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Preventicus Heartbeats. ECG alike medical test. 1.6.15
Preventicus GmbH
With the digital medical product Preventicus Heartbeatsyoucaneasily check your heart rhythm with a smartphonecamera.Regularusage supports the identification of undetectedheartrhythmdiseases, especially atrial fibrillation, forstrokeprevention.Analysis and documentation of your measurementscan beperformed inECG-comparable quality. The high accuracy oftheapplication hasbeen confirmed in international clinicalstudies.With >10million performed analyses, PreventicusHeartbeats isone of themost successful German health apps.Regularself-measurement of theheart rhythm, especially"atrialfibrillation screening", isrecommended in the guidelines oftheEuropean Society of Cardiology(ESC) and the European HeartRhythmAssociation and is particularlysuitable for people withanincreasing risk of stroke: - generallyfrom the age of 65 - from55years of age in the presence of othercardiovascular riskfactors(e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes,after a stroke or heartattack,in case of felt palpitations) -according to doctor'srecommendationThe purpose of the app is todetect evidences(suspected ortentative diagnoses) of cardiacarrhythmias, inparticular -Extremely irregular pulse (absolutearrhythmia) withsuspectedatrial fibrillation - Suspected othercardiac arrhythmiaswithfrequent irregular heartbeats (e.g.ectopic heartbeats)-Determination of the heart rate withindications or suspicionofbradycardia (pulse too low) ortachycardia (pulse too high),withouttheir further diagnosticdifferentiation All results aresuspected(tentative) diagnoses ofa digital medical device, not anactualdiagnosis in the medicalsense. Suspected (tentative)diagnoses areunder no circumstances asubstitute for personalconsultation,diagnosis or treatment by aphysician. This app may notbe used tomake decisions in situationsthat are consideredlife-threatening. Amajor risk factor forstroke is untreated atrialfibrillation (AF).It is oftenunnoticeable and only occursoccasionally, making itdifficult todetect in a doctor's office.Therefore, guidelinesrecommendregular self-checking of the heartrhythm. After medicaldiagnosisof AF, a (mostly drug-based) therapycan almost normalizethe riskof stroke. Use the free basic versionto get to know themeasuringprocess, determine your heart rate andget first hints ifthe appdetects possible heart rhythmdisturbances. The full versionoffersyou additional features: - adetailed analysis andpresentation ofthe measurement results in ECGcomparable manner -saving andsharing measurements as anECG-comparable PDF document -a longer5-minute measurement option,especially if recommended by adoctor,in order to be able to recordless frequent arrhythmicevents moreprobably - optionally thepossibility for ECGtechnicians ofTelecare centers to perform anevaluation of themeasurements toexclude possible measurement errorsand to verifyrhythmdisturbances from a medical-technical point ofview. Usethispossibility especially after a doctor'srecommendation, sinceamedical-technical pre-qualification of yourmeasurementscanconsiderably support the subsequent diagnostics ofyourdoctorLegal information: The Preventicus Heartbeats applicationisaclinically validated Class IIa medical device certified byTÜVNORDCERT GmbH and meets the basic requirements ofthe93/42/EECDirective or its national implementations. Thequalitymanagementsystem of Preventicus GmbH is certified accordingtoISO13485:2016. This standard formulates anddefinestheinternationally valid requirements for qualitymanagementsystems,especially for medical device manufacturers.