21 Похожие Oddi Lite(Where are you?)

Oddi (Where are you?) 1.2.9
A: Straight 2 blocks and turn left andabout200m, it's between Empire&Starbucks.B: W...Wh..What?1. I lost my smart-phone!2. This place is really difficult to explain!!3. Worry about lovely-tomboyish kids!!!4. I have a horrible sense of directions!!!!5. Demented grand-parents lost their way?With Oddi, like that situation would never happen!Live smart with map-trading system. Oddi![Feature]✔ Use GPS outside! (satelite couldn't find your phone inside)✔ When your phone couldn't find first location, open 'GoogleMap'once and open Oddi.[Oddi's function]1. If you set a friend as your favorite, you can send yourlocationwithout your agreement(alert).2. When you lost your phone, you can find with favorite'srequestOddi!3. When your old-grand-parents lost their way, you can find themifthey were set you as favorite!4. If you wonder where your kids are, you can know with Oddi!5. If you long-click the list item(friend), you can send SMS orcalldirectly in friend list!
[위치추적 & 이동경로] 이동 경로 검색 / 위치추적 3.8.4
* 안드로이드 정책에 따라 부모(가족 포함)용 모니터링 또는 기업 관리 목적으로만 사용가능합니다. 스마트위치관제/위치전송 - 안드로이드, 아이폰 모두 호환 - 영업 활동 관리 - 차량운행일지 - 주유비 - 업무일지 -출퇴근-콜센터 관리 2010년 부터 위치전송 어플 개발 - 국내 최초 스마트폰 위치관제 시스템 -PC모드(https://lbs.uniwiz.kr) - Mobile 모드 - 안드로이드 어플 - 아이폰 어플 *2010년부터스마트폰 위치 측위 연구, 정확한 위치 추적 데이터 제공. * 다음 / 네이버 / 구글(유료) 등 다양한지도 지원.*본 스마트 위치관제 / 위치 추적 시스템은 위치기반서비스사업 신고필하였으며, 위치정보 보호법의 기술적 /관리적조치를적용한 시스템 입니다. ( 위치기반서비스 신고 번호 : 제232호 ) * 위치기반 서비스 사업 신고및위치정보보호법적용하지 않은 타 위치전송 어플 및 시스템은 불법이오니 사용에 유의 하시기 바랍니다. * 타 어플의P2P방식의 불안한전송 방식이 아닌 위치관제 서버을 이용한 안정적인 CS / P2P 의 혼합 방식의 하이브리드전송시스템입니다. *백그라운드에서 GPS의 지속적인 사용 할 경우 배터리 수명을 줄일 수 있으니 메뉴얼을 읽고사용환경에맞게 세팅하시어대기시간 16 ~ 36 시간으로 조정 하시기 바랍니다. * 스마트폰 전원 OFF 체크 , 원격설정 지원.위치관제시스템 스마트폰의 GPS, 3G, WIFI 센서를 통해 위치 정보를 수집(서버 전송)하여 여러 대인 /대물 위치정보및 이동경로, 위치탐지 등을 위치 관제 할수 있는 서비스 입니다 1) 관리자(관측자) : 여러명의 위치를한눈에파악.* 관리자는 한계정으로 위치관제관련 여러 어플을 통해 간편조회 가능 ( 위치관제, 위치탐지,이동결로,주유비/이동거리,근태관리 ) 2) 위치정보제공자(추적 받는자) : 위치전송(전송) 기능. * 위치정보제공자는위치관제관련 여러어플 중처음에 설치한 어플에서만 위치 전송 진행. 스마트 위치 관제 특징 - 업무용 승용창 업무일지-근태(출/퇴근) 관리지원 - 차량 유류비(주유비) 관리 지원 - 여러 위치를 한눈에 파악 - 현재 위치 및 이동경로파악 - 목적지 파악및 남은거리 - 현재위치, 목적지 주소의 근접자 파악 - 위치전송시 이동 상태 파악 -위치전송시배터리 절전 모드 지원- 내 위치 정보 열람시 SMS 알림(위치전송 알리미) - 직원 이동시 SMS알림(위치이동알리미) - 스마트폰 관리모드 지원 - PC 관리모드 동시 지원 - (기업관리/학부모 전용) 위치탐지 기능추가 ( 위치탐지 알리미 SMS 지원) 특정장소(회사, 거래처, 학교등)와 이동중인 위치(내위치, 특정 스마트폰)를접근/이탈 탐지시알려 줍니다. -사용예제 - * 직원이 거래처에 도착 했을때 관리자나 거래처 담당자에게 알려주세요...* 직원이회사에서 이탈 했을때알려주세요... * 우리아이가 학교/학원에서 나올때 알려주세요... 대물 위치 정보서비스분야 -화물 차량 배차관리(차량 위치전송) - 콜택시 배차 관리 (차량 위치전송) - 퀵서비스 오토바이 배차 관리(오토바이위치전송) -재난차량 구조, 분실 차량 관리 * 핸드폰 분실 대비 미리 어플 설치 ( 스마트폰에 어플을 설치해놓으면분실시위치전송/위치관제 작동으로 위치를 파악 할 수 있게 됩니다.) 대인 위치 정보 서비스분야 - 영업사원 위치관리 (대인위치전송 데이터로 콜센터 관리 ) * 자세한 설명은 홈페이지를 참조해주세요!(https://lbs.uniwiz.kr)위치전송 간단 사용법.(자세한 사항은 위치관제 홈페이지에 메뉴얼 참조)크게두가지로 위치 정보 제공자(위치 추적 당하는사람) 과 위치 정보 관리자(위치 정보 볼 사람)에 대하여 설명드리겠습니다.1.위치 정보 관리자(위치 정보 볼 사람)- PC 모드 1) PC에서 https://lbs.uniwiz.kr에 접속하여'위치관제 서비스 신청' 클릭하여 회원가입. 2) 회원 가입후 위치관제 계약. (무료 선택 가능) 3) 로그인후 폰번호등록. (위치 추적 할 폰번호를 등록하여야 위치 전송 및 정보를 볼수 있음) 4) 폰번호 등록 한 후 위치 추적할사람에게 스마트 위치관제 어플 설치 요청(위 위치정보제공자 참고) 5) 몇 분 후에 위치관제, 주소검색, 경로검색등위치정보 확인. 2.위치 정보 제공자(위치추적 당하는 사람) 1) 스마트 위치관제 어플 설치 및 실행 2)환경설정> 이용약관 동의 체크 3) 환경설정> 시작시 자동위치전송 체크 (계속 위치 전송하고 싶을때) 4)어플 종료( 시작시 자동위치전송 체크 &배터리 절전 인경우 배터리 절전을 위해 반드시 어플 종료!!) -위치탐지사용방법(순서) - 1) 기초관리 >폰번호 등록관리에서 폰번호 등록. (메뉴얼 2-1.폰번호 등록관리☜참조) 2)기초관리 > 위치탐지 정책등록관리에서 정책을 등록. (메뉴얼 2-2.위치탐지 정책 등록관리☜ 참조)3)위치탐지에서 상세리스트/간략리스트등으로실시간 모니터링. (메뉴얼 2-6. 위치탐지 정책 등록관리☜ 참조) 4)환경설정> 위치탐지 알리미 설정하여SMS 통보. (메뉴얼 2-5. 환경설정☜ 참조) * 위 셋팅이 완료 되면어플을종료하거나, 스마트폰을 껏다 켜도 계속위치 전송을 합니다. * GPS 및 3G 기능이 On 되어 있어야합니다.(안드로이드폰 > 환경설정 >무선및 네트워크 > 데이터 네트워크 설정 > '접속허용' 체크)*목적지를 전송하고 싶을때 : 목적지 버튼을눌러 목적지 입력 하면 목적지 및 남은거리를 관리자에게 전달합니다. *별도회원 가입 필요 없음. ( 내위치 정보 열람및 위치 추적 알리미 필요시 회원 가입 필요 ) * 사용환경에 따라사용자가위치전송 전송 간격 설정 기능 추가 전송간격| 대기시간(완충전시) | 비고 30초 | 약 10시간 | 이동이 짧은경우,*악조건인 경우 2분 | 약 15시간 ~30시간 | 이동 보통인 경우, *자동 절전 모드 지원 5분 | 약 30시간|이동 많은 경우 10분 | 약 45시간| 장거리 이동 많은 경우 * 자세한 사항은 메뉴얼 참조 바랍니다. - PC모드메뉴얼 :https://lbs.uniwiz.kr 접속후 로그인 > 상단 우축 '메뉴얼' - 스마트폰 메뉴얼:위치관제 어플> 홈페이지 > '도움말'
카톡지도 1.5.6
*카톡 지도(부제:약속장소전송) 어플소개*- 모임, 회식등 여러사람이 모일때 내용, 일시등을 입력 한뒤에 지도로 위치를 정확히 알려 줄 수 있다.- 현재 위치를 상대방에게 지도로 보여 줄 수 있다.- '카톡지도'는 네이버 지도를 이용하기 때문에 깔끔하고 국내지역을 조금 더 디테일하게 볼 수 있습니다.- '카톡지도' 어플의 최대 장점은 상대방이 어플을 안 깔아도 지도를 볼 수 있다는 겁니다.- 어플이 가볍고, 사용방법은 단순 하지만 기능은 확실합니다.-* 사용방법 *1. 모임의 제목을 입력하시고 그 밑에 내용을 입력하세요.2. 모임의 날짜와 시간을 입력하고 약속 장소 찾기를 누릅니다.3. 현재 위치나(왼쪽 상단에 2번째 아이콘 ), 주소지로 검색후 위치표시(3번째 아이콘) 를 누르세요. 깃발로모임장소를 선택한후, 옆에 '완료' 버튼을 누르면 지도 설정은 끝나게 됩니다.TIP. 잘 모르시겠으면 이미지 2번째를 참조 해주세요.4. '약속장소찾기' 밑에 완료한 장소의 주소가 나오는데, 나머지 주소도 이어서 입력 할 수 있습니다.5. 화면에 '전송'버튼을 누르면 상대방은 입력한 화면 그대로 내용과함께 지도 URL을 받게 됩니다.URL을 클릭 하시면 설정한 지도 그대로 나오게 됩니다.예) 회사전체 회식사장 : 김대리 이번 프로젝트 끝난기념으로 회식하게 장소랑 시간 잡아서 보고하게김대리 : 네(이번엔 어디 맛집으로 잡지 고민되네. 사람들 사는지역도 다르고.. 회사앞은 너무 지겹고.. 그래결정했어조금멀어도 괜찮은 맛집으로 하는거야)김대리 : 회사에서 떨어진.. 3킬로 지점에. 괜찮은 장소가 있습니다.사장 : 알았네 거기서 하지김대리 : (또 멀거나 장소 모른다고 궁시렁 될테니.. 위치를 알려줘야겠군..)김대리는 '카톡지도'를 킨후 모든 사원들한테 장소를 보내주니, 신기함에 놀라서센스 있다는 소문이 퍼졌다..예) 2012년 8월 22일에 친구들하고 바닷가 약속그전에 XX역 6번 출구 300미터 거리에 있는 XX까페앞에서 모여서주차하고 먹을것 쇼핑좀 하고가자친구1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 : 6번출구 300미터에 있는 까페가 어딧는지 알고 모이냐어플친구 : 그러겠네, 그럼 내가 위치를 지도로 보내줄게 이거 보고 와친구합동 : ㅇㅋ예) 술마시고 있는데..친구1: 나 여기 XX역에 근처에 XX술집이야 빨리와친구2: 거기 어딘지 몰라 니가 대리러와친구1: (귀찮어) 일단 3번출구로 쭉 나오면 돼친구2: 잘모른다니간 3번출구로 와서 어디로 가야대친구1: 아 그러니깐.. 블라블라어플친구: 답답하기는 지도 보내줄테니깐 여기로와친구2: 지도보니깐 좀 낫다 근처가서 전화할게친구 일동 : ㅇㅋ카톡뿐만 아니라, 깔려 있는 모든 SNS에 공유가 가능합니다. (라인, 틱톡, 네이트온 등등)사용은 방법은 무궁무진하며 향후 업데이트는 계속됩니다.기타 버그 및 피드백은 댓글이나 fisherdpo@gmail.com 문의주시기바랍니다.ps. 해당 어플은 광고가 있습니다.tag. 카톡지도, 카카오톡 지도, 지도전송, 지도, 내 위치 보내기, 위치전송, 네이버 지도, 내위치 전송,지도,약속장소, 라인 위치 보내기, 틱톡 위치보내기* Katokmap(subtitle: location of the appointment and transfer)AboutApps - Such as meetings, dinners, etc., many people are together,thecontents, date and time, enter handwie location map can tellyouexactly.Current location map to the other party can show.Naver Map 'Map katok' domestic area neat little more detailcanbe seen.- 'Katok map' application of the biggest advantages thattheother party is not aesthetically pleasing to see the mapappwillApp how to use simple, lightweight, but certainly function.-* How to use *1 Enter the title of the meeting and its contents underEnter2 And enter the date and time of the meeting, click to findthelocation of the appointment.3 Address to the current position (the second icon in thetopleft corner), or the location (the third icon) to displaythesearch after press. Selected as a meeting place for the flag,andthen press the 'Done' button next to the map set isfinished.    TIP. If you're not sure, please seethesecond image.     4 'Under the' Find the location of the appointment completestheaddress of a place then come the rest of the address canbeentered.5 Opponent by pressing the 'send' button on the screen,thescreen literally typed a map URL with the contents youwillreceive.   A map if you click on the URL, it willcomeout.Example, the entire company) dinnerPresident: gimdaeri this project as a memorial after partyplacewith catches reportedThe gimdaeri: (four places where this time the magazineForeignAffairs., People live too boring .. the company in front ofthearea is different .. Yeah, I've decided a little meoleododecentplaces're)Gimdaeri away from the company. Point three kilometers.Decentplace.President: All right, there is notGimdaeri: (another place far away or do not know you .. yadagonnaposition tell guess ..)Map 'katok kinhu gimdaeri the place all the temples I sendJunee,marvel in amazementRumors spread that sense ..          Example) the appointment of friends and the beach on August22,2012Station exit 300 meters in 6 times before, XX XX cafe in frontofgatheredLet's do some shopping and parking and food willFriends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8: Exit 6, where Café in the 300 metersallknow what?Application friends do this right, then I'll send a location mapandwatch it andFriends Joint: ㅇ ㅋExample) drinking, which ...Friend 1: I'm station here XX XX pub's near quickly andFriend 2: there not knowing where behalf of Russia andFriend 1: (I do not want to bother er) one comes straight to Exit#3.Friend 2: Exit 3, do not know nigan come where gayadaeFriend 1: Oh, I. .. Blah blah.App Friend frustrated map rots because here andFriend 2: I woke a little better near I'll call herIldong friend: ㅇ ㅋKatok, as well as the underlying share on SNS. (Lines,etc.)Tick-tock, NateOnAnd use the endless future will continue to update.Other comments or bugs and feedback fisherdpo@gmail.com please donothesitate to contact us.ps. Application of appropriate advertising.tag. Katok Tick-tock Send Location Map, cacao Flick Map,MapTransfer, and Map, Send My Location, location transfer, Navermap,your location, map, location of the appointment, the lineposition,send
Location Path 2.71
Location Path ApplicationWhere you go through a path can be found on Android phone.You can receive location information in regularintervals(everyminute, every 3 minutes, etc.) and also three timesscheduleadaily and a week schedule by setting thelocationinformationYour location information can be transmitted to others.The location information that received by the schedulespecifiedcanbe transmitted to the other party in real-timeAnd other people's location information can be received.The other party can show your locationinformationinreal-time.You must pay to receive others' location information.The payment automatically is made every month onnumberofothers.And You can search the current location informationofotherparty.keywords :GPS trackerlocation trackerfinding the location of your family, lover,friends,andemployeesreal-time tracker
Smart Navi Lite 1.1.1
Smart Navi LiteYou can trace your friends' locations in real time.You can trace and share you and your friends' locationswith SMS Messages, Phone Calls, E-mail,SNS, facebook, twitter and KakaoTalk.
위치찾기 1.0
투어관리 입니다.단체로 이동시에 일부 이탈자를 바로 찾을수 있는 앱입니다.1.본인이 남에게 위치찾기 허용을 위한 상대방 전화번호를 입력합니다.2.입력후 설정이 맞나 확인합니다.3.위치허용을 누릅니다.4,그러면 상대방은 나의 위치를 알수있습니다.단체로 이동시 항상 인원수 파악하는데 무척 편리 합니다.여러명 등록이 가능하고, 개별로 허용 유.무를 입력하여 본인이 직접관리함으로 가족단위나 단체로 등산을 갈때 유용합니다.즉, 일일이 전화를 걸어 어디 오느냐 가느냐 신경쓰지 않아도 됩니다.Tour management.Move the organization in some leavers find the right app.1 person find this location allows for others to enterthephonenumber.2 After entering the settings, check that right.3 position, click Allow.4, then the other party can know my location.Adults identify which organization is always very easytomove.Yeoreomyeong can register and allowed individualexistence.Radishyourself by typingManaging a family or a group hameuro lt is usefulforclimbing.In other words, one by one phone call will do not have toworryaboutwhere are you going ohneunya.
Boating HD 8.0.1
The world's most popular marine &lakesapp!A favorite among cruisers, sailors, fishermen and divers.Findthesame detailed charts as on the best GPS plotters. Downloadtheapp,then go to Menu>Charts and select your region to get a14day freetrial to the overwhelming value of Navionics+.NAVIONICS+ includes:√ Download of the following chart layers that will resideonyourdevice even after expiration:- NAUTICAL CHART for all essential cartographic referencedetail.Themost accurate and thorough set of information basedonHydrographicOffice data, Notices to Mariners, newpublications,our own surveys,and reports from users. It providesport plans,safety depthcontours, marine services info, tides &currents,navigation aidsand more.- SONARCHART™: the award-winning 1 ft/ 0,5 m HD bathymetrymapthatreflects ever-changing conditions. Be part of thecommunityandcontribute by uploading your sonar logs to enhanceit.- COMMUNITY EDITS made by users (rocks, wrecks, etc.) andsharedforall to benefit.√ CHART UPDATES: we deliver more than 2,000 updates everyday!Takeadvantage of our updates as frequently as you like.√ ADVANCED MAP OPTIONS to highlight Shallow Areas, andfilterDepthContours. Includes a Fishing Mode that enables FishingRangefortargeting key fishing areas.√ NAVIGATION MODULE for advanced route planning with ETA,distancetoarrival, heading to WP, fuel consumption and more!√ DOCK-TO-DOCK AUTOROUTING quickly creates detailedrouteseventhrough narrow waterways and channels, based on chartdataandnavigation aids. POIs are automatically shownnearbyyourdestination.√ WEATHER & TIDES provides real-time weather dataandforecasts.Access daily and hourly forecasts for yourfavoritelocations andget wind, weather buoys, Tides &Currentsoverlaid on yourmap.Buoy data is retrieved from NOAA and can include wind speed,gustanddirection as well as air pressure, water temperature,waveheight andother relevant marine data.Note: Download detailed maps by zooming inorfromMenu>Download Map. Check navionics.com for coverage.Navionics+ is a one year subscription. At expiration youcanrenewwith a discount of up to 50%. If you don’t renew, youcanstill usethe charts you previously downloaded, along withseveralfreefeatures:TRACK your journey, view speed, distance, time and COG.Savetoarchive, see stats and playbackROUTES: create and edit, based on speed and fuel consumptionMeasure DISTANCE, add MARKERS, get WIND FORECASTSandsun/mooncyclesMAP OPTIONS: Satellite/Terrain, adjust shorelines toselectedWaterLevel, choose Depth Shading and Easy View tobeginSYNC Tracks, Routes & Markers among your mobile devicesMAGAZINES & GUIDES for location-based articlesfromleadingindustry publishersSONARCHART ™ LIVE - allows you to create new personal 1ft/0.5mHDbathymetry maps that display in real time whilenavigating.Uploadyour sonar logs to build even better local chartsfor yourareaconnecting wirelessly to a compatiblesounder/plotter.PLOTTER SYNC - NEW! Plotter Sync may also provideaccesstoDock-to-dock Autorouting, SonarChart Live and AdvancedMapOptionsfor your GPS plotter. Learnmoreatwww.navionics.com/en/plotter-syncNavionics has certified several Android models where theappisdesigned to load and operate correctly with an OS of 4.0orhigher.Please refer to our Compatibility Guide, whichiscontinuouslyupdatedathttp://www.navionics.com/en/compatibility/mobile.Wecannotguarantee flawless operation or provide supportfornon-certifieddevices. ALL SALES ARE FINAL on Google Play.
SeaMap 2.0
SeaMap shows nautical information on a map.
Nautical Charts — OsmAnd 1.0
OsmAnd Nautical Charts is a plugin that provides Nautical Maps
i-Boating:Marine Navigation 228.0
Gps Nautical Charts
Chartplotter:Lake depth Maps 4 Fishing,Nautical/Marine Chartsw/Marine Weather
Yacht Navigator |Kartenplotter 1.8.0
Delius Klasing Verlag
Mit dem Yacht Navigator können Sie aufihremTablet einfach und intuitiv in Echtzeit navigieren. DieYachtNavigator App basiert auf dem Kartenmaterial dergedrucktenSportbootkarten von Delius Klasing.App inklusive kostenlosem Probekartensatz. Weitere Kartensätzesindüber In-App-Kauf erhältlich.### AKTUELLES – RABATT-AKTION+ Delius Klasing Sportbootkartensätze 2015 können zu einem Preisvon19,99€ aus der App heraus bezogen werden. Zur Einführung derApp istfolgende Funktion in der App stark rabattiert:+ Pro-Version/Keine Werbung (0,99€ statt 3,99€)### DIE WICHTIGSTEN FUNKTIONEN+ blattschnittfreie, gleitende Kartendarstellung+ Offline-Navigation (nur zum Download der Karten wirdeineInternetverbindung benötigt)+ Kompass (COG) als Digital- und Analoganzeige+ Intelligentes Peilwerkzeug (Ein-Finger-Bedienung möglich)### TRACKING-FUNKTION+ Aufzeichnen und Anzeigen der gefahrenen Strecke+ Auswahl verschiedener Farben zur deutlichen UnterscheidungderTracks+ Immer erreichbarer Button zum schnellen Starten und StoppenderAufzeichnung+ Anzeige von Detailinformationen (wie z. B. gefahrene StreckeoderHöchstgeschwindigkeit) zum Track### ROUTEN-FUNKTION+ Einfache und komfortable Planung von Routen+ Visuelle Unterstützung beim Abfahren von Routen+ Anzeige der Peilung zum nächsten Wegepunkt im Kompass+ Automatischer Wechsel zum nächsten Wegepunkt beim AbfahreneinerRoute+ Dynamische Anzeige von verbleibender FahrtzeitundAnkunftszeit### WEITERE FUNKTIONEN+ Positionierung in der Karte: Intern (GPS, Mobilfunknetz)+ Einfaches stufenloses Zoomen der Karte(Ein-Finger-Bedienungmöglich)+ Personalisierung der gewünschten Anzeigewerte (SOG,POS,etc.)+ Rechts-/Linkshänder-Modus für die optimierte,personalisierteBedienung+ Darstellung des gefahrenen Kurses sowie eines Vorausvektors inderKarte+ Hochrechnung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs beim AbfahreneinerRoute### KARTENMATERIALDie digitalen Delius Klasing-Sportbootkarten sind auf diebesonderenBedürfnisse der Sportschifffahrt zugeschnitten. GünstigeMaßstäbe,eine klare farbige Kennung und eine übersichtlicheDarstellung sinddie wesentlichen Vorzüge der nautischen Karten fürdiese Reviere.Insbesondere bei diesen digitalen Karten spielt dieexaktePositionsgenauigkeit eine wichtige Rolle.Die gesamte Küstenlinie des jeweiligen Reviers ist imgrößtmöglichenMaßstab, mindestens 1:50 000, erfasst. Für Fahrtenim offenenSeegebiet gibt es in jedem Kartensatz mindestens einepraktischeÜbersegler-Karte, für nautisch anspruchsvolle ReviereDetailkartenin verschiedenen hochauflösenden Maßstäben. DiesehoheMaßstabsvielfalt ermöglicht es dem Skipper immer denrichtigenBildbereich der Karten auf dem Bildschirm darstellenzulassen.Die verschiedenen Tiefenbereiche sind in den Karten farblich in2-und 4- bzw. 5-m-Bereiche abgestuft, sodass einerseits Untiefenundandererseits die ungefährdet schiffbaren Tiefenbereiche aufdenersten Blick erfasst werden können. Zudem ist diebesonderswichtige 2-m- bzw. 3-m-Tiefenlinie rot hervorgehoben.SchwimmendeSeezeichen sind farbig dargestellt und somit leichtzuidentifizieren. Wie weltweit bei allen Seekarten üblich, sindinden Delius Klasing-Kartensätzen die internationalenBezeichnungender Kennungen und Leuchtfeuer verwendet.Die Delius Klasing-Sportbootkarten werden – soweit möglich –aufGrundlage der amtlichen Kartendaten der nationalenhydrografischenInstitute erstellt.### SYSTEMVORAUSSETZUNGENAndroid-Tablets mit einer Bildschirmgröße ab 7 Zoll undmindestenseiner Android-OS Version ab 4.1 oder höher.With the YachtNavigatoryou can navigate in real time easily and intuitively onyourtablet. The Yacht Navigator app is based on the maps of theprintedleisure charts by Delius Klasing.App including free sample card pack. Other card sets areavailablethrough in-app purchase.### NEWS - Discount offer+ Delius Klasing leisure charts sets 2015 can be purchased ataprice of 19.99 € from within the app. To introduce thefollowingfunction in the App App is heavily discounted:+ Pro version / No Advertising (0.99 € instead 3,99 €)### KEY FEATURES+ Free of sheet lines, moving map display+ Offline Navigation (only for downloading the maps is aninternetconnection required)+ Compass (COG) as a digital and analogue display+ Intelligent Peilwerkzeug (one-finger operation possible)### Tracking feature+ Recording and displaying the distance traveled+ Choice of different colors to clearly distinguish thetracks+ Always reachable quick launch button for and stop recording+ Display detailed information (such. As distance traveled orspeed)to track### ROUTES FEATURE+ Simple and convenient planning of routes+ Visual support when exiting routes+ Display of the bearing to the next waypoint in compass+ Automatic change to the next waypoint when traveling alongaroute+ Dynamic display of remaining journey time and arrival time### MORE FUNCTIONS+ Positioning on the map: Intern (GPS, cellular network)+ Simple continuous zoom the map (one-fingeroperationpossible)+ Personalizing the desired display values ​​(SOG, POS, etc.)+ Right / left-handed mode for optimized,personalizedoperation+ Presentation of the course as well as a driven advance vectorinthe map+ Extrapolation of fuel consumption when traveling alongaroute### MAPSThe digital Delius Klasing-leisure charts are tailored tothespecific needs of recreational boating. Cheap standards, aclearcolor code and a clear display are the main advantages ofthenautical maps for these areas. Especially with these digitalmapsthe precise location accuracy plays an important role.The whole coastline of each mining area is to the maximum scaleatleast 1:50 000 detected. For drives in open sea area there isineach set of maps at least one skill over sailors card fordemandingnautical areas detailed maps in different highresolutionstandards. This high scale diversity allows the skipperalways berepresented the right screen area of ​​the map on thescreen.The different depth ranges are color graded in the cards in the2-and 4- or 5-m-ranges, so that on the one hand and the otherhandthe shallows safely navigable depth ranges can be detected atfirstglance. In addition, the particularly important 2-m and3-m-deepline is highlighted in red. Floating navigation marks aredisplayedin color, and thus easy to identify. As worldwide commonto allcharts, the international names of identifiers and beaconsare usedin the Delius Klasing-card sets.The Delius Klasing-leisure charts are - as far as possible -createdbased on the official map data of nationalhydrographicinstitutions.### SYSTEMAndroid tablets with a screen size from 7 inches and at leastoneAndroid OS version from 4.1 or later.
Norgeskart Outdoors 3.19.6
Ture Apps AS
Offline hiking maps for Norway. Trip suggestions, GPS, routes,trackrecording
Norgeskart (old devices) 2.4
Asplan Viak Internet AS
The most popular map app in Norway. Givesyouthe best maps of Norway free of charge, available offlineandalways up to date. If you are in need of a map when travelinginNorway, you will not find better maps than these maps. We haveamap and layer for most needs whether going fishing, hikingorskiing.This version of Norgeskart is ment for users who runsAndroidolder than 4.0. All other users must install our newNorgeskartapp. This app has now been made available for allcountries.If you experience any problems. Try to uninstallbeforeinstalling again. It is also a good idea to contact us byvisitingwww.kartapps.no. Negative ratings in Play Store alone doesnot leadto a better app.Norgeskart is a free app originally created by thedeveloperbehind the firm Kart & Apps AS. Kart & Apps hasnow beenacquired by Asplan Viak Internet AS which will continue thework.Paid content and functionality might become part of Norgeskartinthe future in order to ensure further development. Webegunderstanding for the fact that this app is still underdevelopmentand that we're not able to test it for all types ofdevices.Please visit www.kartapps.no or www.avinet.no to see what wecando for you when it comes to developing mobile and web basedmapsolutions.This version has been tested on a device with Android 4.3Highlights:----------Maps for Norway: Topographical, sea and orientation.-Map layers for Norway: Avalanche awareness, ski pistes, seadepthand more-Downloaded maps available offline-Tracking and 3 minutes GPS tail.-Route function.-Import of GPX and KML.-Details and graphs for tracks.-Export of POIs and tracks to GPX.-Retrieve exact height of POIs.-And more...Known issues:------------* If you experience "Unknown Error" during pre-caching of amap,this is probably caused by too many request over a shorttimetowards the server of the Norwegian mapping authorities. Wewillfix this is a later version.* People that do not find Norgeskart in Play store shouldcheckthat their content filter is not set to "Everyone". It mustatleast be set to "low maturity".*There has been reports of problems with the GPS on HTC One SandHTC Desire C. Not sure if this is fixed as I do not have accesstoany of these models.*There is a limit of 10.000 tiles per day per IP-address whichishandled by the servers of the Norwegian Mapping Authorities.Ifsomeone else has been given your IP-address this day, theymighthave used up your limit. The IP-address of your mobile phonemightchange during the day due to dynamic IP.Recent changes version 2.2.2-------------------------Fixed crash when rotating screen (some devices)Recent changes version 2.2.1-------------------------Fixed reported crashes introduced in 2.2Recent changes version 2.2-------------------------Address search is its own menu-NVE replaces NGU for avalanche map-Directions from search results list-Legend button when legends are available-Pistes from opensnowmap.org-Fixed possible crash in track details-Fixed date of stored GPX tracks-Position format is also applied to POI dialog-Sea map extended to include Svalbard and moreRecent changes version 2.1.3--------------------------Fixed crash when SD-card mounted to PC-Fixed crash on Android 2.3.3 when opening track details-Android 2.3.3 devices now have same menu as new devicesRecent changes version 2.1.2--------------------------Seamap is back after accidental removal-Added possibility to remove driving directionRecent changes version 2.1.1--------------------------Fixed a crash that could occur when enabling gpsRecent changes version 2.1---------------------------Avalanche awareness layer-DDD MM.MMM and DDD MM SS.S formats can now be edited.-Added fixed UTM 33-Improved GPX file support-Graphs and detailed information for tracks-Map buttons kan be hidden in settings.-Improved animated zoom-Removed donations.-Fixed reported crashes-and more...
Travel guardian - Safe travel 1.3.6
Travel Guardian
Memorable & Safe trip with fullofjoyTravel guardian, all in one solution for your travel life.Features- Easy and fast creation/managing of trip itinerary- Ensure safety not only for joy of travel- Secure safe trip of your lovers- Support group tour leading- Sharing your location with your friends not only forthetrip- Track your children’s current location (e.g. in-betweenschool,after school activity and home)- Sharing venue or spot within a group of friends or colleaguesTravel guardian is the best travel buddy supportingtravelguides, travelers and their guardians to make sure safetyandenjoyment of travel.1) Easy to use- Simplified overall main functions such as sign up, log in,newtrip creation and location sharing2) Caring about your guardians- Location sharing within members and Drawing safety circleenableto get safety travel guideline at any location.- Immediate alarm will be triggered when the traveler is outsideofsafety circle and this information will be forwarded to tripleaderand guardian simultaneously in order to minimize any riskofaccidents.3) Communication with your travel buddy- Group chatting, alarm, notification message and contactsharingetc will make it easy to communicate with your travelbuddy4) Full of secured travel safety features- Various features will secure your safe trip'Emergency Alarm'Enables immediate communication with your leader and guardianbyjust one click.'Safety history'You can see where you went until 2 hours ago.'Safety notification'We are going to notify what is your member's smartphone orGPSturned off while you are traveling.5) Sharing your location- Get your friend’s location and make your favorite grouptotrack6) Care your children- Automatic push alarm to track your children’s daily routine(e.g.school arrival, leaving school etc.) that helps to ensuredailysafety7) Sharing location with your friends- Sharing the location of Joint dinner, Place to meet etcandreal-time tracking of current location and arrival status bypushmessage8) Travel Insurance- Affordable insurance guaranteed by Travel Guardian- Easy on-line sign up*Customer ServicePlease contact following email for Partnership, ComplaintsandQ&AService partnership : coo@tguardian.comCustomer Q&A : cs@tguardian.com
SeaPal - Sailors NavTool 2.2.6
SeaPal is an App for sailors and other water sport fanatics.
Nautical Maps: Boat Navigation 10.0.5
Sail safely and prepared with Biggerworks Nautical Maps
Eniro på Sjön - Gratis sjökort
Eniro på sjöns senaste version (2017) hyllasavtidningen Praktiskt Båtägande och får bl.a. omdömet "Bra köp".Appenhar tidigare även hyllats av tidningen På Kryss, vunnit prissomårets nyttotjänst (Guldmobilen) och beskrivits som ”den isärklassbilligaste navigationsappen” och ett ”fantastisktkomplement”.Nu är det dags att ta Eniro på sjön till nästa nivå – med hjälpavAIS! I nya betal-versionen 3.0 har Eniro på sjön utrustats medAIS(Automatic Identification System) som gör det möjligt att irealtididentifiera och följa andra fartyg. Vi har samtidigt passatpå attuppdatera hela designen för appen.Med Eniro på sjön kan du sedan tidigare söka efter alltsåsomgästhamnar, naturhamnar, sjömackar och sjökrogar. Du fårsjälvklartäven gratis sjökort via Sjöfartsverket och med Enirossökintegrerat i appen kan du även söka efter flytvästar ochandratillbehör.Eniro på sjöns gratis-version innehåller:- Gratis sjökort- Svenska och norska sjökort- GPS-position på sjökort, kurspil, karta i färd- ochnordriktning,och satellitbilder- Eniros söktjänst är integrerad. Sök lokalt efternärmastegästhamnar, naturhamnar, sjömack, varv,övernattningsställe,restaurang- "Man overboard"-funktion som sparar all nödvändig informationpåen och samma skärmbild i din kamerarulle somnödnummer,koordinater, kartbild på nuvarande GPS-position,VHF-kanal samtklockslag- Appen stöder både din mobil och din surfplattaAppen kan också uppgraderas för en engångssumma och du fårdåytterligare funktionalitet för att lättare kunna planera din turpåsjön.I PRO-versionen ingår:- AIS (Automatic Identification System) med helikopterperspektiv(sefartyg över hela Sverige)- Möjligheten att med AIS hålla koll på fartygs identitet ochstatussamt fakta om storlek, typ av last och destination- Möjlighet att spara delar av kartan offfline så att duslippervara uppkopplad- Möjlighet att lägga upp rutter med waypoints samt sparadinafavoritrutter- Kurs- Fart över grund- Med endast ett köp får du Eniro på sjön både till din mobilochdin surfplatta (Under föutsättning att din surfplattaanvänderAndroid)Eniro på sjön är ett utmärkt planeringsverktyg inför båtresanochska ses som ett komplement till befintlignavigationsutrustning.Eller för att citera tidningen På Kryss (nr 52015) ”gratis-app sombör finnas i din surfplatta eller smarttelefonäven om du har enannan app”.Tips! Stäng av GPS:en när du är klar, annars kommer den dramycketbatteri.Eniro on the lake'slatestversion (2017) is hailed by the magazine Practical Båtägandeandsheep including review "Good Buy". The app has also previouslybeenpraised by the magazine Kryss, won the prize as the newdisservice(Gold Mobile) and described as "by far thecheapestnavigationsappen" and a "great addition".Now is the time to take Eniro on the lake to the next level -withthe help of AIS! The new pay-version 3.0, Eniro on thelakeequipped with AIS (Automatic Identification System), whichenablesreal-time to identify and track other vessels. We have alsotakenthe opportunity to update the entire design of the app.With Eniro on the lake, you can already find everything suchasmarinas, natural harbors, sjömackar and island restaurants. Youmayof course also free charts through the Maritime Administrationandwith Eniro's search integrated into the app, you can alsosearchfor life jackets and other accessories.Eniro on the lake's free version includes:- Free Charts- Swedish and Norwegian charts- GPS position on the charts, the course pointer, map of theroadmapand the north direction, and satellite imagery- Eniro's search service is integrated. Search locally forthenearest marinas, natural harbors, marine service station,shipyard,situated restaurant- "Man overboard" function that saves all necessary information onasingle screen in your camera roll to emergency numbers,coordinates,map on the current GPS position, the VHF channel andtime- The app supports both your phone and your tabletThe app can also be upgraded to a one-time payment and youwillreceive additional functionality to help plan your trip onthelake.The PRO version includes:- AIS (Automatic Identification System) helicopter perspective(seeships over Sweden)- The possibility of AIS keep track of the ship's identityandstatus, as well as facts about the size, type of cargoanddestination- Ability to save parts of the map offfline so you do not have tobeonline- Ability to add routes with waypoints and save yourfavoriteroutes- Course- Speed ​​over ground- With only one purchase, you Eniro on the lake for both yourmobileand your tablet (During föutsättning to your tabletusingAndroid)Eniro on the lake is an excellent planning tool for the boattripand should be seen as a complement to existingnavigationalequipment. Or to quote the magazine On Cruising (No. 52015) "freeapp that should be in your tablet or smart phone even ifyou haveanother app".Tip! Turn off GPS when you're done, or it will draw a lotofbattery.
WinGPS™ Marine 4.56
Your tablet or smartphone as a personal navigation system on board.
Boating 8.1
The world's most popular marine &lakesapp! A favorite among cruisers, sailors, fishermen and divers.Findthe same detailed charts as on the best GPS plotters. Downloadtheapp, then go to Menu>Shop and select your region to get a14-dayfree trial to the overwhelming value of Navionics+.If you have a tablet, please search our HD app.NAVIONICS+ includes:√ Download of the following chart layers that will reside onyourdevice even after expiration:- NAUTICAL CHART for all essential cartographic referencedetail.The most accurate and thorough set of information basedonHydrographic Office data, Notices to Mariners, newpublications,our own surveys, and reports from users. It providesport plans,safety depth contours, marine services info, tides &currents,navigation aids and more.- SONARCHART™: the award-winning 1 ft/ 0,5 m HD bathymetry mapthatreflects ever-changing conditions. Be part of the communityandcontribute by uploading your sonar logs to enhance it.- COMMUNITY EDITS made by users (rocks, wrecks, etc.) and sharedforall to benefit.√ CHART UPDATES: we deliver more than 2,000 updates everyday!Take advantage of our updates as frequently as you like.√ ADVANCED MAP OPTIONS to highlight Shallow Areas, andfilterDepth Contours. Includes a Fishing Mode that enables FishingRangefor targeting key fishing areas.√ NAVIGATION MODULE for advanced route planning withETA,distance to arrival, heading to WP, fuel consumption andmore!√ DOCK-TO-DOCK AUTOROUTING quickly creates detailed routeseventhrough narrow waterways and channels, based on chart dataandnavigation aids. POIs are automatically shown nearbyyourdestination.√ WEATHER & TIDES provides real-time weather dataandforecasts. Access daily and hourly forecasts for yourfavoritelocations and get wind, weather buoys, Tides &Currentsoverlaid on your map. Buoy data is retrieved from NOAA andcaninclude wind speed, gust and direction as well as airpressure,water temperature, wave height and other relevant marinedata.Note: Download detailed maps by zooming in orfromMenu>Download Map. Check navionics.com for coverage.Navionics+ is a one year subscription. At expiration you canrenewwith a discount of up to 50%. If you don’t renew, you canstill usethe charts you previously downloaded, along with severalfreefeatures:- TRACK your journey, view speed, distance, time and COG. Savetoarchive, see stats and playback.- ROUTES: create and edit, based on speed andfuelconsumption.- Measure DISTANCE, add MARKERS, get WIND FORECASTS andsun/mooncycles.- MAP OPTIONS: Satellite/Terrain, adjust shorelines toselectedWater Level, choose Depth Shading and Easy View tobegin.- SYNC Tracks, Routes & Markers among your mobiledevices.- MAGAZINES & GUIDES for location-based articles fromleadingindustry publishers.- SONARCHART ™ LIVE - allows you to create new personal 1ft/0.5 mHDbathymetry maps that display in real time while navigating.Uploadyour sonar logs to build even better local charts for yourareaconnecting wirelessly to a compatible sounder/plotter.- PLOTTER SYNC - Compatible Wi-Fi enabled plotter ownerscantransfer routes and markers, activate and update theireligibleplotter card and upload sonar logs for improvedSonarChart™! Learnmore at www.navionics.com/en/plotter-syncNavionics has certified several Android models where the appisdesigned to load and operate correctly with an OS of 4.0 orhigher.Please refer to our Compatibility Guide, which iscontinuouslyupdated athttp://www.navionics.com/en/compatibility/mobile. Wecannotguarantee flawless operation or provide support fornon-certifieddevices.ALL SALES ARE FINAL on Google Play.
DKW 1800 series 2.02
Digital charts of the Dutch coastal waters with free updateservice.
Track Location & Car 95
Save your location positions and date for later use