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Turkish Airlines Euroleague 1.3
Turkish Airlines
Turkish Airlines Euroleague: Road To The Final Four
Play Basketball Slam Dunks 2.2
Apni Games
Play Basketball Slam Dunks 2017 is anaddictivereal Basketball game designed for mobile basketball fansand PlayBasketball 2017 simulates the realistic physics andfeatures greatgraphics in mobile.Are you tired of playing Basketball Shooting Games? then checkournew game where you will play real basketball matcheswithchallenging opponent teams like watching live nba matchonmobile.There is a quick play mode where you just have to pick your teamandthe opponent team and enjoy the real simulation of basketballgameand play tournament with different teams throughout semi finalandfinal.You need to score as many points as possible within the giventimein that Fanatical Game. Dribble, Dunk or Shot a ball and scoreathree-pointer or a jump shot in this Jam basketball game beforethetime runs out. Block your opponent's basket shot, dunk, anddocounter attacks to score and win this awesome 3D basketballgame.If you like nba live matches, euro league, Premier League,nationalbasketball league then you will enjoy that game.-------------------------Game Controls:-------------------------"Pass button" for pass and tackle ,"Throw button" for thorw."Dunk button" for dunk."Block button" for block opponents shots."Direction Key" to control the movement of the player.-------------------------Game Features:-------------------------
★Play Basketball Matches game 2017 contains Purebasketballaction!★ Top 30 ranking basketball playing teams are added withtheirjerseys and boots.★ Quick game mode where you choose the team and play withrandomopponent.★ Tournament/League mode where you have to compete against teamstoreach semi final and final.★ Smoother and more realistic and optimized graphics forbothplayers and perfect courts.★ cool 3d sounds.★ Smooth animations with 60 frames per second. Real shoot anddunkanimations.★ Simple yet powerful touch controls with timing control.★ Compete with your friends with the integrated worldrankingleaderboard
---------------------Feedback---------------------Thank you very much for all your support and interest in ourgames!We would love to hear your suggestions!
NBA 2K16 0.0.29
2K Games, Inc.
The NBA 2K franchise is back with themost-trueto life NBA experience to date with NBA 2K16. NBA 2K16 ispackedwith enhancements, new features, updated rosters, andmoreopportunities to earn Virtual Currency. NBA 2K16 also includesthepopular MyCAREER mode as well as a new soundtrack curated bypopsuper-producer DJ Mustard, renowned producer and rapper DJKhaled,and legendary hip-hop producer DJ Premier. With enhancedgraphicand player models, new animations that provide smoothermovementand more realistic articulation combined with new controlsandexpanded device support, it’s certain to be the most authenticNBAmobile gaming experience yet!Features:• Full MyCAREER, Blacktop, and Season modes.• Improved graphics and game performance• New controls for smoother mobile gameplay• Earn and enjoy more Virtual Currency• Euroleague teams now available• NBA 2K Store offers equipment, courts, VC, updated content,andmuch more.
Leghe Fantacalcio ® SerieA TIM 9.0.10
The only official app of the Italian Fantasy Football
Basketball Dynasty Manager 16 2.2.4
Management simulator for all basketball, NBA, NCAA and Euro fans.
Барномаи бози вертуалӣ бо мақсади ташфиқвамаъмул намудани варзиши баскетбол байни наврасон ва ҷавононтаҳиягардидааст. Барномаи мазкур ба мураббиёни тарбияи ҷисмонӣваҷавонон ҳавасманд ба намуди варзиши баскетбол тавсиядодамешавад.Баскетбол яке аз бозиҳои маъруф байни ҷомеаи ҷаҳонӣ бо истифодаитӯбмебошад. Қоидаи асосии ин бозӣ ҳаракат бо тӯб, ба сабади ҳарифтӯбропартофтан ва бо ҳамин тарз роҳ надодан ба дастаи ҳариф, китўбро басабади дастаи шумо партояд.Соли 1936 баскетбол ба барномаи Олимпӣ шомил карда шуд. Хеледертармусобиқаҳои ҷаҳонӣ барои дарёфти қаҳрамони ҷаҳон байни мардонвазанон ба таври мунтазам оғоз карда шуд. Он барои мардон азсоли1950 ва барои занон аз соли 1953 шурӯъ ёфт.Чемпионати Аврупо оид ба Баскетбол аз соли 1935 инҷониб батавридоимӣ баргузор мегардад. Дар Аврупо мусобиқаҳоибайналмиллалиибаскетбол байни дастаҳои маҳфилӣ бештар баргузормегарданд:ҶомиАврупо, Ҷоми даъватӣ, Евролига, Лигаи ягонаимуттаҳидичемпионҳо.Мусобиқаҳои бонуфузтарин ва маъмултарин дар ин намуди варзишдарИёлоти Муттаҳидаи Амрико барои дарёфти қаҳрамони ҷаҳон –қаҳрамониАссотсиатсияи Миллии Баскетбол (НБА) баргузормешаванд.ТАЪРИХИ БАСКЕТБОЛТаърихи Баскетбол аз фасли зимистони соли 1891, штатиМассачусетс,шаҳри Спрингфилд, Коллеҷи Ассотсиатсияи масеҳи ҷавононоғоз меёбад.Донишҷуёни коллеҷ дар фасли сармо дар синфхонаҳо азмашқҳои якрангигимнастикӣ зиқ гардида буданд. Дарон давраҳо инягона роҳ бароитарбияи ҷисмонии ҷавонон ҳисобида мешуд. Лозим буд,ки ба таврифаврӣ ба ин якрангӣ хотима бахшида шавад, то бақобилияти рақобатимусобиқавии ҷавонони қавӣ ва солим ҷавобгӯбошад.Роҳи ин масъаларо муаллими хоксори коллеҷи тарбияи ҷисмонӣҶеймсНейсмит, ки имрӯзҳо асосгузори баскетбол шинохта мешавад,пайдокард. Дар дарси тарбияи ҷисмонӣ санаи 1 декабри соли 1891 ӯқарордод, ки ду сабади шафтолуро дар ду тарафи деворҳои толориварзишӣчаспонад. Баъд ҳаждаҳ нафар дониҷуёнро ба ду даста тақсимнамуд. Баонҳо ин бозии навро пешниҳод намуд ва қоидаҳои бозиро баонҳотартиб дод, то дастаҳо дар муддати вақти муайяне ба сабадҳоидастаиҳамдигар бештар тӯб партоянд. Дастаи ғолиб дастае донистамешуд, кибештар тӯбро ба сабади дастаи ҳарифи худ мепартояд. ҶеймсНейсмитбарои пайдоиши бозии нав, ки худ тасаввур надошт то чӣандоза ондар оянда маъмул ва маъруф хоҳад шуд, таҳкурсӣгузошт.Бозии нав «Баскетбол» номида шуд, (аз калимаи англисӣ basket –сабадва ball - тӯб). Дар ибтидо ин бозӣ ба баскетболи имрӯзашабоҳати камдошт. Дар оғоз ҳаракат бо тўб мавҷуд набуд. Бозингарондар ҷойистода ҳаракат менамуданд. Ба ҳамдигар тӯбро ҳаво медоданд,то шахсидар наздики сабадбуда онро ба даруни сабад партояд. Якнафар шахс боистифода аз нардбон мебоист ҳар дафъа тўбро аз дарунисабад гирад ваҳамин тариқ бозӣ идома меёфт. Ба назари мо чунинменамояд, ки инбозӣ дар он вақт камҳаракат буд, вале муаллимНейсмит ин бозиро азсабаби бозии гўруҳӣ буданаш ташкил намуд, тодар он ҳарчӣ бештарбозингарон ширкат варзида тавонанд. Дар ондавраҳо ин талаботбозингаронро қонеъ карда тавонист.Barnomai Bozi vertualӣbowa maқsadi tashfiқ mamul namudani Varzish basketball BineynavrasonIslands ҷavonon taҳiya gardidaast. Barnomai mazkur bamurabbiёnitarbiyai ҷismonӣ ҷavonon ҳavasmand wa ba namudi VarzishbasketballTAVS Doda meshavad.    Basketball yak boziҳoi Maruf al Bineyҷomeaiҷaҳonӣ bo istifodai tӯb meboshad. Қoidai ASOS John bozӣҳarakat tӯbbo ba Szabady ҳarif tӯbro partoftan wa bo ҳamin Tarziroҳ nadodanDastan ҳarif ba, ba ki tўbro Szabady Dastan noise-partoyad.     Salts 1936 basketball babarnomaiOlimpӣ shomil shud infarction. Hele dertar musobiқaҳoiҷaҳonӣ Barodarёfti қaҳramoni ҷaҳon Biney Mardon Zanon wa ba BRANDMuntaza oғozshud infarction. He Baro Mardon al salts 1950 wa alBaro Zanon saltshurӯ ёft 1953.   Championship Avrupo IAO ba Basketball alsalts1935 inҷonib ba BRAND doimӣ barguzor megardad. GiftAvrupomusobiқaҳoi baynalmillalii basketball Biney dastaҳoimaҳfilӣbeshtar barguzor megardand: ҶomiAvrupo, Ҷomi davatӣ,Euroleague,League yagonai muttaҳidi chempionҳo.     Musobiқaҳoi bonufuztarinIslandsmamultarin gift Ying namudi Varzish gift Iёloti MuttaҳidaiAmrikiBaro darёfti қaҳramoni ҷaҳon - қaҳramoni AssotsiatsiyaiMilliBasketball (NBA) barguzor meshavand.     TARIHI BASKETBALL     Tarihi Basketball al faslsaltzimistoni 1891, Massachusetts shaҳri SpringfieldKolleҷiAssotsiatsiyai maseҳi ҷavonon oғoz meёbad. Donishҷuёnikolleҷ giftfasl Sarma gift sinfhonaҳo al mashқҳoi yakrangigimnastikӣ ziқgardida budand. Daron davraҳo John yagona roҳ Barotarbiyaiҷismonii ҷavonon ҳisobida meshud. Losimo bud, ki ba baBRAND favrӣJohn yakrangӣ bahshida shavad want, then BA қobiliyatiraқobatimusobiқavii ҷavononi қavӣ Islands solim ҷavobgӯboshad. Roҳi John masalaro muallimi hoksori kolleҷi tarbiyai ҷismonӣҶeymsNaismith, ki imrӯzҳo asosguzori basketball shinohta meshavad,PaidCard. Gift darcy tarbiyai ҷismonӣ Sanai December 1, 1891 uwithmacron salt қaror dod, ki do Szabady shaftoluro gift doTarafdevorҳoi Toloraia varzishӣ chasponad. Bad ҳazhdaҳ nafardoniҷuёnroba do Dasta taқsim namud. Ba Ying onҳo bozii navrenopeshniҳodnamud wa ba қoidaҳoi boziro onҳo tartib dod, the dastaҳogiftmuddati vaқti muayyane ba sabadҳoi Dastan ҳamdigar beshtartӯbpartoyand. Dastan Dastan ғolib donista meshud, ki ba beshtartӯbroSzabady Dastan ҳarifi thin mepartoyad. Ҷeyms NaismithBaropaydoishi bozii Nav, ki thin tasavvur nadosht the chӣ andozagifthe oyanda mamul Islands Maruf hoҳad shud, taҳkursӣguzosht.Bozii Nav "Basketball" nomida shud (al Kaliman anglisӣ basket-Sabad wa ball - tӯb). Gift ibtido John bozӣ ba Basketballimrӯzashaboҳati Cams dosht. Gift oғoz ҳarakat bo tўb mavҷudNaboodah.Bozingaron gift ҷoy istoda ҳarakat menamudand. Ba ҳamdigartӯbroҳavo medodand then Shakhs gift nazdiki sabadbuda onro baDarunSabad partoyad. Yak nafar Shakhs bo istifoda al nardbonmeboist ҳardafa tўbro al Darun Sabad girad Islands ҳamin tariқ bozӣidomameёft. Ba Nazari mo Chunin menamoyad, John bozӣ ki gift hevaқtkamҳarakat bud, shaft muallim John Naismith boziro al sababiboziigўruҳӣ budanash Tashkil namud, the gift he ҳarchӣbeshtarbozingaron shirkat varzida tavonand. Gift it davraҳo Johntalabotbozingaronro қone tavonist infarction.
Basketball Fantasy Manager NBA 6.31.001
Play NBA GM Manager 2k23/2k24 live game in your mobile!Coachsupercard dunk!
BOOMSHAKALAKA! Slam dunk with all 30 NBA teams! KABOOM!
Fantasy Premier League 2015/16 2.1.1
All Apped Up Limited
The official app for Fantasy PremierLeague,the biggest Fantasy Football game in the world with over 3millionplayers and the chance to win great prizes!Managers that have already registered a team for FantasyPremierLeague 2015/16 need only download the app before signing intoenjoy managing their team using the app. Alternatively,downloadand register a team via the app.New features for 2015/16 include viewing the Dream Team,joiningLeagues within the app.FEATURES:Pick your teamSelect your starting XI, nominate your captain andvice-captain,change the order of your substitutes and play yourGameweek Chips(All Out Attack, Triple Captain and BenchBoost)Latest pointsReview your team’s performance each Gameweek via either the pitchordata view and watch the live points update during BarclaysPremierLeague matches.TransfersResearch and make transfers each Gameweek with helpful filterstonarrow your options to valid transfers only.Player profilesView player profiles and review each of their pointshistoriesthroughout the season.FixturesA full breakdown of key points scorers are provided by Gameweekforevery one of the 380 Barclays Premier League matches duringtheseason.LeaguesKeep track of your progress within each of the mini-leaguesyou’vejoined.StatisticsFilter players by team and position along with a selection ofplayerstats.NEW Dream TeamAccess the Dream Team through the Statistics screen to view thetopeleven players for each Gameweek and the season overall.The ScoutBoth of the weekly Scout articles are now available withintheapp.Push notificationsReceive alerts when points have been updated, fixtures havemovedGameweeks, when a Gameweek deadline is approaching and whenTheScout is available.PRIZES:1st PrizeThe overall winner of Fantasy Premier League 2015/16 andhis/herguest will be treated to a 7-night break in the UnitedKingdom andwill experience VIP hospitality at TWO Barclays PremierLeaguematches. They will also visit a selection of major Britishtouristattractions such as the National Football Museum inManchester, TheBeatles Story in Liverpool or spend a day riding thelongestzipwire in Europe at Zip World in Snowdonia, Wales.Transfers to and from the UK and 7 nights’ accommodation isalsoincluded in the prize.Quarterly PrizesThe season will be divided into four quarters: Q1 (GW 1-9), Q2(GW10-19), Q3 (GW 20-29) Q4 (GW 30-38). The person that finishestopof each quarterly leaderboard will receive a VIP trip to watchaBarclays Premier League team of their choice with pre-matchmeal,two nights’ accommodation and transfers included.Monthly PrizesThe person that finishes top of the monthly leaderboard willbedeclared Manager of the Month and will receive a tablet device,aNike Ordem 3 match ball and EA SPORTS FIFA 16 game.For full terms & conditions and to register a FantasyPremierLeague 2015/16 team, please visit http://fantasy.premierleague.com
Tractor Pull 20220517
Antithesis Design
Drop the hammer and balance traction rip a wheelie down the mud toafull pull!
OSM 23/24 - Soccer Game 4.0.34
Gamebasics BV
Be the manager of your favorite soccer club!
Fantasy Hub - Football Manager 7.0.11
Footy Accums
Fantasy Hub is live and interactive fantasy football at its best!
Kickbase - Fantasy Soccer 3.7.5
Kickbase GmbH
Official Bundesliga Soccer Fantasy Manager! Build your lineup&soccer formation
2K Games, Inc.
The companion app for the award-winning NBA2Kfranchise is back, with MyNBA2K16. Packed with awesomenewfeatures, MyNBA2K16 makes it easier for you to stay in touchwithyour console version of NBA 2K16 with more opportunities toearnVirtual Currency. MyNBA2K16 also includes the collectible NBA2Kthemed card game, MyTEAM Mobile, which allows players tocollecttheir favorite NBA player cards to challenge othercompetitorsacross the world in exhibition games, season tournamentsandin-game special events. This year’s iteration includes morecards,card customization, and the biggest events yet! Players willalsofind an updated Auction House and much more socialconnectivityoptions!MyTEAM Mobile Features• Card Improvements – New NBA players, Bonus Player cards,cardcustomization, specialty bonuses, enhancement rarities,level-upoptions to train cards faster, and much more• Quick Game – New 2 card match-ups, more animations, andfastergameplay• Auction House – Auction watching and opportunitiesforexclusives• New Economy – Earn Reward Points (RP) daily via short andlongterm tasks and selling cards to the vendor for guaranteedRP.• Expanded Social Features – Ability to friend social mediaandin-game contacts and chat with in-game featuresMyNBA2K16 Companion Features• Virtual Currency – more ways to earn• MyPARK – Enhanced connection to MyPARK mode via appincludingchat• MyPLAYER Store – Enhanced store options• 2KTV – Watch episodes of 2KTV with an added interactivevotingelement
NBA All Net 7.2
Kick9 Co. Ltd.
PRODUCT OVERVIEWCreate your dream line-up choosing from over 500 NBA superstarsfrompast and present!Train and evolve players, unlock unique skills, and strategizetobeat thousands of online rivals from around the world! Leadyourteam to victory and become the ultimate NBA manager!The only strategic card game which combines savvychemistrycombinations of NBA players, multiple exciting game modes,endlesslive challenges, and realistic 3D matches!Feel the excitement of the new NBA Season, free on yourmobiledevice! NBA All Net, the power is in your hands!KEY FEATURES• Harness the Power of your favorite NBA Starswhilecollecting, managing, and customizing a roster of up to 300NBAplayers from past and present! Unlock your rosters’ skillstoensure they reach their full potential and prove to theworldyou’re an elite manager!• Create Your Dream Roster: Manage your teams’line-up,coaching style, and strategic decisions. Deck your playersout inthe best gear you can get your hands on. Play your cardsright andyou’ll have a true dream roster on your hands!• Compete in Multiple Game Modes: Play throughLegendaryMatches experiencing historic moments in NBA history. Testyourlimits in Road to Glory, battle your way through tournaments,orcompete in Ranked Matches!• Play Against Real World Opponents: Battle with liveplayersaround the world with a never-ending calendar ofchallenges! Earnyour place on the seasonal leaderboard!Due to the large game size (115MB), we suggest downloadingandinstalling using a WIFI connection.
NFL Showdown: Football Manager 1.0.63
Play NFL Football with Your Friends Every Day in NFL Showdown!TheNew NFL Team Manager Game is Now Available on Mobile!Create your very own NFL football dream team and compete indailyshowdowns! Manage your favorite NFL franchise, win the SuperBowland build the ultimate dynasty. Compete in head-to-headmatchupswith your friends as well as other NFL fans all week long.Choosefrom real NFL players and even receive real-time stat boostsbasedon Fantasy Football player performance. You get to developthewinning strategy: update rosters, choose a starting lineup,signfree agents, train players and build gameday tactics.Instantly pickup and play with no long-term league commitments.It’s authentic NFLfun 365 days a year, even in the off-season.Join a short season tostart winning trophies and prizes today.Every day is Gameday withNFL Showdown!• Authentic NFL League Structure - Manage Real Teams andRealPlayers• More than Multiplayer - Compete in Daily Head-2-HeadMatches• Connect with Friends and Meet New NFL Fans Each Season• Live Out the Highs and Lows of Real-Time NFL Drama• Build and Upgrade Your Dream Team with Auctions and Trading• Train and Strategize to Gain a Competitive Advantage• Collect Trophies and Earn New Rewards as You Progress• Watch the Field and Stadium Simulated Experience Streaming LiveinReal-Time• Be a Manager Not Just a Quarterback or Running Back• Passing, Tackling, Touchdowns and Field Goals are JusttheBeginning• Don’t Play in Solo Mode or Flick - Champions Win OnlinewithSkill!• More Community, Challenge and Excitement thanFantasyFootball• Features Virtual League Updates, Live Scores and SchedulesOfficially Licensed Product of National Football LeaguePlayersIncorporated | NFLPLAYERS.comADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES• Use of this application is governed by the Zynga Terms ofService.These Terms are available at http://m.zynga.com/legal/terms-of-service.• For specific information about how Zynga collects andusespersonal or other data, please read our privacy policy athttp://m.zynga.com/privacy/policy.Zynga’sPrivacy Policy is also available through the Privacy Policyfieldin the Developer section below.• The game is free to play, however in-app purchases areavailablefor additional content and premium currency. In-apppurchases rangefrom $0.99 to $99.99.• This game does permit a user to connect to social networks,suchas Facebook, and as such players may come into contact withotherpeople when playing this game.• Terms of Service for Social Networks you connect to in thisgamemay also apply to you. You will be given the opportunitytoparticipate in special offers, events, and programs fromZynga,Inc. and its partners.
Flick Kick Football Legends
Kick it old school with the latest game intheFlick Kick series; Tackle, Pass, Shoot and More! Defeat Rivals!Winthe League! Become a Legend!Flick Kick Football Legends brings Flick Kick to all newheightswith more diverse onfield gameplay, team building andmanagement,and a multi-level league structure. Packaged in avibrant comicinspired style filled with lively characters, quirkyscenarios andrich animation, you will guide your team towards ahighly soughtafter championship win to achieve legendarystatus.All new game-changing features mean more content, morecompetition,and more flick-kicking action! Take on the world intheInternational Cup, break records in the Infinity Cup, honeyourskills in Practice Mode, train your players and compete withyourfriends. Be a champion, become a legend.The game features:• Stunning comic inspired presentation• Pass, tackle, intercept, save, shoot to score, penalties,suddendeath and much more• Discover and collect new international players to buildachampionship team• Level up your players to unlock crazy new skills, and linkskillsfor extra boosts• Use your Captain to guide your team through thick and thin totheglory years• Invite your friends to compete on the leaderboards• Refined drag and drop interface to help you manage yourteam• Train your players to increase their XPContains in app purchases and advertisingwww.flickkickfootball.com________________________________NEWS & EVENTSWebsite http://www.flickkickfootball.comFacebook http://facebook.com/FKFootballTwitter http://twitter.com/pikpokgamesYoutube http://youtube.com/pikpokgames Store http://store.pikpok.com Music http://pikpok.bandcamp.comWe love to hear from our players!On Twitter? Drop us a line @pikpokgamesHave a screenshot? Share it on Instagram with #pikpok