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Work Report Helper 1.4
Cosmo Coder
Have you ever wonder what tasks you have done a few days ago?Areyou having difficulty to write a work report to tell you bosswhatyou have done due to you have trouble to recall the tasks youhaveperformed days or weeks ago? Now there is an app to solveyourproblem in reporting what you have performed. Work ReportHelper isdesigned to help us to track and easily create a report ontasks weperformed, when the works are still fresh in our memory. Nomorehassle of writing work report at the end of the week or month.Atthe end of the day, week, or month, this app can show anicelyprinted report base on what we have recorded. This will helpussave our time from writing a weekly or monthly report, and allowusto spend more time in doing our works. If you are the personwhomultitask on various projects, you may find that this app isusefulto help you to track the amount of time you have spent onaparticular project within a day, week, or a month. If you aretheperson who often try to improve in productivity, you may usethisapp to help you to keep track and analyse the pattern of howyouhave spent your day working in office, and then find waystoeliminate unnecessary tasks to improve your speed and focus onmoreimportant tasks. Work Report Helper will start with asimplescreen. Every time you finish one task, or need to switchtask halfway due to other issue coming out, you can click on the'Add WorkRecord' to note down what you have done so far. Afterthat, youexit the app and get back to work to focus your next task.If thereare other tasks coming your way, you just repeatedly do thesamething with existing task, then switch focus to work onanothertask. When there is time to review your works throughout theday,you can click on the 'View Daily Report' button to review whatyouhave contributed so far. At the end of the week, when it is timetosubmit a weekly report, you can click on the 'View WeeklyReport'button to show you the work that you have done in a week.You maydo the same thing by clicking on 'View Monthly Report'button ifyou are the person who usually just write and submit amonthlyreport. Inside the 'View Daily Report', 'View WeeklyReport', or'View Monthly Report' screen, a button called 'Export'is placed atthe bottom of the screen. Once you click the button,the app willshow a list of external apps that can receive thereport in plaintext. You may select an email app, and then emailthe reportcontents back to yourself for further editing in either alaptop ordesktop computer, then submit the nicely written report toyourboss. Example usage: 1a. Once one task is done 1b. Launch theapp1c. Click on 'Add Work Record' 1d. Type in and saveyourinformation 1e. Exit the app 2a. Once another task is done2b.Launch the app 2c. Click on 'Add Work Record' 2d. Type in andsaveyour information 2e. Exit the app 3a. At the end of the week3b.Launch the app 3c. Click on 'View Weekly Report' 3d. Clickon'Export' 3e. Select 'Gmail' or any other app to export theweeklyreport Change log: ----------------- 2016/10/06 (Version 1.4)- Fixan issue where Weekly report cannot be displayed correctlyonselected week number in some countries. 2016/10/06 (Version 1.3)-Fix an issue where previous written data get erased oncescreenlock is triggered 2016/10/04 (Version 1.2) - Fix a criticalbugthat causes user lost data recorded in previous version2016/09/28(Version 1.1) - Include date and time in exported texts;Updatelaunch icon 2014/03/10 (Version 1.0) - Initial release
Effia Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd.
This application can be used by the authorized personnelandthegeneral public to get and give updates about the statusofvariousworks that has been implemented under the MahatmaGandhiNationalRural Employment Gurantee Act in the state ofKarnataka.The appcan be used by anyone to report the status of aparticularwork.This app is also used by the authorized personnel oftheRuralDevelopment and Panchayat Raj Department to takephotographsof theworks and to enter the e-Measurements and createe-Estimates.
Field Reporter Extensions 1.1
Field Reporter Extension providesadditionalcapabilities and features to Field Reporter application.Various features include Barcode reader, Fingerprint scannerandmore.This is not a standalone app. It works only if you alreadyhaveField Reporter app installed.
India.gov.in mobile 0.1
P Gadgil
UNOFFICIAL mobile formatted app ofIndia.gov.inportal which provides single window access toinformation andservices being provided by the various IndianGovernment entities.The aims will be provide the essential links to quicklyidentifythe required information, documents, guidelines, andgovernmentservices websites in about 3 clicks...Future releases to allow users to enter govt service detailsandfeedback for various services...The access and facilitation of the india.gov.in has been inlinewith the terms of use of the portal, which can be found athttp://india.gov.in/terms-use