7 Похожие Call Taxi Driver

WiseDriver 4.1
Woodfield Technologies
An APP for mini-cab drivers in the UKwhichenables them to manage their daily work schedule - on the go.OnceCab-stations receive bookings and allocate them tospecificdrivers, these bookings will be immediately available tothedrivers on their smartphones using this App. Loaded withtimesaving features, this App will simplify the way in whichmini-cabdrivers manage their schedule - from the time they receiveabooking to the time they drop the customer off.Keywords:WiseDriver, Wisecabs, UK Cabs, Cabs, Transport, CallTaxi,Taxi
找計程車 23.1.05
V23 改版功能介紹1. 多元化計程車:受夠了黃色的計程車了嗎? 皇冠大車隊聽到了,您現在有更多的選擇!皇冠大車隊多元化計程車即日起正式上線,提供三種等級多元化計程車服務,分別為Crown(多元商務車型)、Crown+(多元通用車型)、CrownBlack(多元旗艦車型)。Crown(多元商務車型)提供您平常出門、洽公使用。想出去玩但是家裡長輩有坐輪椅不方便怎麼辦?一群朋友超過四個人又不想拆開成兩台計程車坐怎麼辦?選擇Crown+(多元通用車型)!我們有四人坐+輪椅空間、六人座+輪椅空間、七人座、九人座等四種車型供您使用。享受極致生活,最頂級奢華的用車體驗?CrownBlack(多元旗艦車型)在此為您服務。如何使用:使用者登入後可點選地圖下方用車種類面板後,切換適合的用車種類。Ps.目前多元化計程車僅提供高雄地區使用,其他區域將陸續開放,多元化計程車僅提供手機綁定信用卡付費方式。2. 優化使用者體驗:新增地圖右側圖示說明面板,可查看地圖圖示物件說明。地址輸入面板調整,拉出快速取得地址按鈕及常用地址按鈕方便點選,調整定位敏感度,修改經緯度轉地址方式,解決因手機為外國語系而產生英文地址問題。付款類型新增支付寶。進行中的車輛圖示及參考線,修改為對應用車種類之顏色。司機簡介新增登記證號欄位。信用卡管理輸入安全碼改為隱藏顯示明文。手機綁定信用卡支付時將顯示各交易階段動作。關於找計程車說明更新。全新改版功能介紹1. 安全的通訊服務:找計程車APP資料傳輸皆採用HTTPS(COMODO RSA Organization Validation SecureServerCA)加密,保護資料傳輸的安全性!2. 上車地址輸入更簡便:除了系統能直接透過您現在的位置取得地址之外,手動輸入地址時會提供自動完成選單供您選取,可節省您輸入地址的時間,您也可以利用輸入地點的方式取得地址(例如松山文創園區…某大樓、某景點或是某店家)。3. 更直觀叫車方式:新版本叫車功能直接整合於單一地圖頁面,使用上更為直觀,且地圖上將直接顯示您附近的所有空車及您喜好的司機,您可根據您的服務需求進行車輛篩選,方便您快速掌握目前附近車輛動向及評估是否用車。4. 自動估算車資:叫車時若有輸入目的地,系統將自動幫您估算大略車資並可選擇多種付款方式。5. 司機資訊面板:叫車成功時司機的照片、即時位置、狀態、距離、預計到達、平均評分等資訊將直接顯示於地圖下方面板,且點選司機簡介後可查看司機的車輛資訊、車照、提供服務、最近評論等…。6. 評分及喜好司機管理:下車後您可以為該次搭乘進行評分及評論,若您喜歡司機的服務,則可將司機加入至您喜好司機名單,往後只要司機在您附近時就可指定叫用該司機,若您不喜歡司機的服務,您也能將司機列入您的黑名單,並且從您往後叫車移除,您也可於喜好司機管理功能隨時編輯您的喜好司機列表。7. 提供多種付款方式:您可使用手機綁定信用卡、實體信用卡、企業電子簽單、支付寶等方式支付車資。8. 常用叫車地址管理:您可以將您常用地址的加入到常用地址列表,方便之後叫車時可快速取得地址。9. 叫車記錄查詢:您可查看您的歷史叫車記錄狀況,以及您先前的評分及評論,點選記錄可進行叫車、加入常用叫車地址或查看行車軌跡。10. 信用卡管理:皇冠大車隊採用喬睿科技TapPay Connect安全交易技術,其通過PCIDSSLevel1國際認證該技術,且獨家DBST(Dual BandSoundTransmission)近端傳輸技術,感應即完成付款,安全、迅速、方便,資料的傳輸透過AES256高規格加密並採用符合國際資安標準Tokenization機制。您可新增多張信用卡,付款時可選取使用優惠券及卡片,您也可以設定6位數安全碼,並於支付前輸入密碼進行授權,提供更高的帳戶安全性。請注意:您所新增信用卡之高機密資料將不會儲存於手機端、皇冠大車隊伺服器、TapPay伺服器。11. 我的優惠管理:當您於手機綁定信用卡時便會取得首次綁定優惠券,優惠券能於您使用手機綁定信用卡支付時扣抵車資,皇冠大車隊也將不定期於最新消息公布新的優惠活動,您可於此功能查看未兌換/已兌換優惠券及兌換優惠,多使用優惠券來節省您的荷包吧。目前優惠活動:會員於信用卡管理首次手機綁定信用卡優惠、輸入推薦人親友手機優惠、推薦綁定優惠等… 。12. 企業電子簽單:皇冠大車隊企業用戶可於APP綁定企業帳號,並於下車時使用QRCode、聲波進行電子簽單驗證付款。企業用戶也可透過登入連結,直接登入至企業後臺網站管理您簽單。13. 會員帳戶管理:可管理您的會員資料及修改密碼。14. 推薦親友:可透過FB、Twitter、簡訊、郵件、LINE等…分享找計程車APP使用體驗給您的親朋好友,並分享優惠。15. 最新消息:可查看皇冠大車隊最新消息及優惠活動。16. 聯絡我們:可透過Email的方式與我們客服人員聯絡。2.0.4版本新增1. 可於帳戶管理&設定 自訂叫車方式2. 按下取得目前位置按鈕將有定位中...提示3. 由常用地址及叫車記錄帶入地圖時將自動幫您按下叫車4. 可直接於進階叫車修改目的地估算車資
​Téo, a green and local soluti 7.5.1
​Téo Taxi, Taxi Diamond & Hochelaga
Taxi Navi – Quick call Taxi 1.0.7
AI&T Vietnam
Easy to use, useful for avoiding taxi scamsBy providing full data of over 300 reliable local taxicompaniesin all 54 big cities in Vietnam including USUALLY-UPDATEDfare,EXACT Route map, ON-THE-GO tracking, etc. for FREE, Passengerscaneasily request taxies everywhere in VietnamWith this application, you can:- Easy searching and booking a taxi via call centers- Regularly update unit price (for a short and long trip)- Easy to track route and estimate journey cost- Compare journey cost among taxi companies- Record tracking history for a better spending management- Add your favorite driver numbers and make a quick callwheneveryou need*Note:- Turning on GPS continuously can damage your battery- This application works well in 3G, wifi-The data gathering is still in process, so if you haveanyinformation about taxi zones or fare, etc, don’t hesitatetocontact usKeywords: Taxi,travel,vietnam,gps,hanoi,ho chi minh,calltaxi,mailinh,group,vinasun,pingtaxi,alo,call,easy, goi taxi, goixe, taxinavi
CallTaxi 0.9.1
CallTaxi is to find taxi companiesaroundyouand to display on the map. You can find the taxi companytocall.In addition, I can find typical buildings that you pickthetaxi,and navigate you to there.
Macau Taxi 1.4
============中文版============澳門的士 Macau Taxi有關澳門的士的資訊,可即時call taxi,方便易用!完全免費!功能:- 按一下即時call 澳門的士(黑的、黃的)- 新聞更新- 繁、簡、英地點名稱及地圖,方便遊客- 基本的士收費資訊及緊急聯絡電話- 的士站位置- 支援繁體中文、簡體中文和英文--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tags: call taxi, macau taxi, taxi macau, MO taxi, taxi,的士,call車,叫車, 電召的士, 的士App,澳門的士, 出租車, 打的, 黃的, 黑的============English Version============Macau TaxiInformation about Macau taxi, call taxi, take it easy ! Free!Features:- Call taxi (On-call taxi)- News Update- Traditional and Simplified Chinese, English locaiton namesandmap,it is convenient for visitors- Basic taxi fare information and emergency contact telephone- Taxi station location- Support Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and EnglishChineseversion============ ============Macau Macau Taxi TaxiInformation about Macau taxis can instantly call taxi, easytouse!Absolutely free!Features:- Click Macau instant call taxis (black, yellow)- News Update- Traditional and Simplified Chinese, English place namesandmap,convenient for visitors- Basic taxi fare information and emergency contact telephone- Taxi station location- Support for Traditional Chinese, SimplifiedChineseandEnglish--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tags: call taxi, macau taxi, taxi macau, MO taxi, taxi,taxi,callthe car, cab, call taxis, taxis App, Macau taxi,taxi,play,yellow, black============ English Version ============Macau TaxiInformation about Macau taxi, call taxi, take it easy! Free!Features:- Call taxi (On-call taxi)- News Update- Traditional and Simplified Chinese, English locaiton namesandmap,it is convenient for visitors- Basic taxi fare information and emergency contact telephone- Taxi station location- Support Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English
Táxis Moche Castelo Branco
Olá!Somos os Táxis Moche Castelo Branco e vimos apresentar-lheanossamais recente inovação do acesso aos nossos serviçosatravésdanossa aplicação com a qual pretendemos facilitar oacessoaosnossos serviços com apenas um toque no écran dequalquersmartphoneque tenha a nossa aplicação instaladaAo instalar a nossa aplicação, poderá ligardirectamenteatravésda aplicação sem necessidade não só de ter degravarqualquer umdos nossos contactos, como também de escolheromotorista quepretende contactar seleccionando o ícone referenteaomesmo nanossa aplicação.Caso esse motorista se encontre fora de serviço, achamadapassarápara outro motorista.Poderá também aceder directamente à nossa páginaoficialondepoderá deixar a sua classificação/crítica e iracompanhandoasnossas publicações.Hello!We are Taxis Moche Castelo Branco and saw introduce you toourlatestinnovation access to our services through our programwhichwe intendto facilitate access to our services with just atouch onthe screenof any smartphone that has our installedapplicationBy installing our application, you can connectdirectlythroughthe application without the need not only to have torecordany ofour contacts, as well as to choose the driver you wanttocall byselecting the icon in the same regardingourapplication.If this driver is out of service, the call will gotoanotherdriver.You can also go directly to our official website whereyoucanleave your rating / review and go watching ourpublications.