13 Похожие قياس درجة حرارة الجسم Prank

قياس درجة حرارة الجسم Prank 3.3
تطبيق اليوم هو عبارة عن جهاز قياس الحرارةالذييمكنك من عمل خدع لأصدقائك عن طريق قياس درجة حرارتهم عن طريقالبصمةفقط. اذن تطبيق يمكنك من قياس حرارة جسمك او قياس درجة حرارةالجسمفقط عن طريق وضع بصمتكعلر شاشة الهاتف ليعطيع درجة حرارتكالحالية.مميزات التطبيق :- تصميم مميز و أنيق.- عمل خدع ناجحة لأصدقائك.- This application is just a prank- يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت و يمكنك مشاركتهمعأصدقائك.- لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.- يمكنك مشاركة درجة حرارتك مع أصدقائك عن طريق زر المشتركة.- Prankكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :- حمل التطبيق.- بعد الدخول للتطبيق سيظهر لك زر كل ما عليك فعله هو وضع إبهامكعليهو الإنتظار لحين ينتهي من الفحص.- بعد فحص إبهامك باحكام ستظهر لك صفحة فيها درجة حرارة جسمك.كيف تقوم بعمل خدعة ناجحة لأصدقائك :- قم بتثبيث التطبيق على هاتفك تم أطلب من أحد أصدقائك أن يضعإبهامهفي مكان المسح تم أطلب من أن ينتظر حتى تظهر له نتيجته.Today is theapplicationof a temperature measuring device which you can work toyourfriends deceived by measuring their temperature throughthefootprint only. So you can apply the measure of your body heatormeasure body temperature just by putting Besmtkaalr phonescreenfor the current degree Aattiya your temperature.Application features:- Distinctive design and elegant.- Action deceived successful for your friends.- This application is just a prank- You can run the application and without access to the Internetatany time and you can share it with your friends.- Do not Aotr the phone battery Unlike other applications.- You can share your temperature with your friends throughjointbutton.- PrankHow to run the application:- Download the application.- After entering the application you will see the button allyouhave to do is to put your thumb it and wait until the end oftheexamination.- After examining your thumb tightly you'll see a page whereyourbody temperature.How do you make a successful ploy to your friends:- Ptthbyt your application on your phone is ask one of yourfriendsto put his thumb in the place of the survey were ask to waituntilthe show has its outcome.
قياس درجة حرارة الجسم Joke 1.3
Arab Mobily
هل تبحث عن مقياس درجة حرارة الجسم لكن لا تجدأينتيجة ؟هل مللت البحث عن تطبيق قياس درجة حرارة الجسم لكن تجدتطبيقاتمزيفة فقط ؟ان كانت إجابتك نعم فنحن اليوم سنقدم لك برنامج قياس حرارةالجسمبالبصمة فقط.تطبيقنا حصري في المتجر و لن تجد متله في الكتجر لاننا نتميزدائمابالحصريات.ماذا تنتظر ؟ قم بتحميل جهاز قياس درجة حرارة الجسم الان و قمبقياسدرجة حرارة جسم أصدقائك و عائلتك الان.مزايا التطبيق :سهل الإستخدام و لا يحتاج الى هاتف خارق لتشغيله فهو بسيطفيالاستخدام ، به واجهتين فقط.حجمه قليل جدا و لا يتعدى أربع ميقا.لا يأثر على كفائة البطارية.كيفية تشغيله :عندما تدخل للتطبيق كل ما عليك فعله هو وضع إبهامك في المكانالمخصصللمسح و إنتظر خمي ثواني ليتم مسح إبهامك و بعدها ستظهرلكالنتيجة.يمكنك مشاركة النتيجة مع أصدقائك مباشرة.يمكنك إستخدام هذا التطبيق في عمل مقالب رائعة لأصدقائكوعائلتك.تنويه : التطبيق عبارة عن مقلب فقط.Its Just Prank.لا تنسى مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك و لاتنسى تقييمه فتقييمكيهمناكتيرا و لاتنسى وضع تعليقك عليه و إن واجهت أي مشكلة المرجومراسلتناأولا قبل طرح المشكل في التعليقات.Are you looking forameasure body temperature, but do not find any result?Tired Find the application of measuring body temperature butonlyfind fake applications?The answer was yes, we are today we will give you themeasurementof body temperature only fingerprint program.Our application exclusively in the store and you will not findinMtlh Ketjr because we always excel Balhbarat.what are you waiting for ? Download measure bodytemperaturedevice now and measure the degree of body heat of yourfriends andyour family now.Advantages of the application:Easy to use and does not require a phone supernatural to runitis simple to use, and its facets only.Its size is very small and does not exceed four Miqa.It does not affect the efficiency of the battery.How to play it:When you enter the application all you have to do is to putyourthumb in the provision for scanning the place and waited ThuFriseconds to be cleared your thumb and then the result willshowyou.You can share the result with your friends directly.You can use this application in the work of great dumps toyourfriends and your family.Disclaimer: The application is only mold.Its Just Prank.Do not forget the application with your friends andunforgettableRated Vtakiimk interested Ktara and memorablecomments put him and,if you experience any problem please email usfirst before puttingthe problem in the comments post.
Measure body temperature Prank 2.6
A wonderful application will give youthetemperature of your body with high accuracyWhich will let you dispense with all the machines to calculatethetemperatureIt is the application of a trick deceived enables you to workforyour family or your friends by measuring their temperature byonlymaking their mark.- A simple application- Prank- GorgeousDo you dream that you get in one day to measure the bodytemperaturefingerprint device?Have you ever wished that you measure your temperature inoneday?Do you want to get a fingerprint Thermometersmeasuringdevice?Here's today's wonderful temperature measuring device thatyoucan work from a very great templates for your friends bymeasuringtheir temperature through the footprint only.
Finger Body Temperature Prank 2.0.2
Fingerprint Body Temperature Thermometer isasimulated temperature app which measures your Body Temperaturebyfinger scan. You can use it to prank your friends that you canscanyour fingerprint to take your Body Temperature and see whetheryouhave a fever or not.Our Finger Body Temperature Prank has realistic UI Graphicsandexcellent sounds. When you press your finger on thefingerprintscanner, the scanner bar will scan, the display willshow thedynamic heart beat diagram. After the scanning, yourbodytemperature result will show as two kinds of measuringunits,Celsius degree or Fahrenheit degree.Disclaimer:Temperature Sensor for Body is a simulated app forentertainmentpurposes. In fact it cannot measure your bodytemperature or heartrate. It is for you to fool your friends or forkids to play doctorgames.
Fever Thermometer prank 1.0
Mtools inc
The description of the applicationfeverthermometer test explains you what the utility of thisapplicationso that you can test whether you have fever or not onlyby usingyour android Smartphone, fever thermometer test used todetect thebody temperature throughout fingerprint. if you arealways afraidto get fever and you want to use some medicines butyou are notsure or you don't have time to go to test bodyTemperature outside.now the Application fever thermometer test makeit easy now toreassure about your body temperature using only yourFinger. FeverThermometer test to measure the Temperature"Fingerprint" for FeverPranks is an electronic Thermometer thatanalyzes Fever using theFingerprint of your Finger to tell you howmuch your BodyTemperature reaches. This Free App fever thermometertest isdesigned to be used as friends jokes and family to check outyourBody Temperature using Thermometer Fingerprints for Fever it isasystem which calculates the Temperature of Body. FeverThermometertest is also used for tricks small children when theysuffer fromfake Illness and that they have a Fever.right now get ready to laugh on your friends, family andcolleaguesif you often like kidding, joking, tricking, jest andhoaxing withyour friends just try to show them this applicationfeverthermometer test prank that rely on erroneous results whereasa lotof people will try fever thermometer will discover that theygetfever and that their bodies Temperature is increased to ahighlevel. so let's enjoy and make people thinking that they getfever,with prank fever thermometer test advices some people whowillbelieve that they should visit a doctor.With fever thermometer test prank you put the Fingerprint ofyourthumb and get the body temperature instantly, obviously this isajoke, if you also want to joke with friends and family here isatrick to surprise them, if you know some innocent persons justputtheir Fingers on the Fingerprint and you can createfunnysituations. this Incredible Application of Tricking people whoyouknow and your friends that they get fever. Fever ThermometertestPrank is a Finger Scanner of Body Temperature depends on thetestof your Body Temperature to provide you with your Bodyoutcomesconcerning Fever. This application works with a peopleFingers toTest their Bodies Temperatures by pressing theFingerprint on thescreen of your Smartphone and no one candistinguish between FeverThermometer Prank and real FeverThermometer especially people whoare not familiar with androidnovelty and world of AndroidApplications.any outcome detected by fever thermometer test prank is rely onthescan of your finger thumb so it is something of imaginationtodetect whether you get increased body temperature. so be awarenotto trust the results, since they are pretended results.
قياس درجة حرارة الجسم Prank 1.0
هل تحلم بأن تحصل في يوم من الأيام على جهازقياسدرجة حرارة الجسم بالبصمة ؟هل تمنيت أن تقوم بقياس درجة حرارتك في يوم من الأيام ؟هل أردت أن تحصل على جهاز قياس الحراراة بالبصمة ؟اليك اليوم جهاز قياس الحرارة الرائع الذي يمكنك من عمل قوالبجدرائعة لأصدقائك عن طريق قياس درجة حرارتهم عن طريق البصمة فقط.تعريف البرنامج :هو تطبيق عبارة عن خدعة تمكنك من عمل خدع لعائلتك أو أصدقائكمنخلال قياس درجة حرارتهم عن طريق بصمتهم فقط.مزايا التطبيق :✔ عمل خدع ناجحة لأصدقائك.✔ يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت و يمكنك مشاركتهمعأصدقائك.✔ يمكنك مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك في أي وقت✔ لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.✔ التطبيق عبارة عن مقلب فقط.✔ يمكنك مشاركة درجة حرارتك مع أصدقائك عن طريق زر المشتركة.✔ البرنامج لا يعطي نتائج حقيقية فهو عبارة عن مقلب فقط.كيفية تشغيل البرنامج :✔ بعد الدخول للتطبيق سيظهر لك زر كل ما عليك فعله هو وضعإبهامكعليه و الإنتظار لحين ينتهي من الفحص.✔ بعد فحص إبهامك ستظهر لك النتيجة و هي عبارة عن درة حرارتك.كيف تقوم بعمل خدعة ناجحة لأصدقائك :كيفية تشغيل البرنامج :✔ قم بتثبيث التطبيق على هاتفك تم أطلب من أحد أصدقائك أنيضعإبهامه في مكان المسح تم أطلب من أن ينتظر حتى تظهر له نتيجته.شكرا لك لتحميلك لتطبيقنا و لا تترد في تقييمه و ترك تعليقك.Do you dream that yougetin one day to measure the body temperaturefingerprintdevice?Have you ever wished that you measure your temperature in one day?Do you want to get a fingerprint Thermometersmeasuringdevice?Here's today's wonderful temperature measuring device thatyoucan work from a very great templates for your friends bymeasuringtheir temperature through the footprint only.The definition of the program:It is the application of a trick deceived enables you to workforyour family or your friends by measuring their temperature byonlymaking their mark.Advantages of the application:✔ deceived successful work for your friends.✔ You can run the application and without access to the Internetatany time and you can share it with your friends.✔ You can share the application with your friends at any time✔ not Aotr the phone battery Unlike other applications.Application ✔ a mold only.✔ You can share your temperature with your friends throughjointbutton.✔ The program does not give real results is a mold only.How to run the program:✔ After entering the application you will see the button allyouhave to do is to put your thumb it and wait until the end oftheexamination.✔ After examining your thumb and you will see the result is aDorayour temperature.How do you make a successful ploy to your friends:How to run the program:✔ Ptthbyt your application on your phone is ask one ofyourfriends to put his thumb in the place of the survey were asktowait until the show has its outcome.Thank you for uploading to our application and does nothesitatein his assessment and leave your comment.
Finger Body Temperature Prank 3.5
An amazing prank application "FingerprintBodyTemperature Scanner Prank". If you are a prankster youwoulddefinitely love this application. Fingerprint Body Temperatureisactually a prank application which calculates your fakeBodyTemperature and is made for the people who just want to playprankson others and want to show off the power of their latestandroiddevice. It is a must have prank application still in itsinitialstages. It is designed in such a way that one who is notaware ofandroid can never get whether it is a prank application orreal.People would think as if it is a real Body TemperatureCalculatingapplication. You can prank your friend that you don'tneed anythermometer.HOW TO USE:Step 1: Select your gender and tap on next,Step 2: Now place your finger gently on the fingerprint scanningpadand wait for the analysis.Result: Your Fake Body Temperature will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation. Fingerprint Body Temperature provides best andhighdefinition image qualities. Fingerprint Body Temperatureiscompatible with almost every android device. Its also testedonvarious android devices i.e android tablets and androidbasedmobiles phones. All the actions can be performed veryeasilywithout any confusion. Reliability is guaranteedofFingerprintBody Temperature Prank. Fingerprint Body Temperature Prankisspecially designed in a way that it will definitely work withallnew devices and android versions too.Disclaimer: Fingerprint Body Temperature Prank isforentertainment purposes only. It does not calculates youbodytemperature (fever). Calculating body temperature is notpossiblewith your android device's screen and camera. The displayedresultsare random numbers. It is the best application for foolingyourfriends.Do not forget to rate us and give your feedback ofyourexperience to use Fingerprint Body Temperature Prank or if incaseof a problem please write an email. We would love to resolveoutyour problem and we will try our level best to make it betterandmore user friendly application. Your feedback will behighlyappreciated. Thank you.Enjoy Fingerprint Body Temperature Prank!
قياس درجة حرارة الجسم Prank 1.1
تطبيق سحري يقوم بفحص درجة حرارة جسمك لحظةبلحظةفقط عبر بصمتك، هو عبارة عن جهاز قياس الحرارة الذي يمكنك منعمل خدعلأصدقائك عن طريق قياس درجة حرارتهم عن طريق البصمة فقط. اذنتطبيقيمكنك من قياس حرارة جسمك او قياس درجة حرارة الجسم فقط عن طريقوضعبصمتكعلر شاشة الهاتف ليعطيع درجة حرارتك الحالية.مميزات التطبيق :- تصميم مميز و أنيق.- عمل خدع ناجحة لأصدقائك.- This application is just a prank- يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت و يمكنك مشاركتهمعأصدقائك.- لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.- يمكنك مشاركة درجة حرارتك مع أصدقائك عن طريق زر المشتركة.- Prankكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :- حمل التطبيق.- بعد الدخول للتطبيق سيظهر لك زر كل ما عليك فعله هو وضع إبهامكعليهو الإنتظار لحين ينتهي من الفحص.- بعد فحص إبهامك باحكام ستظهر لك صفحة فيها درجة حرارة جسمك.كيف تقوم بعمل خدعة ناجحة لأصدقائك :- قم بتثبيث التطبيق على هاتفك تم أطلب من أحد أصدقائك أن يضعإبهامهفي مكان المسح تم أطلب من أن ينتظر حتى تظهر له نتيجتهMagical applicationthatscans your body temperature, moment by moment only viayourfingerprint, is a temperature measuring device which you canworkto your friends deceived by measuring their temperature throughthefootprint only. So you can apply the measure of your body heatormeasure body temperature just by putting Besmtkaalr phonescreenfor the current degree Aattiya your temperature.Application features:- Distinctive design and elegant.- Action deceived successful for your friends.- This application is just a prank- You can run the application and without access to the Internetatany time and you can share it with your friends.- Do not Aotr the phone battery Unlike other applications.- You can share your temperature with your friends throughjointbutton.- PrankHow to run the application:- Download the application.- After entering the application you will see the button allyouhave to do is to put your thumb it and wait until the end oftheexamination.- After examining your thumb tightly you'll see a page whereyourbody temperature.How do you make a successful ploy to your friends:- Ptthbyt your application on your phone is ask one of yourfriendsto put his thumb in the place of the survey were ask to waituntilhis show result
Body Thermometer Tempera Prank 6.1
Fingerprint Body thermometer ‘Prank’ forfeveris an electronic thermometer that calculates fever byusingfingerprint of your finger.Digital thermometer app (celcius or fahrenheit degree scale) isusedto prank friends and family check the body temperature thatuses the“Fingerprint Thermometer for Fever" methods thatcalculatestemperature f the body it also can be used as foreheadthermometerby putting the android phone on the forehead of theperson.Fingerprint Thermometer for fever is also used to prank littlekidswhen they fake sickness and say that they have fever.This is not a real temperature Calculating application or 'infraredthermometer 'this app is only used to prank friends andfamily andgives false body temperature results.“body temperature Scanner“ works by putting your finger in thespotin the center of the phone and hold it for 2 second thentheapplication will give you your bodyFingerprint thermometer Scanner or cheaker can be used as a pranktomake people think that your phone galaxy s6 or s5 can guessthetemperature or the body.Human finger body temperature s5 can’t be measured accuratelybyusing the phone only but you can make your friends or familythinkit does calculate the temperature by using a mechanism calledthebody temperature converter which is implemented in the newandroidphones.Iconming apps : thermometer for room temp , insidehousethermometer, clinical thermometer
Blood Pressure/ Sugar Prank 1.0
It's an amazing prank "FingerprintBloodPressure and Blood sugar Prank" applicationDo you want to collect a lot of laughter, hilarity and cheermomentamong the group of your friends?Fingerprint Blood Pressure/sugar/group will provide you themosteasiest way of checking out your prank blood pressure ,heartbeatrate,blood sugar(glucose) rate ,blood group and bodytemperature.it will be the most accurate health Application.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells of thebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found in fruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turned into glucoseinyour body. Most people with diabetes need to check theirbloodsugar (glucose) levels regularly.Get it now “fingerprint blood pressure/sugar prank” applicationandhit most memorable and amused moments with your friends. it usestoprank your friends till then android has not ability tocalculatethe blood pressure/sugar/group and body temperature of ahumanbody, but your friends don’t known about this. So fool themwithfingerprint blood pressure sugar prank. Application’s layout issonatural that nobody can determine whether it is real orprank?Application is easy to use and fit for almost allandroiddevices.You know what is different in fingerprint blood pressure or sugar?The use of digital meter to show fake blood pressure readingswhichwill definitely inspire your friends and they might think thatyouare enjoying latest android device.this app is just prank fake joke funny scanner to calculateyourblood pressure,sugar,group.Fingerprint Blood Pressure or blood sugar can Measure yourSystolicand Diastolic Blood pressures quickly.This application fairly tested on different devices in ordertoconfirm its ease and effectiveness..How to use:Step 1: Select your TestStep 2: Now place your finger gently on the finger scanning padandwait for the analysis.Result: Your Fake result will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Features:- Measure your Systolic, Diastolic and heartbeat rate- Measure your blood pressure , blood group ,blood sugar andbodytemperature- FREE fun for all- Realistic looking scanner-Simple to scan and easy to use-Works with Android mobiles and tablets-Simple and clear UI and beautiful designDisclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure or sugar application atthemoment is for just an entertainment purposes only, and at thetimeit does not calculating correct results. it's just likeprankFingerprint Blood Pressure or sugar scanner will onlydisplayedresults on randomly basis. You can use this applicationfor foolingyour friends, prank your enemies
Finger Blood Pressure Prank 1.0
An amazing prank application"'FingerBloodPressure Prank". If you are a prankster you willdefinitelylovethis application. Finger Blood Pressure is actuallyaprankapplication which calculates your blood pressure andisdevelopedfor the people loving to play pranks with therefriendsand wish toshow off the strength of their latest androiddevice. Itis veryimportant have prank application still in itsbeginning. Itisdeveloped in such a way that one who is not awareabout androidcannever get unique a prank application or real.People would thinkasif it is a real Blood Pressure Calculatingapplication.HOW TO USE:Step 1: Select your gender and tap on next,Step 2: Now place your finger gently on the fingerprintscanningpadand wait for the analysis.Result: Your Fake Blood Pressure will be shownautomaticallyaftercalculation. Fingerprint Body Temperatureprovides best andhighdefinition image qualities. Fingerprint BodyTemperatureiscompatible with almost every android device. Its alsotestedonvarious android devices i.e android tablets andandroidbasedmobiles phones. All the actions can be performedveryeasilywithout any confusion. Reliability isguaranteedofFingerprintBody Temperature Prank. Fingerprint Body TemperaturePrankisspecially designed in a way that it will definitely workwithallnew devices and android versions too.Features:* Realistic looking scanner* Simple to scan and easy to use* Totally free for Android users* Works with Android mobiles and tablets* Clear UI and beautiful designDisclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure Prank isforentertainmentpurposes only. It does not calculates youbloodpressure really.Calculating Blood Pressure is not possiblewithyour androiddevice's screen and camera. The displayed resultsarerandomnumbers. It is the best application for foolingyourfriends.Please do not forget to rate us and give your feedbackofyourexperience to use Fingerprint Blood Pressure Prank or ifincase ofa problem please write an email. We would love toresolveout yourproblem and we will try our level best to make itbetterand moreuser friendly application. Your feedback willbehighlyappreciated. ThanksEnjoy Fingerprint Blood Pressure Prank!
Fever Thermometer PRANK 1.2
Centia Martinez
The fever thermometer is anintelligentapplication can be installed now on your smartphone.theapplication is to put you on the level to keep in touch withyourhealth condition with a fun way.This is the most accurate monitor temperature level foranySmartphone funniest result and you will not need anexternalhardware to take advantage of this application.Use your finger bulb temperature sensor to reassure yourhealthpress well with your index finger to properly monitor yourfeverjust funny with that tool and this fun trick.For precise and correct reading just hold your finger onthefingerprint reader correctly and consistently, and do not moveyourfinger on another part of the screen until the measurementiscomplete.breathe normally! we must bear in mind that the misuse oftheapplication will result in a false reading and later afalseresult. Keep the idea that this application reflects afun-filledresult to keep the habit of following your bodycondition.the application can be used at any time and in any place whenyouneed to check the temperature of your body, it is stillavailableon your smartphone at any time. It can give you alert toattentionas if your condition can make you laugh with theresults.You can enjoy using the application to track your status and thatofyour friends and family, and create a fun andde-stressingclimate.although we are aware of the fun subject of this application,we'llenjoy it and play a little bit while keeping the habit tocontrolour health and well being.Come on... Let us install it, try it, and enjoy it for sure.join Community : https://plus.google.com/u/0/113519472556470064345/about
قياس درجة الحرارة للجسم prank 2.1
هل تبحث عن مقياس درجة حرارة الجسم لكن لا تجدأينتيجة ؟هل مللت البحث عن تطبيق قياس درجة حرارة الجسم لكن تجدتطبيقاتمزيفة فقط ؟هل تحلم بأن تحصل في يوم من الأيام على جهاز قياس درجة حرارةالجسمبالبصمة ؟التطبيق عبارة عن جهاز لقياس الحرارة الذي يمكنك من قياس درجةحرارةجسمك عن طريق وضع بصمتك على شاشة الهاتف ليعطيك درجةحرارتك .ماذا تنتظر ؟ قم بتحميل جهاز قياس درجة حرارة الجسم الان و قمبقياسدرجة حرارة جسم أصدقائك و عائلتك الان.مزايا التطبيق :- سهل الإستخدام و لا يحتاج الى هاتف خارق لتشغيله فهو بسيطفيالاستخدام ، به واجهتين فقط.- حجمه قليل جدا و لا يتعدى أربع ميقا.- لا يأثر على كفائة البطاريةلا تنسى مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك و لاتنسى تقييمه فتقييمكيهمناكتيرا و لاتنسى وضع تعليقك عليه و إن واجهت أي مشكلة المرجومراسلتناأولا قبل طرح المشكل في التعليقات.Are you looking forameasure body temperature, but do not find any result?Tired Find the application of measuring body temperature butonlyfind fake applications?Do you dream that you get in one day to measure thebodytemperature fingerprint device?The application is a device for measuring the temperatureofwhich you can measure your body temperature by placingafingerprint on the phone screen to give you the degree ofYour temperature.what are you waiting for ? Download measure bodytemperaturedevice now and measure the degree of body heat of yourfriends andyour family now.Advantages of the application:- Easy to use and does not require a phone supernatural to runitis simple to use, and its facets only.- Its size is very small and does not exceed four Miqa.- Does not affect the efficiency of the batteryDo not forget the application with your friends andunforgettableRated Vtakiimk interested Ktara and memorablecomments put him and,if you experience any problem please email usfirst before puttingthe problem in the comments post.