decimal fractions to base-36numeralsystems
BitCalculator 1.372
Hex, Decimal, Octal and Binary calculator with bit operations
C# & SQL 2.14
Obraztsov Fedor Alexandrovich
Directory of standard, frequently used operations in C# andSQLQueries
Total Binary Operations: Conve 1.0.2
Dhurba Tripathi
It supports normalized mantissa exponent binary as well astwo'scomplement.
Text editor SimpleEditor
Igor Luchkin
Multi-window text editor. Output to the printer. Connecting tocloudservices.
Algo - Algorithm Interpreter 3.0.2
Compile and run your algorithm written in French pseudo-code
StatSuite (Statistics Suite) 5.0
Francisco Aparisi
An application for statistical data analysis
BooleanTT - Boolean Algebra
Hashan Chamara Rajapaksha
Simplifier | KMap | Circuit | T-Tables | Calculate | Learn |BooleanAlgebra
MathsApp Graphing Calculator 1.3.7
Meet MathsApp, the ultimate graphing calculator on Android.
Akid Soft
Android Web Developer - Best IDE for WEB Development
Git Quick Reference 0.5.0
Easy Intent
Offline git quick reference, open source, no ads.
Graphing Calculator - Algeo 2.39
Marton Veges
Calculus calculator for plotting, analyzing, drawing functions
Computer Science Calculations 3.3.4
Ettore Gallina
Many calculations regarding the IT sector
Pseudocode, PSeInt, Visualg 2.1.1
Diego Velásquez (diegoveloper)
Learn to program algorithms in pseudocode easily with Pseudocode.
C++ Prowess 1.0
Smarter way to learn C++ Programming