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Geology Sample Collector 1.0.34
Major Forms
The Geology Sample Collector allows you to track and documentyourfield work incorporating images, video, audio recordings,and/ortext. It also allows you to track (with GPS) your path andenablesthe data to be synchronized to our website, edit, and/orshare yourwork with others.You can also allow colleagues to viewyour workduring or after your field trip by sharing it through yourwebsite,social networks, e-mail, etc. Once the collecting isuploaded toyour website, you can edit the data, create reportsand/or maps,and download the data or reports to spreadsheets orotherdocuments. (You do not need to have access to the internet torunthe application). Give it a try, it is free. Once yourcollectingis completed, you can automatically create a powerpointor video ofthe sampling.Highlights:Track unlimited GPS paths within each sampling program andhaveeach track/path displayed on a map in different colors.Create events during your field work documenting samplesites,outcrops, structures, fossils or minerals, formations, etc.or eventhe hotel or camp area where you stayed. Each event ismarked alongyour GPS track(s) with a numbered pin on Google mapsallowinginstant access to the media you captured at each site.When an event is created it automatically documentsthelongitude, latitude, altitude, time, and date with instantaccessto the smartphone camera, audio recorder, notes, and atheodolitetool (for calculating distances to or elevation ofobjects) tofurther document the event.The application has a strike and dip tool built into it toallowyou to measure planar and linear features.Each event comes with formatted fields to record a descriptionofthe event, detailed notes, rock type, rock age if known, (orchoosethe age of the formation from a drop down list of thegeologic timescale), sample weight, temperature, and pressure.Specific fieldscan be hidden and an unlimited number of additionalfields can beadded.Separate folders allow you to document sample size,minerals.textures, and/or fossils in the sample.Share your collecting while you are in field instantaneouslywithcolleagues or other samplers with the ability to post all yourGPStracks and media on any of an almost unlimited number ofsocialwebsites or communicate information via e-mail, Skype, andother IMsystems.Create your own free website to share your sampling withothersin real time. The website includes a gallery of your videosandimages along with standard Google maps with tracks andpinsrepresenting events.Don't worry about the loss of any media, data, or notes.Thegeology sample collector application automaticallysynchronizesyour data in the background in our database and, ifdesired, yourwebsite, effectively backing up your data for lateruse.Once you return from your collecting, the data can bedownloadedto a spreadsheet, powerpoint, or other documents. You canalsoextensively filter the information to hone in on certainaspects ofyour field work. Our reports section of the websiteallows you tocreate specialized documents and graphs from thefiltered data. Youcan also upload data once you return such asgeochemical data ifthe samples are analyzed.If others are sampling with you, they can add their ownevents,media and data, through their smartphones, to each event ifyouchoose to share your username with them. All smartphones willbeinstantaneously updated with the shared information throughtheapplication and include all the collected information onyourwebsite. Or each individual on the field trip can create theirownaccount and website on MajorForms to document theworkthemselves.Make your own sampling video or powerpointpresentationautomatically once you return to share with colleaguesor forpresentations. With one click, the videos, maps, and imagesareintegrated into a video timeline or a powerpointpresentation.
FieldScout Mobile 3.2.0
Spectrum Technologies Inc.
Use the FieldScout Mobile app toinstantlycollect and display data from your Bluetooth enabledFieldScout TDR300 Soil Moisture Meter or FieldScout TruFirmFirmness Meter. Theapp allows you to see a basic grid of zones upto 5 wide by 5 deepand view an average reading for each zone.If you have a SpecConnect account, you can use the Pro featuresinthe app to deliver data from the FieldScout TDR 300 SoilMoistureMeter and/or FieldScout TruFirm Firmness Meter toaccessinformation in SpecConnect. It also offers the flexibilitytocustomize the number of zones as well as email data 24 hours aday7 days a week. In addition, users can also choose toauto-advancethrough the measurement zones, or by FieldScoutMobile'sintegration with the SpecConnect mapping functions, you canswitchto a freeform mode that enables you to take and viewmeasurementswith complete flexibility. For more information on theSpecConnectfamily of products, visit us onlineatwww.specmeters.com/specconnect
InMetrology 1.0
Proveer Soluciones yServiciosenInstrumentación, Metrología, Calibración,Mantenimiento,Reparacióny Ventas de equipos para laboratoriosyprocesosindustriales.
SFF Group 1.3
SFF Group
SFF Group’s app allows access toproduct,industry and company information. It is a great tool forstudents,pipe fitters, energy industry professionals, employees andclientsas it provides useful information in a user-friendly format.Thefollowing features are included in the app:Unique Features- A pipe weight calculator which calculates pipe weight per kgorpounds by specifying the outer diameter pipe wall thickness andthematerial grade.- Technical catalog – containing detailed informationondimensional data and specifications pertaining to pipes,fittings,flanges, valves and more. Allowing to zoom, print andshare, - anexcellent reference tool for professionals workingoff-site.- Products videos – learning the basics of pipe, fittingandflange productionAdditional Features:- Login functionality for current and potential clients.Thelogin option facilitates flexibility to meet individualuserrequirements. Search your orders, check status,downloadcertificates, packinglists, print, save and/or share- SFF worldwide locations which includes an integratedmap,contacts- and company info, with the option to call, sendmessageto and e-mail SFF employees.About SFFSFF was established in 1991 and is today the largestprivatelyowned piping stockist in Scandinavia.We are one of Europe’s leading distributors of piping materialsandvalves, supplied to leading international offshore and onshoreoilcompanies worldwide. The industries served by us includerefining,power generation, pulp and paper, windpower, nuclear andmechanicalindustries. Applications are onshore, offshore andsubsea.Our headquarters are strategically situated in Sandnes,Norwaywhich is in close proximity to Stavanger, which is the majorcentrefor the oil and gas industry in Norway. We are supportedbyfacilities in based in 12 countries on 4 continents.More information about SFF Group can be foundatwww.sffgroup.comIf you have any questions, contact us at post@sffgroup.com
Water Damage Drying Log Lite 2 2.0
Robert Duckworth
*****GET THE FULL VERSION ON SALE NOWFOR$1.99US FOR LIMITED TIME. REGULAR FULL VERSION PRICE $3.99*****COMPLETE YOUR DRYING LOGS IN VERSION 1.0 BEFOREUPGRADINGTOVERSION 2.0 - DATA DOES NOT MOVE TO NEW VERSION!*I love it. I have been searching for an app likethis….J.Cook**Your application is awesome… T Rott”**As a building contractor, I find your app somethingthatisunique and clever. I have been using several apps tocreateacustomer file. You have put all the tools in one placeforthosewho need it. Just wanted to say nice job and goodluck…Robin*The Lite Version of Water Damage Drying Log 2.0 applicationistheideal tool for the Water Damage Restoration Company tomanagetheirwater damage drying projects, in the field and onthego.The Water Damage Drying Log App (WDDL) 2.0 is a simple tousetoolfor water damage restoration field technicians.WDDL 2.0 allows the service technician to carry theirdryingjobinformation and drying logs with them and to export thedryingjobinformation, logs and photos.Protect your company from the LIABILITY of accusationsthattheproject was not dried properly or completely bysendingthesereports to your office, the client and theinsurancecompany'sadjuster.WDDL 2.0 includes the following features:Take Pictures and have them as part of the Drying Log.Full Version allows user to Email a full report with thetouchofa button right from the app!Full Version allows more than four projects to save in the appatonetime.Full Version removes the advertisements.Quickly view the projects that you have currently.Call or email right from the information fields in the app.Call the client to set up the drying check or to let themknowyouare running behind schedule.Call the adjuster to update them on the drying progress.Client details including email and phone number.Insurance Company and Adjuster information includingclaimnumber,phone number and email.Justify the drying equipment use, by keeping a log of thedrydownprocess.The project’s drying logs are broken down into roomsorareas;complete with the customizable “Name” you give thatroomorarea.Document the kind of “Material Checked”, alongwiththeTemperature, Relative Humidity and % of Moisture of thevariouswetmaterials monitored.Record the Dry Standard that you are going to drythematerialto.Add new drying log records quickly and fill in thefieldseasilyas you take your readings.Keep adding Dry Check Logs until the job is complete!Includes a "Note" field for each dry log in each Room /Areaandfor each material. Now keep notes of what the scope ofworkwas,what equipment was set up, when it was picked up.Dimensionsforthe Room / Area and how much of the Room / Area waseffected andtowhat degree.When the project is complete you have a COMPLETE LOG ofthedryingprocess to prove when you pulled the equipment out thatthejob wasleft dry and to a dry standard.Show that the equipment you had on the job wasrequiredbecauseyou have the documentation to prove it.Have the data to assist in the billing of thedryingservices.Take photos of the meter readings and water damagedareasforreference and documentation.We recommend taking pictures of the affected areas asthedryingequipment is set up and then each dry check until thejobiscomplete.Upgrade to the Full Version to be able to export byemailfullproject drying log reports, complete with the photosthattheychoose to export with the report. Email the report whereeveritneeds to go! The office, the adjuster, theclient,anothertechnicians phone.The user may select up to 10 photos per Room / Area toincludewiththe report.(This will use the client’s data plan for emailing if thedeviceisnot connected to WiFi or as per your phone serviceplan.)Protect your company and document your drying!Visit www.waterdamagedryinglog.com for FAQ's and How To's!