1 Похожие BorrowStuff

Jipio 2.4.1
Jipio is a platform for friendlytransactions.A marketplace for friends to trade and borrow stuffwith eachother.Many of us have lots of things that we don’t need, but aretoovaluable to us to throw away. To sell, though, is not anoption,especially to total strangers on Craigslist or Ebay.Jipio is different. It connects friends through socialnetworks,creating room for friendly transactions. This app makes iteasy tosnap, tag and add items. And, in contrast to currentmarketplaces,Jipio does not force the user into making one kind oftransaction.For example, you might be happy to lend something butnot ready tosell it yet. You can then easily set up a 'lend' statusfor thatparticular item and see which friends are interested.Jipio, turning everyday transactions intomeaningfulencounters.